Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre International… Comments 2006

Comments 2006

I would just like to thank Dr. Kim and staff and teachers from abroad for all the attention given, all the patience to answer questions, all the strength to motivate discussions and exchange of knowledge.
I’m aware that organizing a Summerschool is tough and demands work and organization. Above all, it is good that we should satisfy patients wish and when possible, maintain teeth. It was rewarding to see that my countrie’s philosophy in treating Perio is the same.
All in all, congratulations!

I just loved this program, it was muich more interesting and effective, than I accepted. I would love to come again in a half year, to show with my colleagues my results, to discuss. I hope to be invited to this summerschool again and again. Best regards. Thank you very much.

It was my pleasure to be here, to learn a lot of things, to meet very nice people from different countries. Thank you very much!

Many thanks to lecturers, organisators and all other. The Summerschool 2006 was a wonderful experience!

It was a great opportunity to improve my surgical skills. I have really enjoyed very much all hands-on-courses and the all remaining program.

Everything is OK. I have a lot of new experience in periodontology and periodontal surgery. I gained a lot of news with other international colleagues. Thank you very much!

Thanks for giving me a chance to be better equipped with more ability and qualification to serve my patients in tooth preservation. Thank you! I’ll miss you so much!

I am really greatful for the opportunity to be here. Thank you!

This summerschool was really tremendous and interesting experience for me. I’ve met nice people and had a great time in Heidelberg. I’ll remember this time for the rest of my life. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and clinical experience with us. Especially thank you Dr.Kim for the effort that put in organisation of this Summerschool.

Too much implant content.

I think the first lecture should begin earlier and the last lecture should finish earlier. The schedule was so tight, it makes me feel the time went so fast. Thank you for all the things, Kim, Zehaczek, Cosgarea and all the other helpers.

It was a so, so great and happy time.

It is great, thank you! I really enjoyed the time, which I spend in here, the studying and the social program. I hope it is not the last time, I am here, in this summerschool and in this city.

It is my second summerschool. I learned so much things of periodontology and implantology. It was a great experience for me. Thank you for all.

The program is good but it would have been better if the duration is extended for one more week so that the Schedule would not have been so tight. Also, this would give more time for more discussions on certain Topics and lectures. Overall, it has been an enriching experience for me.

Overall I am very happy of great possibility to be in that summerschool. I look forward to come again after a few years, than I’ll have more experience in my periodontal practice. I learnt a lot and will try to use my Knowledge in casual practice. Thank you for all!


My expection for the Summerschool 2006 was...

... to improve my knowledge in Perio
... to help me in preparing myself for teaching
... to see what kind of lectures and educations a student can get on different universities
... to get systemic knowledge of periodontology and implantology
... to train my skills and to learn advanced skills
... to come together with other dentists from many different countries
... to understand more about implantology and implant- systems
... to compare the things I've learned at my university with the contents in other universities
... to gain new friends form other countries
... to get more information about the different methods of treatment of periodontal
... to improve my practical skills in periosurgery and in implant placement
... to get different opinions about the treatment planning
... to find out more effective teaching methods for students
... to collect new experiences in periodontal surgery
... to visit the University of Heidelberg
... to meet young dentists from all over the world
... to share experiences with other young dentists
... to return home with larger knowledge in perio
... to improve my surgical knowledge
... to improve my knowledge in implant - placement and - systems
... to get a cross-cultural experience
... to stay in touch with new researches
... to be able to meet and discuss topics with "big" teachers
... to get the opportunity to review all I've learned in the Masters course
... to verify if the germans are conservative or radical perios
... to hear latest news in periodontology
... to learn more about periodontal surgery
... to meet new colleagues and exchange experiences
... to try out mucogingival surgery
... to have a good time in germany
... to get as much information as possible
... to learn more about perio approaches in Europe
... to enhance my knowledge
... to become an update in the field of periodontology and implantology
... to learn something about and out of other international cultures (esp. the german)
... To enhace my knowledge about gingival recession and mucogingival -problems and -treatment
... To get an insight into the experiences lectures from different countries made
... To learn about treatment methods and new materials used in other countries

In fact, my experience in the 2 weeks of Summerschool was...

