Kliniken &… Kliniken Psychosoziale Medizin… Allgemeine… Forschung Publikationen &…


  • Adorjan K, Steinert T, Flammer E, Deister A, Koller M, Zinkler M, Herpertz SC, Häfner S, Hohl-Radke F, Beine KH, Falkai P, Gerlinger G, Pogarell O (2017) Zwangsmaßnahmen in deutschen Kliniken für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Nervenarzt (802-810)
  • Backenstrass M, Schnell K, Schramm E (2017) Affektive Störungen. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Bertsch K (2017) Affekte, Spannung, Impulsivität und APD. Handbuch der antisozialen
  • Persönlichkeitsstörung (Schattauer-Verlag)
  • Bertsch K, Krauch M, Stopfer K, Haeussler K, Herpertz SC, Gamer M (2017) Interpersonal threat sensitivity in borderline personality disorder: an eye tracking study. Journal of personality disorders (647-670)
  • Bertsch K (2107) Soziale Verträglichkeit, Impulskontrolle und Aggressivität. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Bizzari V (2017) (Ti) Sento quindi sono" Soggettività e Intersoggettività nel disordine schizofrenico. Emozioni e Corporeità 
  • Braun S, Bridler R, Müller N, Schwarz MJ Seifritz E, Weisbrod M, Zgraggen A, Stassen HH (2017) Inflammatory processes and schizophrenia two indepent lines of evidence from a study of twins discordant and concordant for schizophrenic disorders. European Archives of  Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (377-389)
  • Brodmann K, Gruber O, Goya-Maldonado R (2017) Intranasal Oxytocin Selectively Modulates Large-Scale Brain Networks in Humans. Brain Connectivity (454-463)
  • Brückner B, Iwer L, Thoma S (2017) Die Existenz, Abwesenheit und Macht des Wahnsinns. Eine kritische Übersicht zu Michel Foucaults Arbeiten zur Geschichte und Philosophie der Psychiatrie. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (69-98)
  • Busche H, Fuchs T (2017) Zwei Philosophen der Medizin - Leibniz und Jaspers (Springer-Verlag)
  • Casper F, Herpertz SC, Lieb K (2017) Was ist eine psychische Störung? Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Caspar F, Herpertz SC, Lieb K (2017) Was ist Psychotherapie? Psychotherapie  (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Chahine G, Richter A, Wolter S, Goya-Maldonado R, Gruber O (2017) Disruptions in the left frontoparietal network underlie resting state endophenotypic markers in schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping (1741-1750)
  • Cierpka M, Wolf ND, Kubera KM, Schmitgen MM, Vasic N, Frasch K, Wolf RC (2017) Cerebellar contributions to persistent auditory verbal hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia. Cerebellum (964-972)
  • Czapla M, Baeuchl C, Simon JJ, Richter B, Kluge M, Friederich HC, Mann K, Herpertz SC, Loeber S (2017) Do alcohol-dependent patients show different neural activation during response inhibition than healthy controls in an alcohol-related fMRI go/no-go-task. Psychopharmacology (1001-1015)
  • De Jaegher H, Pieper B, Clénin D, Fuchs T (2017) Grasping intersubjectivity: an invitation to embody social interaction research. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (491-523)
  • Doerr-Zegers O, Irarrázaval L, Mundt A, Palette V (2017) Disturbances of embodiment as core phenomena of depression in clinical practice. Psychopathology (273-281)
  • Durt C (2017) Consciousness, Culture, and Significance. Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World 
  • Durt C, Fuchs T, Tewes C (2017) Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture
  • Depping MS, Nolte HM, Hirjak D, Palm E, Hofer S, Stieltjes B, Maier-Hein K, Sambataro F, Wolf RC, Thomann PA  (2017) Cerebellar colume change in response to electroconvulsive therapy in patients with major depression. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (31-35)
  • Depping MS, Wolf ND, Vasic N, Sambataro F, Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2017) Abnormal cerebellar volume in acute and remitted major depression. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (97-102)
  • Depping MS, Nolte HM, Hirjak D, Palm E, Hofer S, Stieltjes B, Maier-Hein K, Sambatoro F, Wolf RC, Thomann PA (2017) Cerebellar volume change in response to electroconvulsive therapy in patients with major depression. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (31-35)
  • Etzelmüller G, Fuchs T, Tewes C (2017) Verkörperung - Eine neue interdisziplinäre Anthropologie (De Gryter)
  • Frölich L, Peters O, Lewczuk P, Gruber O, Teipel SJ, Gertz HJ, Jahn H, Jessen F, Kurz A, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Pantel J, Reischies FM, Schröder J, Wagner M, Rienhoff O, Wolf S, Bauer C, Schuchhardt J, Heuser I, Rüther E, Henn F, Maier W., Wiltfang J, Kornhuber J (2017) Incremental value of biomarker combinations to predict progression of mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's dementia. Alzheimers Research & Therapy (1-15)
  • Frohoff S (2017) Wahrnehmungswelt und kreativer Ausdruck - ein Beispiel aus der Kunsttherapie. Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung (Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg)
  • Frohoff S (2017) Widerhall und Bildverständnis. Fremde Spiegelungen. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Sammlung Prinzhorn (Wilhelm Fink-Verlag)
  • Frohoff S, Fuchs T, Micali S (2017) Fremde Spiegelungen. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Sammlung Prinzhorn (Wilhelm Fink-Verlag)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Ecology of the Brain. The Phenomenology and Biology of the Embodied Mind
  • Fuchs T (2017) The "As-If" Function and its loss in Schizophrenia. Imagination and Social Perspectives.  Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology
  • Fuchs T (2017) Levels of Empathy - Primary, Extended, and Reiterated Empathy. Empathy
  • Fuchs (2017) Intercorporeality and Interaffectitivity.  Intercorporeality. Emerging Socialities in Interaction
  • Fuchs T (2017) Psychologie und Psychiatrie. Husserl-Handbuch. Leben - Werk – Wirkung
  • Fuchs T (2017) Karl Jaspers - Denker der Grenze. Zwei Philosophen der Medizin - Leibniz und Jaspers (Springer-Verlag)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Die Koextension von Leib und Körper. Von Phantomgliedern, Gummihänden und anderen Rätseln. Körperskandale. Zum Konzept der gespürten Leiblichkeit (Verlag Karl Alber)
  • Fuchs T (2017) The alien and the self. Anthropology and Alterity. Responding to the other
  • Fuchs T (2017) In Kontakt mit der Wirklichkeit. Wahrnehmung als Interaktion. Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung (Winter-Verlag)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Verkörpertes Wissen - verkörpertes Gedächtnis. Verkörperung - Eine neue interdisziplinäre Anthropologie (De Gryter)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Collective Body Memories. Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World
  • Fuchs T, Röhricht F (2017) Schizophrenia and intersubjectivity: an embodied and enactive approach to psychopathology and psychotherapy. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology (127-142)
  • Fuchs T, van Duppen Z (2017) Time and Events on the phenomenology of temporal experience in schizophrenia ancillary article to EAWE domain 2. Psychopathology (68-74)
  • Fuchs T, Broschmann D (2017) Willensstörungen in der Psychopathologie. Nervenarzt (1252-1258)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Dépression, inter-corporéité, inter-affectivité. Álter. Revue de phénoménologie La surprise
  • Fuchs T (2017) Embodiment - Verkörperung, Gefühl und Leibgedächtnis. Psychoanalyse im Widerspruch (9-28)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Presence in absence. The ambiguous phenomenology of grief. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences (43-63)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Zwischen Psyche und Gehirn. Zur Standortbestimmung der Psychiatrie. Nervenarzt (520-528)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Self across time: the diachronic unity of bodily existence. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences (291-315)
  • Fuchs T, Vogeley K (2017) Selbsterleben und Selbststörungen. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Fuchs T (2017) Die polare Struktur der Wahrnehmung. Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. Jahrbuch 4/ 2016: Wahrnehmung (Springer-Verlag)
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha L, Koerts J, Weisbrod M, Lange KW, Aschenbrenner S, Tucha O (2017) Effects of Methylphenidate on Memory Functions of Adults with ADHD. Applied Neuropsychology-Adult (199-211)
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha O, Koerts J, Lange KW, Weisbrod M, Aschenbrenner S, Tucha L (2017) Noncredible cognitive performance at clinical evaluation of adult ADHD: An embedded validity indicator in a visuospatial working memory test. Psychological Assessment (1466-1479)
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha O, Koerts J, Butzbach M, Weisbrod M, Aschenbrenner S, Tucha L (2017) Susceptibility of functional impairment scales to noncredible responses in the clinical evaluation of adult ADHD. Clinicial Neuropsychologist (671-680)
  • Galbusera L, Fellin L, Fuchs T (2017) Towards the recovery of a sense of self: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of patients' experience of body-oriented psychotherapy for schizophrenia.  Psychotherapy Research (1-17)
  • Gallinat C, Keuthen NJ, Stefini A, Backenstrass M (2017) The assessment of skin picking in adolescence psychometric properties of the skin picking scale-revised german vision. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry (145-150)
  • Gorges M, Müller HP, Mayer IMS, Grupe GS, Kammer T, Grön G, Kassubek J, Landwehrmeyer B, Wolf RC, Orth M (2017) Intact sensory-motor network structure and function in far from onset premanifest Huntington's disease. Scientific Reports (1-9)
  • Guadalupe T, Mathias SR, van Erp TGM, Whelan CD, Zwiers MP, Abe Y, Abramovic L, Agartz I, Andreasen OA, Arias-Vásquez A, Aribisala BS, Armstrong NJ, Arolt V, Artiges E, Ayesa-Arriola R, Baboyan VG, Banaschewski T, Barker G, Bastin ME, Braune BT, Blangero J, Bokde ALW, Boedhoe PSW, Bose A, Brem S, Gruber O, Hagena A (2017) Human subcortical brain asymmetries in 15,847 people worldwide reveal effects of age and sex.  Brain Imaging and Behavior (1497-1514)
  • Hartmann-Riemer MN, Aschenbrenner S, Bossert M, Westermann C, Seifritz E, Tobler PN, Weisbrod M, Kaiser S (2017) Deficits in reinforcement learning but no link to apathy in patients with schizophrenia. Scientific Reports (1-8)
  • Hassel AJ, Johanning M, Grill S, Schröder J, Wahl HW, Corcodel N, Klotz AL, Rammelsberg P, Zenthöfer A (2017) Changes of tooth color in middle and old age A longitudinal study over a decade. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry (459-463)
  • Herisanu IT, Praetorius M, Mattern M (2017) Cochlear Implant in Severe Impaired Psychiatric Patients A Case Series. Otology & Neurotology (822-827)
  • Herold C, Schmid LA, Lässer MM, Seidl U, Schröder J (2017) Cognitive performance in patients with chronic schizophrenia across the lifespan. The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry (35-44)
  • Herpertz SC, Nagy K, Ueltzhöffer K, Schmitt R, Mancke F, Schmahl C, Bertsch K (2017) Brain Mechanisms Underlying Reactive Aggression in Borderline  Personality Disorder - Sex Matters. Biological Psychiatry (257-266)
  • Herpertz SC, Huprich SK, Bohus M, Chanen A, Goodman M, Mehlum L, Moran P, Newton-Howes G, Scott L, Sharp C (2017) The challenge of transforming the diagnostik system of personality disorders. Journal of personality disorders (577-589)
  • Herpertz SC, Bertsch K, Jeung H (2017) Neurobiology of Criterion A self and interpersonal personality functioning. Current Opinion in Psychology (23-27)
  • Herpertz S, Caspar F, Lieb K (2017) Psychotherapie. Funktions- und störungsorientiertes Vorgehen (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Herpertz SC, Caspar F (2017) Therapeutische Beziehung, Patientenmerkmale und Behandlungsprognose. Psychotherapie  (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Herpertz SC (2017) Modulare Psychotherapie. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Herpertz SC, Riedel-Heller S (2017) Psychotherapie als Teil eines multimodalen Behandlungskonzepts. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Herpertz SC, Rudolf G, Lieb K (2017) Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Herpertz SC, Jacob G, Külz A-K, Lieb K, Schramm E, Stoffers J, Voderholzer U (2017) Integrative Psychotherapie. Psychiatrie Psychosomatik Psychotherapie (Springer-Verlag)
  • Herpertz SC, Habermeyer V, Bronisch T (2017) Persönlichkeitsstörungen. : Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie (Springer-Verlag)
  • Hibar DB, Westlye LT, Krämer B, Rauer L, Gruber, O, Thompson PM, Andreassen OA (2017) Cortical abnormalities in bipolar disorder an MRI analysis of 6503 indivuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group. Molecular Psychiatry (1-11)
  • Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Wolf RC, Kubera KM, Goch C, Hering J, Maier-Hein KH (2017) White matter microstructure variations contribute to neurological soft signs in healthy adults. Human Brain Mapping (3552-3562)
  • Hirjak D, Thomann AK, Kubera KM, Wolf RC, Jeung H, Maier-Hein KH, Thomann PA (2017) Cortical folding patterns are associated with impulsivity in healthy young adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior (1592-1603)
  • Hirjak D, Huber M, Kirchler E, Kubera KM, Karner M, Sambataro F, Freudenmann RW, Wolf RC (2017) Cortical features of distinct developmental trajectories in patients with delusional infestation. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (72-79)
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Remmele B, Seidl U, Thomann AK, Kubera KM, Schröder J, Maier-Hein KH, Thomann PA (2017) Hippocampal formation alterations differently contribute to autobiographic memory defitis in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Hippocampus (702-715)
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Pfeifer B, Kubera KM, Thomann AK, Seidl U, Maier-Hein KH, Schröder J, Thomann PA (2017) Cortical signature of clock drawing performance in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Psychiatric Research (133-142)
  • Hirjak D, Sambataro F, Remmele B, Kubera KM, Schröder J, Seidl U, Thomann AK, Maier-Hein KH, Wolf RC, Thomann PA (2017) The relevance of hippocampal subfield integritiy and clock drawing test performance for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry (1-32)
  • Huhn D, Lauter J, Roesch-Ely D, Koch E, Möltner A, Herzog W, Resch F, Herpertz SC, Nikendei (2017) Performance of international medical students in psychosocial medicine. BMC Medical Education (111-118)
  • Huprich SK, Herpertz SC, Bohus M, Chancen A, Goodman M, Mehlum L, Moran P, Newton-Howe G, Scott L, Sharp C (2017) Comment on Hopwood et al., "the time has come for dimensional personality disorder diagnosis". Personality and Mental Health (87-88)
  • Klotz AL, Hassel AJ, Schröder J, Rammelsberg P, Zenthöfer A (2017) Oral health-related quality of life and prosthetic status of nursing home residents with or without dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging (659-665)
  • Kluczniok D, Hindi Atta C, Stein J, Poppinga S, Fydrich T, Jaite C, Kappel V, Brunner R, Herpertz SC, Boedeker K, Bermpohl F (2017) Dissociating maternal responses to sad and happy facial expressions of their own child An fMRI study. PLoS One (1-16)
  • Kowoll ME, Meyer-Kühling I, Degen C, Gladis S, Zeier P, Schröder J (2017) Elderly migrants in outpatient and inpatient care services in Baden-Württemberg/ Germany. Psychiatry Research (130-137)
  • Kozyreva A (2017) Phenomenology (heiBOOKS)
  • Krämer B, Diekhof EK, Gruber O (2017) Effects of City Living on the Mesolimbic Reward System - An fMRI Study. Human Brain Mapping (3444-3453)
  • Lischke A, Herpertz SC, Berger C, Domes G, Gamer M (2017) Divergent effects of osytocin on para-limbic reactivity to emotional and neutral scenes in females with and without borderline personality disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (1834-1834)
  • Mancke F, Kaklauskaitè, Kollmer J, Weiler (2017) Psychiatric comorbidities in a young man with subacute myelopathy induced by abusive nitrous oxide consumption a case report. Substance Abuse (155-159)
  • Mancke F, Herpertz SC, Hirjak D, Knies R, Bertsch K (2017) Amygdala structure and aggressiveness in borderline personality. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience (1-11)
  • Manok N, Huhn D, Kohl RM, Ludwig M, Schweitzer J, Kaufmann C, Terhoeven V, Ditzen B, Herpertz SC, Herzog W, Nikendei C (2017) Ambulanz für Geflüchtete mit Traumafolgestörungen und psychischen Belastungen in einer Landeserstaufnahmeeinrichtung. Psychotherapeut (333-340)
