Kliniken &… Institute Pathologie Neuropathologie Forschung


Die Forschungsschwerpunkte werden von Mitarbeitern der Abteilung Neuropathologie der Universität Heidelberg und von Mitarbeitern der Klinischen Kooperationseinheit Neuropathologie (Leitung Prof. Dr. A. von Deimling) des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ) bearbeitet.

Die Projekte fokussieren auf Tumoren des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS) und des peripheren Nervensystems (PNS). Die Inhalte können teils klinischer, teils pathologisch-diagnostischer und teils grundlagenwissenschaftlicher Forschung zugerechnet werden. 

Mit * markierte Mitarbeiter gehören zur Klinischen Kooperationseinheit Neuropathologie des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ).




Ziele: Analyse und Nutzbarmachung tumor-assoziierter Mutation durch Entwicklung neuer diagnostischer Verfahren und / oder zielgerichteter Therapien. Weiterführende Analysen zu der Funktion von Isozitrat Dehydrogenase (IDH) Mutationen in Gliomen und deren Mikromilieu.

Mitarbeiter: J.Eisel*


Teilprojekt 1: Gliom Modell System für Astrozytome

Ziele: Etablierung eines auf neuralen Stammzellen der Maus basierenden Zellmodells, welches dazu dienen soll die Entstehung von Astrozytomen zu verstehen. 

Mitarbeiter: J. Zaman*, J. Quadrizius*


Teilprojekt 2: Funktionelle Analyse von EMP3

Ziele: Aufklärung der Funktion von EMP3 im Kontext von tumor-assoziierten Signalwegsstörungen. Suche nach möglichen therapeutischen Ansatzpunkten die Funktion von EMP3 zu unterbinden, da diese für Glioblastome essentiell ist.

Mitarbeiter: A. Martija*


Teilprojekt 3: Funktionelle Analyse von tumor-assoziierten CIC Mutationen

Ziele: Untersuchung verschiedener tumor-assoziierter CIC Mutationen im Hintergrund eines auf neuralen Stammzellen der Maus basierenden Zellmodells. Im Verlauf dieser Analysen soll ein Zellmodell für Oligodendrogliome etabliert werden, um deren Entstehungsprozess besser zu verstehen.

Mitarbeiter: F. de Campos Mello Monteiro


Mitarbeiter: M. Felix, J. Reuss*

Ziel: Untersuchung der Funktion des NF1 Gens. In welche Signaltransduktionskaskaden ist Neurofibromin eingebunden? 

Mitarbeiter: J. Reuss*, C. Hagenlocher*

Abb.: Molekulare Subgruppen von Meningeomen, Sahm et al., Lancet Oncol 2017

Ziele: Wir untersuchen primäre Hirntumore auf molekulare Veränderungen, die als Marker für eine präzisere diagnostische und prognostische Einordnung dienen können. Diese Marker werden zugleich auf ihre Eignung als neue Therapie-Ziele geprüft. Wichtig ist uns gleichzeitig die frühe Anwendbarkeit der neuen Biomarker in der Diagnostik. Dazu entwickeln und optimieren wir stetig moderne diagnostische Verfahren wie die Nanopore-Sequenzierung („third-generation-sequencing“), single-cell-Sequenzierung oder spatial transcriptomics. Daneben wird am Aufbau und Etablierung einer auf KI-basierten Methoden in der Mikroskopie gearbeitet.

Ein Schwerpunkt dabei ist die Erforschung von Meningeomen im Rahmen des nationalen Konsortiums „Aggressive Meningeome“ und Glioblastomen im Rahmen des SFB „UNITE Glioblastoma“.

In Zusammenarbeit mit unseren klinischen Partnern führen wir die molekularen Analysen für klinische Studien und Register durch (N2M2, MNP Int-R, PTT2.0, LOGGIC, EORTC-1634).

Unsere Forschung wird unterstützt von der Deutschen Krebshilfe, der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, der Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, der Deutschen Kinderkrebsstiftung, der Hertie-Stiftung, der Brain Tumor Charity und der Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.

Gern nehmen wir Initiativbewerbungen oder sonstige Anfragen zu Projekten (Bachelor, Master, Promotion) entgegen.

Ziele: Weiterentwicklung des Gehirntumor-Classifiers als Unterstützung großer nationaler und internationaler klinischer Studien durch Bereitstellung einer molekularen Referenzdiagnostik. Einführung von relevanten molekularen Markern in den klinischen Alltag.
Etablierung eines Methylierungs-basierten Klassifikationswerkzeugs für Gehirntumoren.

Mitarbeiter: K. Lindenberg*, V. Zeller, K. Brast, A. Wefers

Ziele: Erstellung von Profilen pädiatrischer Tumore auf RNA und DNA Ebene mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf pilozytischen Astrozytomen, Ependymomen und Medulloblastomen. Ermittlung kausaler Ursachen der Tumorentstehung. Erkennung eindeutiger molekularer Suptypen mit eigenständigen klinischen Verläufen.

Mitarbeiter: I. Leiss*


- (Weiter-)Entwicklung der Analyse-Pipelines für Hochdurchsatzdaten (Next Generation Sequencing, Methylierungsarrays)

- Bioinformatische Analysen für Forschungsprojekte

- Entwicklung eines methylierungsbasierten Classifiers für Sarkome

- Entwicklung eines methylierungsbasierten Classifiers für epitheliale Tumore

Publikationen der Abteilung

Inhalt folgt

Albrecht M, Stichel D, Muller B, Merkle R, Sticht C, Gretz N, Klingmuller U, Breuhahn K, Matthaus F: TTCA: an R package for the identification of differentially expressed genes in time course microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics 18 (1), 33, 2017.

Chaturvedi A, Herbst L, Pusch S, Klett L, Goparaju R, Stichel D, Kaulfuss S, Panknin O, Zimmermann K, Toschi L, Neuhaus R, Haegebarth A, Rehwinkel H, Hess-Stumpp H, Bauser M, Bochtler T, Struys EA, Sharma A, Bakkali A, Geffers R, Araujo-Cruz MM, Thol F, Gabdoulline R, Ganser A, Ho AD, von Deimling A, Rippe K, Heuser M, Krämer A: Pan-mutant-IDH1 inhibitor BAY1436032 is highly effective against human IDH1 mutant acute myeloid leukemia in vivo.  Leukemia. 2017 Feb 24. doi: 10.1038/leu.2017.46. 

Louis DN, Aldape K, Brat DJ, Capper D, Ellison DW, Hawkins C, Paulus W, Perry A, Reifenberger G, Figarella-Branger D, Wesseling P, Batchelor TT, Cairncross JG, Pfister SM, Rutkowski S, Weller M, Wick W, von Deimling A: Announcing cIMPACT-NOW: the Consortium to Inform Molecular and Practical Approaches to CNS Tumor Taxonomy. Acta Neuropathol 133 (1), 1-3, 2017.

Pajtler KW, Mack SC, Ramaswamy V, Smith CA, Witt H, Smith A, Hansford JR, von Hoff K, Wright KD, Hwang E, Frappaz D, Kanemura Y, Massimino M, Faure-Conter C, Modena P, Tabori U, Warren KE, Holland EC, Ichimura K, Giangaspero F, Castel D, von Deimling A, Kool M, Dirks PB, Grundy RG, Foreman NK, Gajjar A, Korshunov A, Finlay J, Gilbertson RJ, Ellison DW, Aldape KD, Merchant TE, Bouffet E, Pfister SM, Taylor MD: The current consensus on the clinical management of intracranial ependymoma and its distinct molecular variants. Acta Neuropathol 133 (1), 5-12, 2017.

Sahm F, Korshunov A, Schrimpf D, Stichel D, Jones DT, Capper D, Koelsche C, Reuss D, Kratz A, Huang K, Wefers AK, Schick M, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Mittelbronn M, Platten M, Hanggi D, Jeibmann A, Unterberg A, Herold-Mende C, Pfister SM, Brandner S, Wick W, von Deimling A: Gain of 12p encompassing CCND2 is associated with gemistocytic histology in IDH mutant astrocytomas. Acta Neuropathol 133 (2), 327-27, 2017.

Pusch S, Krausert S, Fischer V, Balss J, Ott M, Schrimpf D, Capper D, Sahm F, Eisel J, Beck AC, Jugold M, Eichwald V, Kaulfuss S, Panknin O, Rehwinkel H, Zimmermann K, Hillig RC, Guenther J, Toschi L, Neuhaus R, Haegebart A, Hess-Stumpp H, Bauser M, Wick W, Unterberg A, Herold-Mende C, Platten M, von Deimling A: Pan-mutant IDH1 inhibitor BAY 1436032 for effective treatment of IDH1 mutant astrocytoma in vivo. Acta Neuropathol Epub ahead of print.

Faria CC, Golbourn B, Dubuc AM, Remke M, Diaz RJ, Agnihotri S, Luck A, Sabha N, Olsen S, Wu X, Garzia L, Ramaswamy V, Mack SC, Wang X, Leadley M, Reynaud D, Ermini L, Post M, Northcott PA, Pfister SM, Croul S, Kool M, Korshunov A, Smith CA, Taylor MD, Rutka JT: Foretinib is Effective Therapy for Metastatic Sonic Hedgehog Medulloblastoma. Cancer Res Epub ahead of print.

Fina F, Barets D, Colin C, Bouvier C, Padovani L, Nanni-Metellus I, Ouafik L, Scavarda D, Korshunov A, Jones DT, Figarella-Branger D: Droplet digital PCR is a powerful technique to demonstrate frequent FGFR1 duplication in dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors. Oncotarget Epub ahead of print.

Gunkel M, Chung I, Worz S, Deeg KI, Simon R, Sauter G, Jones DT, Korshunov A, Rohr K, Erfle H, Rippe K: Quantification of telomere features in tumor tissue sections by an automated 3D imaging-based workflow. Methods Epub ahead of print.

Johann PD, Hovestadt V, Thomas C, Jeibmann A, Hess K, Bens S, Oyen F, Hawkins C, Pierson CR, Aldape K, Kim SP, Widing E, Sumerauer D, Hauser P, van Landeghem F, Ryzhova M, Korshunov A, Capper D, Jones DT, Pfister SM, Schneppenheim R, Siebert R, Paulus W, Fruhwald MC, Kool M, Hasselblatt M: Cribriform neuroepithelial tumor: Molecular characterization of a SMARCB1-deficient non-rhabdoid tumor with favorable long-term outcome. Brain Pathol Epub ahead of print.

Louis DN, Aldape K, Brat DJ, Capper D, Ellison DW, Hawkins C, Paulus W, Perry A, Reifenberger G, Figarella-Branger D, Wesseling P, Batchelor TT, Gregory Cairncross J, Pfister SM, Rutkowski S, Weller M, Wick W, von Deimling A: cIMPACT-NOW (the consortium to inform molecular and practical approaches to CNS tumor taxonomy): a new initiative in advancing nervous system tumor classification. Brain Pathol Epub ahead of print.

Selt F, Hohloch J, Hielscher T, Sahm F, Capper D, Korshunov A, Usta D, Brabetz S, Ridinger J, Ecker J, Oehme I, Gronych J, Marquardt V, Pauck D, Bachli H, Stiles CD, von Deimling A, Remke M, Schuhmann MU, Pfister SM, Brummer T, Jones DT, Witt O, Milde T: Establishment and application of a novel patient-derived KIAA1549:BRAF-driven pediatric pilocytic astrocytoma model for preclinical drug testing. Oncotarget Epub ahead of print.

Stichel D, Middleton AM, Müller BF, Depner S, Klingmüller U, Breuhahn K, Matthäus F: An individual-based model for collective cancer cell migration explains speed dynamics and phenotype variability in response to growth factors. npj Systems Biology and Applications 3, Article number: 5 (2017)

Tzaridis T, Milde T, Pajtler KW, Bender S, Jones DT, Muller S, Wittmann A, Schlotter M, Kulozik AE, Lichter P, Collins VP, Witt O, Kool M, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Witt H: Low-dose Actinomycin-D treatment re-establishes the tumoursuppressive function of P53 in RELA-positive ependymoma. Oncotarget Epub ahead of print.

Adeberg S, Bernhardt D, Harrabi SB, Diehl C, Koelsche C, Rieken S, Unterberg A, von Deimling A, Debus J: Radiotherapy plus concomitant temozolomide in primary gliosarcoma. J Neurooncol 128 (2), 341-48, 2016.

Alexandrescu S, Korshunov A, Lai SH, Dabiri S, Patil S, Li R, Shih CS, Bonnin JM, Baker JA, Du E, Scharnhorst DW, Samuel D, Ellison DW, Perry A: Epithelioid Glioblastomas and Anaplastic Epithelioid Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytomas - Same Entity or First Cousins? Brain Pathol 26 (2), 215-23, 2016.

