Medical Data Integration Center (MeDIC)
What is the Medical Data Integration Center?
The Medical Data Integration Center at Heidelberg University Hospital is currently being established as part of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII). The consortia of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) have established so-called Data Integration Centers (DIZ). In the DIZs, the technical and organizational prerequisites for cross-site data use processes between patient care and medical research are being created. The aim of the Medical Data Integration Centers (MeDICs) at Heidelberg University Hospital is to make data from medical care available to practitioners and researchers so that it can be used for improved integrated patient care or for greatly expanded interdisciplinary research opportunities. To this end, the hospital's currently fragmented data pools will be merged into a central MeDIC platform. The consolidation will be done using international, open standards such as HL7v2, HL7 FHIR, DICOM, W3 and OpenEHR. IHE profiles are used as far as possible.
Heidelberg University Hospital is one of the founding partners of the HiGHmed consortium. HiGHmed focuses on the three use cases cardiology, oncology and infection control. However, the data can also be used for use cases of the MII as well as other projects.
The collection and storage of data will comply with data protection regulations in accordance with the German Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). Data will only be made available to researchers if the patient has consented to the use of his or her data for research purposes. For more detailed information on the provision and use of data, see the Processes section.
Further information
Cooperating projects
The following projects use the MeDIC:
- HiGHmed
- Use Case POLAR - POLypharmacy, drug interactions, risk
- Use Case CORD
- ZPM - Center for Personalized Medicine
- nnGM
- DsdSO - Data Science driven Surgical Oncology
- PART - Predictive Analytics for Robustness Testing
- Surgomics
- PAItient
- KoMed
Participating institutions
The MeDIC is an organization of the Institute of Medical Informatics at Heidelberg University Hospital. It cooperates closely with various institutes and clinics of the University Hospital.
The MeDIC of Heidelberg University Hospital is headed by Dr. Angela Merzweiler and deputized by Reto Wettstein.

E-mail: medic(at)
Telephone: 06221 - 56 6256