  • Marx I, Alexpoulos P, Irmisch G, Topalidis S, Syrgiannis Z, Herpertz SC, Cohrs S (2017) Altered serum fatty acid composition in geriatric depression. Journal of neural transmission (119-126)
  • Marx I, Weirich S, Berger C, Herpertz SC, Cohrs S, Wandschneider R, Höppner J, Häßler F (2017) Living in the fast line Evidence for a global perceptual timing deficit in childhood ADHD caused by distinct but partially overlapping task-dependent cognitive mechanisms. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (1-16)
  • Mehl S, Lincoln TM, Roesch-Ely D, Moritz S (2017) Schizophrenie. Psychotherapie (Springer-Verlag)
  • Meyhöfer I, Bertsch K, Esser M, Ettinger U (2017) Variance in saccadic eye movements reflects stable traits. Psychophysiology (566-578)
  • Mielke EL, Neukel C, Bertsch K, Reck C, Möhler E, Herpertz SC (2017) Alterations of brain volumes in women with early life maltreatment and their associations with oxytocin. Hormones and behavior (128-136)
  • Mueller T, Haberstroh J, Knebel M, Oswald F, Kasper R, Kemper CJ, Halder-Sinn P, Schroeder J, Pantel J (2017) Assessing capacity to consent to tratment with choinesterase inhibitors in dementia using a specific and standardized version of the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool. International Psychogeriatrics  (333-343)
  • Naoum J, Reitz S, Krause-Utz A, Kleindienst N, Willis F, Kuniss S, Baumgärtner U, Mancke F, Treede RD, Schmahl C (2017) The role of seeing blood in non-suicidal self-injury in female patients with borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Resarch (676-682)
  • Niedtfeld I, Schmitt R, Winter D, Bohus M, Schmahl C, Herpertz SC (2017) Pain-mediated affect regulation is reduced after dialectical behavior therapy in borderline personality disorder a longitudinal fMRI study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience  (739-747)
  • Paret C, Ruf M, Gerchen MF, Kluetsch R, Demirakca T, Jungkunz M, Bertsch K, Schmahl C, Ende G (2017) fMRI neurofeedback of amygdala response to aversive stimuli enhances prefrontal-limbic brain connectivity. Neuroimage (182-188)
  • Pläschke RN, Cieslik EC, Müller VI, Hoffstaedter F, Plachti A, Varikuti DP, Goosses M, Latz A, Caspers S, Jockwitz C, Moebus S, Gruber O, Eickhoff CR, Reetz K, Heller J, Südmeyer M, Mathys C, Caspers J, Grefkes C, Kalenscher T, Langner R, Eickhoff SB (2017) On the Integrity of Functional Brain Networks in Schizophrenia, Parkinson's Disease, and Advanced Age Evidence from Connectivity-Based Single-Subject Classification. Human Brain Mapping  (5845-5858)
  • Röske T, Rotzoll M (2017) Karls Wilmanns (1873 - 1945) und die Geburt der Sammlung Prinzhorn. Die Universität Heidelberg und ihre Professoren während des Ersten Weltkriegs (Winter-Verlag Heidelberg)
  • Röske T (2017) Eine solistische Schnurrbartspitze - Heinrich Hacks Bildnis-Zeichnungen. Fremde Spiegelungen. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Sammlung Prinzhorn (Wilhelm Fink)
  • Sass L, Pienkos E, Fuchs T (2017) Other Worlds Introduction to the special Issue on the EAWE Examination of Anomalous World Experience. Psychopathology  (5-9)
  • Sass L, Pienkos E, Skodlar B, Stanghellini G, Fuchs T, Parnas J, Jones N (2017) EAWE Examination of Anomalous World Experience. Psychopathology (10-54)
  • Sharma A, Schray A, Bartolovic M, Roesch-Ely D, Aschenbrenner S, Weisbrod M (2017) Relationship between serum calcium and neuropsychological performance might indicate etiological heterogeneity underlying cognitive deficits in schizophrenia and depression. Psychiatry Research (80-86)
  • Sharma A, Vogel M, Weisbrod M, Roesch-Ely D, Oelkers-Ax R (2017) Pronounced inhibition-related hypofrontal dysfunction in early-onset schizophrenia as indexed by NoGo-P300 amplitude. Schizophrenia Research (213-214)
  • Siebert JS, Wahl HW, Schröder J (2017) The role of attitude toward own aging for fluid and crystallized functioning - 12-year evidence from the ILSE study. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological and Social Sciences (1-11)
  • Soininen H, Solomon A, Visser PJ, Hendrix SB, Blennow K, Kivipelto M, Hartmann T, Schröder J, Frölich L, Hausner L, Laske C, Schröder J, Lüthohann D, Scheltens P, van Rossum I (2017) 24-month intervention with a specific multinutrient in people with prodromal Alzheimer's disease LipiDiDiet a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial. Lancet Neurology (965-975)
  • Summa M (2017) Experiencing Reality and Fiction: Discontinuity and Permeability. Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology (Routledge)
  • Summa M, Fuchs T, Vanzago L (2017) Imagination and Social Perspectives: Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology. Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology (Routledge)
  • Summa M, Fuchs T, Vanzago L (2017) Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology (Routledge)
  • Schlette M, Fuchs T (2017) Einleitung. Anthropologie als Brückendisziplin. Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung (Winter-Verlag, Heidelberg)
  • Schlette M, Fuchs T, Kirchner AM (2017) Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung (Winter-Verlag Heidelberg)
  • Schmaal L, Hibar DP, Sämann PG, Hall GB, Gruber O, Krämer B, Veltmann DJ (2017) Cortical abnormalities in adults and adolescents with major depression based on brain scans from 20 cohorts worldwide in the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group. Molecular Psychiatry (900-909)
  • Schneider I, Schneider F (2017) Intelligenzminderungen. Facharztwissen Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie (Springer-Verlag)
  • Schneider I, Habel U, Schneider F (2017) Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen. Facharztwissen Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie (Springer-Verlag)
  • Schuepbach D, Michel M, Wagner G, Duschek S, Herpertz SC (2017) Extrapyramidal symptoms in schizophrenia evidence of blunted cerebral hemodynamics during a planning task. International clinical psychopharmacology (225-230)
  • Schwert C, Aschenbrenner S, Weisbrod M, Schröder A (2017) Cognitive impairments in unipolar depression The impact of rumination. Psychopathology (347-354)
  • Stassen HH, Braun S, Bridler R, Seifritz E, Weisbrod M (2017) Inflammatory processes and schizophrenia evidence from a twin study. European Neuropsychopharmacology (934-935)
  • Stefini A, Salzer S, Reich G, Horn H, Wikelmann K, Bents H, Rutz U, Frost U, von Boetticher A, Ruhl U, Specht N, Kronmüller KT (2017) Cognitive-Behavioral and psychodynamic therapy in female adolescents with bulimia nervosa a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (329-335)
  • Strauß B, Herpertz SC (2017) Bindung, Empathiefähigkeit, Intersubjektivität. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Tanaka S (2017) Intercorporeality and aida: Developing an interaction theory of social cognition. Theory & Psychology (337-353)
  • Terhoeven V, Kallen U, Ingenerg K, Aschenbrenner S, Weisbrod M, Herzog W, Brockmeyer T, Friederich HC, Nikendei C (2017) Meaningful Memory in Acute Anorexia Nervosa Patients - Comparing Recall, Learning, and Recognition of Semantically Related and Semantically Unrelated Word Stimuli. European Eating Disorders  (89-97)
  • Tewes C (2017) Frühkindliche Gesichtswahrnehmung aus der Perspektive des Verkörperungsparadigmas. Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung (Winter-Verlag Heidelberg)
  • Tewes C (2017) Direkte Wahrnehmung, Expressivität und Imitation. Verkörperung - Eine neue interdisziplinäre Anthropologie (De Gryter)
  • Tewes C, Durt C, Fuchs T (2017) Introduction: The interplay of Embodiment, Enaction, and 
  • Culture. Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World (De Gryter)
  • Thoma S, Fuchs T (2017) A Phenomenology of sensus communis: Outline of a phenomenological approach to social psychiatry. Phenomenology and the Social Context of Psychiatry (Springer-Verlag)
  • Thomann AK, Griebe M, Thomann PA, Hirjak D, Ebert MP, Szabo K, Reindl W, Wolf RC (2017) Intrinsic neural network dysfunction in quiescent crohn's disease. Scientific Reports (1-10)
  • Thomann PA, Wolf RC, Nolte HM, Hirjak D, Hofer S, Seidl U, Depping MS, Stieltjes B, Maier-Hein K, Sambataro F, Wüstenberg T (2017) Neuromodulation in response to electroconvulsive therapy in schizophrenia and major depression. Brain Stimulation (637-644)
  • Timmermann M, Jeung H, Schmitt R, Boll S. Freitag CM, Bertsch K, Herpertz SC (2017) Oxytocin improves facial emotion recognition in young adults with antisocial personality disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology (158-164)
  • Tucha L, Fuermaier ABM, Koerts J, Buggenthin R, Aschenbrenner S, Weisbrod M, Thome J, Lange KW, Tucha O (2017) Sustained attention in adult ADHD time-on-task effects of various measures of attention. Journal of neural transmission (39-53)
  • Van Duppen Z (2017) The Phenomenology of Intersubjective Reality in Schizophrenia. Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology (Routledge)
  • Van Duppen Z (2017) The meaning and relevance of Minkowski's 'Loss of vital contact with 
  • reality'. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology (385-397)
  • Van Duppen, Zeno (2017) The intersubjective dimension of schizophrenia. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology (399-418)
  • Walton E, Hibar DP, van Erp TGM, Gruber O, Richter A, Krämer B, Turner JA, Ehrlich S (2017) Positive symptoms associate with cortical thinning in the superior temporal gyrus via the ENIGMA Schizophrenia consortium. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica (439-447)
  • Weisbrod M, Aschenbrenner S, Gmehlin D (2017) Neuropsychologie in der Psychiatrie. Nervenheilkunde (793-798)
  • Weisbrod M, Mundt C (2017) Desaktualisierung und Realitätskontrolle. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)
  • Winter D, Niedtfeld I, Schmitt R, Bohus M, Schmahl C, Herpertz SC (2017) Neural correlates of distraction in borderline personality disorder before and after dialectical behavior therapy. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience (51-62)
  • Wise T, Radua J, Via E, Gruber O, Cleare AJ, Arnone D (2017) Common and distinct patterns of grey-matter volume alteration in major depression and bipolar disorder evidence from voxel-based mata-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry (1455-1463)
  • Wolf RC, Boßlet EA (2017) Reversible extrapyramidal-motorische symptome und kognitive defizite. Psychopharmakotherapie (250-253)
  • Zenthöfer A, Baumgart D, Cabrera T, Rammelsberg P, Schröder J, Corcodel N, Hassel AJ (2017) Poor dental hygiene and periodontal health in nursing home residents with dementia an observational study. Odontology (208-213)
  • Zietlow AL, Nonnenmacher N, Reck C, Müller M, Herpertz SC, Neukel C, Fuch A, Bermpohl F, Führer D, Kluczniok D, Attar CH, Jaite C, Dittrich K, Boedeker K (2017) Early life maltreatment but not liefetime depression predicts insecure attachment in women. Archives of Womens Mental Health (477-486)
  • Znoj H, Herpertz S (2017) Emotionsregulation - Stressregulation. Psychotherapie (Urban & Fischer/Elsevier)

  • Adams HH, Hibar BP, Couraki V, Stein JL, Nyquist, PA, Reneria ME, Tompet S, Arias-Vasques A, Seshadri S, Desrivieres S, Beecham AH, Jhanshad N, Wittfeld K, An der Lee SJ, Abramovic L, Alhusaini S, Amin N, Andersson M, Arfanakis K ---- Kraemer B, Lee PH, Liao J, Liewald DC ---- (2016) Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified through genome-wide association. Nature Neuroscience (1569-1582)  
  • Andrejeva N, Knebel M, Dos Santos V, Schmidt J, Herold CJ, Tudoran R, Wetzel P, Wendelstein B, Meyer-Kühling I, Navratil SD, Gorenc-Mahmutaj L, Rosenbaum G, Pantel J, Schröder J (2016) Neurocognitive deficits and effects of cognitive reserve in mild cognitive impairment.  Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive (199-209)  
  • Backenstrass M, Schnell K, Schramm E (2016) Affektive Störungen. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Bekrater-Bodmann R, Chung BY, Richter I, Wicking M, Foell J, Mancke F, Schmahl C, Flor H (2016) Deficits in pain perception in borderline personality disorder - results from the thermal grill illusion. Pain (2084-2092)  
  • Bickel M, Gusset-Baehrer S, Stein M, Schnell K, Herpertz SC (2016)  Train the trainer - A training program in stress prevention for health care professionals. Mental Health & Prevention (3-8)  
  • Bertsch K (2016) Soziale Verträglichkeit, Impulskontrolle und Aggressivität. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Bohus M, Schmahl C, Herpertz SC, Lieb K, Berger M, Roepke S, Heinz A, Gallinat J, Lyssenko L (2016) Leitliniengerechte stationäre psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutische Behandlung der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung. Nervenarzt (739-745)  
  • Boll S, Gamer M (2016) Psychopathic traits affect the visual exploration of facial expressions. Biological Psychology (194-201)  
  • Boll S, Bartholomaeus M, Peter U, Lupke U, Gamer M (2016) Attentional mechanisms of social perception are biased in social phobia. Journal of anxiety disorders (83-93)  
  • Breyer T, Fuchs T, Holzhey-Kunz A (2016) Ludwig Binswanger und Erwin Straus. Beiträge zur psychiatrischen Phänomenologie. Karl Alber-Verlag  
  • Brockmeyer T, Walther S, Ingenerf K, Wild B, Hartmann M, Weisbrod M, Weber M-A, Eckardt-Henn A, Herzog W, Friedrich HC (2016) Brain effects of computer-assisted cognitive remediation therapy in anorexia nervosa - a pilot fMRI study. Psychiatry Resarch-Neuroimaging  (52-56)  
  • Casper F, Herpertz SC, Lieb K (2016) Was ist eine psychische Störung? Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Caspar F, Herpertz SC, Lieb K (2016) Was ist Psychotherapie? Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Cutting J, Mouratidou M, Fuchs T, Owen G (2016) Max Scheler's influence on Kurt Schneider. History of Psychiatry (336-344)  
  • Czapla M, Simon JJ, Richter B, Kluge M, Friederich H-C, Herpertz S, Mann K, Herpertz SC, Loeber S (2016) The impact of cognitive impairment and impulsivity on relapse of alcoholdependent patients - implications for psychotherapeutic treatment. Addiction Biology (873-884)  
  • Dallmann P, Bach C, Zipser H, Thomann PA, Herpertz SC (2016) Evaluation of a stress prevention program for young high-performance athletes. Mental Health & Prevention (75-80)  
  • Degen C, Toro P, Schönknecht P, Sattler C, Schröder J (2016) Diabetes mellitus type II and cognitive capacity in healthy aging, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatry Research (42-46)  
  • Degen C, Zschocke J, Toro P, Sattler C, Wahl H-W, Schönknecht P, Schröder J (2016) The COMT p.Val158Met polymorphism and cognitive performance in adult development, healthy aging and mild cognitive impairment. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive  (27-34)  
  • Depping MS, Wolf ND, Vasic N, Sambataro F, Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2016) Abnormal cerebellar volume in acute and remitted major depression. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (97-102)  
  • Depping MS, Wolf ND, Vasic N, Sambataro F, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2016) Common and distinct structural network abnormalities in major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (127-133)  
  • Dücker B, Röske T, Vögele W (2016) Zwischen Schloss und Irrenhaus - Die Aufzeichnungen Hermann Paternas  
  • Feldmann T, Röske T (2016) Das Geheimnis. Psychologisch, psychopathologische und künstlerische Ausdrucksformen. "Männer der Wissenschaft, löst Eure Aufgabe!" - Rätsel um die Geheimschriften in der Sammlung Prinzhorn. Frank und Timme Verlag  
  • Fiedler P, Herpertz SC (2016) Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Beltz-Verlag  
  • Frankenberg C, Degen C, Schröder J (2106) Leichte kognitive Beeinträchtigung und beginnende Demenz. wissen kompakt (173-184)  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Die Anthropologie von Erwin Straus. Karl Alber-Verlag   
  • Fuchs T (2016) Anthropologische und phänomenologische Aspekte psychischer Erkrankungen. Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie. Springer-Verlag  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Dépression, inter-corporéité, inter-affectivité. Alter. Revue de Phénoménologie. La Surprise.  
  • Fuchs T (2016) The embodied development of language. Embodiment in Evolution and Culture. Mohr Siebeck-Verlag  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Die polare Struktur der Wahrnehmung. Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. Jahrbuch 4/ 2016: Wahrnehmung. Springer-Verlag  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Embodied knowledge - embodied memory. Analytic and Continental Philosophy. De Gryter-Verlag  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Wollen können. Wille, Selbstbestimmung und psychische Krankheit. Praktische Philosophie Kontrovers Bd. 6.   