Balss J, Thiede C, Bochtler T, Okun JG, Saadati M, Benner A, Pusch S, Ehninger G, Schaich M, Ho AD, von Deimling A, Kramer A, Heilig CE: Pretreatment D-2-hydroxyglutarate serum levels negatively impact on outcome in IDH1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 30 (4), 782-88, 2016.

Baumert BG, Hegi ME, van den Bent MJ, von Deimling A, Gorlia T, Hoang-Xuan K, Brandes AA, Kantor G, Taphoorn MJ, Hassel MB, Hartmann C, Ryan G, Capper D, Kros JM, Kurscheid S, Wick W, Enting R, Reni M, Thiessen B, Dhermain F, Bromberg JE, Feuvret L, Reijneveld JC, Chinot O, Gijtenbeek JM, Rossiter JP, Dif N, Balana C, Bravo-Marques J, Clement PM, Marosi C, Tzuk-Shina T, Nordal RA, Rees J, Lacombe D, Mason WP, Stupp R: Temozolomide chemotherapy versus radiotherapy in high-risk low-grade glioma (EORTC 22033-26033): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 intergroup study. Lancet Oncol 17 (11), 1521-32, 2016.

Biller A, Badde S, Nagel A, Neumann JO, Wick W, Hertenstein A, Bendszus M, Sahm F, Benkhedah N, Kleesiek J: Improved Brain Tumor Classification by Sodium MR Imaging: Prediction of IDH Mutation Status and Tumor Progression. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 37 (1), 66-73, 2016. 

Chiang S, Weigelt B, Wen HC, Pareja F, Raghavendra A, Martelotto LG, Burke KA, Basili T, Li A, Geyer FC, Piscuoglio S, Ng CK, Jungbluth AA, Balss J, Pusch S, Baker GM, Cole KS, von Deimling A, Batten JM, Marotti JD, Soh HC, McCalip BL, Serrano J, Lim RS, Siziopikou KP, Lu S, Liu X, Hammour T, Brogi E, Snuderl M, Iafrate AJ, Reis-Filho JS, Schnitt SJ: IDH2 Mutations Define a Unique Subtype of Breast Cancer with Altered Nuclear Polarity. Cancer Res 76 (24), 7118-29, 2016.

D'Asti E, Huang A, Kool M, Meehan B, Chan JA, Jabado N, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Rak J: Tissue Factor Regulation by miR-520g in Primitive Neuronal Brain Tumor Cells: A Possible Link between Oncomirs and the Vascular Tumor Microenvironment. The American journal of pathology 186 (2), 446-59, 2016.

Ernst A, Jones DT, Maass KK, Rode A, Deeg KI, Jebaraj BM, Korshunov A, Hovestadt V, Tainsky MA, Pajtler KW, Bender S, Brabetz S, Grobner S, Kool M, Devens F, Edelmann J, Zhang C, Castelo-Branco P, Tabori U, Malkin D, Rippe K, Stilgenbauer S, Pfister SM, Zapatka M, Lichter P: Telomere dysfunction and chromothripsis. Int J Cancer 138 (12), 2905-14, 2016.

Fabian J, Opitz D, Althoff K, Lodrini M, Hero B, Volland R, Beckers A, Preter K, Decock A, Patil N, Abba M, Kopp-Schneider A, Astrahantseff K, Wunschel J, Pfeil S, Ercu M, Kunkele A, Hu J, Thole T, Schweizer L, Mechtersheimer G, Carter D, Cheung BB, Popanda O, von Deimling A, Koster J, Versteeg R, Schwab M, Marshall GM, Speleman F, Erb U, Zoeller M, Allgayer H, Simon T, Fischer M, Kulozik AE, Eggert A, Witt O, Schulte JH, Deubzer HE: MYCN and HDAC5 transcriptionally repress CD9 to trigger invasion and metastasis in neuroblastoma. Oncotarget 7 (41), 66344-59, 2016.

Gessi M, Capper D, Sahm F, Huang K, von Deimling A, Tippelt S, Fleischhack G, Scherbaum D, Alfer J, Juhnke BO, von Hoff K, Rutkowski S, Warmuth-Metz M, Chavez L, Pfister SM, Pietsch T, Jones DT, Sturm D: Evidence of H3 K27M mutations in posterior fossa ependymomas. Acta Neuropathol 132 (4), 635-37, 2016.

Goldbrunner R, Minniti G, Preusser M, Jenkinson MD, Sallabanda K, Houdart E, von Deimling A, Stavrinou P, Lefranc F, Lund-Johansen M, Moyal EC, Brandsma D, Henriksson R, Soffietti R, Weller M: EANO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of meningiomas. Lancet Oncol 17 (9), e383-91, 2016.

Grigaravicius P, Kaminska E, Hubner CA, McKinnon PJ, von Deimling A, Frappart PO: Rint1 inactivation triggers genomic instability, ER stress and autophagy inhibition in the brain. Cell death and differentiation 23 (3), 454-68, 2016.

Grigaravicius P, von Deimling A, Frappart PO: RINT1 functions as a multitasking protein at the crossroads between genomic stability, ER homeostasis, and autophagy. Autophagy 12 (8), 1413-15, 2016.

Hasselblatt M, Thomas C, Hovestadt V, Schrimpf D, Johann P, Bens S, Oyen F, Peetz-Dienhart S, Crede Y, Wefers A, Vogel H, Riemenschneider MJ, Antonelli M, Giangaspero F, Bernardo MC, Giannini C, Ud Din N, Perry A, Keyvani K, van Landeghem F, Sumerauer D, Hauser P, Capper D, Korshunov A, Jones DT, Pfister SM, Schneppenheim R, Siebert R, Fruhwald MC, Kool M: Poorly differentiated chordoma with SMARCB1/INI1 loss: a distinct molecular entity with dismal prognosis. Acta Neuropathol 132 (1), 149-51, 2016.

Heiland DH, Staszewski O, Hirsch M, Masalha W, Franco P, Grauvogel J, Capper D, Schrimpf D, Urbach H, Weyerbrock A: Malignant Transformation of a Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor (DNET) Characterized by Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 75 (4), 358-65, 2016.

Heim S, Sill M, Jones DT, Vasiljevic A, Jouvet A, Fevre-Montange M, Wesseling P, Beschorner R, Mittelbronn M, Kohlhof P, Hovestadt V, Johann P, Kool M, Pajtler KW, Korshunov A, Ruland V, Sperveslage J, Thomas C, Witt H, von Deimling A, Paulus W, Pfister SM, Capper D, Hasselblatt M: Papillary tumor of the pineal region: A distinct molecular entity. Brain Pathol 26 (2), 199-205, 2016.

Herrlinger U, Jones DT, Glas M, Hattingen E, Gramatzki D, Stuplich M, Felsberg J, Bahr O, Gielen GH, Simon M, Wiewrodt D, Schabet M, Hovestadt V, Capper D, Steinbach JP, von Deimling A, Lichter P, Pfister SM, Weller M, Reifenberger G: Gliomatosis cerebri: no evidence for a separate brain tumor entity. Acta Neuropathol 131 (2), 321-22, 2016.

Hoffmann A, Pfeil J, Alfonso J, Kurz FT, Sahm F, Heiland S, Monyer H, Bendszus M, Mueller AK, Helluy X, Pham M: Experimental Cerebral Malaria Spreads along the Rostral Migratory Stream. PLoS Pathog 12 (3), e1005470, 2016.

Hoffmann M, Koelsche C, Seiz-Rosenhagen M, Mai S, Lohr F, Reuss D, Wenz F, Gebhardt C, Giordano FA: The GNAQ in the haystack: intramedullary meningeal melanocytoma of intermediate grade at T9-10 in a 58-year-old woman. J Neurosurg 125 (1), 53-6, 2016.

Holsken A, Sill M, Merkle J, Schweizer L, Buchfelder M, Flitsch J, Fahlbusch R, Metzler M, Kool M, Pfister SM, von Deimling A, Capper D, Jones DT, Buslei R: Adamantinomatous and papillary craniopharyngiomas are characterized by distinct epigenomic as well as mutational and transcriptomic profiles. Acta Neuropathol Commun 4 (1), 20, 2016.

International Cancer Genome Consortium PedBrain Tumor P: Recurrent MET fusion genes represent a drug target in pediatric glioblastoma. Nature medicine 22 (11), 1314-20, 2016.

Johann PD, Erkek S, Zapatka M, Kerl K, Buchhalter I, Hovestadt V, Jones DT, Sturm D, Hermann C, Segura Wang M, Korshunov A, Rhyzova M, Grobner S, Brabetz S, Chavez L, Bens S, Groschel S, Kratochwil F, Wittmann A, Sieber L, Georg C, Wolf S, Beck K, Oyen F, Capper D, van Sluis P, Volckmann R, Koster J, Versteeg R, von Deimling A, Milde T, Witt O, Kulozik AE, Ebinger M, Shalaby T, Grotzer M, Sumerauer D, Zamecnik J, Mora J, Jabado N, Taylor MD, Huang A, Aronica E, Bertoni A, Radlwimmer B, Pietsch T, Schuller U, Schneppenheim R, Northcott PA, Korbel JO, Siebert R, Fruhwald MC, Lichter P, Eils R, Gajjar A, Hasselblatt M, Pfister SM, Kool M: Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumors Are Comprised of Three Epigenetic Subgroups with Distinct Enhancer Landscapes. Cancer Cell 29 (3), 379-93, 2016.

Jungk C, Mock A, Exner J, Geisenberger C, Warta R, Capper D, Abdollahi A, Friauf S, Lahrmann B, Grabe N, Beckhove P, von Deimling A, Unterberg A, Herold-Mende C: Spatial transcriptome analysis reveals Notch pathway-associated prognostic markers in IDH1 wild-type glioblastoma involving the subventricular zone. BMC Med 14 (1), 170, 2016.

Jungk C, Scherer M, Mock A, Capper D, Radbruch A, von Deimling A, Bendszus M, Herold-Mende C, Unterberg A: Prognostic value of the extent of resection in supratentorial WHO grade II astrocytomas stratified for IDH1 mutation status: a single-center volumetric analysis. J Neurooncol 129 (2), 803-20, 2016.

Kickingereder P, Bonekamp D, Nowosielski M, Kratz A, Sill M, Burth S, Wick A, Eidel O, Schlemmer HP, Radbruch A, Debus J, Herold-Mende C, Unterberg A, Jones D, Pfister S, Wick W, von Deimling A, Bendszus M, Capper D: Radiogenomics of Glioblastoma: Machine Learning-based Classification of Molecular Characteristics by Using Multiparametric and Multiregional MR Imaging Features. Radiology 281 (3), 907-18, 2016.

Koelsche C, Renner M, Johann P, Leiss I, Sahm F, Schimmack S, Wardelmann E, Renker EK, Schirmacher P, Korshunov A, von Deimling A, Mechtersheimer G: Differential nuclear ATRX expression in sarcomas. Histopathology 68 (5), 738-45, 2016.

Korshunov A, Capper D, Reuss D, Schrimpf D, Ryzhova M, Hovestadt V, Sturm D, Meyer J, Jones C, Zheludkova O, Kumirova E, Golanov A, Kool M, Schuller U, Mittelbronn M, Hasselblatt M, Schittenhelm J, Reifenberger G, Herold-Mende C, Lichter P, von Deimling A, Pfister SM, Jones DT: Histologically distinct neuroepithelial tumors with histone 3 G34 mutation are molecularly similar and comprise a single nosologic entity. Acta Neuropathol 132 (1), 137-46, 2016.

Lemke D, Pledl HW, Zorn M, Jugold M, Green E, Blaes J, Low S, Hertenstein A, Ott M, Sahm F, Steffen AC, Weiler M, Winkler F, Platten M, Dong Z, Wick W: Slowing down glioblastoma progression in mice by running or the anti-malarial drug dihydroartemisinin? Induction of oxidative stress in murine glioblastoma therapy. Oncotarget 2016.

Li P, Lee EH, Du F, Gordon RE, Yuelling LW, Liu Y, Ng JM, Zhang H, Wu J, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Curran T, Yang ZJ: Nestin Mediates Hedgehog Pathway Tumorigenesis. Cancer Res 76 (18), 5573-83, 2016.

