Kliniken &… Institute Immunologie Forschung Wissenschaftliche… Zelluläre… Publikationen


Lasitschka F, Giese T, Paparella M, Kurzhals SR, Wabnitz G, Jacob K, Gras J, Bode KA, Heninger AK, Sziskzai T, Samstag Y, Leszinski C, Jocher B, Al-Saeedi M, Meuer SC, Schröder-Braunstein J. Human monocytes downregulate innateresponse receptors following exposure to the microbial metabolite n-butyrate. Immun Inflamm Dis 2017. Doi: 10.1002/iid3.184.

Pervolaraki K, Stanifer ML, Muenchau S, Renn LA, Albrecht D, Kurzhals S, Senis E, Schröder-Braunstein J, Rabin RL, Boulant S. Type I and type III interferons display different dependency on MAPKs to mount an antiviral state in the human gut. Front Immunol 2017. 8:459. doi: 10.3389 /fimmu.2017.00459.

Hug A, Kamradt T, Klein S, Zimmermann S, Schröder-Braunstein J, Fürstenberg CH, Hensel C, Weidner N.  Bacterial load of conditioned pressure ulcers is not a predictor for early flap failure in spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2017. Doi: 10.1038/sc.2016.186.

Szikszai T, Lasitschka F, Giese T, Greulich M, Lee YS, Ilse J, Schiessling S, Leowardi C, Al-Saeedi M, Winter J, Meuer S, Schröder-Braunstein J. Standardization of a human organ culture model of intestinal inflammation and its application for drug testing. J Immunol Methods 2015. 421:96-103

Heninger AK, Wentrup S, Al-Saeedi M, Schiessling S, Giese T, Wartha F, Meuer S, Schröder-Braunstein J. Immunomodulation of human intestinal T cells by the synthetic CD80 antagonist RhuDex®. Immun Inflamm Dis 2014; 2(3):166-80.

Schröder-Braunstein J, Gras J, Brors B, Schwarz S, Szikszai T, Lasitschka F, Wabnitz G, Heidtmann A, Lee YS, Schiessling S, Leowardi C, Al-Saeedi M, Ulrich A, Engelke A, Winter J, Samstag Y, Giese T, Meuer S. Initiation of an inflammatory response in resident intestinal lamina propria cells- use of a human organ culture model. PLoS One 2014; 9(5):e97780.

Schröder-Braunstein J, Pavlov V, Giese T, Heidtmann A, Wentrup S, Lasitschka F, Winter J, Ulrich A, Engelke A, Al Saeedi M, Meuer S. Human mucosal CD4+ T lymphocytes respond vigorously to CD28 engagement. Clin Exp Immunol 2012; 168:87-94.

Braunstein J, Autschbach F, Giese T, Lasitschka F, Heidtmann A, Sido B, Funke B, Reiser C, Schröder AJ, Nebl G, Samstag Y, Meuer SC. Up-regulation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway in human lamina propria T lymphocytes. Clin Exp Immunol 2008;151:496-504.

Sido B, Lasitschka F, Giese T, Gassler N, Funke B, Schröder-Braunstein J, Brunnemer U, Meuer SC, Autschbach F. A prominent role for mucosal cystine/cysteine metabolism in intestinal immunoregulation. Gastroenterology 2008;134(1):179-91.

Sido B, Giese T, Autschbach F, Lasitschka F, Braunstein J, Meuer SC. Potential role of thioredoxin in immune responses in intestinal lamina propria T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol 2005;35(2): 408-17.

Reithmeier-Rost, Bierschenk s, Filippova N, Schröder-Braunstein J, Sing A. Yersinia V antigen induces both TLR homo-and heterotolerance in an IL-10-involving manner. Cell Immunol 2004;231:63-74

Braunstein J, Olson R, Leung C, Schindler C. STATs dimerize in the absence of phosphorylation. J Biol Chem 2003;278 (36):34133-40.

Kisseleva T, Bhattacharya S, Braunstein J, Schindler CW. Signaling through the JAK/STAT pathway, recent advances and future challenges. Gene 2002;285(1-2):1-24. Review.

Sido B, Braunstein J, Breitkreutz R, Herfarth C, Meuer SC. Thiol-mediated redox regulation of intestinal lamina propria T lymphocytes. J Exp Med 2000;192 (6):907-12.

Autschbach F, Braunstein J, Helmke B, Zuna I, Schürmann G, Niemir ZI, Wallich R, Otto HF, Meuer SC. In situ expression of interleukin-10 in noninflamed human gut and in inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Pathol 1998;153(1):121-30.

Braunstein J, Qiao L, Autschbach F, Schürmann G, Meuer SC. T cells of the human intestinal lamina propria are high producers of interleukin 10. Gut 1997;14:215-20.

Autschbach F, Braunstein J, Schürmann G, Sinn P, Wallich R, Otto HF, Meuer SC. Immunohistochemical evaluation of cytokine receptor workshop antibodies in tonsil, noninflamed gut and in inflammatory bowel disease. Tissue antigens 1996;48:396-401
Hoffmann JC, Bahr MJ, Tietge UJF, Braunstein J, Bayer B, Böker KHW, Manns MP. Detection of a soluble form of the human adhesion receptor lymphocyte function-associated antigen-3 (LFA-3) in patients with chronic liver disease. J Hepatol 1996;25:465-473

Qiao L, Braunstein J, Golling M, Schürmann G, Autschbach F, Möller P, Meuer SC. Differential regulation of human T cell responsiveness by mucosal versus blood monocytes. Eur J Immunol 1996;26:922-7

Meuer SC, Autschbach F, Schürmann G, Golling M, Braunstein J, Qiao L. Molecular mechanisms securing "unresponsiveness" in lamina propria T lymphocytes. Ann NY Acad Sci 1996;778:174-84

Hansel TT, Braunstein JB, Walker C, Blaser K, Bruijnzeel PL, Virchow JC Jr, Virchow C Sr. Sputum eosinophils from asthmatics express ICAM-1 and HLA-DR. Clin Exp Immunol 1991;86:271-7

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