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Publikationen 2019

Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie

Baldofski S, Kohls E, Bauer S, Becker K, Bilic S, Eschenbeck H, Kaess M, Moessner M, Salize HJ, Diestelkamp S, Voß E, Rummel-Kluge C, Kaess M, Bauer S, Thomasius R, Rummel-Kluge C, Eschenbeck H, Salize H-J, Becker K, Bertsch K, Bilic S, Brunner R, Feldhege J, Gallinat C, Herpertz SC, Koenig J, Lustig S, Moessner M, Özer F, Parzer P, Resch F, Ritter S, Spinner J, Diestelkamp S, Wille K, Baldofski S, Kohls E, Peter L-J, Gillé V, Hofmann H, Lehner L, Voß E, Pfeiffer J, Samel A, the ProHEAD consortium (2019) Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of two online interventions for children and adolescents at risk for depression (E.motion trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial within the ProHEAD consortium. Trials 20:53 .

Barzilay S, Apter A, Snir A, Carli V, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Hadlaczky G, Balazs J, Kereszteny A, Brunner R, Kaess M, Bobes J, Saiz PA, Cosman D, Haring C, Banzer R, McMahon E, Keeley H, Kahn J-P, Postuvan V, Podlogar T, Sisask M, Varnik A, Wasserman D (2019) A longitudinal examination of the interpersonal theory of suicide and effects of school-based suicide prevention interventions in a multinational study of adolescents. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 60:1104–1111 .

Bauer S, Bilić S, Reetz C, Ozer F, Becker K, Eschenbeck H, Kaess M, Rummel-Kluge C, Salize H-J, Diestelkamp S, Moessner M, ProHEAD Consortium (2019) Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Internet-based selective eating disorder prevention: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials 20:91 .

Bödeker K, Fuchs A, Führer D, Kluczniok D, Dittrich K, Reichl C, Reck C, Kaess M, Hindi Attar C, Möhler E, Neukel C, Bierbaum A-L, Zietlow A-L, Jaite C, Lehmkuhl U, Winter SM, Herpertz S, Brunner R, Bermpohl F, Resch F (2019) Impact of Maternal Early Life Maltreatment and Maternal History of Depression on Child Psychopathology: Mediating Role of Maternal Sensitivity? Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 50:278–290 .

Buerger A, Ernst V, Wolter V, Huss M, Kaess M, Hammerle F (2019) Treating eating disorders in the real world - MaiStep: A skill-based universal prevention for schools. Prev Med 123:324–332 .

Carnevali L, Mancini M, Koenig J, Makovac E, Watson DR, Meeten F, Critchley HD, Ottaviani C (2019) Cortical morphometric predictors of autonomic dysfunction in generalized anxiety disorder. Auton Neurosci 217:41–48 .

Diestelkamp S, Wartberg L, Kaess M, Bauer S, Rummel-Kluge C, Becker K, Eschenbeck H, Salize H-J, Moessner M, Baldus C, Arnaud N, Thomasius R, Kaess M, Bauer S, Thomasius R, Rummel-Kluge C, Eschenbeck H, Salize H-J, Becker K, Bertsch K, Bilic S, Brunner R, Feldhege J, Gallinat C, Herpertz SC, Koenig J, Lustig S, Moessner M, Özer F, Parzer P, Resch F, Ritter S, Spinner J, Diestelkamp S, Wille K, Baldofski S, Kohls E, Peter L-J, Gillé V, Hofmann H, Lehner L, Voss E, Pfeiffer J, Samel A, the ProHEAD consortium (2019) Effectiveness of a web-based screening and brief intervention with weekly text-message-initiated individualised prompts for reducing risky alcohol use among teenagers: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial within the ProHEAD consortium. Trials 20:73 .

