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Radiotherapy in Heidelberg: internationally groundbreaking

Radiotherapy in Heidelberg has a long tradition. The great surgeon and radiotherapist Vincenz Czerny (1842 - 1916) of Heidelberg was one of the first physicians to recognize the significance of interdisciplinary cancer treatment. He established, in addition to the “Samariterhaus”, which combined treatment and research under one roof, the “Institute for Experimental Cancer Research”. Additional to surgery from this emerged the “three pillars” of cancer therapy in Heidelberg:

  • the <link radioonkologie-und-strahlentherapie.227.0.html external-link-new-window geben sie hier eine beschreibung des linkziels>Clinic for Radiation Oncology and Radiation Therapy at Heidelberg University Hospital,
  • the <link nct.106919.0.html _blank external-link-new-window einen externen link in einem neuen>National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT)
  • and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).
Foto Vincenz Czerny
Bust of Vincenz Czerny in the entrance hall of the HIT

These centers form the basis of Heidelberg’s top international position in therapy, research and science. In Heidelberg, crucial developments in radiotherapy were made that defined new international quality standards in oncology radiotherapy. The Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center (HIT), which gives new hope for recovery to many patients with tumors that were previously difficult to treat with radiotherapy, is thus embedded in a unique <link internal-link>clinical and <link internal-link>scientific environment.