Lin CY, Erkek S, Tong Y, Yin L, Federation AJ, Zapatka M, Haldipur P, Kawauchi D, Risch T, Warnatz HJ, Worst BC, Ju B, Orr BA, Zeid R, Polaski DR, Segura-Wang M, Waszak SM, Jones DT, Kool M, Hovestadt V, Buchhalter I, Sieber L, Johann P, Chavez L, Groschel S, Ryzhova M, Korshunov A, Chen W, Chizhikov VV, Millen KJ, Amstislavskiy V, Lehrach H, Yaspo ML, Eils R, Lichter P, Korbel JO, Pfister SM, Bradner JE, Northcott PA: Active medulloblastoma enhancers reveal subgroup-specific cellular origins. Nature 530 (7588), 57-62, 2016.

Louis DN, Perry A, Reifenberger G, von Deimling A, Figarella-Branger D, Cavenee WK, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Kleihues P, Ellison DW: The 2016 World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System: a summary. Acta Neuropathol 131 (6), 803-20, 2016.

Mangum R, Varga E, Boue DR, Capper D, Benesch M, Leonard J, Osorio DS, Pierson CR, Zumberge N, Sahm F, Schrimpf D, Pfister SM, Finlay JL: SHH desmoplastic/nodular medulloblastoma and Gorlin syndrome in the setting of Down syndrome: case report, molecular profiling, and review of the literature. Childs Nerv Syst 2016.

Mock A, Geisenberger C, Orlik C, Warta R, Schwager C, Jungk C, Dutruel C, Geiselhart L, Weichenhan D, Zucknick M, Nied AK, Friauf S, Exner J, Capper D, Hartmann C, Lahrmann B, Grabe N, Debus J, von Deimling A, Popanda O, Plass C, Unterberg A, Abdollahi A, Schmezer P, Herold-Mende C: LOC283731 promoter hypermethylation prognosticates survival after radiochemotherapy in IDH1 wild-type glioblastoma patients. Int J Cancer 139 (2), 341-48, 2016.

Morrissy AS, Garzia L, Shih DJ, Zuyderduyn S, Huang X, Skowron P, Remke M, Cavalli FM, Ramaswamy V, Lindsay PE, Jelveh S, Donovan LK, Wang X, Luu B, Zayne K, Li Y, Mayoh C, Thiessen N, Mercier E, Mungall KL, Ma Y, Tse K, Zeng T, Shumansky K, Roth AJ, Shah S, Farooq H, Kijima N, Holgado BL, Lee JJ, Matan-Lithwick S, Liu J, Mack SC, Manno A, Michealraj KA, Nor C, Peacock J, Qin L, Reimand J, Rolider A, Thompson YY, Wu X, Pugh T, Ally A, Bilenky M, Butterfield YS, Carlsen R, Cheng Y, Chuah E, Corbett RD, Dhalla N, He A, Lee D, Li HI, Long W, Mayo M, Plettner P, Qian JQ, Schein JE, Tam A, Wong T, Birol I, Zhao Y, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Nunes S, Shalaby T, Grotzer M, Pollack IF, Hamilton RL, Li XN, Bendel AE, Fults DW, Walter AW, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Collins VP, Cho YJ, Hoffman C, Lyden D, Wisoff JH, Garvin JH, Stearns DS, Massimi L, Schuller U, Sterba J, Zitterbart K, Puget S, Ayrault O, Dunn SE, Tirapelli DP, Carlotti CG, Wheeler H, Hallahan AR, Ingram W, MacDonald TJ, Olson JJ, Van Meir EG, Lee JY, Wang KC, Kim SK, Cho BK, Pietsch T, Fleischhack G, Tippelt S, Ra YS, Bailey S, Lindsey JC, Clifford SC, Eberhart CG, Cooper MK, Packer RJ, Massimino M, Garre ML, Bartels U, Tabori U, Hawkins CE, Dirks P, Bouffet E, Rutka JT, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Weiss WA, Collier LS, Dupuy AJ, Korshunov A, Jones DT, Kool M, Northcott PA, Pfister SM, Largaespada DA, Mungall AJ, Moore RA, Jabado N, Bader GD, Jones SJ, Malkin D, Marra MA, Taylor MD: Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence. Nature 529 (7586), 351-7, 2016.

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Kessler T, Sahm F, Blaes J, Osswald M, Rubmann P, Milford D, Urban S, Jestaedt L, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Hertenstein A, Pfenning PN, Ruiz de Almodovar C, Wick A, Winkler F, von Deimling A, Platten M, Wick W, Weiler M: Glioma cell VEGFR-2 confers resistance to chemotherapeutic and antiangiogenic treatments in PTEN-deficient glioblastoma. Oncotarget 6 (31), 31050-68, 2015.

Koelsche C, Hovestadt V, Jones DT, Capper D, Sturm D, Sahm F, Schrimpf D, Adeberg S, Bohmer K, Hagenlocher C, Mechtersheimer G, Kohlhof P, Muhleisen H, Beschorner R, Hartmann C, Braczynski AK, Mittelbronn M, Buslei R, Becker A, Grote A, Urbach H, Staszewski O, Prinz M, Hewer E, Pfister SM, von Deimling A, Reuss DE: Melanotic tumors of the nervous system are characterized by distinct mutational, chromosomal and epigenomic profiles. Brain Pathol 25 (2), 202-08, 2015.

Korshunov A, Jakobiec FA, Eberhart CG, Hovestadt V, Capper D, Jones DT, Sturm D, Stagner AM, Edward DP, Eagle RC, Proia AD, Koch A, Ryzhova M, Ektova A, Schuller U, Zheludkova O, Lichter P, von Deimling A, Pfister SM, Kool M: Comparative integrated molecular analysis of intraocular medulloepitheliomas and central nervous system embryonal tumors with multilayered rosettes confirms that they are distinct nosologic entities. Neuropathology 35 (6), 538-44, 2015.

Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Hovestadt V, Bender S, Sturm D, Capper D, Meyer J, Schrimpf D, Kool M, Northcott PA, Zheludkova O, Milde T, Witt O, Kulozik AE, Reifenberger G, Jabado N, Perry A, Lichter P, von Deimling A, Pfister SM, Jones DT: Integrated analysis of pediatric glioblastoma reveals a subset of biologically favorable tumors with associated molecular prognostic markers. Acta Neuropathol 2015.

Leto K, Arancillo M, Becker EE, Buffo A, Chiang C, Ding B, Dobyns W, Dusart I, Haldipur P, Hatten M, Hoshino M, Joyner A, Kano M, Kilpatrick D, Koibuchi N, Marino S, Martinez S, Millen K, Millner T, Miyata T, Parmigiani E, Schilling K, Sekerková G, Sillitoe R, Sotelo C, Uesaka N, Wefers A, Wingate RT, Hawkes R: Consensus Paper: Cerebellar Development. Cerebellum 1-40, 2015.

Mock A, Warta R, Geisenberger C, Bischoff R, Schulte A, Lamszus K, Stadler V, Felgenhauer T, Schichor C, Schwartz C, Matschke J, Jungk C, Ahmadi R, Sahm F, Capper D, Glass R, Tonn JC, Westphal M, von Deimling A, Unterberg A, Bermejo JL, Herold-Mende C: Printed peptide arrays identify prognostic TNC serumantibodies in glioblastoma patients. Oncotarget 6 (15), 13597-90, 2015.

Osswald M, Jung E, Sahm F, Solecki G, Venkataramani V, Blaes J, Weil S, Horstmann H, Wiestler B, Syed M, Huang L, Ratliff M, Karimian Jazi K, Kurz FT, Schmenger T, Lemke D, Gommel M, Pauli M, Liao Y, Haring P, Pusch S, Herl V, Steinhauser C, Krunic D, Jarahian M, Miletic H, Berghoff AS, Griesbeck O, Kalamakis G, Garaschuk O, Preusser M, Weiss S, Liu H, Heiland S, Platten M, Huber PE, Kuner T, von Deimling A, Wick W, Winkler F: Brain tumour cells interconnect to a functional and resistant network. Nature 528 (7580), 93-98, 2015.

Ott M, Litzenburger UM, Rauschenbach KJ, Bunse L, Ochs K, Sahm F, Pusch S, Opitz CA, Blaes J, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M: Suppression of TDO-mediated tryptophan catabolism in glioblastoma cells by a steroid-responsive FKBP52-dependent pathway. Glia 63 (1), 78-90, 2015.

Ozolek JA, Cohen DE, Kool M, Pfister SM, Korshunov A, Bukowinski AJ, Davis AW: Medulloepithelioma with peculiar clinical presentation, stem cell phenotype and aberrant DNA-methylation profile. CNS oncology 4 (4), 203-12, 2015.

Pajtler KW, Witt H, Sill M, Jones DT, Hovestadt V, Kratochwil F, Wani K, Tatevossian R, Punchihewa C, Johann P, Reimand J, Warnatz HJ, Ryzhova M, Mack S, Ramaswamy V, Capper D, Schweizer L, Sieber L, Wittmann A, Huang Z, van Sluis P, Volckmann R, Koster J, Versteeg R, Fults D, Toledano H, Avigad S, Hoffman LM, Donson AM, Foreman N, Hewer E, Zitterbart K, Gilbert M, Armstrong TS, Gupta N, Allen JC, Karajannis MA, Zagzag D, Hasselblatt M, Kulozik AE, Witt O, Collins VP, von Hoff K, Rutkowski S, Pietsch T, Bader G, Yaspo ML, von Deimling A, Lichter P, Taylor MD, Gilbertson R, Ellison DW, Aldape K, Korshunov A, Kool M, Pfister SM: Molecular Classification of Ependymal Tumors across All CNS Compartments, Histopathological Grades, and Age Groups. Cancer Cell 27 (5), 728-43, 2015.

Pekmezci M, Reuss DE, Hirbe AC, Dahiya S, Gutmann DH, von Deimling A, Horvai AE, Perry A: Morphologic and immunohistochemical features of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and cellular schwannomas. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc 28 (2), 187-200, 2015.

Radke J, Gehlhaar C, Lenze D, Capper D, Bock A, Heppner FL, Jodicke A, Koch A: The evolution of the anaplastic cerebellar liponeurocytoma: case report and review of the literature. Clin Neuropathol 34 (1), 19-25, 2015.

Rettig I, Koeneke E, Trippel F, Mueller WC, Burhenne J, Kopp-Schneider A, Fabian J, Schober A, Fernekorn U, von Deimling A, Deubzer HE, Milde T, Witt O, Oehme I: Selective inhibition of HDAC8 decreases neuroblastoma growth in vitro and in vivo and enhances retinoic acid-mediated differentiation. Cell Death Dis 6 e1657, 2015.

Reuss DE, Kratz A, Sahm F, Capper D, Schrimpf D, Koelsche C, Hovestadt V, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Jones DT, Schittenhelm J, Mittelbronn M, Rushing E, Simon M, Westphal M, Unterberg A, Platten M, Paulus W, Reifenberger G, Tonn JC, Aldape K, Pfister SM, Korshunov A, Weller M, Herold-Mende C, Wick W, Brandner S, von Deimling A: Adult IDH wild type astrocytomas biologically and clinically resolve into other tumor entities. Acta Neuropathol 130 (3), 407-17, 2015.

Reuss DE, Mamatjan Y, Schrimpf D, Capper D, Hovestadt V, Kratz A, Sahm F, Koelsche C, Korshunov A, Olar A, Hartmann C, Reijneveld JC, Wesseling P, Unterberg A, Platten M, Wick W, Herold-Mende C, Aldape K, von Deimling A: IDH mutant diffuse and anaplastic astrocytomas have similar age at presentation and little difference in survival: a grading problem for WHO. Acta Neuropathol 129 (6), 867-73, 2015.

Reuss DE, Sahm F, Schrimpf D, Wiestler B, Capper D, Koelsche C, Schweizer L, Korshunov A, Jones DT, Hovestadt V, Mittelbronn M, Schittenhelm J, Herold-Mende C, Unterberg A, Platten M, Weller M, Wick W, Pfister SM, von Deimling A: ATRX and IDH1-R132H immunohistochemistry with subsequent copy number analysis and IDH sequencing as a basis for an "integrated" diagnostic approach for adult astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma. Acta Neuropathol 129 (1), 133-46, 2015.

Sahm F, von Deimling A: Farewell to oligoastrocytoma: response to letters. Acta Neuropathol 129 (1), 155, 2015.

Schweizer L, Capper D, Holsken A, Fahlbusch R, Flitsch J, Buchfelder M, Herold-Mende C, von Deimling A, Buslei R: BRAF V600E analysis for the differentiation of papillary Craniopharyngiomas and Rathke's Cleft Cysts. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 41 (6), 733-42, 2015.

Thomas C, Ruland V, Kordes U, Hartung S, Capper D, Pietsch T, Gerss J, Wolff JE, Paulus W, Hasselblatt M: Pediatric atypical choroid plexus papilloma reconsidered: increased mitotic activity is prognostic only in older children. Acta Neuropathol 129 (6), 925-7, 2015.

