Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre International… Comments 2012

Comments 2012

After spending 2 weeks of Summerschool please describe from your point of view what this Summerschool is, if you have to explain it.

  • “In my opinion summerschool is a superior perio-experience, a very intensive course focused on all the important aspects of Periodontology, both theoretically and practically. It is a great social event as well.”
  • “A great opportunity to learn about today’s standard of care in Perio. The latest advances in Perio. A place to meet colleagues from different countries and gain new friends.“
  • “The knowledge a clinician has had before is increased a lot by discussing it in detail and from a scientific point of view, very specifically. Recent publications on the matter are discussed also, so you are in contact with new findings. It is an intensive training, top quality.”
  • “To me, summerschool is more than only perio-knowledge! We could learn how to discuss perio-treatment, diagnosis, prognosis... but we also learn a lot about human relationships, cultures and languages! This is an unique experience that I’m sure I’ll remember not only in my clinic/university but also in my private life.”
  • “Because I am a beginner in Periodontology this summerschool reveals to me what Perio is. I can see more clear the periodontal diseases; I learned how to make the diagnostic, the treatment and how to prognose the outcomes. For me it was the first time when I have done the modified Whitman-flap, the tunnel preparation and the implant surgery, also the osteotomy.”
  • “It is like going back to college. Two more weeks of university atmosphere during classes and going out with friends. It is a place where you can learn about Periodontology as a general practitioner as well as a specialist with the best lecturers and work with top materials, instruments and apparature. You learn to do your own research work and discuss with other doctors different patient situations.”
  • “International exchange of clinical experience and cultural interaction. Getting confidence in periodontal treatment in general.”
  • “This summerschool is to make new friends coming from all over the world and to discuss the treatment plan with them and to realize what is the different from them.”
  • “It is a nice experience and I collected a lot of new information.”
  • “For me I think it was a very good place to learn and make some interactions with other colleagues.”
  • “It is a course which could approach for all aspects of Periodontology, with theoretical and practical lectures. It let us how to be more critical on our decisions based on scientific evidence. And also, it is a very good international exchanging not just to Periodontology but also different culture.”

My expectation for the Summerschool 2012 was...

  • “To learn new practical things, widen my knowledge on Periodontology and experience how perio is performed in Germany.”
  • “To learn about the latest advances in Perio, to get knowledge and inspiration for my further work with Perio.”
  • “A lot of hard work, which would be good, but I was worried if I would be competent enough among other participant.“
  • “To be able to do the surgeries after.”
  • “High! And absolutely overcome my expectations.”
  • “The summerschool 2012 was enough for my expectation.”
  • “To learn more about Periodontology.”
  • “Clarify the staged initial therapy, basic Perio-surgery hands on, SPT.”
  • “To test myself if my perio knowledge was good enough. To get the general view of Periodontology, to meet people from different countries.“
  • “Nervousing me.”
  • “More hands-on courses and more time to learn :)”
  • “Exactly as I expected.”
  • “It would be a great opportunity to improve my knowledge of Periodontology, and to visit another country, with other foreign people.“

In fact, my experience in the 2 weeks of Summerschool was...

  • “Fulfilled absolutely (my expectations).”
  • “A great experience in every aspect.”
  • “A lot of hard work but very interesting, FUN and great discussion with colleagues.”
  • “Astonishing”
  • “Very good for future.”
  • “Much more than were my expectations.”
  • “Exhausting, but pleasant. I enjoyed every single lecture/ hands on with Prof. Kim and met all these wonderful people – dentists – like me.”
  • “Intercultural experience!! I got the main points on what I must work in the future in clinical practice, to improve myself.”
  • “Super nice experience.”
  • “OK!! :)”
  • “So good. I’ve learned lot of useful tips and tricks in Periodontology.“
  • “Much more thank I expected. I’m really amazed with this international experience and the course was much better than I expected!!”

It would have been better if...

  • “It could have not been better.”
  • “I don’t thing it can be any better.”
  • “We received written instructions of the hands in procedures, so we could repeat them and practice more easily back in our practice home.“
  • “We had a programme/schedule earlier.”
  • “I don’t know how it would have been better.“
  • “Every thing was very good.”
  • “I was accommodated closer to the university.”
  • “I was better prepared for case presentations, and the information about the need for that come earlier.”
  • “We can get more hands-on course.”
  • “If we would have more time for us!!”
  • “There is more hands-on courses.”
  • “I can’t mention nothing to be better.”

During the 2 weeks I missed...

