Publications 2023
Bay C, Bajraktari-Sylejmani G, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Sauter M. Correction: Bay et al. Functional characterization of the solute carrier LAT-1 (SLC7A5/SLC3A2) in human brain capillary endothelial cells with rapid UPLC-MS/MS quantification of intracellular isotopically labelled L-leucine. Int.J.Mol.Sci.2022;23:3637. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24:5029.
Boettcher M, Duengen H-D, Corcea V, Donath F, Fuhr R, Gal P, Mikus G, Trenk D, Werner N, Pires PV, Maschke C, Aliprantis AO, Besche N, Becker C. Vericiguat: A randomized, phase Ib, placebo-controlled, double-blind, QTc interval study in patients with stable chronic coronary syndromes. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2023;23:145-55.
Carotti V, van Megen WH, Rigalli JP, Barros ER, Sommers V, Rutten L, Sommerdijk N, Peters DJM, van Asbeck-van der Wijst J, Hoenderop JGJ. Extracellular vesicles contribute to early cyst development in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease by cell-to-cell communication. FASEB J 2023;37:e23006.
Dinh TS*, Meid AD*, Rudolf H, Brueckle M-S, González-González AI, Bencheva V, Gogolin M, Snell KIE, Elders PJM, Thuermann PA, Donner-Banzhoff N, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Gerlach FM, Harder S, Thiem U, Glasziou PP, Haefeli WE, Muth C. Anticholinergic burden measures, symptoms, and fall-associated risk in older adults with polypharmacy: development and validation of a prognostic model. PLoS One 2023;18:e0280907.
Djaelani YA, Giese T, Sommerer C, Czock D. Pharmacodynamic monitoring of ciclosporin and tacrolimus: Insights from nuclear factor of activated T-cell-regulated gene expression in healthy volunteers. Ther Drug Monit 2023;45:87-94.
Eidam A, Marji J, Benzinger P, Foerster KI, Burhenne J, Czock D, Stoll F, Blank A, Mikus G, Haefeli WE, Bauer JM. Frailty as a marker for the plasma concentrations of direct oral anticoagulants in older patients: results of an exploratory study. Drugs Aging 2023;40:153-64.
Fresnais M, Jung I, Klein UB, Miller AK, Turcan S, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Important requirements for desorption/ionization mass spectrometric measurements of temozolomide-induced 2´deoxyguanosine methylations in DNA. Cancers 2023;15:716.
Fresnais M, Liang S, Seven D, Prodanovic N, Sundheimer J, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Desorption kinetics evaluation for the development of validated desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric assays for drug quantification in tissue sections. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24:8469
Hermann SA, Mikus G, Chobanyan-Jürgens K, Gorenflo M, Ziesenitz VC. Pharmacokinetics of a microdosed cocktail of three direct oral anticoagulants in children with congenital heart defects: study protocol for a single-centre clinical trial (DOAC-Child). BMJ Paediatr Open 2023;7:e001662.
Hohmann N, Schröder F, Moreira B, Teng H, Burhenne J, Bruckner T, Mueller S, Haefeli WE*, Seitz HK*. Effect of clomethiazole vs. clorazepate on hepatic fat and serum transaminase activities in alcohol-associated liver disease: results from a randomized, controlled phase II clinical trial. Alcohol Alcohol 2023;58:134-41. *equal contribution
Jungreithmayr V, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM, Implementation Team. Workflow, time requirement, and quality of medication documentation with or without a computerized physician order entry system—a simulation-based lab study. Methods Inf Med 2023;62:40-8.
Longuespée R, Theile D, Zörnig I, Hassel JC, Lindner JR, Haefeli WE, Fresnais M. Molecular prediction of clinical response to anti-PD-1/anti-PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitors: New perspectives for precision medicine and mass spectrometry-based investigations. Int J Cancer 2023;153:252-64.
Marok FZ, Wojtyniak J-G, Fuhr LM, Selzer D, Schwab M, Weiss J, Haefeli WE, Lehr T. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model of ketoconazole and its metabolites as drug-drug interaction perpetrators. Pharmaceutics 2023;15:679.
Meid AD, Wirbka L, Moecker R, Ruff C, Weissenborn M, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM, ARMIN-Studienteam. Mortalität und Hospitalisierungen von Patienten mit interprofessionellem Medikationsmanagement: Resultate der Arzneimittelinitiative Sachsen-Thüringen (ARMIN). Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2023;120:253-60.
Morath C, Schaier M, Ibrahim E, Wang L, Kleist C, Opelz G, Süsal C, Ponath G, Aly M, Alvarez C, Kälble F, Speer C, Benning L, Nusshag C, da Silva LP, Sommerer C, Hückelhoven-Krauss A, Czock D, Mehrabi A, Schwab C, Waldherr R, Schnitzler P, Merle U, Tran TH, Scherer S, Boehmig G, Müller-Tidow C, Reiser J, Schmitt A, Zeier M, Schmitt M, Terness P, Daniel V. Induction of long-lasting regulatory B lymphocytes by modified immune cells in kidney transplant recipients. J Am Soc Nephrol 2023;34:160-74.
Nilles J, Weiss J, Sauter M, Haefeli WE, Ruez S, Theile D. Comprehensive in vitro analysis evaluating the variable drug-drug interaction risk of rifampicin compared to rifabutin. Arch Toxicol 2023;97:2219-30.
Oliveira, C, Longuespee, R. MALDImID: Spatialomics R package and Shiny app for more specific identification of MALDI imaging proteolytic peaks using LC-MS/MS-based proteomic biomarker discovery data. Proteomics 2023;23:e2300005.
Sigaud R*, Rösch L*, Gatzweiler C*, Benzel J*, von Soosten L*, Peterziel H, Selt F, Najafi S, Ayhan S, Gerloff XF, Hofmann N, Büdenbender I, Schmitt L, Foerster KI, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Korshunov A, Sahm F, van Tilburg CM, Jones DTW, Pfister SM, Knoerzer D, Kreider BL, Sauter M*, Pajtler KW*, Zuckermann M*, Oehme I*, Witt O*, Milde T*. The first-in-class ERK inhibitor ulixertinib shows promising activity in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-driven pediatric low-grade glioma models. Neuro-Oncology 2023;25:566-79.*equal contribution
van Leuven J, Evans S, Kichenadasse G, Steeghs N, Bonevski B, Mikus G, van Dyk M. Framework for implementing individualised dosing of anti-cancer drugs in routine care: overcoming the logistical challenges. Cancers 2023;15:3293.
Wedemeyer H, Schöneweis K, Bogomolov P, Blank A, Voronkova N, Stepanova T, Sagalova O, Chulanov V, Osipenko M, Morozov V, Geyvandova N, Sleptsova S, Bakulin IG, Khaertynova I, Rusanova M, Pathil A, Merle U, Bremer B, Allweiss L, Lempp FA, Port K, Haag M, Schwab M, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Cornberg M, Haefeli WE, Dandri M, Alexandrov A, Urban S. A multicentre, randomised, parallel-group, open-label phase 2 clinical trial (MYR202) to assess safety and efficacy of bulevirtide in combination with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in patients with HBV/HDV coinfection. Lancet Infect Dis 2023;23:117-129.
Zhu V, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Haag M, Hofmann U, Schwab M, Urban S, Mikus G, Czock D, Haefeli WE, Blank A. Evaluation of the drug-drug interaction potential of the novel hepatitis B and D virus entry inhibitor bulevirtide at OATP1B in healthy volunteers. Front Pharmacol 2023;14:1128547.
