
Counseling & therapie for psychological stress during and after pregnancy

Belongs to Institute of Medical Psychology

General outpatient clinic

Bergheimer Straße 20
69115 Heidelberg

+49 6221 56-8149

(unsere telefonischen Sprechzeiten sind: dienstags 12:30 – 14:00 Uhr und donnerstags 9:00 Uhr – 10:50 Uhr)

Important information

Becoming a parent - a time with many challenges

"We are very excited about our child - at the same time, we are also afraid of how everything will turn out"

"How we will manage this together as a couple: Child, job & partnership?"

"The thought of the birth gives me anxiety"

"The birth was completely different than expected - the memories of it won't let us go"

"Although I and the baby are doing well, I often feel sad"

Although pregnancy and the first time with a child together are a very special and happy time for most couples, they can also be accompanied by fears and worries.

With our offer, we would like to give (expectant) parents an opportunity to talk about (possible) stressful topics in the context of becoming parents at an early stage. Often, just a few conversations can be enough to clarify questions and alleviate worries.

The reasons why fears and worries can arise during the time of becoming a parent are manifold.

For example, some women experience pronounced mood swings during their pregnancy, which keep them busy - but doubts such as "Will I be a good mother or father?" can also cause concern. The upcoming changes due to becoming a parent can be a challenge for the partnership as well as for the own personal development. Experiences of loss, such as miscarriage, stillbirth or premature birth, can also cast a shadow over a new pregnancy.


Birth & birth fears

In addition to the anticipation of finally meeting your baby, the thought of giving birth can also trigger anxious feelings.

The reasons for this can also be varied - whether it is a stressful birth in the past history or other circumstances that cause anxiety. Sometimes a birth is also experienced as traumatic and the memories can be very stressful for those affected. Here, too, we would like to offer our support to those affected. Sharing and working through birth-related fears can help to then face birth more carefree.

If you have experienced a birth as stressful, working through the experience in a protected therapeutic setting can help you to regain your old happiness in life.

"Suddenly our child is here and life is turned upside down".

This is how many couples describe it - suddenly many things are different and, above all, different from what they thought.

In addition, many women (about 80%) experience an emotional roller coaster in the first days after the birth - the so-called baby blues. This can be explained by the hormonal changes, the lack of sleep and the adjustment to "being a mom" and usually subsides on its own after a few days. However, if this is not the case and worries and insecurity continue to spread, support should be sought. Our experience shows that early therapeutic support can counteract the chronification of psychological stress and bring about the longed-for "parental happiness".

Pregnancy, birth and the time thereafter thus represent a phase of life that can also entail a risk for doubts and worries, but also for the emergence or recurrence of psychological stress in (expectant) parents. To date, however, this is rarely discussed and many of those affected are ashamed to seek help at an early stage.

We would like to counteract this with our offer and encourage you - especially as a couple - to contact us if you find yourself in the described aspects, have questions or simply want to inform yourself.

You do not have to remain alone with your worries and fears - early support can help you to better understand your burden, to reduce (or even prevent) doubts and fears, and to find ways of coping.

At the Institute of Medical Psychology of the University Hospital in Heidelberg, we offer all those affected the possibility of psychotherapeutic support. This offer is independent of whether and with whom they are undergoing medical treatment.

We can offer up to three consultation appointments of 50 minutes each. You can take advantage of these alone or as a couple. If further support is then necessary, a psychotherapy can be applied for. The costs are covered by the health insurance.

If necessary, you can also participate in a psychotherapeutic group. In this group, you can discuss the above-mentioned topics with other affected persons in a protected and professional setting.


Portrait of apl. Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Tewes Wischmann
apl. Prof. Dr. sc. hum. Tewes Wischmann

+49 6221 56-8137

Portrait of M.Sc. Psych. Magdalena Zacher
M.Sc. Psych. Magdalena Zacher

+49 6221 56-32441
+49 6221 56-8143