Weller M, Weber RG, Willscher E, Riehmer V, Hentschel B, Kreuz M, Felsberg J, Beyer U, Loffler-Wirth H, Kaulich K, Steinbach JP, Hartmann C, Gramatzki D, Schramm J, Westphal M, Schackert G, Simon M, Martens T, Bostrom J, Hagel C, Sabel M, Krex D, Tonn JC, Wick W, Noell S, Schlegel U, Radlwimmer B, Pietsch T, Loeffler M, von Deimling A, Binder H, Reifenberger G: Molecular classification of diffuse cerebral WHO grade II/III gliomas using genome- and transcriptome-wide profiling improves stratification of prognostically distinct patient groups. Acta Neuropathol 129 (5), 679-93, 2015.

Welzel G, Gehweiler J, Brehmer S, Appelt JU, von Deimling A, Seiz-Rosenhagen M, Schmiedek P, Wenz F, Giordano FA: Metronomic chemotherapy with daily low-dose temozolomide and celecoxib in elderly patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme: a retrospective analysis. J Neurooncol 124 (2), 265-73, 2015.

Zuckermann M, Hovestadt V, Knobbe-Thomsen CB, Zapatka M, Northcott PA, Schramm K, Belic J, Jones DT, Tschida B, Moriarity B, Largaespada D, Roussel MF, Korshunov A, Reifenberger G, Pfister SM, Lichter P, Kawauchi D, Gronych J: Somatic CRISPR/Cas9-mediated tumour suppressor disruption enables versatile brain tumour modelling. Nature communications 6 7391, 2015.

Loss of FUBP1 expression in gliomas predicts FUBP1 mutation and is associated with oligodendroglial differentiation, IDH1 mutation and 1p/19q loss of heterozygosity.
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Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2014 40(2):205-216

Specific detection of methionine 27 mutation in histone 3 variants (H3K27M) in fixed tissue from high-grade astrocytomas.
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Predictive molecular markers in metastases to the central nervous system: recent advances and future avenues.
Berghoff AS, Bartsch R, Wohrer A, Streubel B, Birner P, Kros JM, Brastianos PK, von Deimling A, Preusser M.
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Acinar cell carcinomas of the pancreas: a molecular analysis in a series of 57 cases.
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MAP kinase activity supported by BRAF (V600E) mutation rather than gene amplification is associated with ETV1 expression in melanoma brain metastases.
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Mutant IDH1 inhibits PI3K/Akt signaling in human glioma.
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NDRG1 prognosticates the natural course of disease in WHO grade II glioma.
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J Neurooncol. 2014 117(1):25-32

Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 9 (TNFRSF9) is up-regulated in reactive astrocytes in human gliomas.
Blank AE, Baumgarten P, Zeiner P, Zachskorn C, Loffler C, Schittenhelm J, Czupalla CJ, Capper D, Plate KH, Harter PN, Mittelbronn M.
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Aberrant Self-Renewal and Quiescence Contribute to the Aggressiveness of Glioblastoma.
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GRHL1 acts as tumor suppressor in neuroblastoma and is negatively regulated by MYCN and HDAC3.
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Cancer Research. 2014 74(9):565-572

BRAF V600E-specific immunohistochemistry reveals low mutation rates in biliary tract cancer and restriction to intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Goeppert B, Frauenschuh L, Renner M, Roessler S, Stenzinger A, Klauschen F, Warth A, Vogel MN, Mehrabi A, Hafezi M, Boehmer K, von Deimling A, Schirmacher P, Weichert W, Capper D.
Mod Pathol. 2014 27(7):1028-1034

PAX8 expression is associated with SHH/WNT subtypes, desmoplastic histology and patient survival in human medulloblastomas.
Harter PN, Baumgarten P, Zinke J, Schilling K, Baader S, Hartmetz AK, Schittenhelm J, Beschorner R, Liebner S, Schulte D, Plate KH, Gutwein P, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Jones DT, Doberstein K, Mittelbronn M.
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2014

Whole exome sequencing reveals that the majority of schwannomatosis cases remain unexplained after excluding SMARCB1 and LZTR1 germline variants.
Hutter S, Piro RM, Reuss DE, Hovestadt V, Sahm F, Farschtschi S, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Wolf S, Lichter P, von Deimling A, Schuhmann MU, Pfister SM, Jones DT, Mautner VF.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2014 128(3):449-452

A single-arm phase II Austrian/German multicenter trial on continuous daily sunitinib in primary glioblastoma at first recurrence (SURGE 01-07).
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Neuro Oncol. 2014 16(1):92-102

Diagnostic Value of Immunohistochemistry for the Detection of the BRAF Mutation in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: Comparative Analysis with Three DNA-Based Assays.
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Phase II study of sorafenib in children with recurrent or progressive low-grade astrocytomas.
Karajannis MA, Legault G, Fisher MJ, Milla SS, Cohen KJ, Wisoff JH, Harter DH, Goldberg JD, Hochman T, Merkelson A, Bloom MC, Sievert AJ, Resnick AC, Dhall G, Jones DT, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Eberhart CG, Zagzag D, Allen JC.
Neuro Oncol. 2014 16(10):1408-1416

Evaluation of Microvascular Permeability with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for the Differentiation of Primary CNS Lymphoma and Glioblastoma: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation.
Kickingereder P, Sahm F, Wiestler B, Roethke M, Heiland S, Schlemmer HP, Wick W, von Deimling A, Bendszus M, Radbruch A.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2014 35(1503-1508

Primary central nervous system lymphoma and atypical glioblastoma: multiparametric differentiation by using diffusion-, perfusion-, and susceptibility-weighted MR imaging.
Kickingereder P, Wiestler B, Sahm F, Heiland S, Roethke M, Schlemmer HP, Wick W, Bendszus M, Radbruch A.
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TERT promoter hotspot mutations are recurrent in myxoid liposarcomas but rare in other soft tissue sarcoma entities.
Koelsche C, Renner M, Hartmann W, Brandt R, Lehner B, Waldburger N, Alldinger I, Schmitt T, Egerer G, Penzel R, Wardelmann E, Schirmacher P, von Deimling A, Mechtersheimer G.
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BRAF V600E expression and distribution in desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma/ganglioglioma.
Koelsche C, Sahm F, Paulus W, Mittelbronn M, Giangaspero F, Antonelli M, Meyer J, Lasitschka F, von Deimling A, Reuss D.
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology. 2014 40(3):337-344

BRAF-Mutated Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma is Associated with Temporal Location, Reticulin Fiber Deposition and CD34 Expression.
Koelsche C, Sahm F, Wohrer A, Jeibmann A, Schittenhelm J, Kohlhof P, Preusser M, Romeike B, Dohmen-Scheufler H, Hartmann C, Mittelbronn M, Becker A, von Deimling A, Capper D.
Brain Pathology. 2014 24(3):2221-2229

Nuclear relocation of STAT6 reliably predicts NAB2/STAT6 fusion for the diagnosis of Solitary Fibrous Tumour.
Koelsche C, Schweizer L, Renner M, Warth A, Jones DT, Sahm F, Reuss DE, Capper D, Knosel T, Schulz B, Petersen I, Ulrich A, Renker EK, Lehner B, Pfister SM, Schirmacher P, von Deimling A, Mechtersheimer G.
Histopathology. 2014 65(613-622

Genome sequencing of SHH medulloblastoma predicts genotype-related response to smoothened inhibition.
Kool M, Jones DT, Jager N, Northcott PA, Pugh TJ, Hovestadt V, Piro RM, Esparza LA, Markant SL, Remke M, Milde T, Bourdeaut F, Ryzhova M, Sturm D, Pfaff E, Stark S, Hutter S, Seker-Cin H, Johann P, Bender S, Schmidt C, Rausch T, Shih D, Reimand J, Sieber L, Wittmann A, Linke L, Witt H, Weber UD, Zapatka M, Konig R, Beroukhim R, Bergthold G, van Sluis P, Volckmann R, Koster J, Versteeg R, Schmidt S, Wolf S, Lawerenz C, Bartholomae CC, von Kalle C, Unterberg A, Herold-Mende C, Hofer S, Kulozik AE, von Deimling A, Scheurlen W, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, Hasselblatt M, Crawford JR, Grant GA, Jabado N, Perry A, Cowdrey C, Croul S, Zadeh G, Korbel JO, Doz F, Delattre O, Bader GD, McCabe MG, Collins VP, Kieran MW, Cho YJ, Pomeroy SL, Witt O, Brors B, Taylor MD, Schuller U, Korshunov A, Eils R, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Lichter P, Pfister SM.
Cancer Cell. 2014 25(3):393-405

Embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes (ETANTR), ependymoblastoma, and medulloepithelioma share molecular similarity and comprise a single clinicopathological entity.
Korshunov A, Sturm D, Ryzhova M, Hovestadt V, Gessi M, Jones DT, Remke M, Northcott P, Perry A, Picard D, Rosenblum M, Antonelli M, Aronica E, Schuller U, Hasselblatt M, Woehrer A, Zheludkova O, Kumirova E, Puget S, Taylor MD, Giangaspero F, Peter Collins V, von Deimling A, Lichter P, Huang A, Pietsch T, Pfister SM, Kool M.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2014 128(2):279-289

Constitutive IDO expression in human cancer is sustained by an autocrine signaling loop involving IL-6, STAT3 and the AHR.
Litzenburger U, Opitz C, Sahm F, Rauschenbach K, Trump S, Winter M, Ott M, Ochs K, Lutz C, Liu X, Anastasov N, Lehmann I, Höfer T, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M.
Oncotarget. 2014 5(4):1038-1051

Louis DN, Perry A, Burger P, Ellison DW, Reifenberger G, von Deimling A, Aldape K, Brat D, Collins VP, Eberhart C, Figarella-Branger D, Fuller GN, Giangaspero F, Giannini C, Hawkins C, Kleihues P, Korshunov A, Kros JM, Lopes MB, Ng HK, Ohgaki H, Paulus W, Pietsch T, Rosenblum M, Rushing E, Soylemezoglu F, Wiestler O, Wesseling P: International Society of Neuropathology-Haarlem Consensus Guidelines, for Nervous System Tumor Classification and Grading. Edited by 2014, p. pp. 429-435

Epigenomic alterations define lethal CIMP-positive ependymomas of infancy.

Mack SC, Witt H, Piro RM, Gu L, Zuyderduyn S, Stutz AM, Wang X, Gallo M, Garzia L, Zayne K, Zhang X, Ramaswamy V, Jager N, Jones DT, Sill M, Pugh TJ, Ryzhova M, Wani KM, Shih DJ, Head R, Remke M, Bailey SD, Zichner T, Faria CC, Barszczyk M, Stark S, Seker-Cin H, Hutter S, Johann P, Bender S, Hovestadt V, Tzaridis T, Dubuc AM, Northcott PA, Peacock J, Bertrand KC, Agnihotri S, Cavalli FM, Clarke I, Nethery-Brokx K, Creasy CL, Verma SK, Koster J, Wu X, Yao Y, Milde T, Sin-Chan P, Zuccaro J, Lau L, Pereira S, Castelo-Branco P, Hirst M, Marra MA, Roberts SS, Fults D, Massimi L, Cho YJ, Van Meter T, Grajkowska W, Lach B, Kulozik AE, von Deimling A, Witt O, Scherer SW, Fan X, Muraszko KM, Kool M, Pomeroy SL, Gupta N, Phillips J, Huang A, Tabori U, Hawkins C, Malkin D, Kongkham PN, Weiss WA, Jabado N, Rutka JT, Bouffet E, Korbel JO, Lupien M, Aldape KD, Bader GD, Eils R, Lichter P, Dirks PB, Pfister SM, Korshunov A, Taylor MD.