Dittrich K, Bermpohl F, Kluczniok D, Hindi Attar C, Jaite C, Fuchs A, Neukel C, Herpertz SC, Brunner R, Winter SM, Lehmkuhl U, Roepke S, Kaess M, Heim C, Boedeker K (2019) Alterations of empathy in mothers with a history of early life maltreatment, depression, and borderline personality disorder and their effects on child psychopathology. Psychol Med 1–9 .

Drews E, Fertuck EA, Koenig J, Kaess M, Arntz A (2019) Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning in borderline personality disorder: A meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 96:316–334 .

Eppelmann L, Parzer P, Salize H-J, Voss E, Resch F, Kaess M (2019) Stress, mental and physical health and the costs of health care in German high school students. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry.

Eschenbeck H, Lehner L, Hofmann H, Bauer S, Becker K, Diestelkamp S, Kaess M, Moessner M, Rummel-Kluge C, Salize H-J, Kaess M, Bauer S, Thomasius R, Rummel-Kluge C, Eschenbeck H, Salize H-J, Becker K, Bertsch K, Bilic S, Brunner R, Feldhege J, Gallinat C, Herpertz SC, Koenig J, Lustig S, Moessner M, Özer F, Parzer P, Resch F, Ritter S, Spinner J, Diestelkamp S, Wille K, Baldofski S, Kohls E, Peter L-J, Gillé V, Hofmann H, Lehner L, Voss E, Pfeiffer J, Samel A, the ProHEAD Consortium (2019) School-based mental health promotion in children and adolescents with StresSOS using online or face-to-face interventions: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials 20:64 .

Gensthaler A, Dieter J, Raisig S, Hartmann B, Ligges M, Kaess M, Freitag CM, Schwenck C (2018) Evaluation of a Novel Parent-Rated Scale for Selective Mutism. Assessment 1073191118787328 .

Gerardo GM, Williams DP, Kessler M, Spangler DP, Hillecke TK, Thayer JF, Koenig J (2019) Body mass index and parasympathetic nervous system reactivity and recovery following graded exercise. Am J Hum Biol 31:e23208 .

Ghinea D, Koenig J, Parzer P, Brunner R, Carli V, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Wasserman D, Resch F, Kaess M (2019) Longitudinal development of risk-taking and self-injurious behavior in association with late adolescent borderline personality disorder symptoms. Psychiatry Res 273:127–133 .

Groth N, Schnyder N, Kaess M, Markovic A, Rietschel L, Moser S, Michel C, Schultze-Lutter F, Schmidt SJ (2019) Coping as a mediator between locus of control, competence beliefs, and mental health: A systematic review and structural equation modelling meta-analysis. Behav Res Ther 121:103442 .

Hamann C, Rusterholz T, Studer M, Kaess M, Tarokh L (2019) Association between depressive symptoms and sleep neurophysiology in early adolescence. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 60:1334–1342 .

Hebebrand J, Falissard B, Hoekstra PJ, Kaess M, Melchior M, Micali N, Moreno C, Rommelse N, Roessner V, Signorini G (2019) EUREXIT? High time to consider the merits of European collaboration in child and adolescent psychiatry. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 28:731–734 .

Jaite C, Bühren K, Dahmen B, Dempfle A, Becker K, Correll CU, Egberts KM, Ehrlich S, Fleischhaker C, von Gontard A, Hahn F, Kolar D, Kaess M, Legenbauer T, Renner TJ, Schulze U, Sinzig J, Thomae E, Weber L, Wessing I, Antony G, Hebebrand J, Föcker M, Herpertz-Dahlmann B (2019) Clinical Characteristics of Inpatients with Childhood vs. Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa. Nutrients 11: .

Jantzer V, Resch F, Kaess M (2019a) Mobbing im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Nervenheilkunde 38:35–39 .

Jantzer V, Schlander M, Haffner J, Parzer P, Trick S, Resch F, Kaess M (2019b) The cost incurred by victims of bullying from a societal perspective: estimates based on a German online survey of adolescents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 28:585–594 .

