Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Groups & Projects Working Groups Group members Rupal Shah-Rohlfs

Rupal Shah-Rohlfs

Scientific Staff member, MPharm, MPH

Rupal Shah-Rohlfs joined the Research Group in Health Economics and Health Financing as a scientific staff member in March 2021. She has a background in clinical pharmacy and global health, and has more than a decade of experience of working and engaging in the health sector in Africa, South Asia and the UK. She has coordinated field-based research projects and is trained in qualitative and quantitative methods. Rupal is interested in the systematic application of a mixed methods approaches, combining quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. Her research interests include the thematic areas of maternal and child health, community engagement, implementation research, health policy and systems, and capacity building; and methodological approaches for observational and analytic studies. At HIGH, Rupal is currently coordinating a scientifically robust comprehensive evaluation of the Ghana Heart Initiative (GHI), adopting an implementation science perspective, and leading a qualitative research study under the collaborative project between UNAIDS and HIGH - HIV Financing and Universal Health Coverage in The Emergency and Recovery Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic. She has also been involved in behavioural insights studies related to COVID-19 pandemic in low income settings and has been lecturing on the short courses programme at HIGH since 2017.  Prior to joining HIGH, Rupal worked initially as a qualified pharmacist in the UK and then as a public health researcher and consultant in the not-for-profit sectors across a range of topics, such as prevention of communicable diseases; travel and tropical medicine; endline and outcome evaluations, training and capacity building initiatives.



Research Associate, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University, Germany

2014           Master of Public Health, James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh
2006 Master of Pharmacy, University of Bath, Bath, England

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