Nature. 2014 506(7489):445-450

Detection of BRAF p.V600E Mutations in Melanoma by Immunohistochemistry Has a Good Interobserver Reproducibility.
Marin C, Beauchet A, Capper D, Zimmermann U, Julie C, Ilie M, Saiag P, von Deimling A, Hofman P, Emile JF.
Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014 138(1):71-75

Survival According to BRAF-V600 Tumor Mutations - An Analysis of 437 Patients with Primary Melanoma.
Meckbach D, Bauer J, Pflugfelder A, Meier F, Busch C, Eigentler T, Capper D, von Deimling A, Mittelbronn M, Perner S, Ikenberg K, Hantschke M, Büttner P, Garbe C, Weide B.
PLoS One. 2014 9(1):e86194

Improved molecular classification of serrated lesions of the colon by immunohistochemical detection of BRAF V600E.
Mesteri I, Bayer G, Meyer J, Capper D, Schoppmann SF, von Deimling A, Birner P.
Mod Pathol. 2014 27(1):135-144

The shh receptor boc promotes progression of early medulloblastoma to advanced tumors.
Mille F, Tamayo-Orrego L, Levesque M, Remke M, Korshunov A, Cardin J, Bouchard N, Izzi L, Kool M, Northcott PA, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Charron F.
Dev Cell. 2014 31(1):34-47

First case of disseminated cryptococcosis in a Gorilla gorilla.
Mischnik A, Stockklausner J, Hohneder N, Jensen HE, Zimmermann S, Reuss DE, Rickerts V, Tintelnot K, Stockklausner C.
Mycoses. 2014 57(11):664-671

Enhancer hijacking activates GFI1 family oncogenes in medulloblastoma.
Northcott PA, Lee C, Zichner T, Stutz AM, Erkek S, Kawauchi D, Shih DJ, Hovestadt V, Zapatka M, Sturm D, Jones DT, Kool M, Remke M, Cavalli FM, Zuyderduyn S, Bader GD, VandenBerg S, Esparza LA, Ryzhova M, Wang W, Wittmann A, Stark S, Sieber L, Seker-Cin H, Linke L, Kratochwil F, Jager N, Buchhalter I, Imbusch CD, Zipprich G, Raeder B, Schmidt S, Diessl N, Wolf S, Wiemann S, Brors B, Lawerenz C, Eils J, Warnatz HJ, Risch T, Yaspo ML, Weber UD, Bartholomae CC, von Kalle C, Turanyi E, Hauser P, Sanden E, Darabi A, Siesjo P, Sterba J, Zitterbart K, Sumerauer D, van Sluis P, Versteeg R, Volckmann R, Koster J, Schuhmann MU, Ebinger M, Grimes HL, Robinson GW, Gajjar A, Mynarek M, von Hoff K, Rutkowski S, Pietsch T, Scheurlen W, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, Kulozik AE, von Deimling A, Witt O, Eils R, Gilbertson RJ, Korshunov A, Taylor MD, Lichter P, Korbel JO, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Pfister SM.
Nature. 2014 511(7510):428-434

Overcoming multiple drug resistance mechanisms in medulloblastoma.
Othman RT, Kimishi I, Bradshaw TD, Storer LC, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Grundy RG, Kerr ID, Coyle B.
Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2014 2(57

The embryonic stem cell factor UTF1 serves as a reliable diagnostic marker for germinomas.
Pantazis G, Harter PN, Capper D, Kohlhof P, Mittelbronn M, Schittenhelm J.
Pathology. 2014 46(3):225-229

Prognostic significance of clinical, histopathological, and molecular characteristics of medulloblastomas in the prospective HIT2000 multicenter clinical trial cohort.
Pietsch T, Schmidt R, Remke M, Korshunov A, Hovestadt V, Jones DT, Felsberg J, Kaulich K, Goschzik T, Kool M, Northcott PA, von Hoff K, von Bueren AO, Friedrich C, Mynarek M, Skladny H, Fleischhack G, Taylor MD, Cremer F, Lichter P, Faldum A, Reifenberger G, Rutkowski S, Pfister SM.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2014 128(1):137-149

BRAF V600E mutation is associated with mTOR signaling activation in glioneuronal tumors.
Prabowo AS, Iyer AM, Veersema TJ, Anink JJ, Schouten-van Meeteren AY, Spliet WG, van Rijen PC, Ferrier CH, Capper D, Thom M, Aronica E.
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High rate of FGFR1 amplifications in brain metastases of squamous and non-squamous lung cancer.
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Amplification and overexpression of CMET is a common event in brain metastases of non-small cell lung cancer.
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Secondary hematoma expansion in intracerebral hemorrhage during rivaroxaban therapy.
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D-2-Hydroxyglutarate producing neo-enzymatic activity inversely correlates with frequency of the type of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutations found in glioma.
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The evolution of the anaplastic cerebellar liponeurocytoma: case report and review of the literature.
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Pulsed acoustic cellular expression (PACE) reduces capsule formation around silicone implants.
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Molecular characterization of long-term survivors of glioblastoma using genome- and transcriptome-wide profiling.
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Neurofibromin specific antibody differentiates malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) from other spindle cell neoplasms.
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Analysis of IDH mutation, 1p/19q deletion, and PTEN loss delineates prognosis in clinical low-grade diffuse gliomas.
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Farewell to oligoastrocytoma: in situ molecular genetics favor classification as either oligodendroglioma or astrocytoma.
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Acta Neuropathologica. 2014 128(4):551-559

Spinal metastasis of gliosarcoma: Array-based comparative genomic hybridization for confirmation of metastatic spread.
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A vaccine targeting mutant IDH1 induces antitumor immunity.
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Cytogenetic prognostication within medulloblastoma subgroups. Shih DJ, Northcott PA, Remke M, Korshunov A, Ramaswamy V, Kool M, Luu B, Yao Y, Wang X, Dubuc AM, Garzia L, Peacock J, Mack SC, Wu X, Rolider A, Morrissy AS, Cavalli FM, Jones DT, Zitterbart K, Faria CC, Schuller U, Kren L, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Shin Ra Y, Garami M, Hauser P, Chan JA, Robinson S, Bognar L, Klekner A, Saad AG, Liau LM, Albrecht S, Fontebasso A, Cinalli G, De Antonellis P, Zollo M, Cooper MK, Thompson RC, Bailey S, Lindsey JC, Di Rocco C, Massimi L, Michiels EM, Scherer SW, Phillips JJ, Gupta N, Fan X, Muraszko KM, Vibhakar R, Eberhart CG, Fouladi M, Lach B, Jung S, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Fevre-Montange M, Jouvet A, Jabado N, Pollack IF, Weiss WA, Lee JY, Cho BK, Kim SK, Wang KC, Leonard JR, Rubin JB, de Torres C, Lavarino C, Mora J, Cho YJ, Tabori U, Olson JM, Gajjar A, Packer RJ, Rutkowski S, Pomeroy SL, French PJ, Kloosterhof NK, Kros JM, Van Meir EG, Clifford SC, Bourdeaut F, Delattre O, Doz FF, Hawkins CE, Malkin D, Grajkowska WA, Perek-Polnik M, Bouffet E, Rutka JT, Pfister SM, Taylor MD. J Clin Oncol. 2014 32(9):886-896

p53-dependent Nestin regulation links tumor suppression to cellular plasticity in liver cancer. Tschaharganeh DF, Xue W, Calvisi DF, Evert M, Michurina TV, Dow LE, Banito A, Katz SF, Kastenhuber ER, Weissmueller S, Huang CH, Lechel A, Andersen JB, Capper D, Zender L, Longerich T, Enikolopov G, Lowe SW. Cell. 2014 158(3):579-592

Quiescent sox2(+) cells drive hierarchical growth and relapse in sonic hedgehog subgroup medulloblastoma. Vanner RJ, Remke M, Gallo M, Selvadurai HJ, Coutinho F, Lee L, Kushida M, Head R, Morrissy S, Zhu X, Aviv T, Voisin V, Clarke ID, Li Y, Mungall AJ, Moore RA, Ma Y, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Malkin D, Northcott PA, Kool M, Pfister SM, Bader G, Hochedlinger K, Korshunov A, Taylor MD, Dirks PB. Cancer Cell. 2014 26(1):33-47

mTOR target NDRG1 confers MGMT-dependent resistance to alkylating chemotherapy.
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Assessment and prognostic significance of the epidermal growth factor receptor vIII mutation in glioblastoma patients treated with concurrent and adjuvant temozolomide radiochemotherapy.
Weller M, Kaulich K, Hentschel B, Felsberg J, Gramatzki D, Pietsch T, Simon M, Westphal M, Schackert G, Tonn JC, von Deimling A, Davis T, Weiss WA, Loeffler M, Reifenberger G.
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A phase II, randomized, study of weekly APG101+reirradiation versus reirradiation in progressive glioblastoma.
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MGMT testing-the challenges for biomarker-based glioma treatment.
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Assessing CpG island methylator phenotype, 1p/19q codeletion, and MGMT promoter methylation from epigenome-wide data in the biomarker cohort of the NOA-04 trial.
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Integrated DNA methylation and copy-number profiling identify three clinically and biologically relevant groups of anaplastic glioma.
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Targeting self-renewal in high-grade brain tumors leads to loss of brain tumor stem cells and prolonged survival. Zhu Z, Khan MA, Weiler M, Blaes J, Jestaedt L, Geibert M, Zou P, Gronych J, Bernhardt O, Korshunov A, Bugner V, Lichter P, Radlwimmer B, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Wick W, Liu HK. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 15(2):185-198

A complex secretory program orchestrated by the inflammasome controls paracrine senescence.
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Targeting the BRAF V600E Mutation in Multiple Myeloma.
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Loss of FUBP1 expression in gliomas predicts FUBP1 mutation and is associated with oligodendroglial differentiation, IDH1 mutation and 1p/19q loss of heterozygosity. Baumgarten P, Harter PN, Tonjes M, Capper D, Blank AE, Sahm F, von Deimling A, Kolluru V, Schwamb B, Rabenhorst U, Starzetz T, Kogel D, Rieker RJ, Plate KH, Ohgaki H, Radlwimmer B, Zornig M, Mittelbronn M. Neuropathology and applied neurobiology. 2013

Reduced H3K27me3 and DNA Hypomethylation Are Major Drivers of Gene Expression in K27M Mutant Pediatric High-Grade Gliomas.
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Lack of BRAF V600E protein expression in primary central nervous system lymphoma.
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Development, Characterization, and Reversal of Acquired Resistance to the MEK1 Inhibitor Selumetinib (AZD6244) in an In Vivo Model of Childhood Astrocytoma.
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Detection of the V600E BRAF mutation in serous ovarian tumors: a comparative analysis of immunohistochemistry with a mutation-specific monoclonal antibody and allele-specific PCR.
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Immunohistochemical analysis of BRAFV600E-expression of primary and metastatic melanoma and comparison with mutation status and melanocyte differentiation antigens of metastatic lesions. Busam K, Hedvat C, Pulitzer M, von Deimling A, Jungbluth A. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2013 37(3):413-420

Combined BRAFV600E-positive Melanocytic Lesions With Large Epithelioid Cells Lacking BAP1 Expression and Conventional Nevomelanocytes.
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American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2013 37(2):193-199

BRAF V600E-specific immunohistochemistry for the exclusion of Lynch syndrome in MSI-H colorectal cancer.
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Outcome analysis of childhood pilocytic astrocytomas: a retrospective study of 148 cases at a single institution.
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Detection of BRAF p.V600E mutations in melanomas: Comparison of four methods argues for sequential use of immunohistochemistry and pyrosequencing.
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Quantitative susceptibility mapping differentiates between blood depositions and calcifications in patients with glioblastoma.
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Continued response off treatment after BRAF inhibition in refractory hairy cell leukemia.
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Aberrant patterns of H3K4 and H3K27 histone lysine methylation occur across subgroups in medulloblastoma.
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Differential expression of the tumor suppressor A-kinase anchor protein 12 in human diffuse and pilocytic astrocytomas is regulated by promoter methylation.
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Anti-tissue factor (TF9-10H10) treatment reduces tumor cell invasiveness in a novel migratory glioma model.
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Longterm survival in primary glioblastoma with versus without isocitrate dehydrogenase mutations.
Hartmann C, Hentschel B, Simon M, Westphal M, Schackert G, Tonn J, Loeffler M, Reifenberger G, Pietsch T, von Deimling A, Weller M.
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Bed isolation in experimental flap studies in rats: a dispensable procedure.
Heimer S, Schaefer A, Mueller W, Lass U, Gebhard MM, Germann G, Leimer U, Kollensperger E, Reichenberger MA.
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A single-arm phase II Austrian/German multicenter trial on continuous daily sunitinib in primary glioblastoma at first recurrence (SURGE 01-07).
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Neuro Oncol. 2013

Diagnostic value of immunohistochemistry for the detection of the BRAFV600E mutation in primary lung adenocarcinoma Caucasian patients.
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Hypermutation of the Inactive X Chromosome Is a Frequent Event in Cancer.
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Recurrent somatic alterations of FGFR1 and NTRK2 in pilocytic astrocytoma.
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Nature Genetics. 2013 45(8):927-932