  • Fuchs T (2016) Vertrautheit und Vertrauen als Grundlagen der Lebenswelt. Phänomenologische Forschung. Lebenswelt und Lebensform. Meiner Verlag für Philosophie  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Verkörperung und Psychopathologie. Eine ökologische Sicht von Gehirn, Organismus und psychischer Krankheit. Japanese Journal of Psychopathology (254-263)  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Intercorporeality and Interaffectivity. Phenomenology and Mind (194-209)  
  • Fuchs T (2016) Response to Fernandez. The phenomenology of psychopathological embodiment. Journal of consciousness studies (236-244)  
  • Fuchs T, Vogeley K (2016) Selbsterleben und Selbststörungen. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha O, Koerts J, Grabski M, Lange KW, Weisbrod M, Aschenbrenner S, Tucha L (2016) The development of an Embedded Figures Test for the detection of feigned adult ADHD. PLoS One (1-25)  
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha L, Koerts J, Weisbrod M, Grabemann M, Zimmermann M, Mette C, Aschenbrenner S, Tucha O (2016) Evaluation of the CAARS infrequency index for the detection of noncredible ADHD symptom report in adulthood. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment (739-750)  
  • Gaete MI, Fuchs T (2016) From body image to emotional bodily experience in eating disorders. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology (17-40)  
  • Gmehlin D, Fuermaier ABM, Walter S, Tucha L, Koerts J, Lange KW, Tucha O, Weibrod M, Aschenbrenner S (2016) Attentional lapses of adults with ADHD in tasks of sustained attention. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology  (343-357)  
  • Hentze C, Walter H, Schramm E, Drost S, Schoepf D, Fangmeier T, Mattern M, Normann C, Zobel I, Schnell K (2016) Functional correlates of childhood maltreatment and symptom severity during affective theory of mind tasks in chronic depression. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging (1-11)  
  • Herpertz SC, Jacob G, Külz A-K, Lieb K, Schramm E, Stoffers J, Voderholzer U (2016) Integrative Psychotherapie. Psychiatrie Psychosomatik Psychotherapie  
  • Herpertz SC, Habermeyer V, Bronisch T (2016) Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Psychiatrie Psychosomatik Psychotherapie  
  • Herpertz SC, Caspar F (2016) Therapeutische Beziehung, Patientenmerkmale und Behandlungsprognose. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Herpertz SC, Rudolf G, Lieb K (2016) Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Herpertz SC, Riedel-Heller S (2016) Psychotherapie als Teil eines multimodalen Behandlungskonzepts. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Herpertz SC (2016) Modulare Psychotherapie. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Herpertz S, Caspar F, Lieb K (2016) Funktions- und störungsorientiertes Vorgehen. Psychotherapie, Urban &Fischer  
  • Herpertz SC, Kruse J (2016) Psychische Gesundheit und gelingende Integration - Wie schaffen wir das? ASU Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin/Umweltmedizin (832-835)  
  • Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2016) Oxytocin effects on brain functioning in humans. Biological Psychiatry (631-632)  
  • Hibar DP, Westlye LT, van Erp TG, Rasmussen J, Leonardo CD, Faskowitz J, Haukvik UK, Hartberg CB, Doan NT, Agartz I, Dale AM, Gruber O, Krämer B, Trost S, Liberg B, Abé C, Ekman CJ, Ingvar M, Landén M, Fears SC, Freimer NB, Bearden CE; Costa Rica/Colombia Consortium for Genetic Investigation of Bipolar Endophenotypes., Sprooten E, Glahn DC, Pearlson GD, Emsell L, Kenney J, Scanlon C, McDonald C, Cannon DM, Almeida J, Versace A, Caseras X, Lawrence NS, Phillips ML, Dima D, Delvecchio G, Frangou S, Satterthwaite TD, Wolf D, Houenou J, Henry C, Malt UF, Bøen E, Elvsåshagen T, Young AH, Lloyd AJ, Goodwin GM, Mackay CE, Bourne C, Bilderbeck A, Abramovic L, Boks MP, van Haren NE, Ophoff RA, Kahn RS, Bauer M, Pfennig A, Alda M, Hajek T, Mwangi B, Soares JC, Nickson T, Dimitrova R, Sussmann JE, Hagenaars S, Whalley HC, McIntosh AM, Thompson PM, Andreassen OA (2016) Subcorical volumetric abnormalities in bipolar disorder.  Molecular Psychiatry (1710-1716)  
  • Hildebrand MK, Koch SC, Fuchs T (2016) We dance and find each other - effects of dance/ movement therapy on negative symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Behavioral Sciences (1-17)  
  •  Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Kubera KM, Stieltjes B, Wolf RC (2016) Cerebellar contributions to neurological soft signs in healthy young adults. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience  (35-41)  
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Paternoga I, Kubera KM, Thomann AK, Stieltjes B, Maier-Hein KH, Thomann PA (2016) Neuroanatomical markers of neurological soft signs in recent-onset schizophrenia and Asperger-syndrome. Brain Topgraphy  (382-394)  
  • Huber J, Salatsch C, Ingenerf K, Schmid C, Maatouk I, Weisbrod M, Herzog W, Friedrich H-C, Nikendei C (2016) Characteristics of disorder-related autobiographical memory in acute anorexia nervosa patients. European Eating Disorders Review (379-389)  
  • Izurieta Hidalgo NA, Oelkers-Ax R, Nagy K, Mancke F, Bohus M, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2016) Time course of facial emotion processing in women with borderline personality disorder - an ERP study. Journal of Psychiatry and Neurosciences (16-26).  
  • Jeung H, Schwieren C, Herpertz SC (2016) Rationality and self-interest as economic-exchange strategy in borderline personality disorder Game theory, social preferences, and interpersonal behavior. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral  Reviews (849-864)  
  • Jobst A, Brakemeier E-L, Buchheim A, Caspar F, Cuijpers P, Ebmeier KP, Falkai P, Van der Gaag RJ, Herpertz S, Kurimay T, Sabaß L, Schnell K, Schramm E, Torrent C, Wasserman D, Wiersma J, Padberg (2016) European psychiatric association guidance on psychotherapy in chronic depression across Europe. European Psychiatry  (18-36)  
  • Kallert T, Gühne U, Harter C, Eikelmann B, Lang FU, Puschner B, Riedel-Heller SG, Weisbrod M, Becker T, Rössler W (2016) Versorgungsstrukturen in der Psychiatrie. Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie, Springer-Verlag  
  • Kappenberg T (2016) Biografie. Paul Goesch 1885-1940. Wunderhorn-Verlag  
  • Klein JP, Zurowski B, Wolff J, Godemann F, Herpertz SC, Berger M, Heuft G, Hohagen F (2016) Leitliniengerechte stationäre psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutische Behandlung der Zwangsstörung. Nervenarzt (731-738)  
  • Kluczniok D, Boedeker K, Fuchs A, Attar CH, Fydrich T, Fuehrer D, Dittrich K, Reck C, Winter S, Heinz A, Herpertz SC, Brunner R, Bernpohl F (2016) Emotional availability in mother-child interaction - the effects of maternal depression in remission and additional history of childhood abuse. Depression and Anxiety (648-657)  
  • Kluczniok D, Attar CH, Fydrich T, Fuehrer D, Jaite C, Domes G, Winter S, Herpert SC, Brunner R, Boedeker K, Bermpohl F (2016) Transgenerational effects of maternal depression on affect recognition in children. Journal of Affective Disorders  (233-239)  
  • Konrad K, Herpertz SC, Herpertz-Dahlmann B (2016) Early trauma long lasting, difficult to treat and transmitted to the next generation. Journal of Neural Transmission (1033-1035)
  • Kordy H, Wolf M, Aulich K, Bürgy M, Hegerl U, Hüsing J, Puschner B, Rummel-Kluge C, Vedder H, Backenstrass M (2016) Internet-delivered disease management for recurrent depression A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics  (91-98)  
  • Kotchoubey B, Tretter F, Braun HA, Buchheim T, Draguhn A, Fuchs T, Hasler F, Hastedt H, Hinterberger T, Northoff G, Rentschler I, Schlein S, Sellmaier S, Tebartz van Elst L, Tschacher W (2016) Methodological problems on the way to integrative human neuroscience. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience (1-19)  
  • Kowoll ME, Degen C, Gorenc L, Küntzelmann A, Fellhauer I, Giesel F, Haberkorn U, Schröder J (2016) Bilingualism as a contributor to cognitive reserve? Evidence from cerebral glucose metabolism in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Frontiers in Psychiatry (1-6)  
  • Listunova L, Bartolovic M, Weisbrod M, Roesch-Ely D (2016) Unterschiede im verbalen Lernen und Gedächtnis zwischen teil-remittierten Patienten mit depressiver Episode und Schizophrenie. Zeitschrift fur Neuropsychologie (7-21)  
  • Mancke F, Herpertz SC, Kleindienst N, Bertsch K (2016) Emotion dysregulation and trait anger sequentially mediate the association between borderline personality disorder and aggression. Journal of personality disorders (1-17)  
  • Mancke F, Kaklauskaite G, Kollmer J, Weiler M (2016) Psychiatric comorbidities in a young man with subacute myelopathy induced by abusive nitrous oxide consumption - a case report. Substance Abuse (155-159)  
  • Mancke F, Bertsch K, Herpertz SC (2016) Gender differences in aggression of borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder And Emotion Dysregulation (2-7)  
  • Mancke F, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2016) Core questions and next steps in research on aggression in borderline personality disorder - rejoinder for "aggression in borderline personality disorder - a multidimensional model. Personality Disorders-Theory Research and Treatment (289-299)  
  • Mancke F, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2016) Aggression in borderline personality disorder - a multidimensional model. Personality Disorders-Theory Research and Treatment (278-291)  
  • Martin L, Pohlmann V, Koch SC, Fuchs T (2016) Back into life - effects of embodied therapies on patients with schizophrenia. European Psychotherapy (179-194)  
  • Martin LM, Koch SC, Hirjak D, Fuchs T (2016) Overcoming disembodiment - the effect of movement therapy on negative symptoms in schizophrenia - a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychology (1-14)  
  • S, Lincoln TM, Roesch-Ely D, Moritz S (2016) Schizophrenie. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Meyer PW, Müller LE, Zastrow A, Schmidinger I, Bohus M, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2016) Heart rate variability in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder or borderline personality disorder - relationship to early life maltreatment. Journal of Neural Transmission (1107-1118)  
  • Micali S, Fuchs T (2016) Angst. Philosophische, psychopathologische und psychoanalytische Zugänge. Karl Alber-Verlag  
  • Mielke EL, Neukel C, Bertsch K, Reck C, Möhler E, Herpertz SC (2016) Maternal sensitivity and the empathic brain - influences of early life maltreatment. Journal of Psychiatric Research (59-66)  
  • Moritz S, Scheu F, Andreou C, Pfueller U, Weisbrod M, Roesch-Ely D (2016) Reasoning in psychosis - risky but not necessarily hasty. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (91-106)  
  • Müller M, Tronick, E, Zeitlow A-L, Nonnenmacher N, Verschoor S, Träuble B (2016) Effects of maternal anxiety disorders on infant self-comforting behaviors - the role of maternal bonding, infant gender and age. Psychopathology (295-304)  
  • Naoum J, Reitz S, Krause-Utz A, Kleindienst N, Willis F, Kuniss S, Baumgärtner U, Mancke F, Treede R-D, Schmahl C (2016) The role of seeing blood in non-suicidal self-injury in female patients with borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Research (676-682)  
  • Nikendei C, Schäfer H, Weisbrod M, Huber J, Geis N, Katus HA, Bekeredjian R, Herzog W, Pleger ST, Schultz JH (2016) The effects of mitral valve repair on memory performance, executive function, and psychological measures in patients with heart failure. Psychosomatic Medicine (432-442)  
  • Nonnenmacher N, Noe D, Ehrenthal JC, Reck C (2016) Postpartum bonding - the impact of maternal depression and adult attachment style. Archives of Womens Mental Health (927-935)  
  • Pascual-Leone A, Herpertz SC, Kramer U (2016) Experimental designs and the 'emotion stimulus critique' Hidden problems and potential solutions in the study of emotion. Psychopathology (60-68)  
  • C, Nonnenmacher N, Zietlow A-L (2016) Intergenerational transmission of internalizing behavior - the role of maternal psychopathology, child responsiveness and maternal attachment style insecurity. Psychopathology (277-284)  
  • Reck C, Herpertz SC (2016) Parental bonding and dyadic interaction Source of mental health and risk of psychopathology. Psychopathology (199-200)  
  • Baum K, Weisbrod M, Roesch-Ely D (2016) Influence of antipsychotic and anticholinergic loads on cognitive functions in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research (1-10)  
  • Ritter PS, Bernpohl F, Gruber O, Hautzinger M, Jansen A, Juckel G, Kircher T, Lambert M, Mulert C, Pfennig A, Reif A, Rienhoff O, Schulze TG, Severus E, Stamm T, Bauer M (2016) Aims and structure of the german research consortium BipoLife for the study of bipolar disorder. International Journal of Bipolar Disorder (1-9)  
  • Röske T (2016) Ein Doppelportrait von Max Slevogt. Blick zurück nach vorn: Neue Forschungen zu Max Slevogt. De Gruyter-Verlag  
  • Röske T, (2016) Josef König. Ein romantischer Künstler. Das Kunsthaus Kannen Buch: Kunst der Gegenwart - Art Brut und Outsider Art. Kerber-Verlag  
  • Röske T (2016) Paul Goesch - Zwischen Avangarde und Anstalt. Paul Goesch 1885-1940. Wunderhorn-Verlag  
  • Röske T (2016) Paul Goesch 1885-1940. Zwischen Avantgarde und Anstalt. Wunderhorn-Verlag   
  • Roesch-Ely D, Weisbrod M, Bartolovic M (2016) Kognitive Defizite bei Depressionen und ihre Behandlung.  PSYCH up2date (101-113)  
  • Siebert JS, Wahl HW, Schröder J (2016) The role of attitude toward own aging for fluid and crystallized functioning -12-year evidence from the ILSE study. Journal of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences (1-11)  
  • Schilbach L, Derntl B, Aleman A, Caspers S, Clos M, Diedern KMJ, Gruber O, Kogler L, Liemburg EJ, Sommer IE, Müller VI, Cieslik EC, Eickhoff SB (2016) Differential pattern of dysconnectivity in mirror neuron and mentalizing networks in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin (1135-1148)  
  • Schmaal L, Veltman DJ, van Erp TG, Sämann PG, Frodl T, Jahanshad N, Loehrer E, Vernooij MW, Niessen WJ, Ikram MA, Wittfeld K, Grabe HJ, Block A, Hegenscheid K, Hoehn D, Czisch M, Lagopoulos J, Hatton SN, Hickie IB, Goya- Maldonado R, Krämer B, Gruber O, Couvy-Duchesne B, Rentería ME, Strike LT, Wright MJ, de Zubicaray GI, McMahon KL, Medland SE, Gillespie NA, Hall GB, van Velzen LS, van Tol MJ, van der Wee NJ, Veer IM, Walter H, Schramm E, Normann C, Schoepf D, Konrad C, Zurowski B, McIntosh AM, Whalley HC, Sussmann JE, Godlewska BR, Fischer FH, Penninx BW, Thompson PM, Hibar DP (2016) Response to Dr Fried and Dr Kievit and Dr Mahli et al. Molecular Psychiatry (726-728)  
  • Schmitgen MM, Walter H, Drost S, Rückl S, Schnell K (2016) Stimulus-dependent amygdala involvement in affective theory of mind generation. Neuroimage (450-459)  
  • Schmitt R, Winter D, Niedtfeld I, Herpertz SC, Schmahl C (2016) Effects of psychotherapy on neuronal correlates of reappraisal in female patients with borderline personality disorder. Biological Psychiatry  (548-557)  
  • Schnell K, Hochlehnert A, Berger M, Wolff J, Radtke M, Schramm E, Normann C, Herpertz SC (2016) Leitlinienentsprechende stationäre psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutische Behandlung der chronischen Depression. Nervenarzt (278-285)  
  • Schröder J, Pantel J (2016) Neuroimaging of hippocampal atrophy in early recognition of Alzheimer's disease - a critical appraisal after two decades of research. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging (71-78)  
  • Schuepbach D, Egger ST, Roeker H, Duschek S, Vetter S, Seifritz E, Herpertz SC (2106) Determinant of cerebral hemodynamics during the trail making test in schizophrenia. Brain and Cognition (96-104)
  • Strauß B, Herpertz SC (2016) Bindung, Empathiefähigkeit, Intersubjektivität. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Tauber B, Wahl H-W, Schröder J (2016) Personality and life satisfaction over 12 years. GeroPsych (37-48)  
  • Trost S, Diekhof EK, Mohr H, Vieker H, Krämer B, Wolf C, Keil M, Dechent P, Binder EB, Gruber O (2016) Investigating the impact of a Genome-Wide Supported Bipolar Risk Variant of MAD1L1 on the human reward system. Neuropsychopharmakology (2679-2687)  
  • Türp JC, Schlenker A, Schröder J, Essig M, Schmitter M (2016) Disk displacement, eccentric condylar position, osteoarthrosis - minomers for variations of normality Results and interpretations from an MRI study in two age cohorts. BMC Oral Health (124-134)  
  • Visintin E, De Panfilis C, Amore M, Balestrieri M, Wolf RC, Sambataro F (2016) Mapping the brain correlates of borderline personality disorder A functional neuorimaging meta-analysis of resting state studies. Jorunal of Affective Disorders  (262-269)  
  • Weisbrod M, Wirtz G, Fass R, Vogeley K, Schäfer F, Kilian H (2016) Integration psychisch kranker Menschen - Teil 2: Störungsspezifische Konzepte können berufliche Rehabilitation verbessern. Neurotransmitter (26-33)  
  • Weisbrod M, Wirtz G, Fass R, Vogeley K, Schäfer F, Kilian H (2016) Integration psychisch kranker Menschen - Teil 1: Realität und Vision der beruflichen Rehabilitation. Neurotransmitter (30-37)  
  • Weisbrod M, Aschenbrenner S, Buschert V (2016) Neuropsychologische Therapien bei psychischen Erkrankungen. Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie, Springer Verlag  
  • Weisbrod M, Mundt C (2016) Desaktualisierung und Realitätskontrolle. Psychotherapie, Urban&Fischer  
  • Wolf RC, Nolte HM, Hirjak D, Hofer S, Seidl U, Depping MS, Stieltjes B, Maier-Hein K, Sambataro F, Thomann PA (2016) Structural network changes in patients with major depression and schizophrenia treated with electroconvulsive therapy. European Neuropsychopharmacology (1465-1474)  
  • Zenthöfer A, Meyer-kühling I, Hufeland A-L, Schröder J, Cabrera T, Baumgart D, Rammelsberg P, Hassel AJ (2016) Carers' education improves oral health of older peaple suffering from dementia - results of an intervention study. Clinical Interventions in Aging (1755-1762)  
  • Zenthöfer A, Baumgart D, Cabrera T, Rammelsberg P, Schröder J, Corcodel N, Hassel AJ (2016) Poor dental hygiene and peridontal health in nursing home residents with dementia - an observational study. Odontology (208-213)  
  • Znoj H, Herpertz  S (2016) Emotionsregulation - Stressregulation. Psychotherapie,  Fischer&Unger
  • Andreou C, Schneider BC, Balzan R, Luedecke D, Roesch-Ely D, Moritz S (2015) Neurocognitive deficits are relevant for the jumping-to-conclusion bias, but not for delusions A longitudinal study. Schizophrenia research (8-11)  
  • Berger M, Wolff J, Normann C, Godermann F, Schramm E, Klimke A, Heinz A, Herpertz SC (2015) Leitliniengerechte psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutische Krankenhausbehandlung. Der Nervenarzt (542-548)  
  • Breyer T (2015) Philosophische Abhandlungen. Verkörperte Intersubjektivität und Empathie. Klostermann Verlag   
  • Breyer T, Fuchs T, Holzehey-Kunz A (2015) Ludwig Binswanger und Erwin Straus. Beiträge zur psychiatrischen Phänomenologie. Verlag Karl Alber   
  • Breyer T (2015) Normativity in perception. Social visibility and perceptual normativity.   