Buchbeiträge/Book contributions:
Czock D, Haefeli WE. Kapitel 3.7 Medikamente und die Nebenwirkungen des Klimawandels. In C. Nikendei C, Bugaj TJ, Cranz A, Herrmann A, Tabatabai J, Nikendei F. Heidelberger Standards der Klimamedizin. Heidelberg: HeiCuMed; 2022, pp. 96-102.
Haefeli E. Häufige Arzneimittelinteraktionen - ein Fokus auf Multikinase-Inhibitoren. In: Lehmann L, Bokemeyer C, Müller OL, Herausgeber. Kardioonkologie. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH; 2023; S. 367-380.
Haefeli WE. Arzneimittelanamnese. In: Ärztekammer Nordrhein. Kommunikation im medizinischen Alltag. Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis. Düsseldorf: Ärztekammer Nordrhein; 2023, pp. 48-9.
Publikationen im Druck/Publications in Press:
Breithaupt MH, Krohmer E, Taylor L, Körner E, Hoppe-Tichy T, Burhenne J, Foerster KI, Dachtler M, Huber G, Venkatesh R, Eggenreich K, Czock D, Mikus G, Blank A, Haefeli WE. Time course of CYP3A activity during and after metamizole (dipyrone) in healthy volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol, in press
Fresnais M, Jung I, Klein UB, Theile D, Liang S, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Quantification of biologically-active DNA alkylation in temozolomide-exposed glioblastoma cell lines by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: method development and recommendations for validation. ACS Omega, in press
Kluwe F, Michelet R, Huisinga W, Zeitlinger M, Mikus G, Kloft C. Towards model-informed precision dosing of voriconazole: Challenging published voriconazole nonlinear mixed-effects models with real-world clinical data. Clin Pharmacokinet, in press
Kühn T, Speer C, Morath C, Bartenschlager M, Kim H, Beimler J, Buylaert M, Nusshag C, Kälble F, Reineke M, Töllner M, Klein K, Blank A, Parthé S, Schnitzler P, Zeier M, Süsal C, Bartenschlager R, Tran TH, Schaier M, Benning L. Immune response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in previous non-responder kidney transplant recipients after short-term withdrawal of mycophenolic acid one- and three-months after an additional vaccine dose. Transplantation, in press
Lenard A, Hermann SA, Stoll F, Burhenne J, Foerster KI, Mikus G, Meid AD, Haefeli WE, Blank A. Effect of clarithromycin, a strong CYP3A and P-glycoprotein inhibitor, on the pharmacokinetics of edoxaban in healthy volunteers and the evaluation of the drug interaction with other oral factor Xa inhibitors by a microdose cocktail approach. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, in press
Morath B, Meid AD, Zaradzki M, Geßele C, Nüse S, Chiriac U, Hoppe-Tichy T, Karck M, Soethoff J. Analysing and improving pre-operative medication management in cardiac surgery. Br J Clin Pharmacol, in press
Muhareb A, Blank A, Meid AD, Foerster KI, Stoll F, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Mikus G. CYP3A and CYP2C19 activity determined by microdosed probe drugs accurately predict voriconazole clearance in healthy adults. Clin Pharmacokin 2023, in press
Schaier M, Morath C, Wang L, Kleist C, Opelz G, Tran TH, Scherer S, Pham L, Ekpoom N, Süsal C, Ponath G, Kälble F, Speer C, Benning L, Nusshag C, Mahler CF, Pego Da Silva L, Sommerer C, Hückelhoven-Krauss A, Czock D, Mehrabi A, Schwab C, Waldherr R, Schnitzler P, Merle U, Schwenger V, Krautter M, Kemmner S, Fischereder M, Stangl M, Hauser IA, Böhmig G, Müller-Tidow C, Reiser J, Zeier MG, Schmitt M, Terness P, Schmitt A, Daniel V. Five-year follow-up of a phase I trial of donor-derived modified immune cell infusion in kidney transplantation. Front Immunol 2023, in press
Theile D, Nilles J, Meid AD. Physiology-based pharmacokinetic modelling and experimental data suggest that rifabutin alters dolutegravir kinetics by both P-glycoprotein induction and concurrent inhibition. Br J Clin Pharmacol, in press
Thomson-Luque R, Rosenkranz M, Fürle K, Hibbert J, Ulmer A, Ali A, Giese T, Blank A, Haefeli WE, Böhnlein E, Lanzer M. Multifunctional IgG/IgM antibodies and cellular cytotoxicity are elicited by the full-length MSP1 “SumayaVac-1” malaria vaccine in a phase I clinical trial. NPJ Vaccines 2023, in press
Publications 2023
Bay C, Bajraktari-Sylejmani G, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Sauter M. Correction: Bay et al. Functional characterization of the solute carrier LAT-1 (SLC7A5/SLC3A2) in human brain capillary endothelial cells with rapid UPLC-MS/MS quantification of intracellular isotopically labelled L-leucine. Int.J.Mol.Sci.2022;23:3637. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24:5029.
Boettcher M, Duengen H-D, Corcea V, Donath F, Fuhr R, Gal P, Mikus G, Trenk D, Werner N, Pires PV, Maschke C, Aliprantis AO, Besche N, Becker C. Vericiguat: A randomized, phase Ib, placebo-controlled, double-blind, QTc interval study in patients with stable chronic coronary syndromes. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2023;23:145-55.
Carotti V, van Megen WH, Rigalli JP, Barros ER, Sommers V, Rutten L, Sommerdijk N, Peters DJM, van Asbeck-van der Wijst J, Hoenderop JGJ. Extracellular vesicles contribute to early cyst development in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease by cell-to-cell communication. FASEB J 2023;37:e23006.
Dinh TS*, Meid AD*, Rudolf H, Brueckle M-S, González-González AI, Bencheva V, Gogolin M, Snell KIE, Elders PJM, Thuermann PA, Donner-Banzhoff N, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Gerlach FM, Harder S, Thiem U, Glasziou PP, Haefeli WE, Muth C. Anticholinergic burden measures, symptoms, and fall-associated risk in older adults with polypharmacy: development and validation of a prognostic model. PLoS One 2023;18:e0280907.
Djaelani YA, Giese T, Sommerer C, Czock D. Pharmacodynamic monitoring of ciclosporin and tacrolimus: Insights from nuclear factor of activated T-cell-regulated gene expression in healthy volunteers. Ther Drug Monit 2023;45:87-94.
Eidam A, Marji J, Benzinger P, Foerster KI, Burhenne J, Czock D, Stoll F, Blank A, Mikus G, Haefeli WE, Bauer JM. Frailty as a marker for the plasma concentrations of direct oral anticoagulants in older patients: results of an exploratory study. Drugs Aging 2023;40:153-64.
Fresnais M, Jung I, Klein UB, Miller AK, Turcan S, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Important requirements for desorption/ionization mass spectrometric measurements of temozolomide-induced 2´deoxyguanosine methylations in DNA. Cancers 2023;15:716.
Fresnais M, Liang S, Seven D, Prodanovic N, Sundheimer J, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Desorption kinetics evaluation for the development of validated desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric assays for drug quantification in tissue sections. Int J Mol Sci 2023;24:8469
Hermann SA, Mikus G, Chobanyan-Jürgens K, Gorenflo M, Ziesenitz VC. Pharmacokinetics of a microdosed cocktail of three direct oral anticoagulants in children with congenital heart defects: study protocol for a single-centre clinical trial (DOAC-Child). BMJ Paediatr Open 2023;7:e001662.
