Kliniken &… HiDC 2017 HiDC 2014

1st Heidelberg International Symposium on Diabetic Complications

27. - 28.10.2014

The conference will highlight recent exciting developments in key areas of diabetes and its complications, particularly focusing on the role of reactive metabolites, diabetes signaling pathways as well as clinical aspects and treatment options for diabetic patients. We envision contributions allowing the audience to gain an overview of the recent progress on these fundamental topics in biomedicine.

Prof. Brüning Jens Universität Köln
Institut für Genetik
Köln (Germany)
Prof. Brownlee Michael Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus
New York (USA)
Prof. Carmeliet Peter KU Leuven
VIB Vesalius Research Center
Leuven (Belgium)
Prof. Cooper Mark Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute
NHMRC Australia Fellow
Melbourne (Australia)
Prof. Friedlander Martin The Scripps Research Institute
Department of Cell Biology
La Jolla (USA)
Prof. Hardie D. Grahame University of Dundee College of Life Sciences
Division Cell Signalling and Immunology
Dundee (UK)
Prof. Häring Hans-Ulrich Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Medizinischen Klinik IV
Tübingen (Germany)
Prof. Isermann Berend Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Institut für Klinische Chemie und Pathobiochemie
Magdeburg (Germany)
Prof. Roden Michael Deutschen Diabetes-Zentrum DDZ
Arbeitsgruppe Energiestoffwechsel
Düsseldorf (Germany)
Prof. Stumvoll Michael Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
Klinik für Endokrinologie/Nephrologie und Diabeteszentrum DDG
Leipzig (Germany)
Prof. Tschöp Matthias Helmholz Zentrum München
Institute for Diabetes and Obesity (IDO) 
München (Germany)
Prof. Chavakis Triantafyllos University Clinic Carl-Gustav-Carus
Dresden University of Technology
Division on Vascular Inflammation, Diabetes and Kidney, Department of Medicine
Dresden (Germany)

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Download Programm Festabend

Monday, October 27

08.00- 08.50 Registration and Coffee
08.50 Stephan Herzig, Welcome
09.00 – 12.30 Session I: Systemic Mechanisms and Clinical Diabetes
09.00 Enrique Saez
09.30 Casper Schalkwijk
10.00 Berend Isermann
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Hermann Haller
11.30 Peter Carmeliet
12.00 Martin Friedlander
12.30 -14.30 Lunch break and poster session
posters are displayed in Foyer
14.30 – 17.00 Session II: Vascular Signaling and Diabetes
14.30 Jens Brüning
15.00 Per-Henrik Groop
15.30 Michael Brownlee
16.00 Mark Cooper
16.30 Coffee break
17.00 Triantafyllos Chavakis
17.30 Matthias Tschöp


Tuesday, October 28

09.00 – 12.00 Session III: Intracellular Signaling and Metabolites in Diabetes
09.00 Michael Stumvoll
09.30 Michael Roden
10.00 Hans-Ulrich Häring
10.30 coffee break
11.00 Morris Birnbaum
11.30 D. Grahame Hardie
12.00 Hans-Peter Hammes, Concluding Remarks
12.10-13.30 lunch break


Uniklinikum Heidelberg
Prof. Nawroth

Prof. Herzig

Uniklinikum Mannheim
Prof. Hammes

CRC 1118 Late Diabetic complications

the graduate school DIAMICOM

Print Media Academy
Event and Congress Center
Auditorium, 2nd floor
