Institute for Medical… Research Patient participation… Heidelberg Longitudinal…

Heidelberg Longitudinal Curriculum Digital Medicine (HeiLoDi)

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Petra Knaup-Gregori

Sponsor: Faculty of Medicine Heidelberg

Brief description:

The advancing digitalization in medicine will significantly influence clinical activities and research in medicine. Aspiring physicians need basic competencies and skills to make sense of data-based approaches for decision-making. For this reason, the National Competence-based Learning Objectives Catalog for Medicine (NKLM) explicitly includes digital competencies.

To implement this, the Heidelberg Medical Faculty has set up a 'Digitization of Medicine' task force to anchor digital competencies in HeiCuMed.

The aim of the MI Section project is to integrate this preliminary work into a Heidelberg Longitudinal Curriculum Digital Medicine (HeiLoDi), map it to the new NKLM, and contribute to its further design and quality assurance. This will be done in close coordination with the overall strategy of the faculty.

Duration: 2021-2022

Staff of the Institute: M. Seitz