Hohmann N, Schröder F, Moreira B, Teng H, Burhenne J, Bruckner T, Mueller S, Haefeli WE*, Seitz HK*. Effect of clomethiazole vs. clorazepate on hepatic fat and serum transaminase activities in alcohol-associated liver disease: results from a randomized, controlled phase II clinical trial. Alcohol Alcohol 2023;58:134-41. *equal contribution
Jungreithmayr V, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM, Implementation Team. Workflow, time requirement, and quality of medication documentation with or without a computerized physician order entry system—a simulation-based lab study. Methods Inf Med 2023;62:40-8.
Longuespée R, Theile D, Zörnig I, Hassel JC, Lindner JR, Haefeli WE, Fresnais M. Molecular prediction of clinical response to anti-PD-1/anti-PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitors: New perspectives for precision medicine and mass spectrometry-based investigations. Int J Cancer 2023;153:252-64.
Marok FZ, Wojtyniak J-G, Fuhr LM, Selzer D, Schwab M, Weiss J, Haefeli WE, Lehr T. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model of ketoconazole and its metabolites as drug-drug interaction perpetrators. Pharmaceutics 2023;15:679.
Meid AD, Wirbka L, Moecker R, Ruff C, Weissenborn M, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM, ARMIN-Studienteam. Mortalität und Hospitalisierungen von Patienten mit interprofessionellem Medikationsmanagement: Resultate der Arzneimittelinitiative Sachsen-Thüringen (ARMIN). Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2023;120:253-60.
Morath C, Schaier M, Ibrahim E, Wang L, Kleist C, Opelz G, Süsal C, Ponath G, Aly M, Alvarez C, Kälble F, Speer C, Benning L, Nusshag C, da Silva LP, Sommerer C, Hückelhoven-Krauss A, Czock D, Mehrabi A, Schwab C, Waldherr R, Schnitzler P, Merle U, Tran TH, Scherer S, Boehmig G, Müller-Tidow C, Reiser J, Schmitt A, Zeier M, Schmitt M, Terness P, Daniel V. Induction of long-lasting regulatory B lymphocytes by modified immune cells in kidney transplant recipients. J Am Soc Nephrol 2023;34:160-74.
Nilles J, Weiss J, Sauter M, Haefeli WE, Ruez S, Theile D. Comprehensive in vitro analysis evaluating the variable drug-drug interaction risk of rifampicin compared to rifabutin. Arch Toxicol 2023;97:2219-30.
Oliveira, C, Longuespee, R. MALDImID: Spatialomics R package and Shiny app for more specific identification of MALDI imaging proteolytic peaks using LC-MS/MS-based proteomic biomarker discovery data. Proteomics 2023;23:e2300005.
Sigaud R*, Rösch L*, Gatzweiler C*, Benzel J*, von Soosten L*, Peterziel H, Selt F, Najafi S, Ayhan S, Gerloff XF, Hofmann N, Büdenbender I, Schmitt L, Foerster KI, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Korshunov A, Sahm F, van Tilburg CM, Jones DTW, Pfister SM, Knoerzer D, Kreider BL, Sauter M*, Pajtler KW*, Zuckermann M*, Oehme I*, Witt O*, Milde T*. The first-in-class ERK inhibitor ulixertinib shows promising activity in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-driven pediatric low-grade glioma models. Neuro-Oncology 2023;25:566-79.*equal contribution
van Leuven J, Evans S, Kichenadasse G, Steeghs N, Bonevski B, Mikus G, van Dyk M. Framework for implementing individualised dosing of anti-cancer drugs in routine care: overcoming the logistical challenges. Cancers 2023;15:3293.
Wedemeyer H, Schöneweis K, Bogomolov P, Blank A, Voronkova N, Stepanova T, Sagalova O, Chulanov V, Osipenko M, Morozov V, Geyvandova N, Sleptsova S, Bakulin IG, Khaertynova I, Rusanova M, Pathil A, Merle U, Bremer B, Allweiss L, Lempp FA, Port K, Haag M, Schwab M, Schulze zur Wiesch J, Cornberg M, Haefeli WE, Dandri M, Alexandrov A, Urban S. A multicentre, randomised, parallel-group, open-label phase 2 clinical trial (MYR202) to assess safety and efficacy of bulevirtide in combination with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in patients with HBV/HDV coinfection. Lancet Infect Dis 2023;23:117-129.
Zhu V, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Haag M, Hofmann U, Schwab M, Urban S, Mikus G, Czock D, Haefeli WE, Blank A. Evaluation of the drug-drug interaction potential of the novel hepatitis B and D virus entry inhibitor bulevirtide at OATP1B in healthy volunteers. Front Pharmacol 2023;14:1128547.
Buchbeiträge/Book contributions:
Czock D, Haefeli WE. Kapitel 3.7 Medikamente und die Nebenwirkungen des Klimawandels. In C. Nikendei C, Bugaj TJ, Cranz A, Herrmann A, Tabatabai J, Nikendei F. Heidelberger Standards der Klimamedizin. Heidelberg: HeiCuMed; 2022, pp. 96-102.
Haefeli E. Häufige Arzneimittelinteraktionen - ein Fokus auf Multikinase-Inhibitoren. In: Lehmann L, Bokemeyer C, Müller OL, Herausgeber. Kardioonkologie. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH; 2023; S. 367-380.
Haefeli WE. Arzneimittelanamnese. In: Ärztekammer Nordrhein. Kommunikation im medizinischen Alltag. Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis. Düsseldorf: Ärztekammer Nordrhein; 2023, pp. 48-9.
