Kliniken &… Institute Allgemeinmedizin und… Abteilung… Forschung Publikationen


* Die fett hervorgehobenen Autoren*innen sind Mitarbeiter*innen der Abteilung Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung, sortiert nach Erstautor.


Abel B, Bongartz M, Rapp K, Roigk P, Peiter J, Metz B, Finger B, Büchele G, Wensing M, Roth C, Schmidberger O, König HH, Gottschalk S, Dams J, Deuster O, Immel D, Micol W, Bauer JM, Benzinger P. Multimodal home-based rehabilitation intervention after discharge from inpatient geriatric rehabilitation (GeRas): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatr. 2024 Jan 17;24(1):69. doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04634-2. 
→ Links: PMID: 38233746; PMCID: PMC10795216; BMC.

Becker C, Stengel S, Roos M, Altiner A, Schwill S. Beginn der Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin in der hausärztlichen Praxis – eine qualitative Studie über Erfahrungen und Effekte aus Sicht von Ärzt*innen in Weiterbildung. GMS J Med Educ 2024;41(5):Doc53. doi: 10.3205/zma001708.
→ Links: GMS.

Biddle L, Bozorgmehr K. Effect of area-level socioeconomic deprivation on mental and physical health: A longitudinal natural experiment among refugees in Germany. SSM - Population Health 2024;25:101596. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101596.
→ Links: ScienceDirect.

Bozorgmehr K, Hintermeier M, Biddle L, Hövener C, Gottlieb N. Inanspruchnahme zahnmedizinischer Leistungen bei geflüchteten Menschen in Deutschland: Ergebnisse des bevölkerungsbezogenen  Surveys RESPOND. J Health Monit 9(S1): 2–11.  doi: 10.25646/11843. 
→ Links: RKI.

Bozorgmehr K, Hintermeier M, Biddle L, Hövener C, Gottlieb N. Utilisation of dental services by refugees in Germany: Results of the population-based RESPOND survey. J Health Monit. 2024 Jan 17;9(Suppl 1):2-10. doi: 10.25646/11844. 
→ Links: PMID: 38282983; PMCID: PMC10812290.

Bozorgmehr K, McKee M, Rast E, Kazatchkine M, Zoidze A, Berdzuli N. Health system response to war and displacement in Europe requires transformative actions and policies. Lancet Reg Health Eur 2024;47:101122. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2024.101122.
→ Links: ScienceDirect.

Bozorgmehr K, Rast E, Zoidze A, McKee M. Impacts of the large-scale displacement from Ukraine on health systems in refugee-receiving countries in the WHO European Region: challenges and opportunities for transformative actions and policies. Public Health Panor 2024;9860-49632-74321.
→ Links: WHO.

Denninger NE, Brefka S, Skudlik S, Leinert C, Mross T, Meyer G, Sulmann D, Dallmeier D, Denkinger M, Müller M. Development of a complex intervention to prevent delirium in older hospitalized patients by optimizing discharge and transfer processes and involving caregivers: A multi-method study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2024 Feb;150:104645. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2023.104645. Epub 2023 Nov 14. 
→ Links: PMID: 38091654; ScienceDirect.

Dürsch H, Boltenhagen U, Mahler C, Joos S, Szecsenyi J, Klafke N. A Qualitative Analysis of Cancer Patients' Perceptions of an Interprofessional Counseling Service on Complementary and Integrative Healthcare. Qual Health Res. 2024 Mar 5:10497323241231530. doi: 10.1177/10497323241231530. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 38441438; SageJournals.

Erdmann S, Jahn R, Rohleder S, Bozorgmehr K. Overcoming denominator problems in refugee settings with fragmented electronic records for health and immigration data: a prediction-based approach. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2024 Apr 1;24(1):81. doi: 10.1186/s12874-024-02204-7. 
→ Links: PMID: 38561661; PMCID: PMC10983725; BMC (pdf-Dokument).

Fleischhauer T, Poß-Doering R, Sander N, Laux G, Wensing M, Szecsenyi J, Senft JD. Pilot Implementation of a Primary Care Disease Management Concept for Venous Leg Ulceration: Results of a Mixed-Methods Process Evaluation. Healthcare (Basel). 2024 Dec 18;12(24):2552. doi: 10.3390/healthcare12242552. 
→ Links: PMID: 39765979; MDPI.

Gottlieb N, Gold AW, Palla I, Dimaku IC, Güell B, Díaz-Aguado IL, Bozorgmehr K. Narrative change for inclusionary health and migration policies. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2024;41:100835. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2024.100835.
→ Links: The Lancet; ScienceDirect.

