ResSurge Pancobank


Biobanking EPZ “Pancobank“

The Pancobank is a Biobank at the European Pancreas Center. A part of the BMBH alliance (àLINK), it is an infrastructure combining collection of the

  • biospecimens (Cryo- and FFPE-tissue specimens; primary cultures and organoids; blood derivates)
  • clinical data
  • molecular data (genome-wide screenings)

This resources platform serves multiple projects committed to investigation the pathogenesis of the pancreatic cancer and finding novel targets and biomarkers towards development of the personalized treatment options for affected patients.

Working Group Leaders

PD Dr. med. Nathalia A. Giese

+49 6221 56-6440

Portrait von Dr. sc. hum. Miriam Schenk
Dr. sc. hum. Miriam Schenk


Technical management: Markus Fischer
Tissue, ASP and Storage: Karin Ruf
OP-Duty: FSJ Paulina Danner


[Translate to English:] HIPO-Programm NCT-DKFZ
  • 93097

    stored blood samples
  • 59709

    stored tissue samples
  • 10847

    samples issued 2020
  • 55

    supported projects 2020