A novel, diffusely infiltrative xenograft model of human anaplastic oligodendroglioma with mutations in FUBP1, CIC, and IDH1.
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Distribution of TERT promoter mutations in pediatric and adult tumors of the nervous system.
Koelsche C, Sahm F, Capper D, Reuss D, Sturm D, Jones DT, Kool M, Northcott PA, Wiestler B, Bohmer K, Meyer J, Mawrin C, Hartmann C, Mittelbronn M, Platten M, Brokinkel B, Seiz M, Herold-Mende C, Unterberg A, Schittenhelm J, Weller M, Pfister S, Wick W, Korshunov A, von Deimling A.
Acta Neuropathol. 2013 126(6):907-915

Mutant BRAF V600E protein in ganglioglioma is predominantly expressed by neuronal tumor cells.
Koelsche C, Wöhrer A, Jeibmann A, Schittenhelm J, Schindler G, Preusser M, Lasitschka F, von Deimling A, Capper D.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2013 125(6):891-900

Real-time PCR assay based on the differential expression of microRNAs and protein-coding genes for molecular classification of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded medulloblastomas.
Kunder R, Jalali R, Sridhar E, Moiyadi A, Goel N, Goel A, Gupta T, Krishnatry R, Kannan S, Kurkure P, Deopujari C, Shetty P, Biyani N, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Northcott PA, Shirsat NV.
Neuro Oncol. 2013 15(12):1644-1651

Differential expression and methylation of brain developmental genes define location-specific subsets of pilocytic astrocytoma.
Lambert SR, Witt H, Hovestadt V, Zucknick M, Kool M, Pearson DM, Korshunov A, Ryzhova M, Ichimura K, Jabado N, Fontebasso AM, Lichter P, Pfister SM, Collins VP, Jones DT.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2013

Protein kinase Cβ as a therapeutic target stabilizing blood brain barrier disruption in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Lanz T, Becker S, Osswald M, Bittner S, Schuhmann M, Opitz C, Gaikwad S, Wiestler B, Litzenburger U, Sahm F, Ott M, Iwantscheff S, Grabitz C, Mittelbronn M, von Deimling A, Winkler F, Meuth S, Wick W, Platten M.
PNAS. 2013 110(36):14735-14740

Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization is a Reliable Alternative to Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for Diagnostic Testing of 1p and 19q loss in paraffin embedded gliomas.
Lass U, Hartmann C, Capper D, Herold-Mende C, von Deimling A, Meiboom M, Mueller W.
Brain Pathology. 2013 23(3):311-318

The eEF2 kinase confers resistance to nutrient deprivation by blocking translation elongation.
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Highly prevalent TERT promoter mutations in bladder cancer and gliobastoma.
Liu X, Wu G, Shan Y, Hartmann C, von Deimling A, Xing M.
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Immunohistochemistry is highly sensitive and specific for the detection of V600E BRAF mutation in melanoma.
Long G, Wilmott J, Capper D, Preusser M, Zhang Y, Thompson J, Kefford R, von Deimling A, Scolyer R.
American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2013 37(1):61-65

Emerging insights into the ependymoma epigenome.
Mack SC, Witt H, Wang X, Milde T, Yao Y, Bertrand KC, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Taylor MD.
Brain Pathology. 2013 23(2):206-209

Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutant R132H sensitizes glioma cells to BCNU-induced oxidative stress and cell death.
Mohrenz I, Antonetti P, Pusch S, Capper D, Balss J, Voigt S, Weissert S, Mukrowsky A, Frank J, Senft C, Seifert V, von Deimling A, Kögel D.
Apoptosis. 2013 18(11):1416-1425

Increased mitochondrial activity in a novel IDH1-R132H mutant human oligodendroglioma xenograft model: in situ detection of 2-HG and α-KG.
Navis A, Niclou S, Fack F, Stieber D, van Lith S, Verrijp K, Wright A, Stauber J, Tops B, Otte-Holler I, Wevers R, van Rooij A, Pusch S, von Deimling A, Tigchelaar W, van Noorden C, Wesseling P, Leenders W.
Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2013 1(18):

Immature mesenchymal stem cell-like pericytes as mediators of immunosuppression in human malignant glioma.
Ochs K, Sahm F, Opitz CA, Lanz TV, Oezen I, Couraud PO, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M.
J Neuroimmunol. 2013 265(1-2):106-116

No Evidence for BRAF-V600E Mutations in Gastro-Esophageal Tumors: Results from a high-throughput Analysis of 534 Cases using a mutation-specific Antibody.
Preusser M, Berghoff A, Capper D, von Deimling A, Maroske F, Brodowicz T, Hejna M, Birner P, Schoppmann S.
Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology. 2013 21(5):426-430

Brain metastases of gastro-oesophageal cancer: evaluation of molecules with relevance for targeted therapies Preusser M, Berghoff A, Ilhan-Mutlu A, Dinhof C, Magerle M, Marosi C, Hejna M, Capper D, von Deimling A, Schoppmann S, Birner P.
Anticancer Research. 2013 33(3):1065-1071

ALK gene translocations and amplifications in brain metastases of non-small cell lung cancer.
Preusser M, Berghoff A, Ilhan-Mutlu A, Magerle M, Dinhof C, Widhalm G, Dieckmann K, Marosi C, Woehrer A, Hackl M, Zöchbauer-Müller S, von Deimling A, Schoppmann S, Zielinski C, Streubel B, Birner P.
Lung Cancer. 2013 80(3):278-283

Expression of BRAF V600E mutant protein in epithelial ovarian tumors.
Preusser M, Capper D, Berghoff A, Horvat R, Wrba F, Schindl M, Schoppmann S, von Deimling A, Birner P.
Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology. 2013 21(2):162-167

Recurrence patterns across medulloblastoma subgroups: an integrated clinical and molecular analysis.
Ramaswamy V, Remke M, Bouffet E, Faria CC, Perreault S, Cho YJ, Shih DJ, Luu B, Dubuc AM, Northcott PA, Schuller U, Gururangan S, McLendon R, Bigner D, Fouladi M, Ligon KL, Pomeroy SL, Dunn S, Triscott J, Jabado N, Fontebasso A, Jones DT, Kool M, Karajannis MA, Gardner SL, Zagzag D, Nunes S, Pimentel J, Mora J, Lipp E, Walter AW, Ryzhova M, Zheludkova O, Kumirova E, Alshami J, Croul SE, Rutka JT, Hawkins C, Tabori U, Codispoti KE, Packer RJ, Pfister SM, Korshunov A, Taylor MD.
Lancet Oncol. 2013 14(12):1200-1207

Somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2)) is a potential prognostic marker and a therapeutic target in medulloblastoma. Remke M, Hering E, Gerber NU, Kool M, Sturm D, Rickert CH, Gerss J, Schulz S, Hielscher T, Hasselblatt M, Jeibmann A, Hans V, Ramaswamy V, Taylor MD, Pietsch T, Rutkowski S, Korshunov A, Monoranu CM, Fruhwald MC. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013 29(8):1253-1262

TERT promoter mutations are highly recurrent in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma.
Remke M, Ramaswamy V, Peacock J, Shih DJ, Koelsche C, Northcott PA, Hill N, Cavalli FM, Kool M, Wang X, Mack SC, Barszczyk M, Morrissy AS, Wu X, Agnihotri S, Luu B, Jones DT, Garzia L, Dubuc AM, Zhukova N, Vanner R, Kros JM, French PJ, Van Meir EG, Vibhakar R, Zitterbart K, Chan JA, Bognar L, Klekner A, Lach B, Jung S, Saad AG, Liau LM, Albrecht S, Zollo M, Cooper MK, Thompson RC, Delattre OO, Bourdeaut F, Doz FF, Garami M, Hauser P, Carlotti CG, Van Meter TE, Massimi L, Fults D, Pomeroy SL, Kumabe T, Ra YS, Leonard JR, Elbabaa SK, Mora J, Rubin JB, Cho YJ, McLendon RE, Bigner DD, Eberhart CG, Fouladi M, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Faria CC, Croul SE, Huang A, Bouffet E, Hawkins CE, Dirks PB, Weiss WA, Schuller U, Pollack IF, Rutkowski S, Meyronet D, Jouvet A, Fevre-Montange M, Jabado N, Perek-Polnik M, Grajkowska WA, Kim SK, Rutka JT, Malkin D, Tabori U, Pfister SM, Korshunov A, von Deimling A, Taylor MD.
Acta Neuropathol. 2013 126(6):917-929

Sensitivity of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor cells to TRAIL is augmented by loss of NF1 through modulation of MYC/MAD and is potentiated by Curcumin through induction of ROS. Reuss D, Mucha J, Hagenlocher C, Ehemann V, Kluwe L, Mautner V, von Deimling A. PLoS One. 2013 8(2):e57253

Functional MHC class II is up-regulated in Neurofibromin deficient Schwann cells Reuss D, Mucha J, Holtkamp N, Müller U, Berlien H-P, Mautner V-F, Ehemann V, Platten M, Scheffzek K, von Deimling A.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2013 133(5):1372-1375
Secretory meningiomas are defined by combined KLF4 K409Q and TRAF7 mutations.
Reuss D, Piro R, Jones D, Simon M, Ketter R, Kool M, Becker A, Sahm F, Pusch S, Meyer J, Hagenlocher C, Schweizer L, Capper D, Kickingereder P, Mucha J, Koelsche C, Jäger N, Santarius T, Tarpey P, Stephens P, Futreal P, Wellenreuther R, Kraus J, Lenartz D, Herold-Mende C, Hartmann C, Mawrin C, Giese N, Eils R, Collins V, König R, Wiestler O, Pfister S, von Deimling A.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2013 125(3):351-358

Nbn and Atm cooperate in a tissue and developmental stage-specific manner to prevent double strand breaks and apoptosis in developing brain and eye.
Rodrigues P, Grigaravicius P, Remus M, Cavalheiro G, Gomes A, Martins M, Frappart L, Reuss D, McKinnon P, von Deimling A, Martins R, Frappart P-O.
PLoS One. 2013 8(7):e69209

AKT1E17K mutations cluster with meningothelial and transitional meningiomas and can be detected by SFRP1 immunohistochemistry.
Sahm F, Bissel J, Koelsche C, Schweizer L, Capper D, Reuss D, Bohmer K, Lass U, Gock T, Kalis K, Meyer J, Habel A, Brehmer S, Mittelbronn M, Jones DT, Schittenhelm J, Urbschat S, Ketter R, Heim S, Mawrin C, Hainfellner JA, Berghoff AS, Preusser M, Becker A, Herold-Mende C, Unterberg A, Hartmann C, Kickingereder P, Collins VP, Pfister SM, von Deimling A.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2013 126(5):757-762

The endogenous tryptophan metabolite and NAD+ precursor quinolinic acid confers resistance of gliomas to oxidative stress.
Sahm F, Opitz C, Ahrendt T, Radlwimmer B, Bode H, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M.
Cancer Research. 2013 73(11):3225-3234

Meningeal hemangiopericytoma and solitary fibrous tumors carry the NAB2-STAT6 fusion and can be diagnosed by nuclear expression of STAT6 protein.
Schweizer L, Koelsche C, Sahm F, Piro R, Capper D, Reuss D, Pusch S, Habel A, Meyer J, Göck T, Jones D, Mawrin C, Schittenhelm J, Becker A, Heim S, Simon M, Herold-Mende C, Mechtersheimer G, Paulus W, König R, Wiestler O, Pfister S, von Deimling A.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2013 125(5):651-658

VE1 immunohistochemistry in pituitary adenomas is not associated with BRAF V600E mutation.
Sperveslage J, Gierke M, Capper D, Honegger J, Sipos B, Beschorner R, Schittenhelm J.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2013 125(6):911-912

BRAFV600E immunohistochemistry facilitates universal screening of colorectal cancers for Lynch Syndrome.
Toon C, Walsh M, Chou A, Capper D, Clarkson A, Sioson L, Clarke S, Mead S, Walters R, Clendenning M, Rosty C, Young J, A. W, Hopper J, Crook A, von Deimling A, Jenkins M, Buchanan D, Gill A.
American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2013 37(10):1592-1602

Interlaboratory comparison of IDH mutation detection.
van den Bent M, Hartmann C, Preusser M, Ströbel T, Dubbink H, Kros J, von Deimling A, Sanson M, Halling K, Diefes K, Aldape K, Giannini C.
Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2013 112(2):173-178

Suppression of proinvasive RGS4 by mTOR inhibition optimizes glioma treatment.
Weiler M, Pfenning P-N, A-L. T, Blaes J, Jestaedt L, Gronych J, Dittmann L, Berger B, Jugold M, Kosch M, Combs S, von Deimling A, Weller M, Bendszus M, Platten M, Wick W.
Oncogene. 2013 32(9):1099-1109

