Kliniken &… Kliniken Chirurgie Herzchirurgie Über uns Mitarbeiter 2014


Publikationen 2014


Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Karck



Ruhparwar A, Piontek P, Ungerer M, Ghodsizad A, Partovi S, Foroughi J, Szabo G, Farag M, Karck M, Spinks GM, Kim SJ (2014)

Electrically Contractile Polymers Augment Right Ventricular Output in the Heart.

Artif Organs. 2014 Dec;38(12):1034-9. doi: 10.1111/aor.12300. Epub 2014 Apr 1


Hegedűs P, Korkmaz S, Radovits T, Schmidt H, Li S, Yoshikawa Y, Yasui H, Merkely B, Karck M, Szabó G (2014)

Bis (Aspirinato) Zinc (II) Complex Successfully Inhibits Carotid Arterial Neointima Formation after Balloon-injury in Rats.

Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2014 Dec;28(6):533-9. doi: 10.1007/s10557-014-6549-2


Weymann A, Patil NP, Sabashnikov A, Jungebluth P, Korkmaz S, Li S, Veres G, Soos P, Ishtok R, Chaimow N, Pätzold I, Czerny N, Schies C, Schmack B, Popov AF, Simon AR, Karck M, Szabo G (2014)

Bioartificial Heart: a human-sized porcine model - the way ahead.

PLoS One. 2014 Nov 3; 9(11): e111591. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111591


Graser B, Al-Maisary S, Zimmermann N, Nabers D, Meinzer HP, Wolf I, Karck M, De Simone R (2014)

Computerunterstütztes „ring sizing“ für die Anuloplastie.

Z Herz-,Thorax- Gefäßchir, Oct 2014, 28, (5):347-351


Kamiya H, Tanzeem N, Akhyari P, Pedraza A, Kallenbach K, Lichtenberg A, Karck M (2014)

Impact of Severe Postoperative Complications after Cardiac Surgery on Mortality in Patients Aged over 80 Years.

Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Oct 20;20(5):383-9. Epub 2013 Jul 31


Ghodsizad A, Bordel V, Wiedensohler H, Elbanayosy A, Koerner M, Berjon JG, Barrios R, Farag M, Zeriouh M, Loebe M, Noon G, Koegler G, Karck M, Ruhparwar A (2014)

Magnetically guided recellularization of decellularized stented porcine pericardium derived aortic valve for TAVI.

ASAIO J. 2014 Sep-Oct;60(5):582-6. doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000110.


Roggenbach J, Klamann M, von Haken R, Bruckner T, Karck M, Hofer S (2014)

Sleep-disordered breathing is a risk factor for delirium after cardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study.

Crit Care. 2014 Sep 5;18(5):477. doi: 10.1186/s13054-014-0477-1


Sandrio S, Springer W, Karck M, Gorenflo M, Weymann A, Ruhparwar A, Loukanov T (2014)

Extracorporeal life support with an integrated left ventricular vent in children with a low cardiac output.

Cardiol Young. 2014 Aug;24(4):654-60. doi: 10.1017/S1047951113001017. Epub 2013 Aug 6.


Weymann A*, Radovits T*, Schmack B, Korkmaz S, Li S, Chaimow N, Pätzold I, Becher PM, Hartyanszky I, Soos P, Merkely G, Nemeth BT, Istok R, Veres G, Merkely B, Terytze K, Karck M, Szabo G (2014)

Total aortic arch replacement: Superior ventriculo-arterial coupling with decellularized allografts compared with conventional prostheses.

PLoS One. 2014 Jul 31;9(7):e103588. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103588. eCollection 2014.


Farag MB, Karmonik C, Rengier F, Loebe M, Karck M, von Tengg-Kobligk H, Ruhparwar A, Partovi S (2014)

Review of recent results using computational fluid dynamics simulations in patients receiving mechanical assist devices for end-stage heart failure.

Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J. 2014 Jul;10(3):185-9. doi: 10.14797/mdcj-10-3-185


Weymann A, Radovits T, Schmack B, Li S, Korkmaz S, Soós P, Istók R, Veres G, Chaimow N, Karck M, Szabó G (2014)

In Vitro Generation of Atrioventricular Heart Valve Neoscaffolds.

Artif Organs. 2014 Jul;38(7):E118-28. doi: 10.1111/aor.12321. Epub 2014 May 20


Schwill S, Seppelt P, Robinson PN, Karck M, Kallenbach K (2014)

mgR/mgR-Maus-Modell für die Gentherapie des Marfan-Syndroms.

