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Albert Lenz, Franz Resch, Georg Romer, Maria von Salisch, Kathrin Sevecke & Taubner, Svenja (Hg.) (2019). Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. V&R

Andreas, S., Dehoust, M.C., Volkert, J., Schulz, H., Sehner, S., Suling, A., Wegscheider, K., Ausìn, B., Canuto, A., Crawford, M., Da Ronch, C., Grassi, L., Hershkovitz, Y., Muñoz, M., Quirk, A., Rotenstein, O., Santos-Olmo, A.-B., Shalev, A., Weber, K., Wittchen, H.-U. & Härter, M. (2019). Affective disorders in the elderly in different European countries: Results from the MentDis_ICF65+ study. Plos ONE 14(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0224871

Babl, Anna, Berger, Thomas, Grosse Holtforth, Martin, Taubner, Svenja, Caspar, Franz & Gómez Penedo, Juan Martín (2019). Disentangling within- and between-patient effects of defensive functioning on psychotherapy outcome using mixed models. Psychotherapy Research. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2019.1690714.

Baldofski, S., Kohls, E., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Bilic, S., Eschenbeck, H., Kaess, M., Moessner, M., Salize, H.-J., Diestelkamp, S., Voß, E., Rummel-Kluge, C. & the ProHEAD Consortium (2019). Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Two Online Interventions for Children and Adolescents at Risk for Depression (E.motion trial): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 53.

Bate, J., Hauschild, S. & Talia, A. (2019). Vom Tun, als würde man spielen, zum Spielen, als würde man tun: Die Rolle epistemischen Vertrauens in der Mentalisierungsbasierten Therapie mit Kindern. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 68, 742-760.

Bauer, S. & Goldschmidt, A. (2019). Introduction to the Special Issue on Advancing Assessment of, and Interventions for, Eating Disorders via Innovative Uses of Technology. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 52, 1073–1076.

Bauer, S., Bilić, S., Reetz, R., Ozer, F., Becker, K., Eschenbeck, H., Kaess, M., Rummel-Kluge, C., Salize, H.-J., Diestelkamp, S., Moessner, M. & the ProHEAD Consortium (2019). Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Internet-Based Selective Eating Disorder Prevention: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 91.

Cropp, Carola, Alexandrowicz, Rainer & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Reflective functioning in an adolescent community sample. Mental Health & Prevention 14, 1-10.

Cropp, Carola, Taubner, Svenja, Salzer, Simone & Streeck-Fischer, Annette (2019). Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Severely Disturbed Adolescents: Changes in Reflective Functioning. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. 18, (3), 263-273. DOI: 10.1080/15289168.2019.1643212

Diestelkamp, S., Wartberg, L., Kaess, M., Bauer, S., Rummel-Kluge, C., Becker, K., Eschenbeck, H., Salize, H.-J., Baldus, C., Thomasius, R. & the ProHEAD Consortium. (2019). Effectiveness of a web-based screening and brief intervention with weekly text-message-initiated individualised prompts for reducing risky alcohol use among teenagers: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 73.

Eschenbeck, H., Lehner, L., Hofmann, H., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Diestelkamp, S., Kaess, M., Moessner, M., Rummel-Kluge, C., Salize, H.-J. & the ProHEAD Consortium (2019). School-Based Mental Health Promotion in Children and Adolescents with StresSOS using Online or Face-to-Face Interventions: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 64.

Evers, Oliver & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Kompetenzentwicklung in der Psychotherapieausbildung. Psychotherapie im Dialog. 20. 58-63

Evers, Oliver, Schröder-Pfeifer, Paul, Möller, Heidi & Taubner, Svenja. (2019). How do personal and professional characteristics influence the development of psychotherapists in training: Results from a longitudinal study. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome. Vol 22 No 3,

Farina, B., Onofri, A., Monticelli, F., Cotugno, A., Talia, A. & Liotti, M. (2019). Giovanni Liotti (1945–2018): the Pied Noir of research in attachment and psychotherapy. Attachment & human development, 1-10

Feldhege, J., Moessner, M., Stieler, C., van Stipelen, J., & Bauer, S. (2019). Wissen und Einstellungen zu Essstörungen bei Jugendlichen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund. Psychotherapeut, 64(1), 9-15.

Fuchs, Nikolas Fabian & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Exploring the interplay of attachment style and attachment-related mood on short-term change in mentalization: A pilot study. Personality and Individual Differences 144, 94-99. ISSN 0191-8869

Gallinat, C. (2019). SaveMySkin. Ein Internet-basiertes Programm zur Selbsthilfe bei Skin Picking. Zaktuell, 1, 4-6

Gallinat, C., Moessner, M., Claes, L. & Müller, A. (2019). Skin picking in patients with obesity: Associations with impulsiveness and self-harm. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(4), 361-368.

