Kliniken &… Kliniken Mund-, Zahn-,… Zahnerhaltung Lehre International… Lecturers Prof. Dr. med. dent.…

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Ulrich Schlagenhauf

Studies of dentistry at the University of
Tuebingen, Germany
Lecturer Department of Conservative Dentistry, Tuebingen
Studies of graduate periodontics and research fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle/USA
Doctoral thesis (Dr. med. dent.) at the University
of Tuebingen
Senior lecturer Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, University of Tuebingen
Habilitation (postdoctoral lecture qualification) at the University of Tuebingen.
Private practice limited to periodontology in Stuttgart, extramural lecturer of the University of Tuebingen
Since October 2000
head of the Department of Periodontology, University of Wuerzburg.
Since November 2006
president of the German Society of Periodontology (DGP)
Main research focus:
Clinical management of aggressive periodontal disease
Shifts in microbial colonization in periodontitis patients under systemic antibiotic therapy
Use of chlorhexidine in caries-active patients