  • Breyer T (2015) Orientierung am Menschen. Anthropologische Konzeptionen und normative Perspektiven. Der Mensch im Spiegel des Anderen. Wallstein Verlag   
  • Czapla M, Simon JJ, Friedrich HC, Herpertz SC, Zimmermann P, Loeber S (2015) Is binge drinking in young adults associated with an alcohol-specific impairment of response inhibition. European addiction research (105-113)  
  • de Haan S, Rietveld E, Stokhof M, Denys D (2015) Effects of deep brain stimulation on the lived experience of obsessivecompulsive disorder patients In-Depth interviews with 18 patients. PLoS One (1-35)  
  • Depping M, Wolf ND, Vasic N, Sambataro F, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2015) Specificity of abnormal brain volume in major depressive disorder comparison with borderline personality disorder. Journal of affective disorders (650-657)  
  • Diehl U (2015) Grenzsituationen als existenzielle Herausforderung. e-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie (1-15)  
  • Doyon M, Breyer T (2015) Normativity in perception.   
  • Fellhauer I, Zöllner FG, Schröder J, Degen C, Kong L, Essig M, Thomann PA, Schad LR (2015) Comparison of automated brain segmentation using a brain phantom and patients with early alzheimer's dementia or mild cognitive impairment. Psychiatry resarch (233-299)  
  • Fuchs T (2015) Die vielen Gesicher der Depression. Depression als leibliche und zwischenleibliche Krankheit. Universitätsverlag Winter.  
  • Fuchs T (2015) Ludwig Binswanger und Erwin Straus. Beiträge zur psychiatrischen Phänomenologie. Die Ästhesiologie von Erwin Straus. Universitätsverlag Winter.   
  • Fuchs T (2015) Mensch und Zeit. Zeiterfahrung in Gesundheit und Krankheit. Verlag Karl Alber   
  • Fuchs T (2015) Fremdkontrolle. Ängste - Mythen – Praktiken. Beeing a Psycho-Machine. Springer Verlag   
  • Fuchs T (2015) Towards a new philosophy of mental health: Perspectives from neuroscience and the humanities. Schizophrenia, emobidment and intersubjectivity. Verlag: Drozdstoy St. Stoyanov  
  • Fuchs T (2015) Kopf und Körper. Universitas Orientieren Wissen Handeln Schwerpunkt Hirnforschung (66-74)  
  • Fuchs T (2015) Wege aus dem Ego-Tunnel. Zur gegenwärtigen Bedeutung der Phänomenologie. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (801-823)  
  • Fuchs T (2015) Zeiterfahrung in Gesundheit und Krankheit. Psychotherapeut (102-109)  
  • Fuchs T (2015) Subjektivität und Intersubjektivität. Zur Grundlage psychiatrischer und psychotherapeutischer Diagnostik. Kontext. Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie und Familientherapie (27-41)  
  • Fuchs T (2015) From self-disorders to ego disorders. Psychopathology (324-331)  
  • Fuchs T (2015) The intersubjectivity of delusions. World Psychiatry (178-179)  
  • Fuchs T (2015) Pathologies of intersubjectivity in autism and schizophrenia. Journal of Consciousness (191-214)  
  • Fuermaier AB, Tucha L, Koerts J, Aschenbrenner S, Kaunzinger I, Hauser J, Weisbrod M, Lange KW, Tucha L (2015) Cognitive impairment in adult ADHD-perspective matters. Neuropsychology (45-58)  
  • Gorenc-Mahmutaj L, Degen C, Wetzel P, Urbanowitsch N, Funke J, Schröder J (2015) The positivity effect on the intensity of experienced emotion and memor performance in mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders (233-243)  
  • Herold CJ, Lasser M, Schmid LA, Seidl U, Kong L, Fellhauer I, Thomann PA, Essig M, Schroeder J (2015) Neuropsychology, autobiographical memory and hippocampal volume in "younger" abd "older" patients with chronic schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry (53-63)  
  • Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2015) new perspective on the pathophysiology of borderline personality disorder A model of the role of oxytocin. American Journal of Psychiatry (840-851)  
  • Hibar DP, Stein JL, Rentaria ME, Arias-Vasques A, Desrivieres S, Toro R, Wittfeld K, Abranovic L, Anderson M, Arbisala BS, Armstrong MJ, xxx, Schnell K, xxx (2015) Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures. Nature (224-229)  
  • Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Kubera KM, Wolf ND, Sambataro F, Wolf RC (2015) Motor dysfunction with the schizophrenia-spectrum A dimensional step towards an underappreciated domain. Schizophrenia research  (217-233)  
  • Hirjak D, Kubera KM, Wolf RC, Thomann AK, Hell SK, Seidl U, Thomann PA (2015) Local brain gyrification as a marker of neurological soft signs in schizophrenia.  Behavioural brain research (19-25)  
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Kubera B, Stieltjes B, Maier-Hein KH, Thomann PA (2015) Neurological soft signs in recent-onset schizophrenia Focus on the cerebellum. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (18-25)  
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Wider-Smith EP, Kubera K, Thomann P (2015) Motor abnormalities and basal ganglia in schizophrenia Evidence from structural magnetic resonance imaging. Brain Topography (135-152)  
  • Huber J, Salatsch C, Ingenerf K, Schmid C, Maatouk I, Weisbrod M, Herzog W, Friederich H-C, Nikendei C (2015) Characteristics of disorder-related autobiographical memory in acute anorexia nervosa patients. European eating disorders review (379-399)  
  • Irarrázaval L (2015) The lived body in schizophrenia: Transition from basic self-disorders to full blown psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry (1-10)  
  • Jansen WJ, Ossenkoppele R, Knol DL, Tijms BM, Scheltens P, Verhey FR, Visser PJ, xxx, Schröder J, xxx (2015) Prevelance of cerebral amyloid pathology in persons without dementia. JAMA Psychiatry (1924-1938).  
  • Jeung H, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2015) Novel gene variations in early-onset frontotemporal dementia with positive family history of neural ceroid lipofuscinosis-1. Neurology Clinical Practice (484-487)  
  • Kaess M, Herpertz S (2015) Psychotherapie des jungen Erwachsenenalters.  Selbstverletzendes und suizidales Verhalten. Kohlhammer Verlag  
  • Kanske P, Schönfelder S, Forneck J, Wessa M (2015) Impaired regulation of emotion neural correlates of reappraisal and distraction in bipolar disorder and unaffected relatives. Translational Psychiatry (1-9)  
  • Kluczniok D, Boedeker K, Fuchs A, Attar CH, Fydrich TF, Fuehrer D, Dittrich K, Reck C, Winter S, Heinz A, Herpertz SC, Brunner R, Bernpohl F (2015) Emotional availability in mother-child interaction the effects of maternal depression in remission and additional history of childhood abuse. Depression and anxiety (1-10)  
  • Knebel M, Haberstroh J, Kümmel A, Pantel J, Schröder J (2015) CODEM - an observational communication behavior assessment tool for use in amulatory dementia care. Aging & Mental Health (1-11)  
  • Kong L, Herold CJ, Lässer MM, Schmid LA, Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Essig M, Schröder J (2015) Association of cortical thickness and neurological soft signs in patients with chronic schizophrenia and healtyh controls. Neuropsychobiology  (225-233)  
  • Kong L, Herold CJ, Zöllner F, Salat DH, Lässer MM, Schmid LA, Fellhauer I, Thomann PA, Essig M, Schad LR, Erickson KI, Schröder J (2015) Comparison of grey matter volume and thickness for analysing cortical changes in chronic schizophrenia A matter of surface area, grey/white matter intensity contras, and curvature. Psychiatry research (176-183)  
  • Koppera A, Wolfsgruber S, Kleineidam L, Schmidtke K, Frölich L, Kurz A (2015) The latent dementia phenotype ò is associated with cerebrospinal fluid.  Journal of Alzheimers Disease (547-560)  
  • Kordy H, Wolf M, Aulich K, Bürgy M, Hegerl U, Hüsing J, Puschner B, Rummel-Kluge C, Vedder H, Backenstrass M (2015) Internet-delivered disease management for recurrent depression A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (91-98)  
  • Kowoll ME, Degen C, Gladis S, Schröder J (2015) Neuropsychological profiles and verbal  abilities in lifelong bilinguals with mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease. Journal of alzheimers disease (1257-1268)   
  • Kristensen S (2015) Ränder der Darstellung. Leiblichkeit und Künste. Das Zugrundegehen des Bildes. Velbrück Wissenschaft  
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  • Kubera KM, Thomann PA, Hirjak D, Wolf RC (2015) Neuronale Korrelate verbaler akustischer Halluzinationen. Neuro Aktuell (22-26)   
  • Kubera KM, Barth A, Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2015) Noninvasive brain stimulation for the treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia: methods, effects and challenges. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (131-140)  
  • Lederbogen F, Schwarz P, Häfner S, Schweiger U, Bohus M, Deutschle M (2015) Kardiale und metabolische Risikofaktoren bei schweren psychischen Erkrankungen. Nervenarzt (866-871)  
  • Lehmkuhl G, Resch F, Herpertz SC (2015) Psychotherapie des jungen Erwachsenenalters. Kohlhammer Verlag  
  • Löw S, Gruber A, Weinberg J, Roesch-Ely D, Bendszus M, Wolf RC (2015) Psychiatrische Manifestationen eines primären Sjögren-Syndroms. Nervenarzt (884-886)  
  • Lysaker P, Vohs J, Minor K, Irarrázaval L, Leonhardt B, Hamm J, Kukla M, Popolo R, Luther L, Buck K, Wasmuth S, Dimaggio G (2015) Metacognitive deficits in schizophrenia Presence and associations with psychosocial outcomes. Journal of nervous and mental disease (530-536)  
  • Maier-Hein KH, Westin C-F, Shenton ME, Weiner MW, Raj AR, Thomann P, Kikinis R, Stieltjes B, Pasternak O (2015) Widespread white matter degeneration preceding the onset of dementia. Alzheimers & Dementia (485-493)  
  • Mancke F, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2015) Aggression in borderline personality disorder: A multidimensional model. Personality Disorders-Theory Resarch and Treatment (278-291)  
  • Mancke F, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2015) Core questions and next steps in research on aggression in borderline personality disorder: Rejoinder for "aggression in borderline personality disorder - a multidimensional model" (2015) Personality Disorders-Theory Research and Treatment (298-299)  
  • Mancke F, Bertsch K, Herpertz SC (2015) Gender differences in aggression of borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation(1-12)  
  • Marazia C, Thoma S (2015) On the use and abuse of philosophy for psychiatry. S&F scienzaefilosofia it (74-83)  
  • Mattern M, Walter H, Hentze C, Schramm E, Drost S, Schoepf D, Fangmeier T, Normann C, Zobel I, Schnell K (2015) Behavioral evidence for an impairment of affective theory of mind capabilities in chronic depression. Psychopathology (240-250)  
  • Meyer-Kühling I, Frankenberg C, Schröder J (2015) Erwartungshaltungen, Kommunkation und Kooperation von Pflegenden und Ärzten in der stationären Altenpflege. Heilberufe (1-6)   
  • Meyer-Kühling I, Wendelstein B, Pantel J, Specht-Leible N, Zenthöfer A, Schröder J (2015) Kommunikationstraining MultiTANDEMplus - Ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation zwischen Pflegenden und Ärzten. Pflege (277-285)  
  • Micali S (2015) Mensch und Zeit. Subjektive und objektive Zeit. Genealogische und methodologische Bemerkungen zur Frage nach der Realität und Idealität der Zeit. Springer Verlag   
  • Möller H-J, Bandelow B, Bauer M, Hampel H, Herpertz SC, Soyka M, Barnikol UB, Lista S, Severus E, Maier W (2015) DSM-5 reviewd from different angles goal attainment, rationality, use of evidence, consequences - part1 general aspects and paradigmatic discussion of depressive disorders. European archives of psychiatry and clinical Neuroscience (5-18)  
  • Möller HJ, Bandelow B, Bauer M, Hampel H, Herpertz SC, Soyka M, Barnikol UB, Lista S, Severrus E, Maier W (2015) DSM-5 reviewed from different angles goal attainment, rationality, use of evidence, consequences - part 2 bipolar disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, trauma- and stressor-related disorders, personality disorders, substance-related and addictive disorders. European archives of psychiatry and clinical Neuroscience (87-106)  
  • Morgen K, Schneider M, Frölich L, Tost H, Plichta MM, Kölsch H,Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Gertz H-J, Schröder J, Hampel H, Teipel SJ, Pantel J, Heuser I, Wiltfang J, Rüther E, Kornhuber J, Maier W, Meyer-Lindenberg A (2015) Apolipoprotein E-dependent load of white matter hyperintensities in Alzheimer's disease a voxel-based lesion mapping study. Alzheimers Research & Therapy (7-27)  
  • Müller LE, Schulz A, Andermann M, Gäbel A, Gescher DM, Spohn A, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2015) Cortical representations of afferent bodily signals in borderline personality disorder Neural correlates and relationship to emotional dysregulation. JAMA Psychiatry (1077-1088)
  • Normann C, Wolff J, Hochlehnert A, Klein JP, Hohagen F, Lieb K, Deckert J, Falkai P, Berger M, Herpertz SC (2015) Aufwand und Finanzierung leitlieniengerechter, psychotherapeutischer Behandlung im Krankenhaus. Der Nervenarzt (534-541)  
  • Pascual-Leone A, Herpertz SC, Kramer U (2015) Experimental designs and the 'emotion stimulus critique' hidden problems and potential solutions in the study of emotion. Psychopathology (60-68)  
  • Popp J, Wolfsgruber S, Heuser I, Peters O, Hüll M, Schröder J, Möller H-J, Lewczuk P, Schneider A, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Perneczky R, Frölich L, Wagner M, Maier W, Wiltfang J, Kornhuber J, Jessen F (2015) Cerebrospinal fluid cortisol and clinical disease progression in MCI and dementia of Alzheimer's type. Neurobiology of aging  (601-607)  
  • Rausch J, Gäbel A, Nagy K, Kleindienst N, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2015) Increased testosterone levels and cortisol awakening repsonses in patients with borderline personality disorder Gender and trait aggressiveness matter. Psychoneuroendocrinology (116-127)  
  • Resch F, Herpertz SC (2015) Psychotherapie des jungen Erwachsenenalters.  Die kooperative Adoleszentenstation in Heidelberg. Kohlhammer Verlag   
  • Rizzo R (2015) Ludwig Binswanger und Erwin Straus-Beiträge zur psychiatrischen Phänomenologie.  Hegels Anthropologie des Empfindens und die Phänomenologie von Erwin Straus. Verlag Karl Alber   
  • Roesch-Ely D, Weisbrod M, Bartolovic M (2015) Kognitive Defizite bei Depressionen und ihre Behandlung. Psych up2date (101-112)  
  • Röske T (2015) Widerstände gegen ein psychodynamisches Verständnis der Psychosen. Widerstände gegen psychodynamisches Verstehen von Psychose auf einer akutpsychiatrischen Station - ein Fallbeispiel. Herausgegeben von Mentzos, Stavros; Münch, Alois  
  • Röske T (2015) Dubuffets Liste. Ein Kommentar zur Sammlung Prinzhorn von 1950. Eine bewundernswerte Sammlung - Dubuffets Heidelberger Besuch im Kontext. Wunderhorn  
  • Röske T (2015) Kunstbasierte Zugänge zur Kunsttherapie. Werke von Psychiatrie-Erfahrenen als Kunst. Hrsg. v. Hartmut Majer, Lisa Niederreiter u. Thomas Staroszynski  
  • Röske T, Hohenholz S, Rotzoll M (2015) Erinnern an den ersten Weltkrieg. Archivische Überlieferungsbildung und Sammlungsaktivitäten in der Weimarer Republik. Eine zeithistorische Sammlung wider Willen. Militarismus und Erster Weltkrieg in historischen Werken der Sammlung Prinzhorn. Herausgegeben von Hering, Rainer; Kretzschmar, Robert; Zimmermann, Wolfgang  
  • Röske T (2015)  Universitätssammlungen. Bewahren - Forschen – Vermitteln. Geistesfrische. Sammeln und Forschen an der Heidelberger Sammlung Prinzhorn.   
  • Sa F, Marques A, Rocha NB, Trigueiro MJ, Campos C, Schröder J (2015) Kinematic parameters of throwing performance in patients with schizophrenia using a markerless motion capture system. Somatosensory and motor research (77-86)  
  • Sanches CL, Biskup CS, Herpertz SC, Gaber TJ, Kuhn CM, Hood SH, Zepf FD (2015) The role of serotonin 5-HT in behavioral control findings from animal research and clinical implications. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (1-3)  
  • Simon JJ, Cordeiro SA, Weber MA, Friederich H-C, Wolf RC, Weisbrod M, Kaiser S (2015) Reward system dysfunction as a neural substrate of symptom expression accross the general population and patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin (1370-1378)  
  • Simon JJ, Skunde M, Wu M, Schnell K, Herpertz SC, Bendszus M, Herzog W, Friederich H-C (2015) Neural dissociation of food- and money-related reward processing using an abstract incentive delay task. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (1113-1120)  
  • Simon JJ, Skunde M, Wu M, Schnell K, Herpertz SC, Bendszus M, Herzog W, Friedrich H-C (2015) Neural dissociation of food - and money-related reward processing using an abstract incentive delay task. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (1-8)   
  • Summa M, Fuchs T (2015) Self-experience in dementia. Rivista internationale di filosofia e psicologia (387-405)  
  • Schmahl C, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K, Ende G, Flor H, Kirsch P, Lis S, Meyer-Lindberg A, Rietschel, Schneider M, Spanagel R, Treede R-D, Bohuhs M (2015) Mechanismus of disturbed emotion processing and social interaction in borderline personality disorder: state of knowledge and research agenda of the german  clinical reserach unit. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation (1-17)  
  • Schramm E, Zobel I, Schoepf D, Fangmeier T, Schnell K, Walter H, Drost S, Schmidt P, Brakemeier E-L, Berger M, Normann C (2015) Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy versus escitalopram in chronic major depession. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (227-240)  
  • Tanaka S (2015) Intercorporeality as a theory of social cognition. Theory  & Psychology (455-472)  
  • Tewes C (2015) Zirkel - Widerspruch - Paradoxon. Das Denken des Selbst in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie und in der Gegenwart. Das paradoxale Ich - Zur Antinomie der reflexiven Erfassung präreflexiver Elemente des Selbst. Verlag, Königshausen & Neumann  
  • Tewes C (2015) Idealismus Heute. Was spricht für den Idealismus im Leib-Seele-Problem?   
