Kliniken &… Institute Global Health


Lilongwe, Malawi

Lighthouse Trust, a World Health Organization (WHO) recognized Centre of Excellence, works in close coordination with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to operate two large integrated HIV testing, treatment and care clinics in Lilongwe, Malawi: one on the campus of Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) and another at Bwaila Hospital under the Lilongwe District Health Office.


The main purpose of the Lighthouse Trust is to provide improved quality treatment, care and support services for PLHIV in Malawi. The expected outputs of the program are as follows:


   - Service delivery to scale: via expanded, high quality HIV and AIDS treatment care and support services provided through Lighthouse

  -  Service delivery as a model intervention: by having innovative approaches for HIV treatment, care and support developed, piloted, evaluated and disseminated in Malawi, and

    - Capacity building: to have strengthened capacity for HIV and AIDS treatment, care and support in Malawi

 Collaboration dates back to 2004 when Florian Neuhann (  returned from working as Clincial Advisor to the Lighthouse.

Since then several MSc and Dr. med candidates have done field studies at the Lighthouse.

There has been an extensive exchange for study visits and teaching in both direction in particular on HIV and Tb and co-morbidities  Current projects with the partner institution, incl. third-party funding:

   1. LighTen  Cohort Study    funded by Hector Stiftungen; Weinheim Gemany

- Observational cohort study  > 1437  enrolled HIV patients initiating on Tenofovir containing  

  2.  ART

    concluded and analyzinmg results

-3. ZaMaC

Zambian and Malawian capacity strengthening in comprehensive evidence based models of healthcare through continuous medical education for HIV and non-communicable disease integration funded by Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung ongoing until Dec 2020 implemeting facilty based and community supported diagnosis and monitoring of NCDs in particular Hypertension as a first model condition