Internship Practical Year (PJ)
PJ at the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology

The Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology comprises of locations at the surgical clinic, clinic for internal medicine, breast center, orthopedics (Schlierbach) and the division of pediatric radiology.
The PJ-rotation in the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology is only possible coherently. At the beginning of the PJ-tertial, students can decide for the Standard Package (5 weeks) or the Premium Package (11 weeks): Standard Package plus broadening the knowledge in their field of choice. The "Premium Package" offers more time and opportunities to the students to learn and deepen their knowledge in basic diagnostic procedures and therapeutic methods of radiology.
Internship for International Students
As an international accredited University, we are keen on supporting the education of foreign students, offering them the possibility to train in radiology. For application, please send your CV, Certificate of Enrolement and a Dean's Letter to ( Contact).
The basic rotation period includes the following workplaces at the locations surgical clinic and clinic for internal medicine.
The PJ-rotation in the Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology can be compensated for with a one-time fee of up to € 1,000 (at the end of the rotation).
Therefore following criteria must be fulfilled:
• Premium package (= 11 weeks)
• Working selected late and weekend shifts during the 2nd half of the PJ-rotation
• Active participation in diagnosis and reporting
• Preparation of demonstrations of radiological findings
• Above the average of large equipments in the daily routine
• Participation in educational and training programs in the department
• Development and implementation of a department-internal training program