  • Tewes C (2015) Aesthetics and the embodied mind: Beyond art theory and the cartesian mind-body dichotomy. Neuroaesthetics as an enactive enterprise. Herausgeber: Scarinzi, Alfonsina (Ed.)  
  • Thoma S (2015) Phänomenologisch-psychiatrische Einzelfallstudien - kritische Betrachtung und Vorschläge für eine Neuauflage Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry (192-202)  
  • Thomann PA, Hirjak D, Kubera KM, Stieltjes B, Wolf RC (2015) Neural network activity and neurological soft signs in healthy adults. Behavioural brain research (514-519)  
  • Urbanowitsch N, Degen C, Toro P, Schröder J (2015) Neurological soft signs in aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease - the impact of cognitive decline and cognitive reserve. Fronties in Psychiatry (1-5)  
  • Van Duppen Z, Summa M, Fuchs T (2015) Psychopathologie en film: een waardevolle interactie. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie  (596-603)  
  • Vasic N, Totchilovski V, Wolf RC, Gahr M, Dudeck M (2015) Schuld in forensischer Psychiatrie. Historische Bestandsaufnahme und gegenwärtiges Konzept. Forensische Psychiatrie Psychologie (69-74)  
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  • Weisbrod M, Wirtz G, Fass R, Vogeley K, Schäfer F, Kilian H (2015) Integration psychisch kranker Menschen Teil 1 - Realität und Zukunft der beruflichen Rehabilitation (2015). NeuroTransmitter (30-37)  
  • Weisbrod M, Wirtz G, Fass R, Vogeley K, Schäfer F, Kilian H (2015) Integration psychisch kranker Menschen - Teil 2: Störungsspezifische Konzepte können berufliche Rehabilitation verbessern. NeuroTransmitter (33-39)  
  • Willert A, Mohnke S, Erk S, Schnell K, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Quinlivan E, Schreiter S, Spengler S, Herold D, Wackerhagen C, Romund L, Garbusow M, Lett T, Stamm T, Adli M, Heinz A, Bermpohl F, Walter H (2015) Alterations in neural theory of mind processing in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder and unaffected relatives. Bipolar disorders (880-891)  
  • Wolf RC, Thomann PA, Sambataro F, Wolf ND, Vasic N, Landwehrmeyer GB, Süßmuth SD, Orth M (2015) Abnormal cerebellar volume and corticocerebellar dysfunction in early manifest Huntington’s diseas. Journal of Neurology (859-869)  
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  • Zenthöfer A, Navratil SD, Rammelsberg P, Cabrera T, Gorenc L, Urbanowitsch N, Wetzel P, Schröder J, Hassel AJ (2015) Oral health and apraxia among institutionalized elderly people - a pilot study. Acta odontologica scandinavica (150-155)
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  • Arodin L, Lamparter H, Karlsson H, Nennesmo I, Björnstedt M, Schröder J, Fernandes AP (2014) Alteration of Thioredoxin and Glutaredoxin in the progression of Alzheimer's disease. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE (787-797)
  • Bender S, Bluschke A, Dippel G, Rupp A, Weisbrod M, Thomas C (2014) Auditory post-processing in a passive listening task is deicient in Alzheimer's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology (53-62)
  • Bossert M, Weisbrod M, Aschenbrenner S (2014) Kognitive Remediation im klinischen Alltag Eine Studie zur Akzeptanz bei psychiatrischen Patienten. Fortschritte in der Neurologie und Psychiatrie (691-694)
  • Bramon E, Pirinen M, Strange A, Lin K, Freeman C, Bellengues C, Weisbrod M, Spencer CCA (2014) A genome-wide association analysis of a broad psychosis phenotype identifies three loci for further investigation. Biological Psychiatry (386-397)
  • Brecht F, Schröder J (2014). Trauma und Traumatherapie. Grenzen - Forschung - Möglichkeiten, SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
  • Breyer T (2014) Psychose und Perspektive. Überlegungen im Anschluss anBlankenburg. Wolfgang Blankenburg - Psychiatrie und Phänomenologie. Karl Alber Verlag
  • Brieger P, Kling LP, Steinert T, Langle G, Lemke U, Herpertz SC, Croissant D, Becker T, Kilian R (2014) Psychiatrische Unterbringungspraxis Ein Vergleich von 5 Kliniken in 3 Bundesländern. Nervenarzt (606-613)
  • Brieger P, Kling Lourenco P, Steinert T, Längle G, Lemke U, Herpertz SC, Croissant D, Becker T, Kilian R (2014) Psychiatrische Unterbringungspraxis. Nervenarzt (1-8)
  • Broschmann D (2014) Der Schwindel der Freiheit - Blankenburgs differentiell phänomenologische Typologie der Angst. Wolfgang Blankenburg - Psychiatrie und Phänomenologie. Karl Alber Verlag
  • Czapla M, Simon JJ, Friedrich H-C, Herpertz SC, Zimmermann P, Loeber S (2014) Is binge drinking in young adults associated with an alcohol-specific impairment of response inhibition. European addiction research (105-113)
  • Degen C, Kettner SE, Fischer H, Lohse J, Funke J, Schwieren C, Goeschl T, Schröder J (2014) Comprehension of climate change and entironmental attitudes across the lifespan. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (490-494)
  • Degen C, Schröder J (2014) Training-induced cerebral changes in the elderly. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience (213-221)
  • Depping MS, Wolf ND, Vasic N, Sambataro F, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2014) Specificity of abnormal brain volume in major depressive disorder A comparison with borderline personality disorder. Journal of affective disorders (650-657)
  • Depping MS, Wolf RC, Nolte HM, Palm E, Hirjak D, Thomann PA (2014) Elektrokonvulsive Therapie bei Depression Welche Erkenntnisse erbringen fMRT-, PET- und SPECT-Untersuchungen. Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie (511-522)
  • Domes G, Kumbier E, Heinrichs M, Herpertz SC (2014) Oxytocin promotes facial emotion recognition and amygdala reactivity in adults with asperger syndrome. Neuropsychopharmacology (698-706)
  • Duits FH, Teunissen CE, Bouwman FH, Visser P-J, Mattsson N, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Hansson O, Minthon L, Andreasen N, Marcusson J, Wallin A, Rikkert MO, Tsolaki, Parnetti L, Herukka S-K, Hampel H, de Leon MJ, Schröder J, Aarsland D, Blankenstein MA, Scheltens P, van der Flier WM (2014) The cerebrospinal fluid "Alzheimer profile" easiliy said, but what does it mean. Alzheimers & Dementia (713-723)
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  • Escobar MJ, Huepe D, Decety J, Sedeno L, Messow MK, Baez S, Rivera-Rei A, Canales-Johnson A, Morales JP, Gomez DM, Schröder J, Manes F, Lopez V, Ibanez A (2014) Brain signatures of moral sensitivity in adolescents with early social deprivation. Scientific Reports (1-8)
  • Frohoff S (2014) Gesten der Resonanz. Dimensionen des Leiblichen im Geflecht von kreativem Ausdruck und Rezeption. Bilderfahrung und Psychopathologie, Wilhelm Fink Verlag
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  • Fuchs T (2014) Wolfgang Blankenburg: Der Verlust der natürlichen Selbstverständlichkeit. Wolfgang Blankenburg - Psychiatrie und Phänomenologie. Karl Alber Verlag
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  • Fuchs T (2014) Psychotherapie des Lebensraums. Phänomenologie und psychotherpeutische Psychiatrie. Kohlhammer
  • Fuchs T (2014) Psychopathology of depression and mania: symptoms, phrenomena and syndromes. Journal of Psychopathology (404-413)
  • Fuchs T (2014) Brain mythologies. Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology, Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
  • Fuchs T, Breyer T, Mundt Ch (2014) Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology, Springer-Verlag New York Inc
  • Fuchs T, Koch SC (2014) Embodied affectivity: on moving and beeing moved. Frontiers in Psychology (1-12)
  • Fuchs T (2014) Psychopathologie der subjektiven und intersubjektiven Zeitlichkeit. Das leidende Subjekt, Verlag Karl AlberFuchs T, Breyer T, Micali S, Wandruszka B (2014) Das leidende Subjekt, Karl Alber Verlag
  • Fuchs T (2014) Das Unheimliche. Eine phänomenologische Studie anhand von Werken der Sammlung Prinzhorn. Bilderfahrung und Psychopathologie, Wilhelm Fink Verlag
  • Fuchs T, Berger M (2014) Affektive Störungen, Schattauer Verlag
  • Fuchs T, Breyer T, Mundt Ch (2014) Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology, Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
  • Fuchs T (2014) Brain Mythologies. Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology, Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha L, Koerts J, Aschenbrenner S, Weisbrod M, Lange KW, Tucha O (2014) Cognitive complaints of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Neuropsychologist  (1104-1122)
  • Fuermaier AB, Tucha L, Koerts J, Aschenbrenner S, Kaunzinger I, Hauser J, Weisbrod M, Lange KW, Tucha L (2014) Cognitive impairment in adult ADHD-perspective matters. Neuropsychology (45-58)
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  • Gmehlin D, Fuermaier ABM, Walther S, Debelak R, Rentrop M, Westermann C, Sharma A, Tucha L, Koerts J, Tucha O, Weisbrod M, Aschenbrenner (2014) Intraindividual variablitiy in inhibitory function in adults with ADHD - an Ex-Gaussian approach. PLoS One (1-19)
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  • Herpertz SC (2014) Psychopathology and Psychotherapy in Jaspers' Work and Today's perspectives on psychotherapy in psychiatry. Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology, Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
  • Herpertz SC, Jeung H, Mancke F, Bertsch K (2014) Social dysfunctioning and brain in borderline personality disorder. Psychopathology (417-424)
  • Herpertz SC, Fuchs T (2014) Interactions between neuroscience and psychopathology. Psychopathology (1-2)
  • Herpertz SC, Bertsch K (2014) The social-cognitive basis of personality disorders. Current opinion in Psychiatry (73-77)
  • Herpertz S (2014) Zwischen Angriff und Selbstschutz: der (auto)agressive Mensch. Universität Heidelberg: Ruperto Carola (84-90)
  • Herpertz S, Bertsch K (2014) The social-cognitive basis of personality disorders. Current opinion in psychiatry  (73-77)
  • Herpertz SC (2014) Psychopathology and psychotherapy in Jaspers' work and today's perspectives on psychotherapy in psychiatry. Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology, Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Wider-Smith EP, Kubera K, Thomann P (2014) Motor abnormalities and basal ganglia in schizophrenia Evidence from structural magnetic resonance imaging. Brain Topography  (135-152)
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  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Kubera B, Stieltjes B, Maier-Hein KH, Thomann PA (2014) Neurological soft signs in recent-onset schizophrenia Focus on the cerebellum. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (18-50)
  • Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Depping MS, Bienentreu SD, Wolf RC (2014) Neuronale Korrelate des Psychoserisikosyndroms. Nervenheilkunde (64-74)
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Koch SC, Mehl L, Kelbel JK, Kubera KM, Traeger T, Fuchs T, Thomann PA (2014) Neurological abnormalities in recent-onset schizophrenia and Aspergersyndrome. Frontiers in Psychiatry (1-11)
  • Hohnholz S, Röske T, Rotzoll M (2014) Krieg und Wahnsinn, Verlag das Wunderhorn 
  • Jeung H, Herpertz SC (2014) Impairments of interpersonal functioning empathy and intimacy in borderline personality disorder. Psychopathology (220-234)
  • Kanske P, Schönfelder S, Forneck J, Wessa M (2014) Impaired regulation of emotion neural correlates of reappraisal and distraction in bipolar disorder and unaffected relatives. Translational Psychiatry (1-9)
  • C, Fuchs T, Summa M (2014) Body memory and kinesthetic body feedback: The impact of light versus strong movement qualities on affect and cognition. Memory Studies (272-284)
  • Koethe D, Mattern M, Herpertz SC (2014) Psychotherapeutische Arbeit mit älteren Patienten. Der Nervenarzt (1345-1351)
  • Kong L, Herold CJ, Zöllner F, Salat DH, Lässer MM, Schmid LA, Fellhauer I, Thomann PA, Essig M, Schad LR, Erickson KI, Schröder J (2014) Comparison of grey matter volume and thickness for analysing cortical changes in chronic schizophrenia A matter of surface area, grey/white matter intensity contras, and curvature. Psychiatry Research (176-183)
  • Kordy H, Backenstrass M, Hüsing J, Wolf M, Aulich K, Bürgy M, Puschner B, Rummel-Kluge Ch, Vedder H (2014) Supportive monitoring and disease management through the internet An internet-delivered intervention strategy for recurrent depression. Contemporary Clinical Trials (327-337)
  • Kraus A (2014) Der Wahn Melancholischer und Manischer aus der Sicht von Veränderungen des Selbst. Das leidende Subjekt, Karl Alber Verlag
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  • Kronmüller KT, Backenstraß M, Kaiser S, von Bock A, Büche L, Gentner NC, Heyne J, Rückl S, Mundt Ch (2014) Dimensionen des Wahns. Affektive Störungen, Schattauer Verlag
  • Krug A, Cabanis M, Pyka M, Pauly K, Walter H, Landsberg M, Shah NJ, Winterer G, Wölwer W, Musso F, Müller BW, Wiedemann G, Herrlich J, Schnell K, Vogeley K, Schilbach L, Langohr K, Rapp A, Klingberg S, Kircher T (2014) Investigation of decision-making under uncertainty in healthy subjects a multi-centric fMRI study. Behavioural brain research  (89-96)
  • Kubera KM, Sambataro F, Vasic N, Wolf ND, Frasch K, Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Wolf RC (2014) Source-based morphometry of gray matter volume in patients with schizophrenia who have persistent auditory verbal hallucinations. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry  (102-109)
  • Matzke B, Herpertz SC, Berger C, Fleischer M, Domes G (2014) Facial reactions during emotion recognition in Borderline Personality disorder: a facial electromyography study. Psychopathology (101-110)
  • Matzke B, Herpertz SC, Berger Ch, Fleischer M, Domes G (2014) Facial reactions during emotion recognition in Borderline Personality disorder: a facial electromyography study.  Psychopathology (101-110)
  • Micali S (2014) Phänomenologie als Methode. Wolfgang Blankenburg - Psychiatrie und Phänomenologie, Karl Alber Verlag
  • Micali S, Fuchs T (2014) Wolfgang Blankenburg - Psychiatrie und Phänomenologie, Karl Alber Verlag
  • Micali S (2014) Leiden ohne Ende. Das leidende Subjekt, Verlag Karl Alber
  • Möller HJ, Bandelow B, Bauer M, Hampel H, Herpertz SC, Soyka M, Barnikol UB, Lista S, Severrus E, Maier W (2014) DSM-5 reviewed from different angles goal attainment, rationality, use of evidence, consequences - part 2 bipolar disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, trauma- and stressor-related disorders, personality disorders, substance-related and addictive disorders. European Archives of Psychiatry and clinical Neuroscience  (87-106)
  • Mohnke S, Erk S, Schnell K, Schütz C, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Grimm O, Haddad L, Pohlan L, Garbusow M, Schmitgen M, Kirsch P, Esslinger C, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Nöthen MM, Cichon S, Mattheisen M, Jensen J, Schott BH, Maier W, Heinz A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Walter H (2014) Further evidence for the impact of a genome-wide-supported psychosis risk varianz in ZNF804A on the Theory of Mind Network. Neuropsychopharmackology (1196-1205)
  • Mohnke S, Erk S, Schnell K, Schütz C, Romanczuk-Sefert N, Grimm O, Haddad L, Pöhland L, Garbusow M, Schmitgen MM, Kirsch P, Esslinger C, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Nöthen MM, Cichon S, Mattheisen M, Mühleisen T, Jensen J, Schott BH, Maier W, Heinz A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Walter H (2014) Further evidence for the impact of a genome-wide-supported psychosis risk varianz in ZNF804A on the theory of mind network.   Neuropsychopharmacology (1196-1205)
