Center for Psychosocial… Department of General… About us Section Phenomenological… Research Towards an Embodied…

Towards an Embodied Theory of Intersubjectivity (TESIS) (2011-2015)

TESIS (“Towards an Embodied Science of InterSubjectivity“) is an “Initial Training Network“ supported by the EU under the 7th Framework Program (Marie Curie Actions). The project aims at enriching the contemporary science with the approach of Embodiment by an interdisciplinary research of central, subjective processes both between persons as well as between persons and objects. Using the transdisciplinary integration of disciplines, the exchange of researchers and the establishment of a forum for interdisciplinary insights, limitations of individualistic and purely cognitive approaches can be overcome. Scientific and humanistic perspectives are to be merged into holistic knowledge which contributes to a deeper understanding of Interpersonality and which leads to a better treatment of mental diseases with symptoms of an impaired interpersonal humanity or corporeality.TESIS is focused on    (a) research of neuroscientific parallels within interactions,    (b) development of social capacities within interactions with other humans and objects,    (c) research of inter-subjective factors of psychopathology and their treatment,    (d) cultural behaviour and practices of groups and institutions.TESIS is pursuing the integration of empirical and theoretical research findings into a holistic view of embodied human intersubjectivity. 

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