Jarczok MN, Koenig J, Wittling A, Fischer JE, Thayer JF (2019) First Evaluation of an Index of Low Vagally-Mediated Heart Rate Variability as a Marker of Health Risks in Human Adults: Proof of Concept. J Clin Med 8: .

Kaess M (2019) Differential pathways from childhood maltreatment to self-harm and suicidal ideation. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 28:1281–1282 .

Kaess M, Bauer S (2019) Editorial Promoting Help-seeking using E-Technology for ADolescents: The ProHEAD consortium. Trials 20:72 .

Kaess M, Edinger A (2019) Selbstverletzendes Verhalten: Entwicklungsrisiken erkennen und behandeln, 2nd edn. Beltz, Weinheim

Kaess M, Edinger A, Fischer-Waldschmidt G, Parzer P, Brunner R, Resch F (2019a) Effectiveness of a brief psychotherapeutic intervention compared with treatment as usual for adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury: a single-centre, randomised controlled trial. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry.

Kaess M, Herpertz SC (2019) Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung und andere Persönlichkeitsstörungen. In: Remschmidt H, Becker K (eds) Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie., 7th edn. Thieme Verlag, pp 344–353

Kaess M, Herpertz SC, Plener PL, Schmahl C (2019b) Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 1–5 .

Kaess M, Koenig J, Bauer S, Moessner M, Fischer-Waldschmidt G, Mattern M, Herpertz SC, Resch F, Brown R, In-Albon T, Koelch M, Plener PL, Schmahl C, Edinger A, STAR Consortium (2019c) Self-injury: Treatment, Assessment, Recovery (STAR): online intervention for adolescent non-suicidal self-injury - study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 20:425 .

Kaess M, Ritter S, Lustig S, Bauer S, Becker K, Eschenbeck H, Moessner M, Rummel-Kluge C, Salize H-J, Thomasius R, Resch F, Koenig J, Kaess M, Bauer S, Thomasius R, Rummel-Kluge C, Eschenbeck H, Salize H-J, Becker K, Bertsch K, Bilic S, Brunner R, Feldhege J, Gallinat C, Herpertz SC, Koenig J, Lustig S, Moessner M, Özer F, Parzer P, Resch F, Ritter S, Spinner J, Diestelkamp S, Wille K, Baldofski S, Kohls E, Peter L-J, Gillé V, Hofmann H, Lehner L, Voss E, Pfeiffer J, Samel A, the ProHEAD Consortium (2019d) Promoting Help-seeking using E-technology for ADolescents with mental health problems: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials 20:94 .

Karow A, Holtmann M, Koutsouleris N, Pfennig A, Resch F (2019) Früherkennung und Frühintervention bei psychotischen Störungen in der Transitionsphase. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 87:629–633 .

Kindler J, Michel C, Schultze-Lutter F, Felber G, Hauf M, Schimmelmann BG, Kaess M, Hubl D, Walther S (2019) Functional and structural correlates of abnormal involuntary movements in psychosis risk and first episode psychosis. Schizophr Res 212:196–203 .

Klar J, Parzer P, Koenig J, Fischer-Waldschmidt G, Brunner R, Resch F, Kaess M (2019) Zusammenhänge von (pathologischer) Internetnutzung mit Schlafproblemen im Längsschnitt. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 68:146–159 .

Klomek AB, Barzilay S, Apter A, Carli V, Hoven CW, Sarchiapone M, Hadlaczky G, Balazs J, Kereszteny A, Brunner R, Kaess M, Bobes J, Saiz PA, Cosman D, Haring C, Banzer R, McMahon E, Keeley H, Kahn J-P, Postuvan V, Podlogar T, Sisask M, Varnik A, Wasserman D (2019) Bi-directional longitudinal associations between different types of bullying victimization, suicide ideation/attempts, and depression among a large sample of European adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 60:209–215 .