Prognostic or predictive value of MGMT promoter methylation in gliomas depends on IDH1 mutation.
Wick W, Meisner C, Hentschel B, Platten M, Schilling A, Wiestler B, Sabel MC, Koeppen S, Ketter R, Weiler M, Tabatabai G, von Deimling A, Gramatzki D, Westphal M, Schackert G, Loeffler M, Simon M, Reifenberger G, Weller M.
Neurology. 2013 81(17):1515-1521

Enzastaurin before and concomitant with radiation therapy, followed by enzastaurin maintenance therapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma without MGMT promoter hypermethylation.
Wick W, Steinbach J, Platten M, Hartmann C, Wenz F, von Deimling A, Shei P, Moreau-Donnet V, Stoffregen C, Combs S.
Neuro-Oncology. 2013 15(10):1405-1412

ATRX loss refines the classification of anaplastic gliomas and identifies a subgroup of IDH mutant astrocytic tumors with better prognosis Wiestler B, Capper D, Holland-Letz T, Korshunov A, von Deimling A, Pfister S, Platten M, Weller M, Wick W.
Acta Neuropathol. 2013 126(3):443-451

Malignant astrocytomas of elderly patients lack favorable molecular markers: an analysis of the NOA-08 study collective.
Wiestler B, Claus R, Hartlieb SA, Schliesser MG, Weiss EK, Hielscher T, Platten M, Dittmann LM, Meisner C, Felsberg J, Happold C, Simon M, Nikkhah G, Papsdorf K, Steinbach JP, Sabel M, Grimm C, Weichenhan D, Tews B, Reifenberger G, Capper D, Muller W, Plass C, Weller M, Wick W.
Neuro Oncol. 2013 15(8):1017-1026

BRAF(V600E) protein expression and outcome from BRAF inhibitor treatment in BRAF(V600E) metastatic melanoma.
Wilmott J, Menzies A, Haydu L, Capper D, Preusser M, Zhang Y, Thompson J, Kefford R, von Deimling A, Scolyer R, Long G.
British Journal of Cancer. 2013 108(4):924-931

BRAF mutations in melanocytic nevi are fully clonal, consistent with an initiating role of BRAF in the formation of melanocytic neoplasia.
Yeh I, von Deimling A, Bastian B.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2013 105(12):917-919

Subgroup-specific prognostic implications of TP53 mutation in medulloblastoma.
Zhukova N, Ramaswamy V, Remke M, Pfaff E, Shih DJ, Martin DC, Castelo-Branco P, Baskin B, Ray PN, Bouffet E, von Bueren AO, Jones DT, Northcott PA, Kool M, Sturm D, Pugh TJ, Pomeroy SL, Cho YJ, Pietsch T, Gessi M, Rutkowski S, Bognar L, Klekner A, Cho BK, Kim SK, Wang KC, Eberhart CG, Fevre-Montange M, Fouladi M, French PJ, Kros M, Grajkowska WA, Gupta N, Weiss WA, Hauser P, Jabado N, Jouvet A, Jung S, Kumabe T, Lach B, Leonard JR, Rubin JB, Liau LM, Massimi L, Pollack IF, Shin Ra Y, Van Meir EG, Zitterbart K, Schuller U, Hill RM, Lindsey JC, Schwalbe EC, Bailey S, Ellison DW, Hawkins C, Malkin D, Clifford SC, Korshunov A, Pfister S, Taylor MD, Tabori U.
J Clin Oncol. 2013 31(23):2927-2935

BRAF V600E expression and distribution in desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma / ganglioglioma.
Koelsche C, Sahm F, Paulus W, Mittelbronn M, Giangaspero F, Antonelli M, Meyer J, Lasitschka F, von Deimling A, Reuss D.
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2013

BRAF-Mutated Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma is Associated with Temporal Location, Reticulin Fiber Deposition and CD34 Expression.
Koelsche C, Sahm F, Wöhrer A, Jeibmann A, Schittenhelm J, Kohlhof P, Preusser M, Romeike B, Dohmen-Scheufler H, Hartmann C, Mittelbronn M, Becker A, von Deimling A, Capper D.

Suppression of proinvasive RGS4 by mTOR inhibition optimizes glioma treatment.
Weiler M, Pfenning P-N, A-L. T, Blaes J, Jestaedt L, Gronych J, Dittmann L, Berger B, Jugold M, Kosch M, Combs S, von Deimling A, Weller M, Bendszus M, Platten M, Wick W.
Oncogene. Epub ahead of print

DH1/2 mutations in WHO grade II astrocytomas associated with localization and seizure as the initial symptom.
Stockhammer F, Misch M, Helms H, Lengler U, Prall F, von Deimling A, Hartmann C.
Seizure. Epub ahead of print

Distinct requirement for an intact dimer interface in wildtype, V600E and kinase-dead B-Raf signalling.
Röring M, Herr R, Fiala G, Heilmann K, Braun S, Eisenhardt A, Halbach S, Capper D, von Deimling A, Schamel W, Saunders D, Brummer T.
EMBO. Epub ahead of print

Nestin expression identifies ependymoma patients with poor outcome.
Milde T, Hielscher T, Witt H, Kool M, Mack S, Deubzer H, Oehme I, Lodrini M, Benner A, Taylor M, von Deimling A, Kulozik A, Pfister S, Witt O, Korshunov A.
Brain Pathology. Epub ahead of print

Presence of an oligodendroglioma-like component in newly diagnosed glioblastoma identifies a pathogenetically heterogeneous subgroup and lacks prognostic value: central pathology review of the EORTC_26981/NCIC_CE.3 trial.
Hegi M, Janzer R, Lambiv W, Gorlia T, Kouwenhoven M, Hartmann C, von Deimling A, Martinet D, Besuchet Schmutz N, Diserens A-C, Hamou M-F, Bady P, Weller M, van den Bent M, Mason W, Mirimanoff R-O, Stupp R, Mokhtari K, Wesseling P.
Acta Neuropathologica. Epub ahead of print

2-hydroxyglutarate concentration in serum from patients with gliomas does not correlate with IDH1/2 mutation status or tumor size.
Capper D, Simon M, Langhans C-D, Okun J, Tonn J, Weller M, von Deimling A, Hartmann C, Network ftGG.
International Journal of Cancer. Epub ahead of print

Epigenetically mediated downregulation of the differentiation - promoting chaperon protein CRABP2 in astrocytic gliomas.
Campos B, Warta R, Chaisaingmongkol J, Geiselhart L, Popanda O, Hartmann C, von Deimling A, Unterberg A, Plass C, Schmezer P, Herold-Mende C.
International Journal of Cancer. Epub ahead of print

Application of a BRAF V600E mutation-specific antibody for the diagnosis of Hairy Cell Leukemia.
Andrulis M, Penzel R, Weichert W, von Deimling A, Capper D.
American Journal of Surgical Pathology. Epub ahead of print

No prognostic value of IDH1 mutations in a series of 100 WHO grade II astrocytomas Ahmadi R, Stockhammer F, Becker N, Hohlen K, Misch M, Christians A, Dictus C, Herold-Mende C, Capper D, Unterberg A, von Deimling A, Wick W, Hartmann C.
Journal of Neuro-Oncology. Epub ahead of print

Long-term Outcome After Radiotherapy in Patients with Atypical and Malignant Meningiomas-Clinical Results in 85 Patients Treated in a Single Institution Leading to Optimized Guidelines for Early Radiation Therapy.
Adeberg S, Hartmann C, Welzel T, Rieken S, Habermehl D, von Deimling A, Debus J, Combs SE.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Epub ahead of print

Driver mutations in histone H3.3 and chromatin remodelling genes in pediatric glioblastoma.
Schwartzentruber J, Korshunov A, Liu X, Jones D, Pfaff E, Jacob K, Sturm D, Fontebasso A, Khuong Quang D, Tönjes M, Hovestadt V, Albrecht S, Kool M, Nantel A, Konermann C, Lindroth A, Jäger N, Rausch T, Ryzhova M, Korbel J, Hielscher T, Hauser P, Garami M, Klekner A, Bognar L, Ebinger M, Schuhmann M, Scheurlen W, Pekrun A, Frühwald M, Roggendorf W, Kramm C, Dürken M, Atkinson J, Lepage P, Montpetit A, Zakrzewska M, Zakrzewski K, Liberski P, Dong Z, Siegel P, Kulozik A, Zapatka M, Guha A, Malkin D, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, von Deimling A, Ichimura K, Collins V, Witt H, Milde T, Witt O, Zhang C, Castelo-Branco P, Lichter P, Faury D, Tabori U, Plass C, Majewski J, Pfister S, Jabado N.
Nature. 2012 492(7384):226-231

Addressing diffuse glioma as a systemic brain disease with single-cell analysis.
Sahm F, Capper D, Jeibmann A, Habel A, Paulus W, Troost D, von Deimling A.
Archives of Neurology. 2012 69(4):523-526

Genome Sequencing of Pediatric Medulloblastoma Links Catastrophic DNA Rearrangements with TP53 Mutations.
Rausch T, Jones D, Zapatka M, Stütz A, Zichner T, Weischenfeldt J, Jäger N, Remke M, Shih D, Northcott P, Pfaff E, Tica J, Wang Q, Massimi L, Witt H, Bender S, Pleier S, Cin H, Hawkins C, Beck C, von Deimling A, Hans V, Brors B, Eils R, Scheurlen W, Blake J, Benes V, Kulozik A, Witt O, Martin D, Zhang C, Porat R, Merino D, Wasserman J, Jabado N, Fontebasso A, Bullinger L, Rücker F, Döhner K, Döhner H, Koster J, Molenaar J, Versteeg R, Kool M, Tabori U, Malkin D, Korshunov A, Taylor M, Lichter P, Pfister S, Korbel J.
Cell. 2012 148(1-2):59-71

Brain metastases: pathobiology and emerging targeted therapies.
Preusser M, Capper D, Ilhan-Mutlu A, Berghoff A, Birner P, Bartsch R, Marosi C, Zielinski C, Metha M, Winkler F, Wick W, von Deimling A.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2012 123(2):205-222

Human neuroblastoma cells with acquired resistance to the p53 activator RITA retain functional p53 and sensitivity to other p53 activating agents.
Michaelis M, Rothweiler F, Agha B, Barth S, Voges Y, Löschmann N, von Deimling A, Breitling R, Doerr H, Rödel F, Speidel D, Cinatl J.
Cell Death and Disease. 2012 5(3):e294

Comparison of immunohistochemistry, DNA sequencing and allele-specific PCR for the detection of IDH1 mutations in gliomas.
Loussouarn D, Le Loupp A, Frenel J, Leclair F, von Deimling A, Aumont M, Martin S, Campone M, Denis M.
International Journal of Oncology. 2012 40(6):2058-2062

Biological and clinical heterogeneity of MYCN-amplified medulloblastoma.
Korshunov A, Remke M, Kool M, Hielscher T, Northcott P, Williamson D, Pfaff E, Witt H, Jones D, Ryzhova M, Cho Y-J, Wittmann A, Benner A, Weiss W, von Deimling A, Scheurlen W, Kulozik A, Clifford S, Collins V, Westermann F, Taylor M, Lichter P, Pfister S.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2012 123(4):515-527

Prognostic value of three different methods of MGMT promoter methylation analysis in a prospective trial on newly diagnosed glioblastoma.
Christians A, Hartmann C, Benner A, Meyer J, von Deimling A, Weller M, Wick W, Weiler M.
PLoS One. 2012 7(3):e33449

Immunohistochemical testing of BRAF V600E status in 1,120 tumor tissue samples of patients with brain metastases.
Capper D, Berghoff A, Magerle M, Ilhan A, Wöhrer A, Hackl M, Pichler J, Pusch S, Meyer J, Habel A, Petzelbauer P, Birner P, von Deimling A, Preusser M.
Acta Neuropathologica. 2012 123(22):223-233

The Wnt secretion protein Evi/Gpr177  promotes glioma tumourigenesis.
Augustin I, Goidts V, Bongers A, Kerr G, Vollert G, Radlwimmer B, Hartmann C, Herold-Mende C, Reifenberger G, von Deimling A, Boutros M.
EMBO Mol Med. 2012 4(1):38-51

Differential retinoic acid signaling in tumors of long- and short-term glioblastoma survivors. Barbus S, Tews B, Karra D, Hahn M, Radlwimmer B, Delhomme N, Hartmann C, Felsberg J, Krex D, Schackert G, Martinez R, Reifenberger G, Lichter P.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2011 103(7): 598-606

Mutational analysis of D2HGDH and L2HGDH in brain tumors without IDH1 or IDH2 mutations. Brehmer S, Pusch S, Schmieder K, von Deimling A, Hartmann C.
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2011 37(3): 330-332

