Internal Medicine III:… Research Molecular…

Section Kardio-Onkologie

Modern therapeutic strategies can effectively combat cancer in many cases. However, potential harmful side effects can damage the cardiac muscle (cardiotoxicity). As a result, cardiovascular problems such as heart failure, thrombosis or pulmonary embolism can develop.

More recent data indicate that not only tumor therapies but also the oncological disease itself can have negative effects on cardiac function.

Since 2014, our dedicated team in the Department of Cardiology has been providing careful cardiological monitoring of patients before, during or after a cancer diagnosis and potentially cardiotoxic systemic therapy. Cardio-oncology thus contributes to the best possible outcome and helps to determine individual treatment concepts. In addition to the clinical care of patients, a major focus is on scientific questions, such as interactions between cancer and the heart or the molecular basis of cardiotoxic effects of cancer therapies. This is investigated in both clinical and basic research projects.

Open Positions:

We are looking for PhD candidates who are interested in epigenetics and translational basic research projects (DFG funded).

See details:


PD Dr. med. Lorenz Lehmann

Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg

0049 (0) 6221 56-8885
Fax: 0049 (0) 6221 56-5235


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