Koenig J, Parzer P, Haigis N, Liebemann J, Jung T, Resch F, Kaess M (2019a) Effects of acute transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on emotion recognition in adolescent depression. Psychol Med 1–10 .

Koenig J, Thaler V, Parzer P, Resch F, Kaess M (2019b) Hair hormones in male youth with internet gaming disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry 20:333–338 .

Michel C, Flückiger R, Kindler J, Hubl D, Kaess M, Schultze-Lutter F (2019) The trait-state distinction between schizotypy and clinical high risk: results from a one-year follow-up. World Psychiatry 18:108–109 .

Möhler E, Resch F (2019) Early Life Stress. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr 68:575–591 .

Neukel C, Hillmann K, Bertsch K, Bermpohl F, Kluczniok D, Möhler E, Reck C, Resch F, Kaess M, Brunner R, Herpertz SC (2019) Einfluss früher Gewalterfahrungen von Frauen auf die Mutter-Kind-Beziehung. Nervenarzt 90:235–242 .

Ossa FC, Pietrowsky R, Bering R, Kaess M (2019) Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among targets of school bullying. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health 13:43 .

Reichl C, Brunner R, Bender N, Parzer P, Koenig J, Resch F, Kaess M (2019a) Adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury and cortisol response to the retrieval of adversity: A sibling study. Psychoneuroendocrinology 110:104460 .

Reichl C, Kaess M (2019) Dialektisch-Behaviorale Therapie für Adoleszente. Psychotherapeut 64:159–174 .

Reichl C, Kaess M, Fuchs A, Bertsch K, Bödeker K, Zietlow A-L, Dittrich K, Hartmann AM, Rujescu D, Parzer P, Resch F, Bermpohl F, Herpertz SC, Brunner R (2019b) Childhood adversity and parenting behavior: the role of oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms. J Neural Transm (Vienna).

Rinnewitz L, Parzer P, Koenig J, Bertsch K, Brunner R, Resch F, Kaess M (2019) A Biobehavioral Validation of the Taylor Aggression Paradigm in Female Adolescents. Sci Rep 9:7036 .

Schenk N, Zimmermann R, Fürer L, Krause M, Weise S, Kaess M, Schlüter-Müller S, Schmeck K (2019) Trajectories of alliance ruptures in the psychotherapy of adolescents with borderline personality pathology: timing, typology and significance. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome 22: .

Sevecke K, Resch F (2019) Stress und Coping. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 68:572–574 .

Sørensen L, Wass S, Osnes B, Schanche E, Adolfsdottir S, Svendsen JL, Visted E, Eilertsen T, Jensen DA, Nordby H, Fasmer OB, Binder P-E, Koenig J, Sonuga-Barke E (2019) A psychophysiological investigation of the interplay between orienting and executive control during stimulus conflict: A heart rate variability study. Physiol Behav 211:112657 .

Thayer JF, Koenig J (2019) Resting Cerebral Blood Flow and Ethnic Differences in Heart Rate Variability: Links to Self-Reports of Affect and Affect Regulation. Neuroimage 202:116154 .

von Salisch M, Resch F (2019) Editorial. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr 68:90–92 .

Wendt J, König J, Hufenbach MC, Koenig J, Thayer JF, Hamm AO (2019) Vagally mediated heart rate variability and safety learning: Effects of instructions and number of extinction trials. Psychophysiology 56:e13404 .

Williams DP, Joseph N, Hill LK, Sollers JJ, Vasey MW, Way BM, Koenig J, Thayer JF (2019a) Stereotype threat, trait perseveration, and vagal activity: evidence for mechanisms underpinning health disparities in Black Americans. Ethn Health 24:909–926 .

Williams DP, Koenig J, Carnevali L, Sgoifo A, Jarczok MN, Sternberg EM, Thayer JF (2019b) Heart rate variability and inflammation: A meta-analysis of human studies. Brain Behav Immun 80:219–226 .