Research Projects
- CLIMIMO project (Climate Migration and Mortality)
- NUTRICLIM project (Nutrition and Climate Change)
- EMIRA project (Ecological Management of Malaria in Africa)
- PALUCLIM project (Malaria and Climate Change)
- HOPE project (Household Preferences to reduce their Carbon Footprint)
- CLIM_COM project (Communicating Climate Change)
- MOOCs (3) (Massive Open Online Courses on Climate Change and Health)
Disease Control in Disadvantaged Populations
- Methylene blue for therapy of malaria
- Optimunise Project
- Cohort study "Baseline Characteristics and outcome of patients initiating Tenofovir-based first line ART at the Lighthouse (LighTen)" (major funding by Hector Stiftung, recipient Florian Neuhann)
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Maternal and child health
- Infectious disease epidemiology
- Cancer epidemiology
- Migrant studies / Social epidemiology
- Biostatistics
- Cardiovascular disease epidemiology
- Other projects
Global Health Policies and Systems
- Go4Health Project
- Projekt "Migration und Gesundheit"
- Project Blended Learning in Zambia (BLiZ), funded by Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung
Health Economics and Health Financing
- A Mixed-Methods Evaluation Of A USAID Performance Based Incentives Program To Improve The Uptake And Quality Of Essential Health Care Services In Malawi
- Economic evaluation of user fee removal/reduction policies for maternal care in Burkina Faso
- Assessing the impact of using performance-based financing to improve the quality of obstetric and neonatal care in Malawi
- Patterns of health service utilization and household health expenditure in rural Bangladesh
- Impact evaluation of RSBY in India
- Factors affecting the adoption, the implementation fidelity, and the sustainability of the Redesigned Community Health Fund program in Tanzania: A mixed methods process evaluation in the Dodoma region, Tanzania
- Impact evaluation for Health Results-Based Financing in Burkina Faso
- Impact evaluation for Health Results-Based Financing in Burkina Faso
- African Partner Sites
- Impact of m-health on adherence and cost to the treatment for Type 2 Diabetes in Bangladesh
- Development of a new tool to measure morbidity in Nouna HDSS, Burkina Faso
Data Sharing for Global Health
- ReCoDID project (Reconciliation of Cohort data in Infectious Diseases)
- ECRAID Plan (European Clinical Research Alliance on Infections Diseases)
- ZIKV IPD-MA project (The ZIKV Individual Participant Data)
- Risk in the time of ZIKV
- COREP project (Determining the epidemiological paramters of Covid-19 through a household transmission study in a rural area of South Africa and Kenya)
- Cooperation between public health and science for the implementation of regional prevention strategies