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  • Nunez D, Oelkers-Ax R, de Haan S, Ludwig M, Sattel H, Resch F, Weisbrod M, Fuchs T (2014) Do deficits in the magnocellular priming underlie visual derealization phenomena Preliminary neurophysiological and self-report results in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research (441-449)
  • Pantel J, Schröder J, Bollheimer C, Sieber C, Kruse A (2014). Praxishandbuch Altersmedizin. Geriatrie - Gerontopsychiatrie – Gerontologie, Kohlhammer
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  • Sarrazin S, Poupon C, Linke J, Wessa M, Phillips M, Delevast M, Versace A, Almeida J, Guevara AJ, Duclap D, Duchesnay E, Mangin JF, Le Dudal K, Daban C, Hamdani N, D'Albis MA, Leboyer M, Houenou J (2014) A multicenter tractography study of deep white matter tracts in bipolar I disorder psychotic features and interhemispheric disconnectivity. JAMA Psychiatry  (388-396)
  • Sattler Ch, Schröder J (2014) Kognitive Reserve. Praxishandbuch Altersmedizin, Kohlhammer
  • Simon JJ, Skunde M, Wu M, Schnell K, Herpertz SC, Bendszus M, Herzog W, Friedrich H-C (2014) Neural dissociation of food- and money-related reward processing using an abstract incentive delay task. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (1-8) 
  • Simon JJ, Skunde M, Sinno Mh, Brockmeyer T, Herpertz SC, Bendszus M, Herzog W, Friedrich H-C (2014) Impaired cross-talk between mesolimbic food reward processing and metabolic signaling predicts body mass index. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (1-10)
  • Sprengelmeyer R, Orth M, Müller H-P, Wolf RC, Grön G, Depping MS, Kassubek J, Justo D, Rees EM, Haider S, Cole JH, Hobbs NZ, Roos RAC, Dürr A, Tabrizi SJ, Süssmuth SD, Landwehrmeyer GB (2014) The neuroanatomy of subthreshold depressive symptoms in Huntington's disease: a combined diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. Psychological Medicine (1-12)
  • Summa M (2014) Epoché und methodische Integration als Grundlage für Blankenburgs Psychopathologie des common sense. Wolfgang Blankenburg - Psychiatrie und Phänomenologie, Karl Alber Verlag
  • Schmahl C, Herpertz SC, Bertsch K, Ende G, Flor H, Kirsch P, Lis S, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Rietschel M, Schneider M, Spanagel R, Treede R-D, Bohus M (2014) Mechanisms of disturbed emotion processing and social interaction in borderline personality disorder: state of knowledge and research agenda of the german clinical research unit. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation (1-17)
  • Schmahl C, Herpertz SC (2014) Translational research in borderline personality disorders. Textbook of personality disorders, American Psychiatric Association Publishing
  • Schönknecht P, Lamparter H, Schröder J (2014) Die Prävalenz der majoren Depression über die Lebensspanne. Affektive Störungen, Schattauer Verlag
  • Schnell T, Koethe D, Krasnianski A, Gairing S, Schnell K, Daumann J, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E (2014) Ziprasidon versus clozapine in the treatment of dually diagnosed (DD) patients with schizophrenia and cannabis use disorders: a randomized study. American Journal on Addications (308-312)
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  • Wolf RC, Sambataro F, Vasic N, Baldas E-M, Ratheiser I, Landwehrmeyer GB, Depping MS, Thomann PA, Sprengelmeyer R, Süssmuth SD, Orth M (2014) Visual system integrity and cognition in early Huntington's disease. European Journal of Neuroscience  (2417-2426)
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  • Zietlow A-L, Schlüter MK, Nonnenmacher N, Müller M, Reck C (2014) Maternal self-confidence postpartum and at preschool age: The role of depression, anxiety disorders, maternal attachment insecurity. Maternal and child health Journal (1873-1880)
  • Abdulkadir A, Ronneberger O, Wolf RC, Pfleiderer B, Saft C, Klöppel S (2013) Funcional and structural MRI biomarkers to detect pre-clinical neurodegeneration.  Current Alzheimer Research (125-134)
  • Aldinger M, Stopsack M, Barnow S, Rambau S, Spitzer C, Schnell K, Ulrich I (2013) The association between depressive symptoms and emotion recognition is moderated by emotion regulation. Psychiatry Research (59-66)
  • Aschenbrenner S, Schale A, Weisbrod M, Laux G, Brunnauer A (2013) Wiedererlangung der Fahrkompetenz: ein wichtiges Behandlungsziel bei psychischen Erkrankungen. Nervenheilkunde (376-380)
  • Azadmehr H, Rupp A, Andermann M, Pavicic D, Herwig K, Weisbrod M, Resch F, Oelkers-Ax R (2013) Object recognition deficit in early- and adult onset schizophrenia regardless of age at disease onset. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging (452-458)
  • Bertsch K, Gamer M, Schmidt B, Schmidinger I, Walther S, Kästel T, Schnell K, Büchel C, Domes G, Herpertz SC (2013). American Journal of Psychiatry (1169-1177)
  • Bertsch K, Gamer M, Schmidt B, Schmidinger I, Walther S, Kästel T, Schnell K, Büchel C, Domes G, Herpertz SC (2013) Oxytocin and reduction of social threat hypersensitivity in women with borderline personality disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry (1169-1177)•    Bertsch K, Schmidinger I, Neumann ID, Herpertz SC (2013) Reduced plasma oxytocin levels in female patients with borderline personality disorder. Hormones and Behavior (424-429)
  • Bertsch K, Grothe M, Prehn K, Vohs K, Berger C, Hauenstein K, Keiper P, Domes G, Teipel S, Herpertz SC (2013) Brain volumes differ between diagnostic group of violent criminal offenders. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience (593-606)
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  • Breyer T, Etzelmüller G, Fuchs T, Schwarzkopf G (2013) Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. Winter Verlag
  • Brieger P, Kling Lourenco P, Steinert T, Längle G, Lemke U, Herpertz SC, Croissant D, Becker T, Kilian R (2013) Psychiatrische Unterbringungspraxis. Nervenarzt (1-8)
  • Cabanis M, Pyka M, Mehl S, Müller BW, Loos-Jankowiak S, Winterer G, Wölwer W, Musso F, Klingberg S, Rapp AM, Langohr K, Wiedemann G, Herrlich J, Walter H, Wagner M, Schnell K, Vogeley K, Kockler H, Shah NJ, Stöcker T, Thienel R, Pauly K, Krug A, Kircher T (2013)  The precunus and the insula in self-attributional processes. Cognitive Affektive & Behavioral  Neuorsience (330-345)
  • Caspar F, Walter H, Schnell K (2013) Entwicklungspsychologische Grundlagen von CBASP. Therapieren mit CBASP: Chronische Depression, Komorbiditäten und störungsübergreifender Einsatz. Urban & Fischer
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  • Deuschle M, Paul F, Brosz M, Bergemann N, Franz M, Kammerer-Ciernioch J, Lautenschlager M, Lederbogen F, Roesch-Ely D, Weisbrod M, Kahl KG, Reichmann J, Gross J, Umbreit J (2013) Assessment of cardiovascular disease risk in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in German psychiatric hospitals: results of pharmacoepidemiologic CATS study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (1283-1288)
  • Diehl U (2013) Jaspers' Existenzerhellung der Freiheit. K arl Jaspers - Phänomenologie und Psychopathologie. Verlag Karl Alber
  • Domes G, Sibold M, Schulze L, Lischke A, Herpertz SC, Heinrichs M (2013) Intranasal oxytocin increases covert attention to positive social cues. Psychological Medicine (1747-1753)
  • Domes G, Heinrichs M, Kumbier E, Grossmann A, Hauenstein K, Herpetz SC (2013) Effects of intranasal oxytocin on the neural basis of face processing in autism spectrum disorder. Biological Psychiatry (164-171)
  • Domsch S, Linke J, Heiler PM, Kroll A, Flor H, Wessa M, Schad LR (2013) Increased bold sensitivity in orbitofrontal cortex using slice-dependent echo times at 3 t. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (201-211)
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  • Frohoff S (2013) ungesehen und unerhört. Künstler reagieren auf die Sammlung Prinzhorn (Salvador Dali und Carl Lange). Verlag das Wunderhorn
  • Fuchs T (2013) Affektive Störungen (Depression und Manie als Zeitkrankheiten). Schattauer-Verlag
  • Fuchs T (2013) De la vulnerabilite existentielle. Elements pour une psychopathologie des situations-limites. La Psychopathologie Generale de Karl Jaspers
  • Fuchs T (2013) Brain Mythologies. Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology. Springer Verlag New York
  • Fuchs T, Breyer T, Mundt Ch (2013) Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology. Springer Verlag New York
  • Fuchs T (2013) The self in schizophrenia: Jaspers, Schneider, and beyond. One century of Karl Jaspers General Psychopathology. Mentis Verlag
  • Fuchs T (2013) The phenomenology of affectivity. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy andPsychiatry. Oxford University Press (Verlag)
  • Fuchs T (2013) Phänomenologie und Neurowissenschaften. Von der antireduktionistischen zur konstruktiven Kritik. Wahrnehmen, Fühlen, Handeln. Mentis Verlag
  • Fuchs T (2013) Hirnmythologien. Jaspers' Reduktionismus-Kritik heute. Karl Jaspers - Phänomenologie und Psychopathologie. Verlag Karl Alber
  • Fuchs T, Micali S, Wandruszka B (2013) Karl Jaspers - Phänomenologie und Psychopathologie. Verlag Karl Alber
  • Fuchs T (2013) Verkörperung, Sozialität und Kultur. Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. Winter Verlag
  • Fuchs T (2013) Depression, intercorporeality, and interaffectivity. Journal of consciousness studies (219-238)
  • Fuchs T (2013) Das Leibgedächtnis: eine philosophische und psychologische Perspektive. Psychologische Medizin (10-16)
  • Fuchs T (2013) Temporality and Psychopathology. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (75-104)
  • Fuchs T (2013) Person und Gehirn. Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen (7-13)
  • Fuchs T, Herpertz SC (2013) The centennial of Karl Jaspers' Gener Psychopathology. Psychopathology (279-280)
  • Fuchs T (2013) Leib und Lebensraum - Das eingebettete Selbst in der Psychotherapie. Psychotherapeutenjournal (124-131)
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha L, Koerts J, Aschenbrenner S, Weisbrod M, Lange KW, Tucha O (2013) Source discrimination in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PLoS One (1-7)
  • Fuermaier ABM, Tucha L, Koerts J, Aschenbrenner S, Westermann C, Weisbrod M, Lange KW, Tucha O (2013) Complex prospective memory in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PLoS One (1-6)
  • Gabriel E, Mundt Ch, Herpertz S (2013) Professor Peter Berner. Psychopathology (133-135)
  • Haberstroh J, Wollstadt P, Knebel M, Oswald F, Schröder J, Pantel J (2013) Need for and challenges facing functional communication as outcome parameter in AD clinical trials. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders (293-301)
  • Hauser T, Schönknecht P, Thomann PA, Gerigk L, Schröder J, Henze R, Radbruch A, Essig M (2013) Regional cerebral perfusion alterations in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI. Academic Radiology (705-711)
  • Henze R, Barth J, Parzer P, Bertsch K, Schmitt R, Lenzen C, Herpertz S, Resch F, Brunner R, Kaess M (2013) Validierung eines Screening-Instruments zur Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter - Gütekriterien und Zusammenhang mit dem Selbstwert der Patienten. Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie (324-330)
  • Herold CJ, Lässer MM, Schmid LA, Seidl U, Kong L, Fellhauer I, Thomann PA, Essig M, Schröder J (2013) Hippocampal volume reduction and autobiographical memory deficits in chronic schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging (189-194)
  • Herpertz SC, Matzke B (2013) Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie (Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung). Kohlhammer-Verlag
  • Herpert SC, Schnell K, Falkai P (2013) Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie (Einführung). Kohlhammer-Verlag
  • Herpertz SC, Schnell K, Falkai P (2013) Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. Kohlhammer-Verlag
  • Herpertz SC (2013) Psychopathology and psychotherapy in Jaspers' work and today's perspectives on psychotherapy in psychiatry. Karl Jaspers' Philosophy and Psychopathology. Springer Verlag New York
  • Herpertz S, Bertsch K (2013) The social-cognitive basis of personality disorders. Ccurrent opinion in Psychiatry (73-77)
  • Herpertz S (2013) The social-cognitive basis of personality disorders: commentary on the special issue. Journal of Personality Disorders (113-124)
  • Herpertz St, Herpertz S (2013) Richtlinienpsychotherapie - Quo Vadis? Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie (32-38)
  • Hirjak D, Breyer T, Thomann PA, Fuchs T (2013) Disturbance of intentionality: a phenomenological study of body-affecting first-rank symptoms in schizophrenia. PLoS One (1-10)
  • Hirjak D, Thomann PA, Depping MS, Wolf RC (2013) Neuronale Korrelate des Psychoserisikosyndroms. Nervenheilkunde (582-591)
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Stieltjes B, Hauser T, Seidl U, Thiemann U, Schröder J, Thomann PA (2013) Neurological soft signs and brainstem morphology in first-episode schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology (91-99)
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Stieltjes B, Hauser T, Seidl U, Thiemann U, Schröder J, Thomann PA (2013) Neurological soft signs and brainstem morphology in first-episode schizophrenia. Neuropsychobiology (91-99)
  • Holt DV, Wolf J, Funke J, Weisbrod M, Kaiser S (2013) Planing impairments in schizophrenia: specificity, task independence and functional relevance. Schizophrenia Research (174-179)
  • Hoppstädter M, King AV, Frölich L, Wessa M, Flor H, Meyer P (2013) A combined electrophysiological and morphological examination of episodic memeory decline in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (1-5)
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  • Karakaya T, Fußer F, Schröder J, Pantel J (2013) Pharmacological treatment of mild cognitive impairment as prodromal syndrome of Alzheimer's disease. Current Neuropharmacology (102-108)
  • Kanske P, Schönfelder S, Wessa M (2013) Emotional modulation of attentional blink and the relation to interpersonal reactivity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (1-9)
  • Kanske P, Heissler J, Schönfelder S, Forneck J, Wessa M (2013) Neural correlates of cmotional distractability in bipolar disorder patients, unaffected relatives and individuals with hypomnic personality. American Journal of Psychiatry (1487-1496)
  • Kess M, Ceumern-Lindenstjerna von I-A, Parzer P, Chanen A, Mundt Ch, Resch F, Brunner R (2013) Axis I and II comorbidity and psychosocial functioning in female adoscents with Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychopathology (55-62)
  • Koch E, Wolf RC (2013) Das Adoleszentenprojekt in Heidelberg. Psychosen in der Adoleszenz, Kohlhammer
  • Koenig J, Oelkers-Ax R, Kaess M, Parzer P, Lenzen C, Hillecke TK, Resch F (2013) Specific music therapy techniques in the treatment of primary headache disorders in adolescents: a randomized attention-placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Pain (1196-1207)
  • Koenig J, Kaess M, Oelkers-Ax R, Parzer P, Lenzen C, Hillecke T, Resch F (2013) Wiederkehrende primäre Kopfschmerzen in Jugendalter. Psychotherapeut (285-191)
  • Kordy H, Backenstrass M, Hüsing J, Wolf M, Aulich K, Büry M, Puschner B, Rummel-Kluge C, Vedder H (2013) Supportive monitoring and disease management through the internet: an internet-delivered intervention strategy for recurrent depression. Contemporary Clinical Trials (327-337)
  • Kraus A (2013), Die melancholische Echtheit. Affektive Störungen. Klinik - Therapie -Perspektiven (5-20) Schattauer Verlag.
