Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Groups Working Groups Benson-Martin,…

Dr. med Janine Benson-Martin

MB ChB(UCT), DMH(SA), FC Psych(UCT), MPhil(UCT)


Janine Benson-Martin is a South African psychiatrist who has worked in a LMIC as well as HICs in the fields of psychiatry, mental health, and women’s health. After completing her medical degree at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2000, she went on to work in primary care- and secondary level hospitals in South Africa (SA). She left SA, worked initially in the UK, and later went on to complete her Dr. of Medicine (Dr. med.) at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. After her return to SA, she completed her specialization in psychiatry, and worked for several years as a specialist psychiatrist (Women’s Psychiatric Services, Community Psychiatric Services, Specialist ECT Services) at the specialist level UCT-Affiliated Hospitals. Here she was additionally involved in research, curriculum development and teaching at the university. During this time, her interest in the field of public health grew, which led to the completion of a MPhil in Public Mental Health at the UCT Alan J Flisher Centre for Public Mental Health (CPMH).

After her return to Europe, she used this newfound interest as the impetus to work in the field of health promotion and health planning when she started a new life chapter as a regional Public Health Doctor (Amtärztin) in Pforzheim/Enzkreis in Southern Germany. Her focus has mainly been refugee mental health, particularly the development of culturally appropriate community level mental health care interventions. In addition, she is completing her specialization in ‘Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen’ (Public Health Specialist-Germany)

Her teaching at the University of Heidelberg has focused on the mental health aspects of public health, especially refugee mental health


Peer-Reviewed Journals

Benson-Martin JJF, Stein DJ, Baldwin DS, Domschke K. Genetic mechanisms of electroconvulsive therapy response in depression. Human psychopharmacology. May 2016;31(3):247-51. Epub 2016/04/12.

Benson-Martin JJ, Milligan P. A Survey of the Practice of Electroconvulsive Therapy in South Africa, J ECT, 31(4):253-7, December 2015.

Baumann S., Benson-Martin JJ, Cossie Q et al SASOP treatment guidelines for psychiatric disorders: Eminence or evidence based?, South African Journal of Psychiatry 20(2):2, July 2014.

Benson-Martin JJ Management of trauma and PTSD, CME, 30(4): 118-121, 2012.

Benson-Martin JJ, Zammeretti, P., Bilic, G., Schweizer, T., Portmann-Lanz, B., Burkhardt, T., Zimmermann, R. & Ochsenbein-Kölble, N. The Young’s modulus of fetal preterm and term amniotic membranes. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 128(1-2): 103-107, 2006.

Book Chapters

M. Miyazaki, J.J. Benson-Martin, D.J. Stein, E. Hollander. 2017. Anxiety Disorders ☆. Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.

Benson-Martin, J.J., Stein, D.J. and Hollander, E. 2009. Anxiety Disorders. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 1:493-497.

Posters & Symposium Presentations

Benson-Martin JJ, Edwards A, Joggerst B. A Refugee Mental Health Psycho-Social Support Programme in a Health District in Southern Germany Poster at the 9th International Symposium Global Mental Health, Mental Health in Developing Countries, Münich, October 2017.

Benson-Martin JJ, Edwards A, Joggerst B. Determining the Psycho-Social & Mental Health Needs of a Refugee Population in Pforzheim/Enzkreis: First Results Oral Poster Presentation at the 68. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress des BZÖGD, Junie 2017.

Benson-Martin JJ, Cherunya J, Edwards A, Joggerst B. Needs Assessment for a Refugee Mental Health Programme in Southern Germany: Methodology and Experiences Poster Presentation at the 8. International Symposium Global Mental Health, Mental Health in Developing Countries, October 2016.

Benson-Martin JJ, Joggerst B, Marx M. Determining the Mental Health and Psycho-Social Needs of a Refugee Population in a Health District in Southern Germany Oral Presentation at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress, November 2016.

Benson-Martin JJ, Milligan P 2013. The Scope of ECT Practice in South Africa. Oral Presentation at the South African Society of Psychiatrists (SASOP) Biological Psychiatry Congress, Wild Coast Sun, Port Edward, South Africa, August 2013.

Benson-Martin JJ, Milligan P 2013. ECT Practice in South Africa. Poster at the 3rd Annual Malawian Mental Health Research & Practice Development Conference, Mzuzu, Malawi, April 2013.

Benson-Martin JJ 2010. Anxiety Disorder Treatments: An Overview. Poster at the International Anxiety Disorders Symposium, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, May 2010. 

Benson-Martin JJ 2004. The Young’s Modulus of Fetal Pre-Term and Term Membranes. Poster at the SGGG Conference (Swiss Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics Meeting), Interlaken, Switzerland, June 2004. (Peer reviewed)

Benson-Martin JJ 2004. Elastic Properties of Pre-Term and Term Amnion Membranes. Oral Presentation at the IFMSS Conference (International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society), Charleston, South Carolina, USA, March 2004. (Peer reviewed)

Other Publication

Book Review by Benson-Martin JJ 2010. Generalized anxiety Disorder across the Lifespan: An Integrative Approach, by Micheal E. Portman. Reviewed in: The South African Medical Journal, 100:1, January 2010.

Contact Information
