Pediatric… (Pharmaco)Metabolomics …



  • We offer promising collaboration in the field of (pharmaco)metabolomics to our partners from the pharmaceutical industry as well as from academia.
  • We are happy to provide our professional expertise together with our established laboratory logistics for a joint elaboration and development of pediatric trial protocols implementing the metabolomic approach for characterizing specific biochemical fingerprints for (side) effects of the investigational medicinal products in pediatric clinical trials.

Are you interested in a cooperation?

We are looking forward to your contact at:
Dr. med. Andreas Ziegler,
Dr. med. Kristine Chobanyan-Jürgens


Drug therapy is particularly effective when an expectedly effective drug has been chosen in an established dosage and a regular drug monitoring is carried out, which allows identification of incorrect dosages and missing or undesirable effects at the early stage.


Our vision is to use modern and innovative scientific technologies and approaches in medical diagnostics, laboratory and drug/metabolic analytics to enable the most individualized and safe drug therapy in children and adolescents (“personalized pediatric medicine”).
Within the frame of the INSPECTOR project, which is financially supported by the Dietmar Hopp Foundation with a total of 830,000 euros over 4 years, we use 1H-NMR spectroscopy to evaluate predictive biomarkers or characteristic biochemical "fingerprints" for the diagnosis, follow- up monitoring and therapy control in selected (rare) pediatric diseases in an untargeted (as well as targeted) approach (untargeted and targeted metabolomic profiling). Our first proof-of-concept work (as well as our yet unpublished data) confirm the great clinical application potential and added value of this analytical method in the personalized medicine of the present and future in the diagnosis and (therapy) monitoring of pediatric diseases. Link to publication.