Hennrich P, Queder A, Altiner A, Awounvo S, Dyczmons J, Eigendorf J, Erdmann S, Grobe T, Gutscher A, Herzig N, Jepsen S, Kairies-Schwarz N, Kalmus O, Kliemannel F, Santos S, Vanella P, Wensing M, Wilm S, Listl S. Implementation of integrated care for type 2 diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis in Germany: study protocol for a practice-based and cluster-randomized trial. BMC Oral Health. 2024 Aug 2;24(1):879. doi: 10.1186/s12903-024-04672-1. 
→ Links: PMID: 39095753; PMCID: PMC11297783; BMC Oral Health.

Hintermeier M, Gottlieb ND, Rohleder S, Oppenberg J, Baroudi M, Pernitez-Agan S, Lopez J, Flores S, Mohsenpour A, Wickramage K, Bozorgmehr K. COVID-19 among migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons: systematic review, meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis of the global empirical literature. eClinicalMedicine 2024:102698. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102698.
→ Links: The Lancet; ScienceDirect.

Horn L, Ullrich C, Boelter L, Wensing M, Peters-Klimm F, Stengel S. Core values of employed general practitioners in Germany - a qualitative study. BMC Prim Care. 2024 Jan 6;25(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s12875-023-02255-7. 
→ Links: PMID: 38184532; PMCID: PMC10770961; BMC Primary Care.

Kerwagen F, Sahiti F, Albert J, Bauser M, Morbach C, Güder G, Frantz S, Strömberg A, Kerber S, Gebhard B, Friederich HC, Müller-Tasch T, Peters-Klimm F, Angermann CE, Störk S. Sex-related differences in self-efficacy of patients with heart failure: a pooled cross-sectional study of the German Competence Network Heart Failure. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2024 Aug 20:zvae112. doi: 10.1093/eurjcn/zvae112. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 39161173; Oxford Academic; pdf-Dokument.

Keller S, Forstner J, Weis A, Biehler E, Trudzinski F, Michels J, Neetz B, Herth F, Schneider A, Ghiani A, Szecsenyi J, Wensing M, Poß-Doering R. Interprofessionelle Weaning-Boards und Weaning-Konsile für Langzeitbeatmungspatient*innen: Eine qualitative Studie zum wahrgenommenen Potenzial für die Patientenversorgung [Interprofessional weaning boards and weaning consults for long-term ventilated patients: A qualitative study of perceived potential for patient care]. Pneumologie. 2024 Mar;78(3):180-190. German. doi: 10.1055/a-2161-6014. Epub 2023 Oct 19. 
→ Links: PMID: 37857322; Thieme.

König M, Siegle A, Unsöld L, Ludwig JO, Deis N, Thomas M, Poß-Doering R, Villalobos M. Personal Values, Wishes, and Goals of Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer: A Qualitative Study. Eur J Cancer Care. 2024; 9987322. doi: 10.1155/2024/9987322.
→ Links: Wiley; ResearchGate.

Kremeike K, Jünger S, Preiser C, Ullrich C, Xyländer M. Chancen und Herausforderungen der Ethikbegutachtung qualitativer Versorgungsforschung – eine Befragung qualitativ Forschender [Opportunities and Challenges Of The Ethics Review Of Qualitative Health Services Research: A Survey Of Qualitative Researchers]. Gesundheitswesen. 2024 Feb 5. German. doi: 10.1055/a-2189-2563. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 38316407; Thieme.

Krämer M, Wohlhüter L, Hermeling L, Koetsenruijter J, Kamradt M, Wensing M, Bombana M. A counselling intervention for individual strategies to prevent complications and strengthen resources during pregnancy in gynaecological care (AOK-Family +): study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2024 Jun 18;25(1):393. doi: 10.1186/s13063-024-08215-5. 
→ Links: PMID: 38890726; PMCID: PMC11186123; BMC.

Laryionava K, Boekels R, Schildmann J, Wensing M, Wedding U, Surmann B, Mehlis K, Gebel C, Cinci M, Krug K, Winkler EC. Feasibility of implementing a decision aid for advanced cancer patients in a comprehensive cancer centers' outpatient setting: Valuable lessons learned. Cancer Med. 2024 Dec;13(24):e70127. doi: 10.1002/cam4.70127. 
→ Links: PMID: 39690895; Wiley Online Library.

Litke NA, Poß-Doering R, Fehrer V, Köppen M, Kümmel S, Szecsenyi J, Wensing M. Building climate resilience: awareness of climate change adaptation in German outpatient medical practices. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024 Feb 9;24(1):184. doi: 10.1186/s12913-024-10664-2. 
→ Links: PMID: 38336703; PMCID: PMC10858569; BMC.

