Radiodiagnostik Education Radiology Case…

Radiological Case Collection

The teaching case collection of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology is an interactive learning platform for supporting the course of diagnostic radiology. We encourage all students to use the case collection in addition to the lectures and courses, to become familiar with the learning content of diagnostic radiology or to refresh your knowledge. 


Please click here Case Collection Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, to enter. 



Please read the instruction manual for navigation first. You can either work with cases in a quiz mode, or you can choose directly a diagnosis (cases according to diagnosis A-Z) to pick a case. Please use the function of normal findings within one case in the menu bar. In addition, you can use the Case Collection in the CIP-pool using following login:


Username: student

Password: radiologie




Moreover, at the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology in the Krehl Clinic (Internal medicine, level 99) a work place is available for using the Case Collection. During the working hours you have access to these computers without registration.



Have fun!
The HeiCuMed team of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology



Dr. med. Mark Wielpütz


Responsible for the case collection in HeiCuMed



Note: The content of the Case Collection is only for teaching purposes. All image materials are legally protected by copyright.