Kliniken &… Institute Allgemeinmedizin und… Abteilung… Forschung HeiCaRe Net

HeiCaRe Net: Heidelberg and Rhine Neckar Care Research Network

The primary aim of HeiCaRe Net is to further develop regional cooperation structures for Health Services/Healthcare Research to become a world-class research network connecting hospital and outpatient settings via a strong collaboration between clinical disciplines, health services researchers, epidemiologists, social scientists and relevant stakeholders including patients and public. The scientific aims within this structure are to develop and evaluate context-specific innovative solutions related to the health care challenges of our aging society.

The thematic focus of HeiCaRe Net is the tailored development and implementation of interventions as well as on the application of clinical and health services epidemiology to address the needs of patients with complex conditions such as cancer, chronic lung disease and heart failure, including physical or mental co- and multi-morbidity. Ambulatory care sensitive hospitalisations will be taken as a relevant indicator for quality and effectiveness of care. This spectrum will be complemented by junior research groups on related topics such as psychosocial problems, vulnerable groups with problems in access to healthcare (i.e. asylum seekers) and patient empowerment in drug administration.

Cooperation partner:
Heidelberg Medical Faculty; University Hospital Heidelberg with the departments of General Practice and Health Services Research, General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics, General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Cardiology and Pulmonology, Thoraxklinik Heidelberg, Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics (IMBI), Coordination Centre for Clinical Trials Heidelberg (KKS). Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research, German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ); National Centre for Tumor Diseases Heidelberg (NCT); Network Aging Research Heidelberg University; Self Help Group Regional Office Heidelberg; Regional Office of Public Health (Stadtgesundheitsamt Heidelberg); Association of General Practitioners/Family Doctors Baden-Württemberg (Hausärzteverband); Medical Doctors  (ambulatory care specialists and GPs) Collaborative Baden-Württemberg (Medi-Verbund); Chamber of Pharmacists Baden-Württemberg; Association of Sickness Fund Doctors Baden-Württemberg (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung); Medical Doctors Network Mannheim (Qu@linet);  Heidelberg Institute of Psychotherapy (HIP); Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Mannheim (GESIS); Mental Health Services Research Unit, Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim (ZI); Fraunhofer ISI Karlsruhe; Max Weber Institute for Sociology, Univ. of Heidelberg; Academic Research Practices of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg; PAMINO Network of Palliative Care Practices; Working Group on Nursing Science Rhine Neckar; Regional Health Insurance Fund Baden-Württemberg (AOK), AQUA Institute for Applied Quality Improvement.