Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Teaching Short Courses Short Courses in… Certificate in Social…

Certificate in Social Protection

(in cooperation with AOK Consult, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance / UNU-MERIT (Maastricht University, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam (15 ECTS)

Content Overview

This advanced programme aims at conveying indepth and interdisciplinary knowledge in the area of social protection and other interconnected
policies. The participants will be able to make a substantial contribution to the elaboration, implementation and necessary reforms to achieve and maintain viable, sustainably funded, efficient, effective and equitable social protection systems that meet current and future socio-economic and
gender-specific challenges. The objectives of the program address three different levels: the individual level, the institutional and multi - institutional level (systems). The program has the following specific objectives:

  • Promotion of individual and professional competencies, including research skills in social protection;
  • Development of practical problem-solving skills in the area of social protection;
  • Development of trans-disciplinary dialogue competence and networking among program alumni and with specialized national and international institutions;
  • Promotion of student leadership and innovation competencies within their own institutions and social protection systems.

Learning Objectives

With the accomplishment of the courses, the participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate didactic knowledge and technical skills in managing essential social protection instruments;
  • Manage complex business processes concerning social protection programmes;
  • Examine the risks faced by individuals and communities and potential system responses;
  • Identify common strengths and challenges to social protection programmes and their implementation;
  • Assess potential gaps between existing supply and emerging demand for social protection;
  • Recommend new social protection interventions and forecast their potential impacts;
  • Propose multi-tiered solutions for improving the social protection system landscape;Evaluate the impacts of social protection systems on broader policy objectives and draw recommendations for different stakeholders.

Packages of Courses

This program includes a package of selected e-Learning courses and 5 face-to-face courses. The students have full flexibility to complete the online
courses in the convenient for them time and alongside their job duties. Only 5 weeks’ presence time for the face to face courses in Vietnam or Germany is required. The course includes close cooperation between academic and professional institutions in the field of social protection. The design and implementation of the advanced program provide opportunities for a successful future professional career after graduation.

Required Courses for achieving the Certificate on Social Protection are:

E-Learning courses (TOTAL ECTS: 7.5):
Mandatory Courses:
Course A1: Introduction to Social Protection (ECTS 2.0) + participants’ choice of any other online courses offered by the program amounting to a total of (5 ECTS)

*Note: 7.5 ECTS have to be earned through online/
e-learning courses to achieve the certificate

*Note: If participants want to take courses
amounting to more than 7.5 ECTS during the
programme, extra course fees will apply.

Face-to-Face courses (TOTAL ECTS: 7.5):
Mandatory Courses:
1. Course B1: Introduction to Social Protection (in cooperation with AOK Consulting)
2. Course B2: Business Administration in Social Protection
3. Course B3: Controlling in health insurance (in cooperation with AOK Consulting)
4. Course B4: Controlling in Pension systems (in cooperation with the German Pension Fund)
5. Course B5: Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Protection Systems (in cooperation with Maastricht School of Governance)

Package Heidelberg:
Package 1: Heidelberg Blended-Learning Package
E Learning courses*: Completion of Course A1 + any combination of other e-learning courses offered by the programme for a total of 7.5 ECTS
Dates for the Face to face courses: 20.04. – 22.05.2020, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (HIGH), Heidelberg, Germany)

*Optimal would be if the students complete the required E Learning courses before the start of the face to face

Target Group

  • Public health professionals, Social protection sector professionals, policy makers, private companies and relevant public administrations, project planners and coordinators, postgraduate students, independent of the geographical origin.


  • This course is held in English. Fluency in English (Reading, Speaking and Writing) is required.
  • Active participation in technical discussions on the platform of the course (10%)
  • Final test (30%)

General Admission € 3.500 EUR
The flight and accommodation cost are not included Registration All applications should be submitted online.