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Booklet on malaria by F. Frischknecht (in German only)

Publication: February 2019, Springer Spektrum, “Essentials”.

Malaria - Deadly parasites, exciting research and no vaccination.

All this and more can be discovered in the book, available as an ebook and softcover. The book is aimed at the interested public as well as scientists and students of non-biomedical subjects. For students, the booklet is available free of charge as an ebook via SpringerLink.

E-book: "Malaria - Biology in the Era of Eradication"

Publication details: June 2017, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

Profs Frischknecht (current group leader in our unit) and Matuschewski (former group leader, now at the Humboldt University in Berlin) have contributed the chapter "Plasmodium Sporozoite Biology" to this open access textbook (see link for free download below).


Malaria Comic

[Translate to English:] © EVIMalaR, Jamie Hall & Edward Ross, 2012

Publication details: August 2012, issued by European Research Network "EVIMalaR".

Malaria is a terrible disease, and one of humankind’s oldest and deadliest foes. This comic explores the ongoing battle with the parasite that causes malaria, and goes inside the laboratories and the clinics where scientists are working to put an end to the misery that malaria causes.

Also check out the rest of comics by Jamie Hall & Edward Ross.

Booklet on parasites by F. Frischknecht (in German only)

[DE] Parasiten: Insekten, Würmer, Einzeller - verdrängte Plagegeister?

Publication: April 2020, Springer Spektrum, "Essentials".

Parasites: Insects, worms, protozoa - repressed pests?

Friedrich Frischknecht provides an interesting insight into the lifestyles of parasites. From the small pathogen that causes malaria to tapeworms, from diarrhoea to behavioural changes in the host, he presents the fascinating world of parasites. He explains why parasitism is such a successful way of life and how we could still manage to eradicate the worst parasites.

All this and more can be discovered in the book, available as an ebook and softcover. The book is aimed at the interested public as well as scientists and students of non-biomedical subjects. For students, the booklet is available free of charge as an e-book via SpringerLink.

MenschMikrobe App issued by the German Research Foundation DFG

What are microbes?

How do epidemics develop?

How can infectious diseases be controlled?

The MenschMikrobe app from the German Research Foundation provides an insight into the fascinating interplay between humans and microbes. It deals with the natural tasks of body flora as well as the surprising strategies of pathogens, the importance and limits of antibiotic therapy and the social and historical dimension of infections.

WHO Malaria Toolkit


The Global Malaria Programme Toolkit app brings together the content of the latest World malaria report and of the consolidated WHO Guidelines for malaria as well as operational manuals and other technical documents – in one easy-to-navigate resource.

Check it out! 


Further parasitological comics

Publication details: 2010 - 2023 by institutes / networks part of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Parasitology at the University of Glasgow.

In total there are 6 comics: Parasites (2010), Malaria (2012), Sleeping Sickness (2016), Toxoplasmosis (2017), Helminths (2020) and Leishmaniasis (2023). Some of the comics are als available in other languages than English, just have a look.