Department of General… CONTinuous morbidity…

CONTinuous morbidity registration Epidemiologic NeTwork  (CONTENT)


The project CONTENT was set up to establish a morbidity registry in primary care. The register allows answering scientific questions of health services research in this domain. Two different practice software programs were modified to allow for documentation with the International Classification of primary Care (ICPC-2) and the episode of care as the ordering principles. Based on the resulting data a registry could be established representing currently more than 130,000 patients and more than 1.8 million physician/patient encounters.




Further information






<link kuehlein-thomas.112637.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Kühlein, Thomas, PD Dr. med.
E-Mail: thomas.kuehlein(at)


<link laux-gunter.112237.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Laux, Gunter, PD Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Wi.-Inf.
E-Mail: gunter.laux(at)