Major "Infectious Diseases"
As of winter semester 2005 the faculty of Bio-Sciences of the University of Heidelberg has replaced the diploma study program 'Biology' by an internationally compatible Master study program. As part of this new program, enrolled students are given the opportunity to shape their particular interests and skills by focussing on particular topics in the course of a so-called Major.
The Major ‘Infectious Diseases’ addresses students who wish to put their main focus on a particularly relevant topic of Biomedical Sciences. In the context of this Major students will deepen their knowledge of the basics of molecular and cell biology and get to know specific aspects of the replication of infectious pathogens and their interaction with the respective host in the course of lectures, seminars and internships.
General information‘s about the structure and organization of the Major ‘Infectious Diseases’ are provided in the Flyer below (Print- or Online version).
Study Guide (status quo: Mar/07/2024)
Schedule Major (status quo: Feb/05/2024)