Publikationen im Druck/Publications in Press:
Breithaupt MH, Krohmer E, Taylor L, Körner E, Hoppe-Tichy T, Burhenne J, Foerster KI, Dachtler M, Huber G, Venkatesh R, Eggenreich K, Czock D, Mikus G, Blank A, Haefeli WE. Time course of CYP3A activity during and after metamizole (dipyrone) in healthy volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol, in press
Fresnais M, Jung I, Klein UB, Theile D, Liang S, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Quantification of biologically-active DNA alkylation in temozolomide-exposed glioblastoma cell lines by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: method development and recommendations for validation. ACS Omega, in press
Kluwe F, Michelet R, Huisinga W, Zeitlinger M, Mikus G, Kloft C. Towards model-informed precision dosing of voriconazole: Challenging published voriconazole nonlinear mixed-effects models with real-world clinical data. Clin Pharmacokinet, in press
Kühn T, Speer C, Morath C, Bartenschlager M, Kim H, Beimler J, Buylaert M, Nusshag C, Kälble F, Reineke M, Töllner M, Klein K, Blank A, Parthé S, Schnitzler P, Zeier M, Süsal C, Bartenschlager R, Tran TH, Schaier M, Benning L. Immune response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in previous non-responder kidney transplant recipients after short-term withdrawal of mycophenolic acid one- and three-months after an additional vaccine dose. Transplantation, in press
Lenard A, Hermann SA, Stoll F, Burhenne J, Foerster KI, Mikus G, Meid AD, Haefeli WE, Blank A. Effect of clarithromycin, a strong CYP3A and P-glycoprotein inhibitor, on the pharmacokinetics of edoxaban in healthy volunteers and the evaluation of the drug interaction with other oral factor Xa inhibitors by a microdose cocktail approach. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, in press
Morath B, Meid AD, Zaradzki M, Geßele C, Nüse S, Chiriac U, Hoppe-Tichy T, Karck M, Soethoff J. Analysing and improving pre-operative medication management in cardiac surgery. Br J Clin Pharmacol, in press
Muhareb A, Blank A, Meid AD, Foerster KI, Stoll F, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Mikus G. CYP3A and CYP2C19 activity determined by microdosed probe drugs accurately predict voriconazole clearance in healthy adults. Clin Pharmacokin 2023, in press
Schaier M, Morath C, Wang L, Kleist C, Opelz G, Tran TH, Scherer S, Pham L, Ekpoom N, Süsal C, Ponath G, Kälble F, Speer C, Benning L, Nusshag C, Mahler CF, Pego Da Silva L, Sommerer C, Hückelhoven-Krauss A, Czock D, Mehrabi A, Schwab C, Waldherr R, Schnitzler P, Merle U, Schwenger V, Krautter M, Kemmner S, Fischereder M, Stangl M, Hauser IA, Böhmig G, Müller-Tidow C, Reiser J, Zeier MG, Schmitt M, Terness P, Schmitt A, Daniel V. Five-year follow-up of a phase I trial of donor-derived modified immune cell infusion in kidney transplantation. Front Immunol 2023, in press
Theile D, Nilles J, Meid AD. Physiology-based pharmacokinetic modelling and experimental data suggest that rifabutin alters dolutegravir kinetics by both P-glycoprotein induction and concurrent inhibition. Br J Clin Pharmacol, in press
Thomson-Luque R, Rosenkranz M, Fürle K, Hibbert J, Ulmer A, Ali A, Giese T, Blank A, Haefeli WE, Böhnlein E, Lanzer M. Multifunctional IgG/IgM antibodies and cellular cytotoxicity are elicited by the full-length MSP1 “SumayaVac-1” malaria vaccine in a phase I clinical trial. NPJ Vaccines 2023, in press
Publications 2022
Alborzinia H, Flórez AF, Kreth S, Brückner LM, Yildiz U, Gartlgruber M, Odoni DI, Poschet G, Garbowicz K, Shao C, Klein C, Meier J, Zeisberger P, Nadler-Holly M, Ziehm M, Paul F, Burhenne J, Bell E, Shaikhkarami M, Würth R, Stainczyk SA, Wecht EM, Kreth J, Büttner M, Ishaque N, Schlesner M, Nicke B, Stresemann C, Llamazares-Prada M, Reiling JH, Fischer M, Amit I, Selbach M, Herrmann C, Wölfl S, Henrich KO, Höfer T, Trumpp A, Westermann F. MYCN mediates cysteine addiction and sensitizes neuroblastoma to ferroptosis. Nat Cancer 2022;3:471-485.
Alexovic M, Lindner JR, Bober P, Longuespée R, Sabo J, Davalieva K. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells: a review of recent proteomic applications. Proteomics 2022, e2200026.
Amelung S, Czock D, Thalheimer M, Hoppe-Tichy T, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Shortcomings of administrative data to derive preventive strategies for inhospital drug-induced acute kidney failure - insights from patient record analysis. J Clin Med 2022;11:4285.
Bajraktari-Sylejmani G, Linde T, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Sauter M*, Weiss J*. Evaluation of PepT1 (SLC15A1) substrate characteristics of therapeutic cyclic peptides. Pharmaceutics 2022;14:1610. *equal contribution.
Bay C*, Bajraktari-Sylejmani G*, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Sauter M. Functional characterization of the solute carrier LAT-1 (SLC7A5/SLC2A3) in human brain capillary endothelial cells with rapid UPLC-MS/MS quantification of intracellular isotopically labeled L-leucine. Int J Mol Sci 2022;23:3637. * equal contribution.
Benning L, Morath C, Kühn T, Bartenschlager M, Kim H, Beimler J, Buylaert M, Nusshag C, Kälble F, Reineke M, Töllner M, Schaier M, Klein K, Blank A, Schnitzler P, Zeier M, Süsal C, Bartenschlager R, Tran TH and Speer C. Humoral response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in previous non-responder kidney transplant recipients after short-term withdrawal of mycophenolic acid. Front Med 2022;9:958293.
Bittmann JA, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Modulators influencing medication alert acceptance: an exploratory review. Appl Clin Inform 2022;13:468-485.
Blank A, Hohmann N, Dettmer M, Manka-Stuhlik A, Mikus G, Stoll F, Stützle-Schnetz M, Thomas D, Exner E, Schmitt-Bormann B, Schaller T, Laage R, Schönborn-Kellenberger O, Arndt M, Haefeli WE, Krauss J. First-in-human, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose escalation trial of the anti-herpes simplex virus monoclonal antibody HDIT101 in healthy volunteers. Clin Transl Sci 2022;15:2366-2377.
Boettcher M, Duengen HD, Donath F, Mikus G, Werner N, Thuermann PA, Karakas M, Besche N, Koch T, Gurniak M, Becker C. Vericiguat in combination with short-acting nitroglycerin in patients with chronic coronary syndromes: the randomized, phase Ib, VENICE study. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2022;111:1239-1247.
Breithaupt MH, Krohmer E, Taylor L, Koerner E, Hoppe-Tichy T, Burhenne J, Foerster KI, Dachtler M, Huber G, Venkatesh R, Eggenreich K, Czock D, Mikus G, Blank A, Haefeli WE. Oral bioavailability of microdoses and therapeutic doses of midazolam as a 2-dimensionally printed orodispersible film in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2022;78:1965-1972.
Cardona MI, Weißenborn M, Zöllinger I, Kroeber ES, Bauer A, Luppa M, Pabst A, Czock D, König HH, Wiese B, Gensichen J, Frese T, Kaduszkiewicz H, Hoffmann W, Riedel-Heller SG, Thyrian JR. Physical activity determinants in older German adults at increased dementia risk with multimorbidity: baseline results of the AgeWell.de study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19:3164.
Carotti V*, Rigalli JP*, van Asbeck-van der Wijst J, Hoenderop JGJ. Interplay between purinergic signalling and extracellular vesicles in health and disease. Biochem Pharmacol 2022;203:115192. * equal contribution.
Carotti V, van der Wijst J, Verschuren EHJ, Rutten L, Sommerdijk N, Kaffa C, Sommers V, Rigalli JP, Hoenderop JGJ. Involvement of ceramide biosynthesis in increased extracellular vesicle release in Pkd1 knock out cells. Front Endocrinol 2022;13:1005639.
Czock D, Keller F. Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of roxadustat. Clin Pharmacokinet 2022;61:347-362.
Dreischulte T, Shahid F, Muth C, Schmiedl S, Haefeli WE. Prescription cascades - detect, prevent, consciously use. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2022;119:745-752.
Eidam A, Roth A, Frick E, Metzner M, Lampert A, Seidling HM, Haefeli WE, Bauer JM. Development of an electronic tool to assess patient preferences in geriatric polypharmacy (PolyPref). Patient Prefer Adherence 2022;16:1733-1747.
Elbe A, Foerster KI, Blank A, Rose P, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Mikus G. Evaluation of CYP2C19 activity using microdosed oral omeprazole in humans. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2022;78:975-987.
Fresnais M, Karabulut S, Zeed YA, Ungermann J, Benzel J, Pajtler KW, Pfister SM, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Important requirements for the selection of internal standards during the development of desorption/ionization assays for drug quantification in biological matrices - A practical example. Molecules 2022;27:690.
