Institute of Medical… Research

BMBF Junior Research Group: Reconstructing Networks of Epithelial Tissue Homeostasis (EPISYS)

Dr. N. Grabe

Funding: BMBF Systems Biology Program: FORSYS-PARTNER

BIOQUANT, Prof. Dr. P. Schirmacher, Prof. Dr. P. Angel, Prof. Dr. P. Boukamp, Mattek Corporation (US), Hamamatsu Photonics (D, JP), Procter &  Gamble (CH, US)

Epithelial homeostasis is the complex regulated balance of cellular proliferation, differentiation and cell death. Epithelial tissue underlies a constant renewal, which can be envisaged as a continuous stream of cells originating from the stem cells in the basal layer. Tissue homeostasis therefore is a complex, but ideal field of study for systems biology. Within EPISYS an automated platform for the experimental analysis and systemsbiological modelling of the epithelial homeostasis is developed. Technically, EPISYS aims at the establishement of techniques for the quantitative measurement and modelleing of temporal networks of epithelial homeostasis and its change through endogene as well as exogene influences. In particular, EPISYS enables the testing of potential toxic substances in the systemic context of tisse deploying cancer related biomarkers.

Duration: 2008-2012

Staff: K. Westphal, T. Pommerencke, C. Ernst, T. Sütterlin, E. Kirchmann, N. Grabe
