Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre International… Comments 2010

Comments 2010

After spending 2 weeks of Summerschool please describe from your point of view what this Summerschool is, if you have to explain it.

  • International fulfilling experience, from theoretical and practical point of view. (Mind-changing)
  • Change in thinking in a scientific way, better understanding articles and how to compare them
  • New knowledge and practices, networking, see how other think in terms of periodontology
  • Think systematically and evidence-based in terms of prognosis and treatment-planning.
  • Contact with new materials for diagnosis and treatment
  • The best perio-event I ́ve ever been to
  • Opportunity to meet other professionals from different countries
  • A new beginning, a taste of great periodontal science and a link between different cultures
  • Basics + clinical+ practical
  • An international connecting place
  • Meeting point of multi-centered group of friends that can work, discuss clinical situations
  • A school event



My expectation for the Summerschool 2010 was...

  • To update my knowledge and listening to different points of view from people all over the world
  • To have more hands-on, and more live-op to see the working day of periodontologists
  • More experience
  • Meet colleagues from other countries
  • To learn and practice surgical procedures
  • Collect new info and improve my practical skills
  • Get new practical, clinical imformation about periodontiology
  • Not very high
  • I ́didn ́t know what to expect
  • To learn
  • To develop clinical and critical mindset
  • To collect new information that I can implement in my practice
  • Connection with new specialists from all over the world, to learn their opinions and suggestions
  • To have a really good time and learn a lot about periodontology, to meet people with simile interests
  • Really high expecations



In fact, my experience in the 2 weeks of Summerschool was...

  • Much more fulfilling that I expected
  • To create an international work group
  • To gain a lot of new friends and facts
  •  All I expected and much more
  • Excellent and it gave me the opportunity to make new friends/ Networking
  • Gain a lot of knowledge and new friends
  • Also practical an d theoretical
  • Very great, I learned a lot
  • Great, I love Heidelberg, I learned a lot
  • The best academic experience I have ever had
  • The perfect combination between science and people interaction
  • Evidence-based approach
  • Dynamic, interesting, scientific, practical
  • Perfect I learned lots of knew knowledge
  • I really enjoyed every moment
  • Amazing


It would have been better if...

  • We could have practiced on patients
  • This is a chance to learn how to prepare case presentations
  • More free time
  • We could have observed a typical day at the perio-clinic
  • There are more live-videos and pictures at lectures
  • Was for three weeks
  • We could have seen more live surgery and if we had seen surgery in practice and the management of perio-patients (inclusive documentations)
  • Better weather
  • More hands-on courses and they should have been performed slowly



During the 2 weeks I missed...

  • Water without bubbles
  • My family
  • Free time
  • Live-operations
  • Sleep
  • Warm weather
  • National dishes 
  • Nothing



During the 2 weeks I appreciated...

  • All lectures, the university, Heidelberg
  • Every small details, since the amazing well supported data and presentations until the lovely tours we had.
  • The dedication of Prof. Kim and her team.
  • First of all Prof. Dr. Dr. Kim, after that Nihad El Sayed for her amazing hospitality and her personal skills to solve every problem. Also I appreciated to Patrick Frank, Raluca and Jan. I spent a lovely and really funny time because of them.
  • Discussions, individual approach, teachers, collegues
  • The great work, everybody in Heidelberg put in order that we might feel at home
  • The quality of people from dental school, the life in Heidelberg
  • Very much the scientific program, all the teachers, and all of the student group
  • Full time work of all supportive team
  • Coffee snacks with food
  • The way Dr. Kim implements science based information in everyday clinical practice
  • Everything
  • Open minded views and friendship
  • The time and effort that the people in the organisation put into everything that was done



Place for some final words, comments, etc...

  • Thank you
  • Thanks for the beautiful two weeks
  • This was a great move to attend Summerschool in Heidelberg and have the chance to further sharpen my skills and enrich my knowledge
  • I feel privileged to have had the chance to attend this Summerschool
  • I hope that we stay in contact
  • This was amazing to be in Heidelberg during these two weeks
  • Summerschool Heidelberg was very useful and I am very happy I could spent wonderful 14 days with all of you
  • Thank you all of University of Heidelberg and in particular for Prof. Kim to had given me this opportunity
  • Thank you for everything, hope to keep in touch
  • Thank you for everything, hope to see you soon in Wien, or maybe earlier 
  • Thank you for the wonderful 2 weeks of education and your warm approach 
  • I spent a really nice time both scientificially and socially: I got new friends. Everything is perfect. Summerschool was prepared very well. I liked to thank Prof. Kim and her team ́s organisation. I hope I can be a good lecturer and teacher as much as Prof. Kim I would like to say “Thank you for everything”.
  • I ́m very enthusiastic and I ́m sure that I have learned new things and that I will never forget it