Institute for Medical… Research Medical Data… Use & Access…

Use & Access Committee

The UKHD has established a central Use and Access Committee (UAC) as the central element of ethical and legal governance. The UAC of the UKHD is particularly dedicated to the task of assessing applications for the release and use of (patient) data to the Medical Data Integration Center (MeDIC) according to organizational, (data protection) legal, ethical and scientific aspects and approving applications for use accordingly or reject.

For inquiries, you can reach the Use & Access Committee at the following e-mail address:use-and-access(at)

Permanent and voting members

Management of the MeDIC

Dr. Angela Merzweiler


Reto Wettstein

CMO representation of the hospital (LÄD or representative).

Prof. Dr. Klaus Herfarth


PD Dr. med. Jakob Liermann

Representative of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine or a representative delegated by the Dean's Office

Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher


Dr. Aurelie Tomczak

Representative Biometry / Epidemiology

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) or a deputy from the UKHD data protection team

Dr. Regina Mathes

Ethics representative (not member of the ethics committee)

Dr. Christoph Schickhardt


Prof. Dr. Dr. Eva Winkler

Local HiGHmed site speaker

Prof. Dr. Christoph Dieterich


Naima Laharnar

Patient representative

Advisory and non-voting members

Representative Legal Department(s) (Hospital/University, advisory)

Representative of the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg

PD Dr. med. Jakob Liermann