... I learned a lot in periodontology
... The program was really good - a lot of studying, a lot of information, new knowledge,...
... Excellent organisation of perio school
... I've learned much about perio surgery
... I've changed some points of view in periodontology when I saw new findings and new approaches
... It was better than I expected
... That I was busy studying
... Reviewing basic principles was great
... Amazing, surely beyond my expectations
... Very enriching to meet people from countries I've never been
... An opportunity to share knowledge
... Good
... Unforgetable, to meet such nice people
... I've learned a lot, especially during hands-on courses
... I made a lot of new experiences in periodontal surgery and implant placement ... Great lecturers
... Very interesting and usefull hands-on course
... Nice and enthusiastic colleagues in the group
... Fulfilling because I ahve seen that what is thought at our university is at par with thoughts of other universities.
... Gratifying because now I have friends from countries that are far distant from my own country
... Influenced to apply further study of periodontology and implantology
... Good to have courage and confidence in flap & regenerative surgery
... Great chance to get scientific and systemic lectures by professors from other countries and universities
... All positive
... This summerschool gave me the answers on some of the questions that I had concerning periodontal therapy
... I learned a lot about implants
... Great
... Brilliant
... I loved it
... Much more exciting than I expected
... I liked the discussions
... Nice
... Good hands- on course
... I learned more than I expected
... I heard and did things that I never heared/did before
... I learned a few new things in antiinfective therapy, about periodontal patients

It would have been better if...

... the hands on courses would have last longer, especially on mucogingival surgery
... I could repeat everything we made on hands on course
... we did come to Heidelberg with a bigger knowledge of periodontology
... summerschool would last one week longer
... esthetic parts of periodontology were included
... I could get schedules before the lecture
... we would get lectures on CD
... We there were more hands on courses within the two weeks
... There would be not more than one participant from one country
... Students from the western part like United states were included in the program so that I could have compared european and US education.
... We were allowed to observe and assist in actual clinical cases
... It would have been a little shorter
... If some of the basics would have been skiped
... There was less lectures about implants
... The two implants systems were prepared at one day
... All is better

During the 2 weeks I missed...

... tea
... the internet
... interactive courses
... places for lunch
... time for hands on
... my family and friends
... my boyfriend
... my girlfriend
... home
... my pillow
... my countries traditional food
... my patients and my colleagues in my clinic
... Kimchi, my favorite korean food
... my dog
... a bike to take me faster to places
... my children


During the 2 weeks I appreciated...

... a lot of studying
... new people, colleagues, friends
... terrific teachers and professors
... interactive kind of teaching
... latest findings in periodontology were presented to us by worldwide respected authors
... all the things
... professors doing lectures
... Assistants who helped our program
... the attention I received from Dr.Kim and staff
... the visits to the companies
... the schedule that was very well organized
... all
... excellent lectures and hands-on-courses
... good organization
... hospitality in clinic
... Dr. Kims relation to all students
... excellent organisation
... lecturers
... very good organisation of the summerschool
... Heidelberg
... interesting lectures
... the hard work that Dr. Kim and her staff and the other professors had given and showed us so that we could be better specialists in this field
... the cultural awakening and the friendship that has developed among the students who belong to different parts of the world
... the beauty and the magic of Heidelberg City
... Dr. Kim and fellows who always gave us warm hospitality and great lectures
... Our professors who answered my questions so kindly
... My classmates who became my friends although we had difficulties with communicating in english.
... Good organisation
... A lot of energy and positive atmosphere that Dr. Kim invested in this summerschool
... the trips that we made
... the work and enthusiasm of all lecturers and staff
... Dr.Kim and the assistant professors
... Dr. Machtei and Dr. Catons lectures
... Hands-on-courses
... the good organisation
... nice attitude of the organizers, lecturers
... very well organized summerschool programm and social life after lessons
... great job that was done to make this summerschool possible