Assessment of BRAF V600E mutation status by immunohistochemistry with a mutation specific monoclonal antibody. Capper D, Preusser M, Habel A, Sahm F, Ackermann U, Schindler G, Pusch S, Mechtersheimer G, Zentgraf H, von Deimling A.
Acta Neuropathol. 2011 122(1): 11-19

Mutation specific IDH1 antibody differentiates oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas from other brain tumors with oligodendroglioma-like morphology. Capper D, Reuss D, Schittenhelm J, Hartmann C, Bremer J, Sahm F, Harter P, Jeibmann A, von Deimling A.
Acta Neuropathol. 2011 121(2): 241-252

Oncogenic FAM131B-BRAF fusion resulting from 7q34 deletion comprises an alternative  mechanism of MAPK pathway activation in pilocytic astrocytoma. Cin H, Meyer C, Herr R, Janzarik W, Lambert S, Jones D, KJacob K, A. B, Witt H, Remke M, Bender S, Falkenstein F, Anh T, Olbrich H, von Deimling A, Pekrun A, Kulozik A, Gnekow A, Scheuerlen W, Witt O, Omran H, Jabado N, Collins P, Brummer T, Marschalek R, Lichter P, Korshunov A, Pfister S.
Acta Neuropathol. 2011 121(6): 763-774

Prognostic significance of IDH-1 and MGMT in patients with glioblastoma: One step forward, and one step back? Combs S, Rieken S, Wick W, Abdollahi A, von Deimling A, Debus J, Hartmann C.
Radiation Oncology. 2011 6: 115

Improved correlation of neuropathological classification according to the adapted WHO classification and outcome after radiation therapy in patients with atypical and anaplastic meningiomas. Combs S, Schulz-Ertner D, Debus J, von Deimling A, Hartmann C.
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Prognostic stratification of gliomatosis cerebri by IDH1 R132H and INA expression Desestret A, Ciccarino P, Ducray F, Crinière E, Boisselier B, Labussiere M, Polivka M, Idbaih A, Kaloshi G, von Deimling A, Hoang-Xuan K, Delattre J, Mokhtari K, Sanson M.
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An unusual case of optic neuritis. Doegel D, Mueller W, Deckert M, Lenhard T, Schmidt-Bacher A, Storch-Hagenlocher B, Biller A, Wildemann B.
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Functional characterization of a BRAF insertion mutant associated with pilocytic astrocytoma. Eisenhardt AE, Olbrich H, Roring M, Janzarik W, Van Anh TN, Cin H, Remke M, Witt H, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Omran H, Brummer T.
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PROX1 is a predictor of survival for gliomas WHO grade II. Elsir T, Qu M, Berntsson S, Orrego A, Olofsson T, Lindström M, Nistér M, von Deimling A, Hartmann C, Ribom D, Smits A.
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Identification of diagnostic serum protein profiles of glioblastoma patients. Elstner A, Stockhammer F, Nguyen-Dobinsky T-N, Nguyen Q, Pilgermann I, Gill A, Guhr A, Zhang T, von Eckardstein K, Picht T, Veelken J, Martuza R, von Deimling A, Kurtz A.
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Absence of chromosome 19q13.41 amplification in a case of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor with ependymoblastic differentiation. Gessi M, Pfister S, Hans VH, Korshunov A, Pietsch T.
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Temozolomide and 13-cis retinoic acid in patients with anaplastic gliomas: a prospective single-arm monocentric phase-II study (RNOP-05). Grauer O, Pascher C, Hartmann C, Zeman F, Weller M, Proescholdt M, Brawanski A, Pietsch T, Wick W, Bogdahn U, Hau P.
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An activated mutant BRAF kinase domain is sufficient to induce pilocytic astrocytoma in mice. Gronych J, Korshunov A, Bageritz J, Milde T, Jugold M, Hambardzumyan D, Remke M, Hartmann C, Witt H, Jones DT, Witt O, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Holland EC, Pfister S, Lichter P.
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Molecular markers in low-grade gliomas: predictive or prognostic? Hartmann C, Hentschel B, Tatagiba M, Schramm J, Schnell O, Seidel C, Stein R, Reifenberger G, Pietsch T, von Deimling A, Loeffler M, Weller W.
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Genetic aberrations leading to MAPK pathway activation mediate oncogene-induced senescence in sporadic pilocytic astrocytomas. Jacob K, Quang-Khuong DA, Jones DT, Witt H, Lambert S, Albrecht S, Witt O, Vezina C, Shirinian M, Faury D, Garami M, Hauser P, Klekner A, Bognar L, Farmer JP, Montes JL, Atkinson J, Hawkins C, Korshunov A, Collins VP, Pfister SM, Tabori U, Jabado N.
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The Nature and Timing of Specific Copy Number Changes in the Course of Molecular Progression in Diffuse Gliomas: Further Elucidation of Their Genetic "Life Story". Jeuken JW, Sijben A, Bleeker FE, Boots-Sprenger SH, Rijntjes J, Gijtenbeek JM, Mueller W, Wesseling P.
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Diagnostic markers for glioblastoma. Jung CS, Unterberg AW, Hartmann C.
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Preoperative shock wave treatment enhances ischemic tissue survival, blood flow and angiogenesis in a rat skin flap model. Keil H, Mueller W, Herold-Mende C, Gebhard MM, Germann G, Engel H, Reichenberger MA. Int J Surg. 2011 9(4): 292-296

Secondary anaplastic astrocytoma developing in a young adult with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS). Kita D, Hayashi Y, Watanabe T, Korshunov A, von Deimling A, Nakada M, Kasahara Y, Zen Y, Hamada J, Hayashi Y.
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The transcription factor evi-1 is overexpressed, promotes proliferation, and is prognostically unfavorable in infratentorial ependymomas. Koos B, Bender S, Witt H, Mertsch S, Felsberg J, Beschorner R, Korshunov A, Riesmeier B, Pfister S, Paulus W, Hasselblatt M.
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Hot spots in 18FET-PET delineate malignant tumor parts within suspected WHO grade II glioma. Kunz M, Thon N, Eigenbrod S, Hartmann C, Egensperger R, Herms J, Geisler J, la Fougere C, Lutz J, Linn J, Kreth S, von Deimling A, Tonn J, Kretzschmar H, Poepperl G, Kreth F.
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Effector T-cell infiltration positively impacts survival of glioblastoma patients and is impaired by tumor-derived TGF-β. Lohr J, Ratliff T, Huppertz A, Ge Y, Dictus C, Ahmadi R, Grau S, Hiraoka N, Eckstein V, Ecker R, Korff T, von Deimling A, Unterberg A, Beckhove P, Herold-Mende C.
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A novel human high-risk ependymoma stem cell model reveals the differentiation-inducing potential of the histone deacetylase inhibitor Vorinostat. Milde T, Kleber S, Korshunov A, Witt H, Hielscher T, Koch P, Kopp H-G, Jugold M, Deubzer H, Oehme I, Lodrini M, H-J. G, Benner A, Brüstle O, Gilbertson R, von Deimling A, Kulozik A, Pfister S, Martin-Villalba A, Witt O.
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Genome-wide molecular characterization of central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor and pineoblastoma. Miller S, Rogers HA, Lyon P, Rand V, Adamowicz-Brice M, Clifford SC, Hayden JT, Dyer S, Pfister S, Korshunov A, Brundler MA, Lowe J, Coyle B, Grundy RG.
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Genetische und epigenetische Veränderungen in glialen Hirntumoren. Mueller W.
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The potential of relaxation-weighted sodium magnetic resonance imaging as demonstrated on brain tumors. Nagel AM, Bock M, Hartmann C, Gerigk L, Neumann JO, Weber MA, Bendszus M, Radbruch A, Wick W, Schlemmer HP, Semmler W, Biller A.
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Pediatric and adult sonic hedgehog medulloblastomas are clinically and molecularly distinct. Northcott PA, Hielscher T, Dubuc A, Mack S, Shih D, Remke M, Al-Halabi H, Albrecht S, Jabado N, Eberhart CG, Grajkowska W, Weiss WA, Clifford SC, Bouffet E, Rutka JT, Korshunov A, Pfister S, Taylor MD.
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Medulloblastoma Comprises Four Distinct Molecular Variants. Northcott PA, Korshunov A, Witt H, Hielscher T, Eberhart CG, Mack S, Bouffet E, Clifford SC, Hawkins CE, French P, Rutka JT, Pfister S, Taylor MD.
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The indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) inhibitor 1-methyl-D-tryptophan upregulates IDO1 in human cancer cells. Opitz CA, Litzenburger UM, Opitz U, Sahm F, Ochs K, Lutz C, Wick W, Platten M.
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FSTL5 is a marker of poor prognosis in Non-WNT/Non-SHH medulloblastoma. Remke M, Hielscher T, Korshunov A, Northcott P, Bender S, Kool M, Westermann F, Benner A, Cin H, Ryzhova M, Sturm D, Witt H, Haag D, Toedt G, Wittmann A, Schöttler A, von Bueren A, von Deimling A, Rutkowski S, Scheurlen W, Kulozik A, Taylor M, Lichter P, Pfister S.
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Adult Medulloblastoma is Comprised of Three Major Molecular Variants. Remke M, Hielscher T, Northcott P, Witt H, Ryzhova M, Wittmann A, Benner A, von Deimling A, Scheurlen W, Perry A, Croul S, Kulozik A, Lichter P, Taylor M, Pfister S, Korshunov A.
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Immunohistochemical analysis of 1844 human epithelial and hematopoietic tumors and sarcomas for IDH1R132H mutation. Sahm F, Capper D, Meyer J, Hartmann C, Herpel E, Andrulis M, Mechterheimer G, Petersen I, Paulus W, von Deimling A.
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Analysis of BRAF V600E mutation in 1320 nervous system tumors reveals high mutation frequencies in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma and ganglioglioma. Schindler G, Capper D, Meyer J, Janzarik W, Omran H, Herold-Mende C, Schmieder K, Wesseling P, Mawrin C, Hasselblatt M, Louis D, Korshunov A, Pfister S, Hartmann C, Paulus W, Reifenberger G, von Deimling A.
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Confirmation of R132H mutation of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 as an independent prognostic factor in anaplastic astrocytoma. Schittenhelm J, Mittelbronn M, Meyermann R, Melms A, Tatagiba M, Capper D.
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The efficacy of bipolar and multipolar radiofrequency ablation of lung neoplasms - results of an ablate and resect study. Schneider T, Reuss D, Warth A, Schnabel PA, von Deimling A, Herth FJ, Dienemann H, Hoffmann H.
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The p53 tumor suppressor is stabilized by Inhibitor of Growth 1 (ING1) by blocking polyubiquitination. Thalappilly S, Feng X, Pastyryeva S, Suzuki K, Muruve D, Larocque D, Richard S, Truss M, von Deimling A, Riabowol K, Tallen G.
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Molecular Signatures Classify Astrocytic Gliomas by IDH1 Mutation Status. Toedt G, Barbus S, Wolter M, Felsberg J, Tews B, Blond F, Sabel M, Hofmann M, Becker N, Hartmann C, Ohgaki H, von Deimling A, Wiestler O, Hahn M, Lichter P, Reifenberger G, Radlwimmer B.
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The Next Generation of Glioma Biomarkers: MGMT Methylation, BRAF Fusions, and IDH1 Mutations. von Deimling A, Korshunov A, Hartmann C.
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R132H-mutation of isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 is not sufficient for HIF-1 alpha upregulation in adult glioma. Williams S, Karajannis M, Chiriboga L, von Deimling A, Zagzag D.
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Delineation of two clinically and molecularly distinct subgroups of posterior fossa ependymoma. Witt H, Mack S, Ryzhova M, Bender S, Sill M, Isserlin R, Benner A, Hielscher T, Milde T, Remke M, Jones D, Northcott P, Garcia L, Bertrand K, Wittmann A, Yao Y, Roberts S, Massimi L, van Meter T, Weiss W, Gupta N, Grajkowska W, Lach B, Cho J, von Deimling A, Kulozik A, Witt O, Bader G, Hawkins C, Guha A, Rutka J, Lichter P, Korshunov A, Taylor M, Pfister S.
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Embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes (ETANTR) with loss of morphological but retained genetic key features during progression. Woehrer A, Slavc I, Peyrl A, Czech T, Dorfer C, Prayer D, Stary S, Streubel B, Ryzhova M, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Haberler C.
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Hemangiopericytomas grade II are not benign tumors. Zweckberger K, Jung CS, Mueller W, Unterberg AW, Schick U. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2011 153(2): 385-394