Kliniken &… Institute Heidelberger Institut… Teaching Undergraduate Teaching… Doctorate at HIGH Dr. sc. hum.…

Application for a postgraduate doctorate (Dr. sc. hum.) at the Institute of Global Health

If you are interested to apply for admission to postgraduate doctoral studies at the Institute of Global Health, please follow the instructions below.
At the Institute there are no application deadlines or fixed starting points for doctoral candidates. You may apply throughout the year. After your application is received, you will get a confirmation of receipt within a week. We review applications quarterly and potential supervisors will contact you directly if they may have interest and capacity to take you on as a new student. Otherwise, you will receive an email telling you that your application was not successful this time.

Contents of your application

We kindly ask you to hand in the following documents in PDF format via e-mail:

1. Cover letter (1-2 pages):

  • Personal details and contact information
  • Motivation for wanting to pursue a doctorate in Public Health
  • Field(s) / topics of interest
  • Preferred supervisor / working group (see homepage)
  • Information on any previous contact to Institute members
  • Information on any funding application(s) for the targeted research.
    Please indicate status of funding as well (self-funded/applied for funding/funding assured/other sources/no funding available)

2. CV:

  • Education and degrees (with grades achieved)
  • Research experience and skills
  • Work experience
  • Voluntary work, internships
  • Research experience
  • Teaching experience
  • Language skills
  • Awards
  • Publication list (with hyperlinks)
  • References with contact details

3. Research proposal: (1-2 pages)

  • Outline a potential research question you would be interested in studying (obviously, this may be changed and adapted if you get admitted)
  • Brief introduction / justification
  • Aims and objectives
  • Methodology

4. Additional documentation

may be required by the specific research group to which the applicant intends to apply. Examples include; letters of references, TOEFL test results (or equivalent) for non-native speakers, proof of expertise/training in a specific methodology, etc.

Please label your PDF documents in the following way:
CV_YourName, Coverletter_YourName, Proposal_YourName. Do not exceed 5 MB for all three documents.

Only complete applications not exceeding the page limit will be considered.

Please send your application to the following address: