Kliniken &… Kliniken Kinderklinik Neonatologie




Müller H, Hu J, Popp R, Schmidt MH, Müller-Decker K, Mollenhauer J, Fisslthaler B, Eble JA, Fleming I. Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 is present in the vascular extracellular matrix and promotes angiogenesis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2011 Nov 3 [Epub ahead of print]


Müller H, Renner M, Helmke BM, End C, Weiss C, Poeschl J, Mollenhauer J. Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 is up-regulated in bacterial endocarditis and binds to components of vegetations. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009; 138:725-732.


Müller H, End C, Weiss C, Renner M, Bhandiwad A, Helmke BM, Gassler N, Hafner M, Poustka A, Mollenhauer A, Poeschl J. Respiratory Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumours 1 (DMBT1) levels increase during lung maturation and infection. Clin Exp Immunol 2008; 151:123-129.


Müller H, End C, Renner M, Helmke BM, Gassler N, Weiss C, Hartl D, Griese M, Hafner M, Poustka A, Mollenhauer A, Poeschl J. Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 (DMBT1) is present in hyaline membranes and modulates surface tension of surfactant. Respir Res 2007; 8(1):69.


Mollenhauer J, Helmke B, Medina D, Bergmann G, Gassler N, Müller H, Lyer S, Diedrichs L, Renner M, Wittig R, Blaich S, Hamann U, Madsen J, Holmskov U, Bikker F, Ligtenberg A, Carlen A, Olsson J, Otto HF, O´Malley B, Poustka A. Carcinogen inducibility in vivo and down-regulation of DMBT1 during breast carcinogenesis. Gene Chromosome Canc 2004; 39:185-194.


Mollenhauer J, Deichmann M, Helmke B, Müller H, Kollender G, Holmskov U, Ligtenberg T, Krebs I, Wiemann S, Bantel-Schaal U, Madsen J, Bikker F, Klauck SM, Otto HF, Moldenhauer G, Poustka A. Frequent downregulation of DMBT1 and galectin-3 in epithelial skin cancer. Int J Cancer 2003; 105:149-157


Mollenhauer J, Müller H, Kollender G, Lyer S, Diedrichs L, Helmke B, Holmskov U, Ligtenberg T, Herbertz S, Krebs I, Madsen J, Bikker F, Schmitt L, Wiemann S, Scheurlen W, Otto HF, von Deimling A, Poustka A. The SRCR/SID region of DMBT1 defines a complex multi-allele system representing the major basis for its variability in cancer. Gene Chromosome Canc 2002; 35:242-255.


Mollenhauer J, Helmke B, Müller H, Kollender G, Lyer S, Diedrichs L, Holmskov U, Ligtenberg T, Herbertz S, Krebs I, Wiemann S, Madsen J, Bikker F, Schmitt L, Otto HF, Poustka A. Sequential changes of the DMBT1 expression and location in normal lung tissue and lung carcinomas. Gene Chromosome Canc 2002; 35:164-169.


Mollenhauer J, Helmke B, Müller H, Kollender G, Krebs I, Wiemann S, Holmskov U, Madsen J, Otto HF, Poustka A. An integrative model on the role of DMBT1 in epithelial cancer. Cancer Detect Prev 2002; 26:266-274.