Litke N, Poß-Doering R, Weis A, Koetsenruijter J, Köppen M, Kümmel S, Brogge B, Wensing M, Szecsenyi J. Qualitätsindikatoren zur Förderung von Krisenresilienz in primärärztlichen Praxen im Projekt RESILARE. Z Allg Med. Oktober 2024 (published online). doi: 10.1007/s44266-024-00305-6.
→ Links: Springer Link; pdf-Dokument.

Litke N, Weber S, Breckner A, Roth C, Peters-Klimm F, Wensing M, Stengel S. Resilience of the primary healthcaresystem: perspectives of German stakeholdersat primary care interfaces during the secondwave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Front. Med. 2024;11:1322765. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1322765. 
→ Links: frontiers.

Löwe B, Scherer M, Braunschneider LE, Marx G, Eisele M, Mallon T, Schneider A, Linde K, Allwang C, Joos S, Zipfel S, Schulz S, Rost L, Brenk-Franz K, Szecsenyi J, Nikendei C, Härter M, Gallinat J, König HH, Fierenz A, Vettorazzi E, Zapf A, Lehmann M, Kohlmann S. Clinical effectiveness of patient-targeted feedback following depression screening in general practice (GET.FEEDBACK.GP): an investigator-initiated, prospective, multicentre, three-arm, observer-blinded, randomised controlled trial in Germany. Lancet Psychiatry. 2024 Feb 29:S2215-0366(24)00035-X. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00035-X. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 38432236; ScienceDirect.

Maier L, Benzinger P, Abel B, Roigk P, Bongartz M, Wirth I, Cuvelier I, Schölch S, Büchele G, Deuster O, Bauer J, Rapp K, Ullrich C, Wensing M, Roth C. The role of patient-related factors in the implementation of a multimodal home-based rehabilitation intervention after discharge from inpatient geriatric rehabilitation (GeRas): a qualitative process evaluation. Eur Geriatr Med. 2024 Jul 31. doi: 10.1007/s41999-024-01027-5. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 39085750; Springer Link.

Nau LM, Laux G, Altiner A, Szecsenyi J, Leutgeb R. The Use of Medical Services for Low-Acuity Emergency Cases in Germany: Protocol for a Multicenter Observational Pilot Study. JMIR Res Protoc 2024;13:e54002. doi: 10.2196/54002. 
→ Links: PMID: 38598281; PMCID: PMC11043931; JMIR.

Nisius K, Hoffmann D, Görig T, Georg S, Krug K, De Bock F, Eichinger M. Perceived shared decision making and satisfaction with care among children and adolescents with special healthcare needs and their parents: Cross-sectional evidence from the PART-CHILD Study. Patient Educ Couns. 2024 Jan 26;123:108175. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108175. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 38492427; ScienceDirect.

Poß-Doering R, Keller S, Zugaj M, Seidling H, Paul C, Stolz R, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Straßner C. Hausärztliche Versorgung von Patient:innen mit chronischen nicht-tumorbedingten Schmerzen: ein Rapid Review im Rahmen des RELIEF-Projekts [General practice care for patients with chronic non-cancer pain: A rapid review as part of the RELIEF project]. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2024 Mar 11:S1865-9217(24)00011-4. German. doi: 10.1016/j.zefq.2024.01.005. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 38472021; ScienceDirect.

Poß-Doering R, Koetsenruijter J, Litke NA, Weis A, Köppen M, Kümmel S, Szecsenyi J, Wensing M. Strengthening crisis resilience in German primary care by using quality indicators: findings of a process evaluation in the RESILARE project. Arch Public Health. 2024 Oct 8;82(1):177. doi: 10.1186/s13690-024-01400-7. 
→ Links: PMID: 39380089; BMC.

Rast E, Hintermeier M, Bozorgmehr K, Biddle L. Housing and health: A multidimensional, qualitative analysis of the  experiences of asylum seekers and refugees living in German  reception centres. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 2024;5:100407. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2024.100407.
→ Links: ScienceDirect.

Roth C, Maier L, Abel B, Roigk P, Rapp K, Schmidberger O, Bongartz M, Maier S, Wirth I, Metz B, Immel D, Finger B, Schölch S, Büchele G, Deuster O, Koenig HH, Gottschalk S, Dams J, Micol W, Bauer JM, Wensing M, Benzinger P. Implementation of a multimodal home-based rehabilitation intervention after discharge from inpatient geriatric rehabilitation (GeRas): an early qualitative process evaluation. BMC Geriatr. 2024 Aug 29;24(1):720. doi: 10.1186/s12877-024-05277-7. 
→ Links: PMID: 39210258; PMCID: PMC11363644; BMC.