Fresnais M, Turcan S, Theile D, Ungermann J, Zeed YA, Lindner JR, Breitkopf M, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Longuespée R. Approaching sites of action of temozolomide for pharmacological and clinical studies in glioblastoma. Biomedicines 2022;10:1.
Fresnais M, Liang S, Breitkopf M, Lindner JR, Claude E, Pringle S, Levkin PA, Demir K, Benzel J, Sundheimer J, Statz B, Pajtler KW, Pfister SM, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Longuespée R. Analytical performance evaluation of new DESI enhancements for targeted drug quantification in tissue sections. Pharmaceuticals 2022;15:694.
Gerharz A*, Ruff C*, Wirbka L, Stoll F, Haefeli WE, Groll A, Meid AD. Predicting hospital readmissions from health insurance claims data: a modeling study targeting potentially inappropriate prescribing. Meth Inf Med 2022;61:55-60. * equal contribution.
Gillot L, Lebeau A, Baudin L, Pottier C, Louis T, Durre T, Longuespée R, Mazzucchelli G, Nizet C, Blacher S, Kridelka F, Noel A. Periostin in lymph node pre-metastatic niches governs lymphatic endothelial cell functions and metastatic colonization. Cell Mol Life Sci 2022;79:295.
Haefeli WE. Oral pharmacotherapy in COVID-19. interaction management when using nirmatrelvir/ritonavir. Conclusion. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2022;119:761-762.
Hohmann N, Schröder F, Moreira B, Teng H, Burhenne J, Bruckner T, Mueller S, Haefeli WE, Seitz HK. Clomethiazole inhibits cytochrome P450 2E1 and improves alcoholic liver disease. Gut 2022;71:842-844.
Hoiem TS, Andersen MK, Martin-Lorenzo M, Longuespée R, Claes BSR, Nordborg A, Dewez F, Balluff B, Giampà M, Sharma A, Hagen L, Heeren RMA, Bathen TF, Giskeodegard GF, Krossa S, Tessem MB. An optimized MALDI MSI protocol for spatial detection of tryptic peptides in fresh frozen prostate tissue. Proteomics 2022; e2100223.
Jost F, Theile D. Interaction between proton pump inhibitors and checkpoint inhibitors. MMP 2022;45:344-350.
Kama K, La Rosée P, Czock D, Ships JB, Illerhaus G. Hemophagocytic syndrome-associated intravascular large B-cell lymphoma with dialysis-dependent end-stage renal disease treated with autologous stem cell transplantation using a modified TEAM regimen. Cureus 2022.e25885. Kraft M, Foerster KI, Wiedmann F, Sauter M, Paasche A, Blochberger PL, Yesilgöz B, L'hoste Y, Frey N, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Schmidt C. Simultaneous quantification and pharmacokinetic characterization of doxapram and 2-ketodoxapram in porcine plasma and brain tissue. Pharmaceutics 2022;14:762.
Kuznia S, Czock D, Kopp-Schneider A, Caspari R, Fischer H, Laetsch DC, Slavic M, Brenner H, Schöttker B. Efficacy and safety of a personalized vitamin D3 loading dose followed by daily 2,000 IU in colorectal cancer patients with vitamin D insufficiency. Nutrients 2022;14:4546.
Meid A, Gerharz A, Groll A. Machine learning for tumor growth inhibition: interpretable predictive models for transparency and reproducibility. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 2022;11:257-261. Meid AD, Wirbka L, ARMIN Study Group, Groll A, Haefeli WE. Can machine learning from real-world data support drug treatment decisions? A prediction modeling case for direct oral anticoagulants. Med Decis Making 2022;42:587-598. Mikus G, Foerster KI, Terstegen T, Vogt C, Said A, Schulz M, Haefeli WE. Oral drugs against COVID-19 - Management of drug interactions with the use of nirmatrelvir/ritonavir. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2022;119:263-269.
Moecker R, Terstegen T, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Erratum to "The influence of intervention complexity on barriers and facilitators in the implementation of professional pharmacy services - A systematic review" [Res Soc Adm Pharm 17/10 (2021) 1651-1662]. Res Social Adm Pharm 2022;18:2909-2911.
Moecker R, Weissenborn M, Klingenberg A, Wirbka L, Fuchs A, Eickhoff C, Mueller U, Schulz M, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Task sharing in an interprofessional medication management program - a survey of general practitioners and community pharmacists. BMC Health Serv Res 2022;22:1005.
Moecker R, Fuchs A, ARMIN Study Group, Haefeli WE, Weissenborn M*, Seidling HM*. Attitudes of non-participating general practitioners and community pharmacists towards interprofessional medication management in primary care - an interview study. Int J Clin Pharm 2022;44:1380-1393. *equal contribution.
Morath B, Lampert A, Glaß FE, Metzner M, Study Team D, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Changing the medication documentation process for discharge: impact on clinical routine and documentation quality - a process analysis. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2022;29:33-39.
Morath C, Schmitt A, Schmitt M, Wang L, Kleist C, Opelz G, Süsal C, Tran TH, Scherer S, Schwenger V, Kemmner S, Fischereder M, Stangl M, Hauser IA, Sommerer C, Nusshag C, Kälble F, Speer C, Benning L, Bischofs C, Sauer S, Schubert ML, Kunz A, Hückelhoven-Krauss A, Neuber B, Mehrabi A, Schwab C, Waldherr R, Czock D, Böhmig GA, Reiser J, Roers A, Müller-Tidow C, Terness P, Zeier M, Daniel V, Schaier M. Individualized immunosuppression with intravenously administered donor-derived modified immune cells compared with standard of care in living donor kidney transplantation (TOL-2 Study): protocol for a multicenter, open-label, phase II, randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open 2022;12:e066128.
Nassar YM*, Hohmann N*, Michelet R, Gottwalt K, Meid AD, Burhenne J, Huisinga W, Haefeli WE, Mikus G**, Kloft C**. Quantification of the time course of CYP3A inhibition, activation, and induction using a population pharmacokinetic model of microdosed midazolam continuous infusion. Clin Pharmacokinet 2022;61:1595-1607. *and**equal contribution.
Nielsen PB, Melgaard L, Overvad TF, Jensen M, Larsen TB, Lip GYH. Risk of cerebrovascular events in intracerebral hemorrhage survivors with atrial fibrillation: a nationwide cohort study. Stroke 2022;53:2559-2568.
Nilles J, Weiss J, Haefeli WE, Ruez S, Theile D. How to avoid misinterpretation of dual reporter gene assay data affected by cell damage. Arch Toxicol 2022;96:2501-10.
Nilles J, Weiss J. Theile D. Crystal violet staining is a reliable alternative to bicinchoninic acid assay-based normalization. Biotechniques 2022;73:131-135.
Rizos T*, Meid AD*, Huppertz A*, Dumschat C, Purrucker J, Foerster KI, Burhenne J, Czock D, Jenetzky E, Ringleb PA, Haefeli WE. Low exposure to direct oral anticoagulants is associated with ischemic stroke and its severity. J Stroke 2022;24:88-97. * equal contribution.
Rohr BS, Foerster KI, Blank A, Burhenne J, Mahmoudi M, Haefeli WE, Mikus G. Perpetrator characteristics of azole antifungal drugs on three oral factor Xa inhibitors administered as microdosed cocktail. Clin Pharmacokinet 2022;61:97-109.