Gallinat, C., Moessner, M., Haenssle, H. A., Winkler, J. K., Backenstrass, M., & Bauer, S. (2019). Help-seeking experiences in individuals affected by skin picking. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 23: 100483.

Gallinat, C., Moessner, M., Haenssle, H. A., Winkler, J. K., Backenstrass, M. & Bauer, S. (2019). SaveMySkin: An Internet-based self-help intervention for skin picking. Study protocol for a randomized pilot study. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 13.

Gallinat, C., Moessner, M., Haenssle, H. A., Winkler, J. K., Backenstrass, M. & Bauer, S. (2019). An Internet-Based Self-Help Intervention for Skin Picking (SaveMySkin): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(9):e15011

Georg, A. K., Kress, S. & Taubner, S. (2019). Strengthening mentalizing in a depressed mother of an infant with sleep disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 75(5), 859-853. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22762. Epub 2019 Feb 21.

Georg, Anna, Kress, Sandra, Cierpka, Manfred & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Die fokussierte Säuglings-/Kleinkind-Eltern-Psychotherapie bei frühkindlichen Regulationsstörungen im Rahmen eines randomisiert-kontrollierten Studiendesigns. Kinderanalyse 3, 278-307

Hernandez, C., Rivera Ottenberger, D., Moessner, M., Crosby, R.D., & Ditzen, B. (2019). Depressed and swiping my problems for later: The moderation effect between procrastination and depressive symptomatology on internet addiction. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, 1-9.

Kaess M. & Bauer S. (2019). Editorial: Promoting Help-seeking using E-Technology for Adolescents: The ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 72.

Kaess, M., Koenig, J., Bauer, S., Moessner, M., Fischer-Waldschmidt, G., Mattern, M., Herpertz, S., Resch, F., Brown, R., In-Albon, T., Koelch, M., Plener, P, Schmahl, C., & Edinger, A. (2019). Self-injury-Treatment, Assessment, Recovery (STAR): Online Intervention for Adolescent Nonsuicidal Self-Injury - Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trials, 20: 425.

Kaess, M., Ritter, S., Lustig, S., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Eschenbeck, H., Moessner, M., Rummel-Kluge, C., Salize, H.-J., Thomasius, R., Resch, F., Koenig, J. & the ProHEAD consortium (in revision). Promoting Help-seeking using E-technology for Adolescents with Mental Health Problems: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 94.

Klasen, Jennifer, Nolte, Tobias, Möller, Heidi & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Aversive Kindheitserfahrungen, Bindungsrepräsentationen und Mentalisierungsfähigkeit von Psychotherapeuten in Ausbildung. Zeitschrift für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 65 (4), 353-371

Kornhas, Lea A., Zettl, Max, Hauschild, Sophie & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Mentalisieren als Veränderungsmechanismus in der Behandlung von Störungen des Sozialverhaltens. Eine kontrollierte Fallstudie. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 68. 760-778.

Kotte, Silja & Taubner, Svenja (in Vorbereitung). Mentalisieren in Organisationen. Springer: Heidelberg

Krupp, Jurian, Taubner, Svenja, Huber, Dorothea & Hamburger, Andreas (2019). Validierung der deutschen Übersetzung der Psychological Mindedness Scale (PMS). Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 65, 27-41.ISSN 1438-3608

Mareschi, T. & Talia, A. (2019). L’attaccamento e la relazione terapeutica. Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva-Open Access, (45), 25-40.

Mayer, A., Taubner, S., Bark, C., & Holl, J. (2019). Herausforderungen in der frühpädagogischen Arbeit mit geflüchteten Familien mentalisierungsbasiert begegnen. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 68(8), 711-727

Miller-Bottome, M., Talia, A., Eubanks, C. F., Safran, J. D. & Muran, J. C. (2019). Secure in-session attachment predicts rupture resolution: Negotiating a secure base. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 36(2), 132-138.

Pfeifer, Ann-Christin , Meredith, Pamela, Schröder-Pfeifer, Paul , Gomez Penedo, Juan Martin, Ehrenthal, Johannes C., Schroeter, Corinna, Neubauer, Eva & Schiltenwolf, Marcus (2019). Effectiveness of an Attachment-Informed Working Alliance in Interdisciplinary Pain Therapy. Journal of Cllinical Medicine 8, 364. 17 Seiten.

