
Klinik Technik GmbH

On the following pages you will find everything you need to know about the main areas of responsibility, contact persons and the individual departments at KTG, as well as other helpful information. We would like to emphasise our special service orientation towards patients, visitors and other employees of the hospital, which is also reflected in our quality policy.

Every day, a service organisation such as KTG has to face up to the increasing challenges posed by the requirements for reliability, safety and cost-effectiveness of the services to be provided.

With the expertise and commitment of our employees, we have demonstrably succeeded in doing this in recent years, as shown by the positive developments, particularly in the cost-intensive areas of maintenance, projects and energy.

This is supported by quality management and a continuous improvement process in all areas of KTG.

Direkt zu den Stellenangeboten der KTG


Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Kirchberg

Managing Director (Klinik Technik GmbH)
Head of Section (Technische Planung)

+49 6221 56-7170
+49 6221 56-7030

Regina Küchler

+49 6221 56-7171
+49 6221 56-33806

Im Neuenheimer Feld 672
69120 Heidelberg
Building 6672

More details

Local court Heidelberg

HRB 708559

VAT ID No. DE 143293939


Visit the KTG