Schulz J, Thomas A, Saleh A, Michelet R, Mikus G, Kloft C. Towards the elucidation of voriconazole pharmacokinetics: a quantitative characterization of its metabolism. Pharmaceutics 2022;14:477.
Schulz J, Michelet R, Joseph JF, Zeitlinger M, Schumacher F, Mikus G, Kloft C. A versatile high-performance LC-MS/MS assay for the quantification of voriconazole and its N-oxide metabolite in small sample volumes of multiple human matrices for biomedical applications. J Pharm Biomed Anal 2022;210:114551.
Schulz J, Michelet R, Zeitlinger M, Mikus G, Kloft C. Microdialysis of drug and drug metabolite: a comprehensive in vitro analysis for voriconazole and voriconazole N-oxide. Pharm Res 2022;39:2991-3003.
Stoll F, Blank A, Mikus G, Czock D, Foerster KI, Hermann S, Gümüs K, Muhareb A, Hummler S, Sauter M, Weiss J, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE. Effect of pantoprazole on the absorption of hydroxychloroquine - a randomized drug-drug interaction trial in healthy adults. Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev 2022;11:285-290.
Stoll F, Eidam A, Michael L, Bauer JM, Haefeli WE. Drug treatment of hypercholesterolemia in older adults: focus on newer agents. Drugs Aging 2022;39:251-256.
Stoll F, Seidel-Glätzer A, Burghaus I, Göring O, Sauter M, Rose P, Daniel V, Haag M, Schwab M, Riffel J, Andre F, Taylor L, Weiss J, Burhenne J, Cleeves V, Haefeli WE, Blank A. Metabolic effect of blocking sodium-taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide in hypercholesterolemic humans with a twelve-week course of bulevirtide - an exploratory phase I clinical trial. Int J Mol Sci 2022;23:15924.
Stoll F, Uslu R, Blessing E, Frey N, Katus HA, Erbel C, Heilmeier B, Müller OJ. Drug-coated balloons in below-the-knee arteries - analysis of a real-world data set. VASA 2022;51:256-262.
Weiss J, Foerster KI, Weber M, Burhenne J, Mikus G, Lehr T, Haefeli WE. Does the circulating ketoconazole metabolite N-deacetyl ketoconazole contribute to the drug-drug interactions potential of the parent compound? Eur J Pharm Sci 2022;169:106076.
Wendel F, Bauer A, Blotenberg I, Brettschneider C, Buchholz M, Czock D, Döhring J, Escales C, Frese T, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, König HH, Löbner M, Luppa M, Schwenker R, Thyrian JR, Weißenborn M, Wiese B, Zöllinger I, Riedel-Heller S, Gensichen J. Social network and social participation in elderly primary care patients in Germany and associations with depressive symptoms - a cross sectional analysis from the AgeWell.de study. J Clin Med 2022;11:5940.
Wiedmann F, Beyersdorf C, Zhou X-B, Kraft M, Paasche A, Jávorszky N, Rinné S, Sutanto H, Büscher A, Foerster KI, Blank A, El-Battrawy I, Li X, Lang S, Tochtermann U, Kremer J, Arif R, Karck M, Decher N, van Loon G, Akin I, Borggrefe M, Kallenberger S, Heijman J, Haefeli WE, Katus HA, Schmidt C. Treatment of atrial fibrillation with doxapram: TASK 1 potassium channel inhibition as a novel pharmacological strategy. Cardiovasc Res 2022;118:1728-1741.
Wirbka L, Ruff C, Haefeli WE, Meid AD. A prediction model for nonpersistence or nonadherence to direct oral anticoagulants in hospitalized patients with atrial fibrillation. J Manag Care Spec Pharm 2022;28:1161-1172.
Wurmbach VS, Schmidt SJ, Lampert A, Bernard S, Meid AD, Frick E, Metzner M, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, Bücker B, Altiner A, Sparenberg L, Szecsenyi J, Peters-Klimm F, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Thürmann PA, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Prevalence and patient-rated relevance of complexity factors in medication regimens of community-dwelling patients with polypharmacy. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2022;78:1127-1136.
Wurmbach VS, Schmidt SJ, Lampert A, Bernard S, Meid AD, Frick E, Metzner M, Wilm S, Mortsiefer A, Bücker B, Altiner A, Sparenberg L, Szecsenyi J, Peters-Klimm F, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Thürmann PA, Seidling HM, Haefeli WE. HIOPP-6 - a pilot study on the evaluation of an electronic tool to assess and reduce the complexity of drug treatment considering patients' views. BMC Prim Care 2022;23:164.
Publications 2021
Aklillu E, Zumla A, Habtewold A, Amogne W, Makonnen E, Yimer G, Burhenne J, Diczfalusy U. Early or deferred initiation of efavirenz during rifampicin-based TB therapy has no significant effect on CYP3A induction in TB-HIV infected patients. Br J Pharmacol 2021;178:3294-3308.
Alexovic M, Sabo J, Longuespée R. Microproteomic sample preparation. Proteomics 2021:e2000318.
Alexovic M, Sabo J, Longuespée R. Automation of single-cell proteomic sample preparation. Proteomics 2021;e2100198.
Benzel J, Bajraktari-Sylejmani G, Uhl P, Davis A, Nair S, Pfister S, Haefeli WE, Weiss J, Burhenne J, Pajtler KW, Sauter M. Investigating the central nervous system disposition of actinomycin D: Implementation and evaluation of cerebral microdialysis and brain tissue measurements supported by UPLC-MS/MS quantification. Pharmaceutics 2021;13:1498.
Bieber M, Foerster KI, Haefeli WE, Pham M, Schuhmann MK, Kraft P. Treatment with edoxaban attenuates acute stroke severity in mice by reducing blood-brain barrier damage and inflammation. Int J Mol Sci 2021;22:9893.
Bittmann JA, Rein EK, Metzner M, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. The acceptance of interruptive medication alerts in an electronic decision support system differs between different alert types. Methods Inf Med 2021;60:180-184.
Ceré LI, Sedlmeier MG, Semeniuk M, Luquita MG, Francés D, Ronco MT, Rigalli JP, Ruiz ML, Catania VA. Induction of P-glycoprotein expression and activity by prolactin in female rat liver. Life Sci 2021;287:119936.
Dinh TS, González-González AI, Meid AD, Snell KIE, Rudolf H, Brueckle M-S, Blom JW, Thiem U, Trampisch H-J, Elders PJM, Donner-Banzhoff N, Gerlach FM, Harder S, van den Akker M, Glasziou PP, Haefeli WE, Muth C. Are anticholinergic symptoms a risk factor for falls in elderly general practice patients with polypharmacy? Study protocol for the development and validation of a prognostic model. Front Pharmacol 2021;11:577747.
Dominguez CJ, Tocchetti GN, Rigalli JP, Mottino AD. Acute regulation of apical ABC transporters in the gut. Potential influence on drug bioavailability. Pharmacol Res 2021;163:105251.
Fresnais M, Yildirim E, Karabulut S, Jäger D, Zörnig I, Benzel J, Pajtler K, Pfister S, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Longuespée R. Rapid MALDI-MS assays for drug quantification in biological matrices: lessons learned, new developments, and future perspectives. Molecules 2021;26:1281.
Fresnais M, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Longuespée R. Desorption/ionization-MS methods for drug quantification in biological matrices and their validation following regulatory guidance. Anal Chem 2021;93:7152-7163.
