Patients &… Admission


Admission – Registration at the Patient Management Department

If cardiac surgery is required, you register directly at our managing office with Prof. Karck. Here, we plan the entire organizational process of your treatment. This includes both the coordination with the GP/cardiologist who referred you to the clinic and the internal process planning together with a leading physician of our clinic. This leading physician is free of surgery tasks or other services and therefore has an overview of your entire treatment process with regard to medical and organizational aspects.


Depending on the referral situation, the admission process varies as follows:


A. Referral from other clinics

If you are an inpatient at another clinic, that clinic will directly contact the managing office of our Cardiac Surgery Unit und register you with us. All necessary coordination with regard to preparatory examinations, medication and scheduling is performed directly between the referring clinic and our patient management. You do not need to take action yourself – everything is organized for you in cooperation with the referring clinic!


B. Referral from your GP or cardiologist

As a rule, your GP/cardiologist will register you by telephone with our Patient Management Office at the Cardiac Surgery Unit. All necessary coordination is performed directly with your physician; further preparatory examinations are initiated, if required. In urgent cases, your operation is scheduled as quickly as possible. If your admission is planned for the medium term, i.e. if your admission is ”elective“ and you are at home, we will inform you by letter about your admission date and give you important information about medication and preparatory examinations that will be performed by a specialist.



After arriving at the Surgical University Clinic (Chirurgische Universitätsklinik), go to the Infopoint in the entry hall; here, you are told where the admission will be performed. During the admission procedure, your personal data are recorded. Patients with restricted resilience can carry out the admission formalities directly in Unit 7a.


Please bring your referral documents, ID card or passport, as well as – if given – medication card, results from earlier clinic stays and letters from your GP or other doctors. Please read the admission form thoroughly before signing it. After completing the formalities, our care team will welcome you in the Cardiac Surgery Unit 7a – where your medical records will already be present. You will be shown to your room, and our care team will prepare you for your pending operation. Our unit physician will have a thorough talk with you and inform you about the details of your treatment process.


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