Welcome to the Parasitology Unit at the Centre for Infectious Diseases

Parasitology is a science at the heart of clinical medicine, epidemiology, immunology, molecular biology and biochemistry.
It deals with some of the most important infectious diseases of mankind.
Parasitology has the potential to help us understand questions regarding the complexity of life and the interactions between different species.
Parasitology may provide the tools to alleviate the suffering of millions of people stricken by parasites.
Prof. Michael Lanzer, Ph. D.
Current Highlights (for further info see our News section)
Appointment as Junior Professor
(1st February 2025)

It is with great pleasure that we extend our congratulations to our group leader, Victoria Ingham, on the appointment to the position of Junior Professor for Translational Parasitology at Heidelberg University. Vicky has been with us since December 2020 when she came here to establish her own research group funded by the German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF). Ever since she has been actively shaping her own research line, thereby very successfully raising third-party funds, including an ERC Starting Grant in 2022, the Lautenschläger Junior Researcher Prize and funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, both in 2023.
We look forward to being able to further actively support Vicky’s career and hope for many more opportunities to celebrate!
Interview with F. Frischknecht
(19 September 2024)

On the occasion of the annual report 2023 of Heidelberg University hospital Prof. Till Bärnighausen (Heidelberg Institute for Global Health) and our group leader Prof. Friedrich Frischknecht were interviewed on the fascinating topic of 'Mosquitoes and Men'. A very interesting insight, especially as the infection route of malaria is also explained. The complete annual report 2023 is available here
ERC Grant for F. Hentzschel
(5 September 2024)

We are delighted to announce that our research group leader Dr Franziska Hentzschel has been awarded one of the prestigious and highly endowed Starting Grants from the European Research Council (ERC). This makes her the only scientist in Heidelberg to have achieved this in the current funding round. The 5-year grant of approximately 1.5 Mio Euros will be used to explore new strategies against malaria. We wish our research group leader every success in this endeavour!