González-González AI, Meid AD, Dinh TS, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Elders PJ, Thiem U, Küllenerg De Gaudry D, Swart KMA, Rudolf H, Bosch-Lenders D, Trampisch HJ, Meerpohl JJ, Gerlach FM, Flaig B, Kom G, Snell KIE, Perera R, Haefeli WE, Glasziou PP, Muth C. A prognostic model predicted deterioration in health-related quality of life in older patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. J Clin Epidemiol 2021;130:1-12.
González-González AI, Dinh TS, Meid AD, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Elders PJM, Thiem U, Kuellenberg de Gaudry D, Snell KIE, Perera R, Swart KMA, Rudolf H, Bosch-Lenders D, Trampisch HJ, Meerpohl JJ, Flaig B, Kom G, Gerlach FM, Hafaeli WE, Glasziou PP, Muth C. Predicting negative health outcomes in older general practice patients with chronic illness: rationale and development of the PROPERmed harmonized individual participant data database. Mech Ageing Dev 2021;194:111436.
Grass J, Rose P, Burhenne J, Blank A, Haefeli WE, Mikus G. Absolute Bioavailability of Microdosed Midazolam After Buccal Administration Is Dependent on Buccal Exposure Time. J Clin Pharmacol 2021;61:472-479.
Halling T, Akkermann S, Löffler F, Groh A, Heitland I, Haefeli WE, Bauersachs J, Kahl KG, Westhoff-Bleck M. Factors that influence adherence to medication in adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD). Front Psychiatry 2021;12:788013.
Hein M, Chobanyan-Jürgens K, Tegtbur U, Engeli S, Jordan J, Haufe S. Effect of normobaric hypoxic exercise on blood pressure in old individuals. Eur J Appl Physiol 2021;121:817-825.
Hohmann N, Bozorgmehr F, Christopoulos P, Mikus G, Blank A, Burhenne J, Thomas M, Haefeli WE. Pharmacoenhancement of low crizotinib plasma concentrations in patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive non-small cell lung cancer using the CYP3A inhibitor cobicistat. Clin Transl Sci 2021;14:487-491.
Huppertz A, Bollmann J, Behnisch R, Bruckner T, Zorn M, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Czock D. Differential effect of a continental breakfast on tacrolimus formulations with different release characteristics. Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev 2021;10:899-907.
Jungreithmayr V, Meid AD, Implementation Team, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. The impact of a computerized physician order entry system implementation on 20 different criteria of medication documentation - a before-and-after study. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2021;21:279.
Kazdal D, Rempel E, Oliveira C, Allgauer M, Harms A, Singer K, Kohlwes E, Ormanns S, Fink L, Kriegsmann J, Leichsenring M, Kriegsmann K, Stogbauer, F, Tavernar L, Leichsenring J, Volckmar AL, Longuespee R, Winter H, Eichhorn M, Heussel CP, Herth F, Christopoulos P, Reck M, Muley T, Weichert W, Budczies J, Thomas M, Peters S, Warth A, Schirmacher P, Stenzinger A, Kriegsmann M. Conventional and semi-automatic histopathological analysis of tumor cell content for multigene sequencing of lung adenocarcinoma. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2021;10:1666-1678.
Kluwe F, Michelet R, Mueller-Schoell A, Maier C, Klopp-Schulze L, van Dyk M, Mikus G, Huisinga W, Kloft C. Perspectives on Model-Informed Precision Dosing in the Digital Health Era: Challenges, Opportunities, and Recommendations. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2021;109:29.
Kraft M, Büscher A, Wiedmann F, L'hoste Y, Haefeli WE, Frey N, Katus HA, Schmidt C. Current drug treatment strategies for atrial fibrillation and TASK-1 inhibition as an emerging novel therapy option. Front Pharmacol 2021;12:638445.
Kulyyassov A, Fresnais M, Longuespée R. Targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteins: basic principles, applications, and perspectives. Proteomics 2021;e2100153.
Kusch MKP, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Customization of information on adverse drug reactions according to patients' needs - a qualitative study. Patient Educ Couns 2021;104:2351-2357.
Longuespée R, Theile D, Fresnais M, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Haefeli WE. Approaching sites of action of drugs in clinical pharmacology: new analytical options and their challenges. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2021;87:858-874.
Luis G, Godfroid A, Nishiumi S, Cimino J, Blacher S, Maquoi E, Wery C, Collignon A, Longuespée R, Montero-Ruiz L, Dassoul I, Maloujahmoum N, Pottier C, Mazzucchelli G, Depauw E, Bellahcène A, Yoshida M, Noel A, Sounni NE. Tumor resistance to ferroptosis driven by stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (SCD1) in cancer cells and fatty acid binding protein-4 (FABP4) in tumor microenvironment promote tumor recurrence. Redox Biol 2021;43:102006.
Mahmoudi M, Foerster KI, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Mikus G, Haefeli WE. Application of microdosed intravenous omeprazole to determine hepatic CYP2C19 activity. J Clin Pharmacol 2021;61:789-798.
Meid AD, González-González AI, Dinh TS, Blom JW, van den Akker M, Elders PJM, Thiem U, Küllenberg de Gaudry D, Swart KMA, Rudolf H, Bosch-Lenders D, Trampisch HJ, Meerpohl JJ, Gerlach FM, Flaig B, Kom G, Snell KIE, Perera R, Haefeli WE, Glasziou PP, Muth C. Predicting hospital admissions from individual patient data (IPD): an applied example to explore key elements driving external validity. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045572.
Meid A. Teaching reproducible research for medical students and postgraduate pharmaceutical scientists. BMC Res Notes 2021;14:445.
Moecker R, Terstegen T, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. The influence of intervention complexity on barriers and facilitators in the implementation of professional pharmacy services - a systematic review. Res Soc Admin Pharm 2021;17:1651-62.
Morath B*, Meid AD*, Rickmann J, Soethoff J, Verch M, Karck M, Zaradzki M. Renal safety of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.42 after cardiac surgery: a retrospective cohort analysis. Drug Saf 2021;44:1311-1321.
Mueller-Schoell A, Michelet R, Klopp-Schulze L, van Dyk M, Mürdter T, Schwab M, Joerger M, Huisinga W, Mikus G, Kloft C. Computational treatment simulations to assess the need for personalized tamoxifen dosing in breast cancer patients of different biogeographical groups. Cancers 2021;13:2432.
Mueller-Schoell A, Michelet R, Weinelt F, Kloft C, Mikus G. CYP2D6 phenotype explains reported yohimbine concentrations in four severe acute intoxications. Arch Toxicol 2021;95:2867-2870.
Rengelshausen J, Breithaupt-Groegler K, Donath F, Erb-Zohar K, Hardman T, Mikus G, Plassmann S, Wensing G, Sourgens H. How to interpret an investigator's brochure for meaningful risk assessment: results of an AGAH discussion forum. Ther Innov Regul Sci 2021;55:612-618.
Rigalli JP, Theile D, Nilles J, Weiss J. Regulation of PXR function by coactivator and corepressor proteins: ligand binding is just the beginning. Cells 2021;10:3137.
Röhr S, Zülke A, Luppa M, Brettschneider C, Weißenborn M, Kühne F, Zöllinger I, Samos FAZ, Bauer A, Döhring J, Krebs-Hein K, Oey A, Czock D, Frese T, Gensichen J, Haefeli WE, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, König HH, Thyrian JR, Wiese B, G. Riedel-Heller SG. Recruitment and baseline characteristics of participants in the AgeWell.de study - A pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled lifestyle trial against cognitive decline. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18:408.