  • “Shopping time.”
  • “Nothing beside my children at home of course.”
  • “Rest and sleep, but that’s ok.”
  • “Nothing.”
  • “My family, boyfriend and...portuguese food.”
  • “Only my family :)”
  • “My husband, my guinea pig and my patients.”
  • “Better communication among participants in social way.”
  • “My country’s food.”
  • “Home :) home made kitchen :).”
  • “To watch some more Olympic games.”
  • “Brazilian food, specially coffee, and brazilian people, my people!”

During the 2 weeks I appreciated...

  • “All the time and help the residents devoted us.”
  • “The relaxed atmosphere during lectures and the humor and fun we had.“
  • “The very competent and kind lecturers, friendly assistance and great colleagues participants. We had lots of fun.”
  • “The good will of young residents.”
  • “The city, the river...and of course the lectures and the hands-on courses. But I also appreciated a lot my colleagues and all the Prof.”
  • “I appreciated the most of hands-on courses.”
  • “The kindness of all team.”
  • “The kindness of Prof. Kim and the whole “super astonishing” Perio-team.”
  • “Well organised lectures, schedule. Very kind people.“
  • “Every participants and every teachers who taught us and every assistance.”
  • “Guys who were with us and very helpful MAURICE, KYRILL, NIHAD.”
  • “German people specially the Kim’s team. How beautiful is the city. How many knowledge I had.”

Which preparations for Summerschool would you recommend to future participants?

  • “Basic knowledge about Periodontology to be refreshed before summerschool.”
  • “To review each step of treatment from diagnosis to prognosis and treatment plan.”
  • “Good documentation of their own case or two. Perhaps some repetition of basic perio-surgery procedures (e.g. from an atlas of Periodontology).”
  • “Refresh the knowledge of Periodontology.”
  • “They should bring clinical cases to discuss, as many as they can, because that’s a wonderful experience and we can learn a lot! Ah! And they should bring hiking shoes as well! :)”
  • “Clinical investigation.”
  • “To prepare very well their case reports/ presentations.”
  • “Bring clinical cases, bring hiking shoes, accommodate close to university.”
  • “Get more case presentations, informations.”
  • “Laptop, camera, sunglasses, jacket (cooler than I expected).”
  • “Nothing more just a little more time to practice it.”
  • “I recommending to do some basic knowledge about Periodontology.”
  • “Just let them the information (pdf) a little bit earlier.”

Place for some final words, comments, etc.

  • “I am really satisfied and happy that I participated in the summmerschool. I am sure that what I have learned here will be very useful in my work (especially practical skills, photography, prognosing). I really want to thank Prof. Kim, all the residents and other for organising this event.“
  • “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this summerschool. I has been such a great input for me. I will most definitely recommend this to all my colleagues.“
  • “It was absolutely amazing. Thank you for the effort you have all put into this.“
  • “Prof. Kim is a great lecturer. I am sorry that I didn’t participate more with questions. Loud one have better option. I’ll be louder next time :)”
  • “SUPER COOL :) ASTONISHING ACKNOLEDGE DIAGNOSIS PROGNOSIS RISK FACTORS EMDOGAIN (I really enjoyed that hands-on course) HIKING!!!...and that’s it! I really will miss these days and everybody that I met here. Now I’ll return to Portugal, but I go as a better Periodontist, open minded and specially a richer person in experiences, cultures exchange and friendships! I’ll be waiting for you in Coimbra.”
  • “Thank you team! You change my mind about Periodontology (in a good way) and also you made my summer.”
  • “I have a whole new perspective of Periodontology, Perio-Treatment and how my future work should look like. It is the best place to learn about it. I thank Prof. Kim who is the most nice, relaxed, intelligent, well prepared and documented lecturer I have met! I had a lot to learn from you all, guys!”
  • “Thank you all very much.”
  • “I really appreciate every participant. We had super nice company in the summerschool. After learning here, I would like to keep contact with them on Facebook. I also appreciate those people who are related this summerschool. Thank you!!”
  • “Thank you for a great time, thank to Prof. Kim for very good hands-on courses and a new look in to Periodont. Thank for Maurice for a time that he spent with us :):)”
  • “I would like to praise you organisation and how are you present knowledge to us. Specially praise to Maurice, Kyrill and Nihad, because they are such nice persons.”
  • “Again, I have to thank you once more for this great time in HD. All of you are great, kind, helpful. Your knowledge of Periodontology and teaching (how to teach) are very good. I won’t forget all of this time here and I’ll be another Periodontist, much better, and I wish I could take my new knowledge to my colleagues. Thank you for the opportunity for this feedback! I’m a lucky person being here.”