Schmutz P, Krauss A, Dörflinger S, Becker A, Koch R, Polanc A, Feil E, Salm C, Scheeser K, Peters-Klimm F, Thies C. FoPraNet-BW: An Infrastructure for Clinical Studies in Practice-Based Research Networks in the German Health System. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Aug 22;316:190-194. doi: 10.3233/SHTI240376. 
→ Links: PMID: 39176705; IOS Press; pdf-Dokument.

Schwill S, Meißner A, Mink J, Altiner A, Buhlinger-Göpfarth N. HÄPPI – Konzeption eines Modells für die ambulante Versorgung in Deutschland. Z Allg Med 2024;100, 142–149 doi: 10.1007/s44266-023-00161-w.
→ Links: Springer Link.

Skudlik S, Hirt J, Döringer T, Thalhammer R, Lüftl K, Müller M. Reply to Commentary to Skudlik et al. (2023): why a scoping review and why only Germany? BMC Nurs. 2024 Jun 17;23(1):407. doi: 10.1186/s12912-024-02078-6. 
→ Links: PMID: 38886732; PMCID: PMC11184699; BMC Nursing.

Thalhammer R, Nguyen N, Meyer G, Skudlik S, Müller M, Beutner K. Process evaluation of an individually tailored complex intervention to improve activities and participation of older nursing home residents with joint contractures (JointConEval): a mixed-methods study. Trials. 2024 Dec 18;25(1):831. doi: 10.1186/s13063-024-08652-2. 
→ Links: PMID: 39696595; PMCID: PMC11654093; BMC.

Trudzinski FC, Michels-Zetsche JD, Neetz B, Meis J, Müller M, Kempa A, Neurohr C, Schneider A, Herth FJF, Szecsenyi J, Biehler E, Fleischauer T, Wensing M, Britsch S, Schubert-Haack J, Grobe T, Frerk T; PRiVENT-study group. Risk factors for long-term invasive mechanical ventilation: a longitudinal study using German health claims data. Respir Res. 2024 Jan 27;25(1):60. doi: 10.1186/s12931-024-02693-6. 
→ Links: PMID: 38281006; PMCID: PMC10821552; BMC.

Ullrich C, Ziegler S, Armbruster A, Wensing M, Klafke N. Participant observation for inquiry-based learning: a document analysis of exam papers from an internship-course for master's students in health services research in Germany. BMC Med Educ. 2024 Sep 23;24(1):1033. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05740-4. 
→ Links: PMID: 39313814; PMCID: PMC11421123; BMC.

Wetzel AJ, Laux G, Joos S, Musselmann B, Valentini J. Exploring the association between phytopharmaceutical use and antibiotic prescriptions in upper respiratory infections: results from a German cohort study evaluating the impact of naturopathy qualifications of general practitioners using routine data. Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 Oct 18;11:1440632. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1440632. 
→ Links: PMID: 39493721; PMCID: PMC11527615; frontiers.

Wulkotte E, Schmid-Küpke N, Bozorgmehr K, Razum O, Wichmann O, Neufeind J. Barriers and drivers to COVID-19 vaccination among the migrant and non-migrant population in Germany, 2021. Eur J Public Health. 2024 Feb 9:ckae017. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckae017. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 38335139; Oxford Academic.

Ziegler S, Bozorgmehr K. "I don´t put people into boxes, but…" A free-listing exercise exploring social categorisation of asylum seekers by professionals in two German reception centres. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2024 Feb 23;4(2):e0002910. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0002910. 
→ Links: PMID: 38394055; PMCID: PMC10889701.

Ziegler S, Bozorgmehr K. Translating restrictive law into practice: An ethnographic exploration of the systemic processing of legally restricted health care access for asylum seekers in Germany. Int J Equity Health. 2024 Oct 10;23(1):208. doi: 10.1186/s12939-024-02251-y. 
→ Links: PMID: 39390515; PMCID: PMC11465860; BMC.

Zink A, Hofer J, Schneider C, Kessler F, Klenze H, Klauwer D, Maleki K, Müller A, Goretzki S, Wang S, Kobbe R, Ramirez AV, Bode S, Janda A, Fressle R, Remppis J, Henneke P, Rieg S, Berger A, Sing A, Hufnagel M, Spielberger BD. Management and outcome of cutaneous diphtheria in adolescent refugees in Germany, June 2022 - October 2023. Infection. 2024 Aug 27. doi: 10.1007/s15010-024-02374-y. Epub ahead of print. 
→ Links: PMID: 39190269; Springer Link.