Center for Psychosocial… Institute of Medical… Research Medical organizational…

Medical organizational psychology

Resilience with organizational competence: A training program for middle leadership

This projects aims to reduce psychological stress and promote health at the middle management level. Two industrial companies are investigated regarding typical internal conflicts and dilemmas as well as existing strategies of middle managers using qualitative methods. Based on the results, we wish to apply a specific reflective resilience training program and evaluate its effects on chronic stress and well-being.

Running:since 2014
Funding:Competence Center for Prevention of Psychological Disease at Work Baden Württemberg, and intramural funding
Head of project:Jochen Schweitzer-Rothers
Contact person:Ulrike Bossmann

Bossmann, U., Schweitzer, J., Ditzen, B. (2015): Weniger Psycho-Stress im selben Arbeits-Stress: Kann das gehen? Österreichisches Forum Arbeitsmedizin 1, 25-30.
Bossmann, U., Zwack, J., Schweitzer, J. (2014): Navigieren im Dilemma. Von widersprüchlichen Aufträgen und paradoxen Aufträgen. P & S – Magazin für Psychotherapie und Seelsorge 04.2014, S. 24-29