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Disorders and Coherence of the Embodied Self (DISCOS) (2007-2011)

The debates about the Self, which have emerged between neurosciences, psychology and philosophy over the last years, are by no means of mere theoretical importance. They also have consequences for the clinical handling of disorders of the Self, ranging from somatoform disorders to borderline disorders to schizophrenia. The fact that the Self is also always physical, constitutes an important link between these different approaches and inspires the European Marie-Curie Graduate College “Disorders and Coherence of the embodied Self“ (DISCOS), an interdisciplinary consortium of 10 European research institutes.
The project pursues the different facets of the embodied Self in a theoretical and a clinical perspective. Involved are philosophical, neurobiological, development psychological, psychiatric and psychosomatic institutions. A first aim of the project lies in communicating the differences in the conception of the Self: is, for example, the self merely an illusion of the brain or rather the irreducible expression of our subjectivity? Of particular importance is also the exploration of the interaction of biological and psychosocial factors for the development of a coherent self. An overarching objective finally lies in designing an integrative framework for the often fragmented access of the individual disciplines which currently shape our research landscape.


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