Z Herz-,Thorax- Gefäßchir 2014, Jun 28(3):222-224


Weymann A, Schmack B, Rauch H, Rosendal C, Karck M, Szabó G (2014)

Entanglement of a circular mapping catheter in the mitral valve with persistent iatrogenic atrial septal defect after attempted pulmonary vein isolation: a word of caution.

Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Jun 21;20(3):250-2. Epub 2012 Dec 26.


Geis NA, Chorianopoulos E, Kallenbach K, André F, Pleger ST, Karck M, Katus HA, Bekeredjian R (2014)

Feasibility of sheathless transfemoral aortic valve implantation in patients with small access vessel diameters.

Clin Res Cardiol. 2014 Oct;103(10):775-80. doi: 10.1007/s00392-014-0713-3. Epub 2014 Apr 21.


Weymann A, Ruhparwar A, Karck M (2014)

Management of abdominal stent graft infection with cryopreserved aortic allograft.

Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2014 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print]


Karmonik C, Partovi S, Loebe M, Schmack B, Weymann A, Lumsden AB, Karck M, Ruhparwar A (2014)

Computational fluid dynamics in patients with continuous-flow left ventricular assist device support show hemodynamic alterations in the ascending aorta.

J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Apr;147(4):1326-1333.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2013.09.069. Epub 2013 Dec 15.


Weymann A, Schmack B, Sabashnikov A, Bowles CT, Raake P, Arif R, Verch M, Tochtermann U, Roggenbach J, Popov AF, Simon AR, Karck M, Ruhparwar A (2014)

Central Extracorporeal Life Support with Left Ventricular Decompression for the Treatment of Refractory Cardiogenic Shock and Lung Failure.

J Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 Mar 29;9:60. doi: 10.1186/1749-8090-9-60.


Weymann A, Borst T, Popov AF, Sabashnikov A, Bowles C, Schmack B, Veres G, Chaimow N, Simon AR, Karck M, Szabo G (2014)

Surgical treatment of infective endocarditis in active intravenous drug users: A justified procedure?

J Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 Mar 24;9(1):58. doi: 10.1186/1749-8090-9-58.


Schwill S, Robinson PN, Seppelt P, Karck M, Kallenbach K (2014)

Die Maus als Modell für die Grundlagenforschung bei Marfan-Syndrom.

Gefäßchirurgie 2014; 2:161-8; DOI 10.1007/s00772-013-1294-6


Karmonik C, Partovi S, Schmack B, Weymann A, Loebe M, Noon GP, Piontek P, Karck M, Lumsden AB, Ruhparwar A (2014)

Comparison of hemodynamics in the ascending aorta between pulsatile and continuous flow left ventricular assist devices using computational fluid dynamics based on computed tomography images.

Artif Organs. 2014 Feb;38(2):142-8. doi: 10.1111/aor.12132. Epub 2013 Jul 25


Sandrio S, Karck M, Gorenflo M, Loukanov T (2014)

Results of using cardiopulmonary bypass for spinal cord protection during surgical repair of complex aortic coarctation.

Cardiol Young. 2014 Feb;24(1):113-9. doi: 10.1017/S1047951113000115. Epub 2013 Feb 6.


Voigt N, Heijman J, Wang Q, Chiang DY, Li N, Karck M, Wehrens XH, Nattel S, Dobrev D (2014)

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of atrial arrhythmogenesis in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

Circulation. 2014 Jan 14;129(2):145-56. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.006641. Epub 2013 Nov 18


Arif R, Ruhparwar A, Kallenbach K, Weymann A, Schmack B, Karck M, Gorenflo M (2014)

Amplatzer Device Implantation in a Patient with Biventricular HeartWare.

Int J Artif Organs. 2014 Jan 31;1(37):93-5. doi: 10.5301/ijao.5000260. Epub 2014 Jan 30


Farag M, Weymann A, Schmack B, Rauch H, Karck M, Szabo G (2014)

Massive Calcified Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis in a Patient with Dual Lumen Tunneled Venous Catheter.

Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014;20 Suppl:730-3. doi: 10.5761/atcs.cr.13.02275. Epub 2013 Jun 26.


Takahashi H, Gertner V, Arif R, Kallenbach K, Karck M, Ruhparwar A (2014)

Facilitated Aortic Valve Replacement with Complete Sternotomy and Minimal Skin Incision Using Endoscopy: A Case of Surgical Report.

Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014;20 Suppl:709-12. doi: 10.5761/atcs.cr.12.01917. Epub 2013 Mar 26.