Department of… Education


The training of the future generation of infectious disease specialists is very important to us. With the new introduction of the specialist within Internal Medicine and Infectiology, we have developed a curriculum based on our own training, mainly acquired abroad, which covers the broad range of the subject. Further training to the following designations is possible with us: 

  • Specialist in Internal Medicine an Infectiology 
  • Additional Training Infectiology
  • Additional Training Tropical Medicine

Vacancies are published regularly. If you are interested, please send your CV and copies of your examination certificates to the secretary's office.

Clinical traineeships (4 weeks) and PJ are always welcome in our department.

Students who would like to complete an internship with us should apply to the office with a CV, a current certificate of enrollment and copies of their examination certificates to the secretary's office.

Please contact the office of the Dean of Studies of the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University for the PJ tertial: studiendekanat(at)

Requests for dissertations are very welcome. The following areas are possible for a dissertation:

- Clinical echinococcosis (Stojković)

- Buruli ulcer (Stojković)

- Clinical translational area of infectiology (Khatamzas, Beisel)

- Research into new therapies (Khatamzas) or global health issues (Denkinger)

We offer

  • a structured program for all doctoral candidates for the Dr. med. or Dr. sc. hum. degree as part of the MEDISS doctoral program at the Heidelberg Medical Faculty
  • direct supervision by experienced members of the department and regular progress meetings
  • Participation in regular journal clubs and team meetings

Generally, we supervise our doctoral students for 12 months for Dr. med. or 36 months for Dr. sc. hum. During this time, you will also have the opportunity to take part in meetings of the clinical and/or research team, internal training courses and the Journal Club.

If you are interested, please contact the above-mentioned contact persons personally:

Prof. Dr. Claudia Denkinger

PD Dr. Marija Stojković

Dr. Elham Khatamzas

Dr. Claudia Beisel

In cooperation with the Sozial- und Arbeitsmedizinische Akademie Baden-Württemberg e.V. (SAMA)

The course serves to update and further develop the knowledge acquired in the basic course. In Heidelberg, only the refresher course is offered and should be completed once every 3 years. Participation entitles the holder to renew the DTG certificate in travel medicine. The time frame is 8 lessons of 45 minutes each (1 day). A new examination is not planned. The certificate is valid for 36 months from the date of the course. Prerequisite for the issue of a certificate: license to practice medicine.

Other organizers of basic and refresher courses can be found here.

Teaching and courses

The Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine is intensively involved in the organization of the 14-day module "Clinical Infectiology and Immunology", which takes place eight times a year.

Infectious diseases are still one of the most common causes of death worldwide. However, not all key infectiology topics can be comprehensively covered in the compulsory medical curriculum. The track aims to close this gap. In addition to interdisciplinary clinical aspects (joint events with colleagues from the clinic, case presentations), the focus is also on scientific aspects (e.g. new vaccination strategies, NGS, research seminars). Doctor-patient communication and the role of general medicine in the treatment of infectious diseases are also represented in the courses offered.

Teaching coordination: Apl. Prof. Dr. Barbara Müller

Teaching secretariat: Yvonne Schamberger

Moodle-Kurs Interdisziplinäre Infektiologie

Block III is taken in the fourth and fifth semester. Here, as in the preparatory block, you will follow a modular system. The courses are divided into manageable teaching units so that you can complete them flexibly.