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  • Kraus A (2013) Schizophrener Wahn und Halluzination als Ausdruck und Konsequenz einer Alteration der existenziellen Aprioris. Karl Jaspers - Phänomenologie und Psychopathologie. Verlag Karl Alber
  • Kronmüller K, Backenstraß M, Kaiser S, Bock von A, Büche L, Gentner NC, Heyne J, Rückl S, Mundt Ch (2013) Affektive Störungen (Dimensionen des Wahns). Schattauer Verlag
  • Krüger S, Röske T (2013) Im Dienste des Ich. Ernst Kris heute. Boehlau Verlag; Auflage: 1 (1. Juni 2013)
  • Krug A, Cabanis M, Pyka M, Pauly K, Walter H, Landsberg M, Shah NJ, Winterer G, Wölw W, Musso F, Müller BW, Wiedemann G, Herrlich J, Schnell K, Vogeley K, Schilbach L, Langohr K, Rapp A, Klingberg S, Kircher T (2013) Investigation of decision-making under uncertainty in healthy subjects a multi-centric fMRI study.  Behavioral Brain Research (89-96)
  • Küntzelmann A, Guenther T,  Haberkorn U, Essig M, Giesel F, Henze R, Schroeter ML, Schröder J, Schönknecht P (2013) Impaired cerebral glucose metabolism in prodromal Alzheimer's disease differs by regional intensity normalization. Neuroscience Letters (12-17)
  • Kuhlmann A, Bertsch K, Schmidinger I, Thomann PA, Herpertz SC (2013) Morphometric differences in central stress-regulating structures between women with and without borderline personality disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience (129-137)
  • Linke J, King AV, Poupon C, Hennerici MG, Gass A, Wessa M (2013) Impaired anatomical connectivity and related executive functions: differentiating vulnerability and disease marker in bipolar disorder. Biological Psychiatry (908-916)
  • Loeber S, Grosshans M, Herpertz St, Kiefer F, Herpertz SC (2013) Hunger modulates behavioral disinhibition and attention allocation to foodassociated cues in normal-weight controls. Appetite  (32-39)
  • Marx I, Höpcke C, Berger Ch, Wandschneider R, Herpertz SC (2013) The impact of financial reward contingencies on cognitive function profiles in adult ADHD. PLoS One (1-6)
  • Mattsson N, Andreasson U, Persson S, Carrillo MC, Collins S, Chalbot S, Cutler N, Dufour-Rainfray D, Fagan AM, Heegaard NHH, Hsiung G-YR, Hyman B, Iqbal K, Lachno DR, Lleo A, Lewczuk P, Molinuevo JL, Parchi P, Regeniter A, Rissman R, Rosenmann H, Sancesario G, Schöder J, Shaw LM, Teunissen CE, Trojanowski JQ, Vand (2013) CSF biomarker variability in the Alzheimer's association quality control program. Alzheimers & Dementia (251-261)•    Matzke B, Herpertz SC, Berger Ch, Fleischer M, Domes G (2013) Facial reactions during emotion recognition in Borderline Personality disorder: a facial electromyography study. Psychopathology (101-110)
  • Meyer P, Feldkamp H, Hoppstädter M, King AV, Frölich L, Wessa M, Flor H (2013) Using voxel-based morphometry to examine the relationship between regional brain volumes and memory performance in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (1-7)
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  • Mohnke S, Erk S, Schnell K, Schütz C, Romanczuk-Sefert N, Grimm O, Haddad L, Pöhland L, Garbusow M, Schmitgen MM, Kirsch P, Esslinger C, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Nöthen MM, Cichon S, Mattheisen M, Mühleisen T, Jensen J, Schott BH, Maier W, Heinz A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Walter H (2013) Further evidence for the impact of a genome-wide-supported psychosis risk varianz in ZNF804A on the theory of mind network. Neuropsychopharmacology (1196-1205)
  • Morgen K, Frölich L, Tost H, Plichta MM, Kölsch H, Rakebrandt F, Rienhoff O, Jessen F, Peters O, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Hüll M, Gertz HJ, Schröder J, Hampel H, Teipel SJ, Pantel J, Heuser I, Wiltfang J, Rüther E, Kornhuber J, Maier W, Meyer- Lindenberg A (2013) APOE-dependent phenotypes in subjects with mild cognitive impairment converting to Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimers Disease  (389-401)
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  • Mundt Ch (2013) Impact of Karl Jaspers' General Psychopathology: the range of appraisal. One century of Karl Jaspers' Psychopathology. Mentis Verlag
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  • Nunez D, Rauch J, Herwig K, Rupp A, Andermann M, Weisbrod M, Resch F, Oelkers-Ax R (2013) Evidence for a magnocellular disadvantage in early-onset schizophrenic patients: a source analysis of the N80 visual-evoked component. Schizophrenia Research (16-23)
  • Prehn K, Schulze L, Rossmann S, Berger C, Vohs K, Fleischer M, Hauenstein K, Keiper P, Domes G, Herpertz SC (2013) Effects of emotional stimuli on working memory processes in male criminal offenders with borderline and antisocial peronality disorder.  World Journal of Biological (71-78)
  • Prehn K, Schulze L, Rossmann S, Berger C, Vohs K, Fleischer M, Haunstein K, Keiper P, Domes G, Herpertz SC (2013) Neural correlates of risk taking in violent criminal offenders characterized by emotional hypo- and hyper-reactivity. Social Neuroscience (136-147)
  • Prehn K, Kazzer P, Lischke A, Heinrichs M, Herpertz SC, Domes G (2013) Effects of intranasal oxytocin on pupil dilation indicate increased salience of socioffactive stimuli. Psychophysiology (528-537)
  • Reck C (2013), Zur Bedeutung der postpartalen Depression für die kindliche Entwicklung und die Mutter-Kind-Beziehung. Affektive Störungen (5-20). Schattauer Verlag
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  • Sambataro F, Wolf ND, Pennuto M, Vasic N, Wolf RC (2013) Revisiting default mode network function in major depression: evidence for disrupted subsystem connectivity. Psychological Medicine (1-11)
  • Sharma A, Weisbrod M, Bender S (2013) Connectivity and local activity within the fronto-posterior brain network in schizophrenia. Clinical Neurophysiology (181-196)
  • de Souza Silva MA, Lenz B, Rotter A, Biermann T, Peters O, Ramirez A, Jessen F, Maier W, Hüll M, Schröder J, Frölich L, Teipel S, Gruber O, Kornhuber J, Huston JP, Müller CP, Schäble S (2013) Neurokinin3 receptor as a target to predict and improve learning and memory in the aged organism. Proceedings of the National Academy of science of the united states of America (15097-15102)
  • Sprengelmeyer R, Orth M, Müller H-P, Wolf RC, Grön G, Depping MS, Kassubek J, Justo D, Rees EM, Haider S, Cole JH, Hobbs NZ, Roos RAC, Dürr A, Tabrizi SJ, Süssmuth SD, Landwehrmeyer GB (2013) The neuroanatomy of subthreshold depressive symptoms in Huntington's disease: a combined diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study.  Psychological Medicine (1-12)
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  • Schmid M, Gahr M, Fladung AK, Freudenmann RW, Wolf RC, Schönfeldt- Lecuona C (2013) Emtional-instabile Persönlichkeitsstörung vom Borderline-Typ: Update wissenschaftlicher Perspektiven. Nervenheilkunde (216-224)
  • Schnell K, Herpertz SC (2013) Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie (Chronische Depression). Kohlhammer-Verlag
  • Schnell K, Herpertz SC (2013) Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie (Allgemeine Grundlagen und Basiskompetenzen). Kohlhammer-Verlag
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  • Thomann PA, Wüstenberg T, Nolte HM, Menzel PB, Wolf RC, Essig M, Schröder J (2013) Hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volume decline in cognitively intact elderly. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging (31-36)
  • Thomann PA, Wüstenberg T, Nolte HM, Menzel PB, Wolf RC, Essig M, Schröder J (2013) Hippocampal and entorhinal cortex volume decline in cognitively intact elderly. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging  (31-36)
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  • Vives-Gilabert Y, Abdulkadir A, Kaller CP, Mader W, Wolf RC, Schelter B, Klöppel S (2013) Detection of preclinical neural dysfunction from functional connectivity graphs derived from task fMRI. An example from degeneration. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging (214-322)
  • Walter H, Klein P, Schnell K (2013) Zur systemischen Neurowissenschaft der chronischen Depression. Chronische Depression, Komorbiditäten und störungsübergreifender Einsatz. Urban & Fischer
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  • Weisbrod M, Brieger P (2013) Psychiatrische Rehabilitation ist ein Zukunftsthema der Psychiatrie. Nervenarzt (345-350)
  • Wessa M, Heissler J, Schönfelder S, Kanske P (2013) Goal-directed behavior under emotional distraction is preserved by enhanced task-specific activation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (305-312)
  • Wessa M, Heissler J, Schönfelder S, Kanske P (2013) Goal-directed behavior under emotional distraction is preserved by enhanced task-specific activation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (305-312)
  • Wolf RC, Herpertz SC, Gruber O (2013) Experimentelle fMRT. Systemische Neurowissenschaften, Kohlhammer
  • Wolf RC, Klöppel S (2013) Clinical significance of frontal cortex abnormalities in Huntington's disease. Experimental Neurology  (39-44)
  • Wolf RC, Huber M, Depping MS, Thomann PA, Karner M, Lepping P, Freudenmann RW (2103) Abnormal gray and white matter volume in delusional infestation. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (19-24)
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  • Bender S, Melendez L, Schröder J, Roessner V, Resch F, Weisbrod M (2012) Lateralized movement-related potential amplitudes differentiate between schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder and major depression. Clinical Neurophysiology (1549-1560)
  • Bender S, Schröder J, Freitag C, Roessner V, Resch F, Weisbrod M (2012) Movement-related potentials point towards an impaired tuning of reafferent sensory feedback by preceding motor activation in schizophrenia. Psychiatry research-Neuroimaging (65-73)
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  • Berna F, Schönknecht P, Seidl U, Toro P, Schröder J (2012) Episodic autobiographical memory in normal aging and mild cognitive impairment: A population-based study. Psychiatry research  (807-812)
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  • Froese T, Fuchs T (2012) The extended body: a case study in the neurophenomenology of social interaction. Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences (205-236)
  • Fuchs T (2012) Gesundheit und Krankheit - eine selbstverständliche Unterscheidung? Leben und Leiden.  © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
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  • Fuchs T (2012) Affektive Psychosen. Kunsttherapie bei psychischen Störungen. Spreti, P. Martius, H. Förstl (Hrsg.)
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  • Fuchs T (2012) Selbst und Schizophrenie. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (887-901)
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  • Fuchs T (2012) Das Selbst - Konstrukt oder Realität? Positionen der Psychiatrie. Springer Berlin, S. 253-259
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  • Giesel FL, Mehndiratta A, Hempel A, Hempel E, Kress KR, Essig M, Schröder J (2012) Improvement of auditory hallucinations and reduction of primary auditory area's activation following TMS. European journal of radiology (1273-1275)
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  • Herpertz S, Matzke B (2012) Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung. Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. Berlin: Springer; 1097–1111
  • Herpertz S, Schnell K, Falkai P (2012) Einführung. Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. Die Psychiatrie 9: 77-87
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  • Heuser M, Thomann PA, Essig M, Bachmann S, Schröder J (2012) Neurological signs and morphological cerebral changes in schizophrenia: an analysis of NSS subscales in patients with first episode psychosis. Psychiatry research-Neuroimaging (69-76)
  • Hirjak D, Bechdolf A, Thomann PA, Thiemann U, Wolf RC (2012) Indizierte Prävention psychotischer Störungen. Nervenheilkunde (923-932)
  • Hirjak D, Wolf RC, Stieltjes B, Seidl U, Schöder J, Thomann PA (2012) Neurological soft signs and subcortical brain morphology in recent onset schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research (533-539)
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  • Koch S, Fuchs T, Summa M, Müller C (2012).  Titel des Lehrbuchus: Body memory, metaphor and movement
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  • Kolter A, Ladewig SH, Summa M, Müller M, Koch SC, Fuchs T (2012)  Body memory and the emergence of metaphor in movement and speech. Body memor, metaphor and movement
  • Kong L, Herold C, Stieltjes B, Essig M, Seidl U, Wolf RC, Wüstenberg T, Lässer MM, Schmid LA, Schnell K, Hirjak D, Thomann PA (2012)  Reduced gray to white matter tissue inentsity contrast in schizophrenia. PLoS One (1-5)
  • Kong L, Bachmann S, Thomann PA, Essig M, Schröder J (2012) Neurological soft signs and gray matter changes: A longitudinal analysis in first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophrenia research (27-32)
  • Kuhlmann A, Bertsch K, Schmidinger I, Thomann PA, Herpertz SC (2012) Mophometric differences in central stress-regulating structures between women with and without borderline personality disorder. Journal of psychiatry & Neuroscience (129-137)
  • Kumbier E, Herpertz SC (2012) 4.6 Humangenetik, Verhaltensgenetik und Psychiatrie: Peter Propping und die Implementierung psychiatrisch-genetischer Forschungskonzepte, CA. 1970-1984.  Das Heidelberger Institut für Humangenetik: Vorgeschichte und Ausbau (1962-2012)
  • Linke J, King AV, Rietschel M, Strohmaier J, Hennerici M, Gass A, Meyer- Lindenberg A, Wessa M (2012) Increased medial orbitofrontal and amygdala activation: Evidence for a systems-level endophenotype of bipolar I disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry (316-325)
  • Linke J, Witt SH, King AV, Nieratschker V, Poupon C, Gass A, Hennerici MG, Rietschel M, Wessa M (2012) Genome-wide supported risk variant for bipolar disorder alters anatomical connectivity in the human brain.  Neuroimage (3288-3296)
  • Lischke A, Gamer M, Berger C, Grossmann A, Hauenstein K, Heinrichs M, Herpertz SC, Domes G (2012) Oxytocin increases amygdala reactivity to threatening scenes in females. Psychoneuroendocrinology  (1431-1438)
  • Lischke A, Berger C, Prehn K, Heinrichs M, Herpertz SC, Domes G (2012) Intranasal oxytocin enhances emotion recognition from dynamic facial expressions and leaves eye-gaze unaffected. Psychoneuroendocrinology (475-481)
  • Loeber S, Nakovics H, Kniest A, Kiefer F, Mann K, Croissant B (2012) Factors affecting cognitive function of opiate dependent patients. Drug and alcohol dependence (81-87)
  • Loeber S, Grosshans M, Korucuoglu O, Vollmert C Vollstädt-Klein S, Schneider S, Wiers RW, Mann K, Kiefer F (2012) Impairment of inhibitory control in response to food-associated cues and attentional bias of obese participants and normal-weight controls. International journal of obesity (1334-1339)
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  • Nenadic I, Langbein K, Weisbrod M, Maitra R, Rzanny R, Gussew A, Reichenbach JR, Sauer H, Smesny S (2012) 31p-mr spectroscopy in monozygotic twins discordant for schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Schizophrenia research (296-297)
  • Niedtfeld I, Kirsch P, Schulze L, Herpertz SC, Bohus M, Schmahl C (2012) Functional connectivity of pain-mediated affect regulation in borderline personality disorder. PLoS One (1-9)
  • Nikendei C, Friederich H-C, Weisbrod M, Walther S, Sharma A, Herzog W, Zipfel S, Bender S (2012) Event-related potentials during recognition of semantic and pictorial food stimuli in patients with anorexia nervosa nad healthy controls with varying internal states of hunger. Psychosomatic Medicine (136-145)
  • Ostiguy CS, Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S (2012) Personality of parents with bipolar disorder and interpersonal functioning among their offspring: A prosective 10-year study. Development and Psychopathology (573-587)
  • Peters O, Lorenz D, Fesche A, Schmidtke K, Hüll M, Perneczky R, Rüther E, Möller H-J, Jessen F, Maier W, Kornhuber J, Jahn H, Luckhaus C, Gertz H-J, Schröder J, Pantel J, Teipel S, Wellek S, Frölich L, Heuser I (2012) A combination of galantamine and memantine modifies cognitive function in subjects with amnestic MCI. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging (544-548)
  • Petrovsky N, Ettinger U, Quednow BB, Walter H, Schnell K, Kessler H, Mössner R, Maier W, Wagner M (2012) Nicotine differentially modulates antisaccade performance in healthy male non-smoking volunteers stratified for low and high accuracy. Psychopharmacology (27-38)
  • Polier GG, Vloet TD, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Laurens KR, Hodgins S (2012) Comorbidity of conduct disorder symptoms and internalising problems in children: investigating a comunity and a clinical sample. European child & adolescent (31-38)
  • Reck C (2012) Depression und Angststörung im Postpartalzeitraum: Prävalenz, Mutter-Kind-Beziehung und kindliche Entwicklung. Frühe Kindheit 0-3 Jahre. Verlag: Kohlhammer
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  • Rodewald K, Bartolovic M, Debelak R, Aschenbrenner S, Weisbrod M, Roesch-Ely D (2012) Eine Normierungsstudie eines modifizierten Trail Making Tests im deutschsprachigen Raum. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie (37-48)
  • Röske T (2012) Die Sammlung Prinzhorn und andere Orte für Außenseiter-Kunst in Heidelberg. Heidelberg - Geist und Rätsel. Sammlung Prinzhorn-Heidelberg
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  • Roeske T (2012). Titel des Lehrbuches: Der gebackene Zopf. Zeichnungen von Helmut Widmaier
  • Sattler C, Schröder J (2012) Kognitive Reserve im Alter - Risiko- und protektive Faktoren im Voreld der Alzheimer-Demenz. Gesund altern (90-95)
  • Sattler C, Toro P, Schönknecht P, Schröder J (2012) Cognitive activity, aducation and socioeconomic status as preventive factors for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatry Research
  • Seidl U, Lueken U, Thomann PA, Kruse A, Schröder J (2012) Facial expression in Alzheimer's disease: Impact of cognitive deficits and neuropsychiatric symptoms. American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias (100-106)
  • Seidl U, Traeger TV, Hirjak D, Remmele B, Wolf RC, Kaiser E, Stieltjes B, Essig M, Schröder J, Thomann PA (2012) Subcortical morphological correlates of impaired clock drawing performance. Neuroscience letters (28-32)
  • Summa M, Koch SC, Fuchs T (2012) Body memory: An integration. Body memory, metaphor and movement
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  • Schmahl C, Kleindienst N, Limberger M, Ludascher P, Mauchnik J, Deibler P, Brunen S, Hiemke C, Lieb K, Herpertz SC, Reicherzer M, Berger M, Bohus M (2012) Evaluation of naltrexone for dissociative symptoms in borderline personality disorder. International Clinical (61-68)
  • Schnell K, Herpertz S (2012) Chronische Depressionen. Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie
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  • Stein JL, Medland SE, Vasquez AA, Hibar DP, Senstad RE, Winkler AM, Schnell K, Thompson PM (2012) Identification of common variants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes. Nature genetics (552-561)
  • Thiemann U, Bluschke A, Resch F, Teufert B, Klein C, Weisbrod M, Bender S (2012) Corical post-movement and sensory processing disentagled by temporary deafferentation. Neuroimaging  (1582-1593)
  • Thomann PA, Seidl U, Brinkmann J, Birjak D, Traeger T, Wolf RC, Essig M, Schröder J (2012)  Hippocampal morphology and autobiographic neuropsychiatric symptoms. Current Alzheimer Research (507-515)
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  • van Haren NEM, Rijsdijk F, Schnack HG, Picchioni MM, Toulopoulou T, Weisbrod M, Sauer H, van Erp TG, Cannon TD, Huttunen MO, Boomsma DI, Hulshoff HE, Murray RM, Kahn RS (2012)  The genetic and environmental determinants of the association between brain abnormalities and schizophrenia: the schizophrenia twins and relatives consortium Biological Psychiatry (915-921)
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  • von Poser AT, Fuchs T, Wassmann W (2012).  Titel des Lehrbuchus: Formen menschlicher Personalität
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  • Wagner, Wolf, Reisies, Daerr, Wolfsgruber, Jessen, Popp, Maier, Hüll, Frölich, Hampel Perneczky, Peters Jahn, Luckhaus, Gertz, Schröder J, Pantel, Lewczuk, Kornhuber, Wiltfang (2012) Biomarker validation of a cued recall memory deficit in prodromal Alzheimer disease. Neurology (379-386)
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  • Backenstrass, M. & Mundt, Ch. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Integrativen Psychotherapie. In V. v.Arolt & A. Kersting (Eds.), Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. Berlin: Springer.
