Four months in the U.S. (Summer 2024)
A report by Smilla Steinbrück, MD student in the Frischknecht lab
Smilla, who completed her MD thesis in the Frischknecht lab in 2023/2024, shares her time in the U.S. with us, where she spent a few months as an intern in Prof Sinnis' laboratory at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Two months in Sudan (Mar. - Apr. 2023)
A report by Aiman Abdelrahim, MD student in the Frischknecht lab
Aiman, who did his MD thesis in our unit in 2022 in the Frischknecht lab takes us with him to Sudan, where he recently did an internship in a hospital in Wad Medani. As part of his medical studies he chose to spend 2 months in Africa.

Four months in Rwanda (Sep. - Dec. 2022)
a report by Friedrich Braumann, MD student in the Frischknecht lab
Friedrich, who did his MD thesis in our unit in 2020/2021 in the Frischknecht lab tells us about his 4-month stay as intern in a hospital in Kigali, Rwanda which is the most densely populated country in Africa.

One month in Tanzania - an intense experience (Jan. 2022)
a report by Joshua Leutiger, MD student in the Frischknecht lab
Joshua, who did his MD thesis in 2021 has volunteered to share his recent experience as intern in a hospital in Tanzania. Despite the corona pandemic he had the privilege to interrupt his scientific work at Freddy Frischknecht's lab to witness, diagnose and treat patients in a country with one of the highest numbers of malaria cases in the world.