Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Teaching Undergraduate Teaching… Doctorate at HIGH

Doctoral studies at the Heidelberg Institute of Global Health

The Institute of Global Health Heidelberg offers doctoral projects towards a Dr. sc. hum. degree for postgraduate students and towards a Dr. med. degree for German medical students and medical graduates. On the following pages you will find a description of the programs, prerequisites and application procedures. In the information section you might find first answers on your questions regarding a doctorate degree at our Institute.

Dr. sc. hum.
The Institute of Global Health of Heidelberg University offers doctoral studies towards the degree  "Doctor scientiarum humanarum" - comparable to a Ph.D. in English-speaking countries. Our international community at the Institute provides you with a productive and varied learning and research environment. Besides, the University and the Medical Faculty offer a wide range of additional academic and social activities.

Click here for information on Dr. sc. hum. studies at the Institute of Global Health
Click here for information on the application process at the Institute of Global Health
Click here for the application requirements for Dr. sc. hum. at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg

Dr. med.
Are you a German medical student or medical graduate interested in social questions and global health? Doing your Dr. med. research project at our institute gives you the possibility to think outside of the box. Our national and international projects cover a wide range of topics and methods, which prepare you for future research as a medical doctor.

Foreign medical doctors can also study towards a Dr. med. degree, but should follow the Institute's application guidelines for Dr. sc. hum above!

Click here for information on the Dr. med. at the Institute of Global Health
Click here for information on the application process at the Institute of Global Health
Click here for the application requirements for Dr. med. at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg

Heidelberg Graduate School of Global Health is offering a doctoral scholarship for medical students in Global Health (Heidelberg Promotionskolleg "Global Health" für Medizinstudierende).

Additional information
Click here for additional information on doctoral programs and application procedures, and to learn more about living in Heidelberg, including accommodation, child care and opportunities to finance your degree.