Center for Psychosocial… Department of General… About us Section Cognitive… Thesis requests

Thesis requests

Cognitive neuropsychiarty section

We offer Topics for PhD-, Master-, Bachelor-, and Diploma theses in following fields:

  • "Neuroimaging in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy"
  • "Clinical Cognitive Neuroscience"

We strongly encourage applicants to engage in prospective and experimental projects. Such projects can include both healthy controls as well as on comparative investigations of neuropsychiatric patients cohorts. Occasionally, we offer theses (Bachelor or Master) in the fields of Neuroinformatics, (Computational) Neuroschience, Psychology, and Electrical Engineering (or related fields) focussing on specific research questions regarding complex multimodal MRI-data analysis.


If you are interested in conducting a thesis project in our group, please contact us via Email: 

Prof. Dr. med. Robert Christian Wolf (PhD)

Dr. Mike Michael Schmitgen (Bachelor, Master, or Diploma)