  • Backenstrass, M., Joest, K., Gehrig, N., Pfeiffer, N., Mearns, J. & Catanzaro, S. (2009). The German version of the Generalized Expectancies for Negative Mood Regulation Scale: A construct validity study. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) "Theory of Mind" oder "Common Sense". Theorien zur Intersubjektivität in Autismus und Schizophrenie. Schizophrenie 23
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) Beyond descriptive phenomenology. In: K. Kendler, J. Parnas (eds.) Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology and Nosology. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, New York.
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) Existenzielle Vulnerabilität. Ansätze zu einer Psychopathologie der Grenzsituationen. In: Rinofner-Kreidl, S., Wiltsche, H. (Hrsg.) Karl Jaspers’ ‚Allgemeine Psychopathologie’ zwischen Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Praxis. Königshausen & Neumann.
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) Phenomenology and Psychopathology. In: Gallagher, S.(ed) Handbook of phenomenology and the cognitive sciences. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York.
  • Gaser, Ch., A. Mohr, I. Nenadic, H. Sauer und M. Weisbrod, Longitudinal changes of desease-specific gray matter deficits in twins discordant for schizophrenia, in press.
  • Hellwig, S., M. Weisbrod, Jochum, V,Rentrop M., Unger, J., Walther, S., Haefner, K., Roth, A., Fiedler, P., Bender S., Slow cortical potentials in human aversive trace conditioning. International Journal of Psychophysiology. in press
  • Hestermann, U., Backenstrass, M., Gekle, I., Hack, M., Oster, P. & Thomas, C. (2009). Validation of a German version of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) for delirium detection in a sample of acute geriatric patients with high prevalence of dementia. Psychopathology.
  • Hohendorf, Gerrit; Rotzoll, Maike; Fuchs, Petra; Richter, Paul : Selektion der "Unnützen". Die nationalsozialistische "Euthanasie"-Aktion T4 und ihre Opfer (erscheint in der Wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihe der "Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas")
  • Kaiser E., Schönknecht P., Hunt A., Thomann P.A., Pantel J., Schröder J. Tauproteinspiegel bei Patienten mit leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und Alzheimer Demenz. Z Gerontol Geriat (2009) [Epub ahead of print].
  • Kaiser, S., Walther S., Nennig, E., Kronmüller K., Mundt, Ch., Weisbrod M., Stippich, C., Vogeley K., Gender specific strategy use and neural correlates in a spatial perspective taking task. Neuropsychologia, in press, pdf
  • Kaiser, St., A. Roth, M. Rentrop, H-Ch. Friederich, St. Bender, M. Weisbrod, Intra-individual reaction time variability in schizophrenia, depression and borderline personality disorder, Brain and Cognition, 2008, in press.
  • Kassner St.S., Bonaterra G.A., Kaiser E., Hildebrandt W., Metz J., Schröder J., Kinscherf R. Novel systemic markers for patients with Alzheimer disease? - A pilot study. Cur Alzheimer Res (2009)
  • Kronmüller K-T, Köhler S, Victor D, Giesel F, Magnotta VA, Mundt C, Essig M, Schröder J, Pantel J (2009) Treatment outcome and hippocampal volume in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders
  • Kronmüller K-T, Schröder J, Köhler S, Götz B, Victor D, Unger J, Giesel F, Magnotta V, Mundt C, Essig M, Pantel J (2009) Hippocampal volume in first-episode and recurrent depression. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging
  • Kronmüller K-T, Schröder J, Köhler S, Krieg W, Victor D, Mundt C, Magnotta VA, Giesel F, Essig M, Pantel J (2009) Duration of untreated depression and hippocampal volume in first-episode depression. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging
  • Kronmüller K-T, Stefini A, Geiser-Elze A, Horn H, Hartmann M, Winkelmann K (2009) Familienfunktionalität und Therapieerfolg - eine Studie zur psychodynamischen Kurzzeitpsychotherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Psychotherapeut
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  • Moehler E, Matheis V, Marysko M, Finke P, Kaufmann C, Reck C, Resch F (in press d). Mothers with a history of abuse show increased impulsiveness with their one year old child. Child Abuse and Neglect.
  • Mundt, Ch., Schröder, A. & Backenstrass, M. (2009). Altruism versus self-centredness in the personality of depressives in the 1950s and 1990s. Journal of Affective Disorder.
  • Reck C, Stehle E, Reinig K, Mundt, C (2009). Maternal Blues as a Predictor of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Disorders in a German community sample. Journal of Affective Disorders.
  • Reck, C., Struben, K., Backenstrass, M., Stefenelli, U., Reinig, K., Sohn, Ch. & Mundt, Ch. (2009). Prevalence, onset and comorbidity of postpartum anxiety and depressive disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.
  • Schmitt, Stephanie; Fuchs, Petra; Hohendorf, Gerrit; Rotzoll, Maike; Hinz-Wessels, Annette; Richter, Paul (2008): Die "Aktion T4" im Reichsgau Sudetenland am Beispiel der Gau-Heil-und-Pflegeanstalten in Wiesengrund bei Pilsen [Dobrany u Plzne], Sternberg [Šternberk na Morave] und Troppau [Opava] im Spiegel des Bestandes R 179 (1939-1941), in: Šimunek, Michal; Schulze, Dietmar (Hg.), Die NS-"Euthanasie" im Reichsgau Sudetenland und Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren 1939-1942, Prag, in press.
  • Seemüller F, Riedel M, Obermeier M, Bauer M, Adli M, Kronmüller K-T, Holsboer F, Marneros A, Laux G, Bender W, Heuser I, Zeiler J, Jäger M, Henkel V, Möller H-J (2009) The controversial link between antidepressants and suicidality risks in adults: Do data from a naturalistic study on a large sample of inpatients with a major depressive episode support the warnings for antidepressants? The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
  • Thomann P.A., Dos Santos Pedro V., Toro P., Schönknecht P., Essig M., Schröder J. Reduced olfactory bulb and tract volume in early Alzheimer's disease - a MRI study. Neurobiol Aging (2009) [Epub ahead of print]
  • Thomann P.A., Schlaefer Ch., Seidl U., Dos Santos V., Essig M., Schröder J. The cerebellum in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease - a structural MRI study. J Psychiat Res (2009) [Epub ahead of print]
  • Thomann PA, Kaiser E, Schönknecht P, Pantel J, Essig M, Schröder J Association of CSF total tau and phospho-tau (181) with cerebral atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. J Psychiatr Neuroscience (2009)
  • Thomann PA, Roebel M, DosSantos V, Essig M, Schröder J Neurological soft signs in schizophrenia. Psychiatr Res Neuroimaging (2009)
  • Thomann PA, Wüstenberg T, DosSantos V, Bachmann S, Essig M, Schröder J Neurological soft signs in schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine (2009)
  • Thomas C., Hestermann U., Oster P., Mundt C., Weisbrod M.: Delir bei Demenz - Diagnostische Möglichkeiten und Fallstricke. In: Seelische Gesundheit und Lebensqualität im Alter- Ressourcen, Kompetenzen, Behandlungsstrategien Edited by G Adler, G Gutzmann, L Drach.  in press. Stuttgart / Berlin: W. Kohlhammer Verlag; 2008: 2009.
  • Thomas, Ch., U. Hestermann, J. Kopitz, K. Plaschke, P. Oster, Ch. Mundt, M.  Weisbrod, Does  serum anticholinergic activity really indicate cerebral cholinergic dysfunction and delirium in the elderly?, 2009.
  • Thomas, Ch., vom Berg, I., Rupp, A., Seidl, U., Schroeder, j., Roesch-Ely, D., Kreisel, S., Mundt, Ch., Weisbrod, M., P50 Gating Deficit in Alzheimer Dementia Correlates to Frontal Neuropsychological Function. Neurobiology of Aging. 2008, 2009.
  • Voss E., Barth S., Pantel J., Martin M., Schmitt M., Schröder J. Age differences in prevalence and course of major depression. Psychiatry Res (2009).
  • Backenstrass, M. & Mundt, Ch. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Integrativen Psychotherapie. In V. v.Arolt & A. Kersting (Eds.), Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie. Berlin: Springer.
  • Backenstrass, M., Joest, K., Gehrig, N., Pfeiffer, N., Mearns, J. & Catanzaro, S. (2009). The German version of the Generalized Expectancies for Negative Mood Regulation Scale: A construct validity study. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) "Theory of Mind" oder "Common Sense". Theorien zur Intersubjektivität in Autismus und Schizophrenie. Schizophrenie 23
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) Beyond descriptive phenomenology. In: K. Kendler, J. Parnas (eds.) Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry: Explanation, Phenomenology and Nosology. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, New York.
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) Existenzielle Vulnerabilität. Ansätze zu einer Psychopathologie der Grenzsituationen. In: Rinofner-Kreidl, S., Wiltsche, H. (Hrsg.) Karl Jaspers’ ‚Allgemeine Psychopathologie’ zwischen Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Praxis. Königshausen & Neumann.
  • Fuchs, T. (2009) Phenomenology and Psychopathology. In: Gallagher, S.(ed) Handbook of phenomenology and the cognitive sciences. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York.
  • Gaser, Ch., A. Mohr, I. Nenadic, H. Sauer und M. Weisbrod, Longitudinal changes of desease-specific gray matter deficits in twins discordant for schizophrenia, in press.
  • Hellwig, S., M. Weisbrod, Jochum, V,Rentrop M., Unger, J., Walther, S., Haefner, K., Roth, A., Fiedler, P., Bender S., Slow cortical potentials in human aversive trace conditioning. International Journal of Psychophysiology. in press
  • Hestermann, U., Backenstrass, M., Gekle, I., Hack, M., Oster, P. & Thomas, C. (2009). Validation of a German version of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) for delirium detection in a sample of acute geriatric patients with high prevalence of dementia. Psychopathology.
  • Hohendorf, Gerrit; Rotzoll, Maike; Fuchs, Petra; Richter, Paul : Selektion der "Unnützen". Die nationalsozialistische "Euthanasie"-Aktion T4 und ihre Opfer (erscheint in der Wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihe der "Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas")
  • Kaiser E., Schönknecht P., Hunt A., Thomann P.A., Pantel J., Schröder J. Tauproteinspiegel bei Patienten mit leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und Alzheimer Demenz. Z Gerontol Geriat (2009) [Epub ahead of print].
  • Kaiser, S., Walther S., Nennig, E., Kronmüller K., Mundt, Ch., Weisbrod M., Stippich, C., Vogeley K., Gender specific strategy use and neural correlates in a spatial perspective taking task. Neuropsychologia, in press, pdf
  • Kaiser, St., A. Roth, M. Rentrop, H-Ch. Friederich, St. Bender, M. Weisbrod, Intra-individual reaction time variability in schizophrenia, depression and borderline personality disorder, Brain and Cognition, 2008, in press.
  • Kassner St.S., Bonaterra G.A., Kaiser E., Hildebrandt W., Metz J., Schröder J., Kinscherf R. Novel systemic markers for patients with Alzheimer disease? - A pilot study. Cur Alzheimer Res (2009)
  • Kronmüller K-T, Köhler S, Victor D, Giesel F, Magnotta VA, Mundt C, Essig M, Schröder J, Pantel J (2009) Treatment outcome and hippocampal volume in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders
  • Kronmüller K-T, Schröder J, Köhler S, Götz B, Victor D, Unger J, Giesel F, Magnotta V, Mundt C, Essig M, Pantel J (2009) Hippocampal volume in first-episode and recurrent depression. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging
  • Kronmüller K-T, Schröder J, Köhler S, Krieg W, Victor D, Mundt C, Magnotta VA, Giesel F, Essig M, Pantel J (2009) Duration of untreated depression and hippocampal volume in first-episode depression. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging
  • Kronmüller K-T, Stefini A, Geiser-Elze A, Horn H, Hartmann M, Winkelmann K (2009) Familienfunktionalität und Therapieerfolg - eine Studie zur psychodynamischen Kurzzeitpsychotherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Psychotherapeut
  • Kronmüller, K.-T., Stefini, A., Geiser-Elze, A., Horn, H., Hartmann, M., Winkelmann, K. (2009). The Heidelberg Study of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents.  In: Tsiantis, J. & Trowel, J. (eds.) (2009). Child and Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Research. EFPP Series in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
  • Moehler E, Matheis V, Marysko M, Finke P, Kaufmann C, Reck C, Resch F (in press d). Mothers with a history of abuse show increased impulsiveness with their one year old child. Child Abuse and Neglect.
  • Mundt, Ch., Schröder, A. & Backenstrass, M. (2009). Altruism versus self-centredness in the personality of depressives in the 1950s and 1990s. Journal of Affective Disorder.
  • Reck C, Stehle E, Reinig K, Mundt, C (2009). Maternal Blues as a Predictor of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Disorders in a German community sample. Journal of Affective Disorders.
  • Reck, C., Struben, K., Backenstrass, M., Stefenelli, U., Reinig, K., Sohn, Ch. & Mundt, Ch. (2009). Prevalence, onset and comorbidity of postpartum anxiety and depressive disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.
  • Schmitt, Stephanie; Fuchs, Petra; Hohendorf, Gerrit; Rotzoll, Maike; Hinz-Wessels, Annette; Richter, Paul (2008): Die "Aktion T4" im Reichsgau Sudetenland am Beispiel der Gau-Heil-und-Pflegeanstalten in Wiesengrund bei Pilsen [Dobrany u Plzne], Sternberg [Šternberk na Morave] und Troppau [Opava] im Spiegel des Bestandes R 179 (1939-1941), in: Šimunek, Michal; Schulze, Dietmar (Hg.), Die NS-"Euthanasie" im Reichsgau Sudetenland und Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren 1939-1942, Prag, in press.
  • Seemüller F, Riedel M, Obermeier M, Bauer M, Adli M, Kronmüller K-T, Holsboer F, Marneros A, Laux G, Bender W, Heuser I, Zeiler J, Jäger M, Henkel V, Möller H-J (2009) The controversial link between antidepressants and suicidality risks in adults: Do data from a naturalistic study on a large sample of inpatients with a major depressive episode support the warnings for antidepressants? The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
  • Thomann P.A., Dos Santos Pedro V., Toro P., Schönknecht P., Essig M., Schröder J. Reduced olfactory bulb and tract volume in early Alzheimer's disease - a MRI study. Neurobiol Aging (2009) [Epub ahead of print]
  • Thomann P.A., Schlaefer Ch., Seidl U., Dos Santos V., Essig M., Schröder J. The cerebellum in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease - a structural MRI study. J Psychiat Res (2009) [Epub ahead of print]
  • Thomann PA, Kaiser E, Schönknecht P, Pantel J, Essig M, Schröder J Association of CSF total tau and phospho-tau (181) with cerebral atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. J Psychiatr Neuroscience (2009)
  • Thomann PA, Roebel M, DosSantos V, Essig M, Schröder J Neurological soft signs in schizophrenia. Psychiatr Res Neuroimaging (2009)
  • Thomann PA, Wüstenberg T, DosSantos V, Bachmann S, Essig M, Schröder J Neurological soft signs in schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine (2009)
  • Thomas C., Hestermann U., Oster P., Mundt C., Weisbrod M.: Delir bei Demenz - Diagnostische Möglichkeiten und Fallstricke. In: Seelische Gesundheit und Lebensqualität im Alter- Ressourcen, Kompetenzen, Behandlungsstrategien Edited by G Adler, G Gutzmann, L Drach.  in press. Stuttgart / Berlin: W. Kohlhammer Verlag; 2008: 2009.
  • Thomas, Ch., U. Hestermann, J. Kopitz, K. Plaschke, P. Oster, Ch. Mundt, M.  Weisbrod, Does  serum anticholinergic activity really indicate cerebral cholinergic dysfunction and delirium in the elderly?, 2009.
  • Thomas, Ch., vom Berg, I., Rupp, A., Seidl, U., Schroeder, j., Roesch-Ely, D., Kreisel, S., Mundt, Ch., Weisbrod, M., P50 Gating Deficit in Alzheimer Dementia Correlates to Frontal Neuropsychological Function. Neurobiology of Aging. 2008, 2009.
  • Voss E., Barth S., Pantel J., Martin M., Schmitt M., Schröder J. Age differences in prevalence and course of major depression. Psychiatry Res (2009).

Preise und Ehrungen

Prof. Dr. Sabine Herpertz ist für ihre experimentell-psychopathologischen und neurobiologischen Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der antisozialen und der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen ausgezeichnet worden. Sie erhielt den Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Field of Several Personality Disorders, der vom New York-Presbyterian Hospital in Verbindung mit dem Weill Cornell Medical College an führende Forscher auf dem Gebiet der Persönlichkeitsstörungen vergeben wird. Die Preisverleihung hat während der Jahrestagung der American Psychiatric Association Anfang Mai 2014 in New York (USA) stattgefunden.

Egnérpreis der Dr. Margrit von Egnér-Stiftung an Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Thomas Fuchs

Ende 2012 wurde Herr PD Dr. med. Robert Christian Wolf mit dem DGPPN-Forschungsförderpreis - Imaging in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2012 ausgezeichnet.
Mit dem Preis soll das Thema Imaging in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie als zukunftsweisend anerkannt und gefördert werden. Ziel ist es, jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern einen Auslandsaufenthalt in einem Labor höchster wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz zu ermöglichen. Der Preis soll für einen Forschungsaufenthalt im „Medical Image Analysis Labora­tory“ an der University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, genutzt werden.


Im Juni 2012 wurde Herr Dr. Philipp Kanske, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Sektion Experimentelle Psychopathologie und Bildgebung, für seine Arbeit "Neural correlates of emotion regulation deficits in remitted depression: The influence of regulation strategy, habitual regulation use, and emotional valence“ (Neuroimage 61 (2012) 686–693)  mit dem Jungwissenschaftlerpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendung (DGPA) ausgezeichnet.