Rohrbach, P.J., Dingemans, A.E., Spinhoven, P., Van Ginkel, J., Fokkema, M.E., Van den Akker-Van Marle, E., Van Furth, E.F., Moessner, M., & Bauer, S. (2019). An RCT of an Internet-Based Intervention for Eating Disorders and the Added Value of Expert Patient Support: Study Protocol. Trials, 20: 509.

Schick, M., Roesner, S., Germeyer, A., Moessner, M., Bauer, S., Ditzen, B., & Wischmann, T. (2019). Smartphone-supported Positive Adjustment Coping Intervention (PACI) for couples undergoing fertility treatment: a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open, 9: e025288.

Simonsen, Sebastian, Bateman, Anthony, Bohus, Martin, Dalewijk, Henk Jan, Doering, Stephan, Kaera, Moran, Paul, Renneberg, Babette, Ribaudi, Joaquim Soler, Taubner, Svenja, Wilberg, Theresa, Mehlum, Lars (2019). European guidelines for personality disorders: past, present and future. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation. DOI: 10.1186/s40479-019-0106-3

Smith, K. E., Mason, T. B., Crosby, R. D., Cao, L., Leonard, R. C., Wetterneck, C. T., Smith, B. E. R., Farrell, N., Riemann, B. C., Wonderlich, S. A. & Moessner, M. (2019). A comparative network analysis of eating psychopathology and co-occurring depression and anxiety symptoms before and after treatment. Psychological Medicine, 49(2), 314-324.

Talia, Alessandro, Madeleine Miller-Bottome, Hannah Katznelson, Signe H. Pedersen, Howard Steele, Paul Schröder, Amy Origlieri, Fredrik B. Scharff, Guido Giovanardi, Mart Andersson, Vittorio Lingiardi, Jeremy D. Safran, Susanne Lunn, Stig Poulsen, & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Mentalizing in the presence of another: measuring reflective functioning and attachment in the therapy process & empirical paper. Psychotherapy Research, ISSN 1468-4381. 29(5), 652-665. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2017.1417651

Talia, Alessandro. Miller-Bottome, Madeleine, Wyner, Rachel, Lilliengren, Peter & Bate, Jordan (2019). Patients‘ Adult Attachment Interview classification and their experience of the therapeutic relationship: are they associated? Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome 22(2).175-188

Talia, Alessandro, Taubner, Svenja & Miller-Bottome, Madeleine. (2019). Advances in research on attachment-related psychotherapy processes: seven teaching points for trainees and supervisors. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome 22.359-368

Taubner, Svenja & Volkert, Jana (2019). Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Therapies for the Treatment of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Clinical Psychology in Europe. DOI: 10.32872/cpe.v1i2.30639

Taubner, Svenja (2019). Editorial. Mechanismen der Veränderung in der Kinder- und Jugenlichenpsychotherapie. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 68(8), 687-689

Taubner, Svenja (2019). Mentalisierungsbasierte Ansätze in der Frühförderung. In: Gebhard, Möller-Dreischer, Seidel, Sohns (Hrsg.) Frühförderung wirkt – von Anfang an. Kohlhammer, S.141-147

Taubner, Svenja (2019). Parental mentalizing as a key resource for difficult transitions. Attachment & Human Development 22(1), 46-50. DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2019.1589060

Taubner, Svenja, Fonagy, Peter & Bateman, Anthony (2019). Mentalisierungsbasierte Therapie. Hogrefe: Göttingen.

Taubner, Svenja, Gablonski, Thorsten-Christian & Fonagy, Peter (2019). Conduct Disorder. In: Bateman & Fonagy (Hrsg.) Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice –Second Edition. American Psychiatric Association Publishing, S. 301-322

Volkert, Jana, Georg, Anna, Hauschild, Sophie, Herpertz, Sabine C., Neukel, Corinne, Byrne, Gerry & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Bindungskompetenzen psychisch kranker Eltern stärken: Adaption und Pilottestung des mentalisierungsbasierten Leuchtturm-Elternprogramms. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 68(1), 27-42. ISSN 0032-7034

Volkert, Jana, Hauschild, Sophie & Taubner, Svenja (2019). Mentalization-Based Treatment for Personality Disorders: Efficacy, Effectiveness, and New Developments. Current Psychiatry Reports 21, 1-12.

Zettl, M., Taubner, S. Hutsebaut, J., & Volkert, J. (2019). Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Semi-structured Interview for the Assessment of DSM-5 Personality Functioning (STiP-5.1). Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie, 69(12), 499-504. doi:10.1055/a-1010-6887

Zettl, M., Volkert, J., Vögele, C., Kubera, K. & Taubner, S. (2019). The relationship between DSM-5 level of personality functioning and reflective functioning. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment. DOI: 10.1037/per0000356