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Doctoral thesis in our Department

Are you interested in a PhD in our department? Our main research questions concern causes of variability in drug effects and techniques for individualizing drug therapy.

While there are topics with predetermined timeframes, most are not fixed in time but depend on the current state of research, so the details can only be determined when you start your work. So, if you are interested in one of the above mentioned focus areas, a personal interview is the next step to clarify if we can realize your PhD project together in the time frame you have in mind.

Doctoral Thesis


The scientific activity usually lasts two to four years. For medical students or physicians, the doctorates (Dr. med.) are shorter; however, a phase of (mostly prospective) data collection and evaluation of at least 6 months is required. During this time, we emphasize close supervision with sustained support in case of problems. In addition, solid training in clinical pharmacology content is achieved through full integration into the activities of the entire department. We expect a high degree of initiative, a willingness to accept challenges and grow from them, and a networked, multidisciplinary approach with the other departmental units. Already during the PhD, we aim to publish results of the research project in internationally recognized journals (with peer reviewing) and to present at congresses, which is a prerequisite for the grade magna or summa cum laude.

Doctoral Thesis

Dr. sc. hum. or Dr. rer. nat.

The doctorate for non-medical graduates usually takes three to four years and is completed with a dissertation and an oral viva (final examination). It leads to the title Dr. sc. hum. (Doctor scientiarum humanarum) in the Faculty of Medicine at Heidelberg University or to the title Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor rerum naturalium) in the Faculty of Life Sciences at Heidelberg University.


More information

The exact conditions for implementation and examination are regulated by the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Medicine (Dr. med. and Dr. sc. hum.) or the Faculty of Life Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) in their respective valid form.

The documents for the doctorate for Dr. med. and Dr. sc. hum. can be found at

Information on the doctorate for Dr. rer. nat. can be found, for example, under Contact & Doctoral Office - Faculty of Biosciences ( or via the Faculty of Engineering at