Kliniken &… Institute Heidelberger Institut… Welcome Talks & Seminars 2017_06

Talks & Seminars & Events



Georg Forster Global Health Society - Global Health Vortragsreihe:
Making medical research socially robust: Communication as the key to anticipate social implications of science

Speaker:Prof. Alexander Gerber, Wissenschaftskommunikation Leiter, Hochschule Rhein-Waal
Time:17 Uhr s.t.                                                                
Place:Hörsaal INF 360, Botanischer Garten
Audience:   Public
Info:Opens external link in new windowGeorg Forster Global Health Society Heidelberg

Public Seminar

Heidelberg Epidemiology Seminar Series:
Health-related quality of life aspects of cancer survivorship                                                           

Speaker:Melissa Thong, Cancer Survivorship, Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research, Germanl
Time:16:15 Uhr                                                    
Place:Theoretikum, Seminar room 1, INF 327, Heidelberg
Website:   Program

Public seminar

Georg Forster Global Health Society Heidelberg - Session:
Controlling the worldwide tobacco epidemic globally and locally: What can be learned from the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)? 

Time:3 p.m.                                                                
Place:Marsilius-Kolleg INF 130.1
Audience:   Public
Info:Georg Forster Global Health Society Heidelberg


Georg Forster Global Health Society - Global Health Vortragsreihe:
Global health challenges – implications for science and public health

Speaker:Prof. Dr. Marcel Tanner, Director Emeritus of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Time:17 Uhr s.t.                                                                
Place:Marsilius-Kolleg - Hörsaal, INF 130.1
Audience:   Public
Info:Georg Forster Global Health Society Heidelberg

Internal  Seminar  

Inter-Faculty Health Economics Seminar Series:
Assessing medicine affordability among persons with chronic diseases in LMICs: The interplay between drug prices, social epidemiology and unmet need

Speaker:Jürgen Maurer, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne
Time:12:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Place:Bergheimer Straße 20, Seminar Room 215
Audience:All interested IPH members
Public seminar

Georg Forster Global Health Society Heidelberg - Session:
Health and Alcohol: good or bad?

Time:3 p.m.                                                                
Place:INF 365, room 007
Audience:   Public
Info:Opens external link in new windowGeorg Forster Global Health Society Heidelberg

Internal Seminar

HIPH Seminar Series:
Developing local, food-based complementary feeding recommendations using a linear programming approach: an Optifood experience


Amanda Wendt, IPH

Time:12:30 - 13:30 Uhr                                                          
Place:Seminar room 7 (MScIH course room), INF 365, Heidelberg
Audience:   All IPH members
Info:HIPH program

Internal Seminar

Epi Journal Club:
Regression Discontinuity in Epidemiology

Speaker:Volker Winkler, Yukio Yamamoto, IPH
Time:12:30 - 13:30 Uhr                                                              
Place:Seminar room, 3. Stock, INF 324, Heidelberg
Audience:   All interested IPH members
Organiser:Amanda Wendt & Simone Kaucher


Georg Forster Global Health Society - Global Health Vortragsreihe:
End Tuberculosis – what  does Germany contribute?

Speaker:Dr. Florian Neuhann, Stadtarzt, Gesundheitsamt Köln; Dozent und Wissenschaftler, Institut für Public Health, UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg
Time:17 Uhr s.t.                                                                
Place:Hörsaal INF 360, Botanischer Garten
Audience:   Public
Info:Georg Forster Global Health Society Heidelberg