Ruff C, Gerharz A, Groll A, Stoll F, Wirbka L, Haefeli WE, Meid AD. Disease-dependent variations in the timing and causes of readmissions in Germany: a claims data analysis for six different conditions. PLoS ONE 2021;16:e0250298.
Sauter M, Uhl P, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE. Application of triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry to the bioanalysis of collision-induced dissociation-resistant cyclic peptides - Ultra-sensitive quantification of the somatostatin-analog pasireotide utilizing UHPLC-MS/MS.J Pharm Biomed Anal 2021;194:113728.
Sauter M, Foerster KI, Benzel J, Pfister S, Pajtler KW, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J. Bioanalysis of selinexor in mouse plasma micro-samples utilizing UPLC-MS/MS. J Chromatogr B 2021;1176:122781.
Sauter M, Blank A, Stoll F, Lutz N, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J. Intact plasma quantification of the large therapeutic lipopeptide bulevirtide. Anal Bioanal Chem 2021;413:5645-5654.
Schmulenson E, Zimmermann N, Mikus G, Joerger M, Jaehde U. Current status and future outlooks on therapeutic drug monitoring of fluorouracil. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2021;12:1407-1422.
Seidling HM, Wien K, Fabricius J, John C, Hauser J, Renner K, Schäfer P, Krisam J, Haefeli WE. Short- and mid-term impact of community pharmacy-based medication reviews on medication- and patient-related outcomes in Germany. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2021;59:188-197.
Semeniuk M, Ceré LI, Ciriaci N, Bucci Muñoz M, Quiroga AD, Luquita MG, Roma S, Catania VA, Mottino AD, Rigalli JP, Ruiz ML. Protective effect of genistein pre-treatment on paraquat hepatotoxicity in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2021;426:115636.
Theile D, Wagner L, Haefeli WE, Weiss J. In vitro evidence suggesting that the toll-like receptor 7 and 8 agonist resiquimod (R-848) unlikely affects drug levels of co-administered compounds. Eur J Pharm Sci 2021;162:105826.
Theile D, Wagner L, Bay C, Haefeli WE, Weiss J. Time-resolved effect of interferon-alpha 2a on activities of nuclear factor kappa B, pregnane X receptor, and on drug disposition genes. Pharmaceutics 2021;13:808.
Theile D, Wizgall P. Acquired ABC-transporter overexpression in cancer cells: transcriptional induction or Darwinian selection? Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 2021;394:1621-1632.
Toenshoff B, Mueller B, Elling R, Renk H, Meissner P, Hengel H, Garbade S, Kieser M, Jeltsch K, Grulich-Henn J, Euler J, Stich M, Chobanyan-Jürgens K, Zernickel M, Janda A, Woelfle L, Stamminger T, Iftner T, Ganzenmueller T, Schmitt C, Görne T, Laketa V, Olberg S, Plaszczyca A, Cortese M, Pape C, Remme R, Huzly D, Panning M, Weigang S, Giese S, Ciminski K, Ankerhold J, Kochs G, Schwemmle M, Handgretinger R, Niemeyer C, Engel C, Kern W, Hoffmann G, Franz A, Henneke P, Debatin K-M, Kräusslich H-G. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and their parents in southwest Germany. JAMA Pediatr 2021;175:586-593.
Uhl P, Sauter M, Hertlein T, Witzigmann D, Laffleur F, Hofhaus G, Fidelj V, Tursch A, Özbek S, Hopke E, Haberkorn U, Bernkop-Schnürch A, Ohlsen K, Fricker G, Mier W. Overcoming the Mucosal Barrier: Tetraether Lipid-Stabilized Liposomal Nanocarriers Decorated with Cell-Penetrating Peptides Enable Oral Delivery of Vancomycin. Adv Ther 2021;4:200247
Von Linde T, Bajraktari-Sylejmani G, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Weiss J, Sauter M. Rapid and sensitive quantification of intracellular glycyl-sarcosine for semi-high-throughput screening for inhibitors of PEPT-1. Pharmaceutics 2021;13:1019.
Wagner L, Haefeli WE, Merle U, Lorenz H-M, Hohmann N, Weiss J, Theile D. A nuclear factor kappa B reporter cell line used to evaluate ex vivo the net inflammatory effect of plasma samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or COVID-19. Cytokines 2021;138:155399.
Wass M, Göllner S, Besenbeck B, Schlenk RF, Mundmann P, Göthert JR, Noppeney R, Schliemann C, Mikesch JH, Lenz G, Dugas M, Wermke M, Röllig C, Bornhäuser M, Serve H, Platzbecker U, Foerster KI, Burhenne J, Haefeli WE, Müller LP, Binder M, Pabst C, Müller-Tidow C. A proof of concept phase I/II pilot trial of LSD1 inhibition by tranylcypromine combined with ATRA in refractory/relapsed AML patients not eligible for intensive therapy. Leukemia 2021;35:701-711.
Weiss J, Bajraktari-Sylejmani G, Haefeli WE. Low risk of the TMPRSS2 inhibitor camostat mesylate and its metabolite GBPA to act as perpetrators of drug-drug interactions. Chem Biol Interact 2021;338:109428.
Wiebe ST, Huennemeyer A, Kadus W, Goettel M, Jambrecina A, Schultz A, Vinisko R, Schlieker L, Herich L, Mikus G. Midazolam microdosing applied in early clinical development for drug-drug interaction assessment. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2021;87:178-188.
Wiedmann F, Beyersdorf C, Zhou X-B, Kraft M, Foerster KI, El-Battrawy I, Lang S, Borggrefe M, Haefeli WE, Frey N, Schmidt C. The experimental TASK-1 potassium channel inhibitor A293 can be employed for rhythm control of persistent atrial fibrillation in a translational large animal model. Front Physiol 2021;11:629421.
Wild B, Wurmbach VS, Böhlen F, Kusch MK, Seidling HM, Reich P, Hartmann M, Haefeli WE, Friederich HC, Slaets J. Assessing the perspective of well-being of older patients with multiple morbidities by using the LAVA tool - a person-centered approach. BMC Geriatr 2021;21:427.
Wirbka L, ARMIN study group, Haefeli WE, Meid AD. Estimated thresholds of minimum necessary adherence for effective treatment with direct oral anticoagulants - a retrospective cohort study in health insurance claims data. Patient Prefer Adher 2021;15:2209-2220.
Wurmbach VS, Schmidt SJ, Lampert A, Bernard S, Faller CK, Thürmann PA, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. Development and pilot-testing of key questions to identify patients' difficulties in medication administration. Patient Prefer Adher 2021;15:2479-2488.
Zülke AE, Luppa M, Röhr S, Weißenborn M, Bauer A, Samos FAZ, Kühne F, Zöllinger F, Döhring J, Brettschneider C, Oey A, Czock D, Frese T, Gensichen J, Haefeli WE, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, König HH ,Thyrian JR, Wiese B, Riedel-Heller SG. Association of mental demands in the workplace with cognitive function in older adults at increased risk for dementia. BMC Geriatr 2021;21:688.
Book chapters
Czock D. Pharmacotherapy in renal failure. In: Schwenger V (ed.). Clinician's guide to nephrology. Munich: Elsevier; 2021;625-636.
Seidling H, Haefeli WE. Drug therapy in elderly patients. In: Schäfer P. General pharmacy. 2nd edition; Stuttgart; Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart; 2021: 425-436.