Kliniken &… Institute Global Health

Evaplan Cooperation


evaplan GmbH at the University Hospital Heidelberg is a consultancy company that undertakes advisory missions and engages in operational research, project implementation and training in the field of international health and social protection. Having emerged from the Institute of Global Health (HIGH) at the University Hospital Heidelberg, areas of collaboration are diverse:

  • evaplan is involved in postgraduate teaching (MSc International Health) and has been substantially involved in developing academic concepts and curricula for the short courses the HIGH is offering in the TropEdEuro Framework (European Master of International Health Programme), as well as participating in teaching (Quality Management in International health, Unstable populations’ health, SRHR, health and human rights, mixed methods research, among others).
  • Within the EU-funded research project “QUALMAT”, led by the University of Heidelberg, evaplan staff participated in work packages exploring health worker motivation and performance based incentives in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Tanzania. 
  • Staff members of evaplan have also contributed to developing the MSc-PH Course of the Muhimbili-Medical School Dar-es-Salaam, and the MSc-Health Economics Course at the National Economics University in Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • evaplan established the Heidelberg Quality Improvement Forum for Health (QI Forum) in 2014 with the aim to bring quality improvement (QI) and health system strengthening (HSS) experts together and build a platform for information, exchange, critical analysis and discussion of QI mechanisms, initiatives and approaches in the context of HSS. The past three fora were conducted in close collaboration with the Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University as well as the aQua Institute, Göttingen. For the 2017 QI Forum evaplan has also partnered with ISQua, The International Society for Quality in Health.
  • In addition evaplan serves as the consulting platform for the Institute of Global Health and other faculties for advisory work, capacity building, operational research and project acquisition and management.
  • In 2011 evaplan established a joint venture with aQua Institute in Göttingen (Institute for Applied Quality Improvement and Research in Health Care) covering large areas of expertise in the development of integrated comprehensive quality improvement approaches.