Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Staff Dureab, Fekri

Fekri Dureab


Fekri Dureab is a public health researcher focusing on four areas of research: i) Health System and policies in fragile states, ii) disease control strategies and outbreak preparedness, iii) infodemic management and iv) Nutrition interventions in developing countries. He worked on several research projects focused on disease early warning system in fragile states and the response to outbreaks such as cholera, and diphtheria. He coordinated a research subgroup to conduct Yemen case study as part of the Lancet Committee in Heidelberg on the synergies between universal health coverage, global health security and health promotion. Currently, Fekri is working on a project to Strengthening Health System through implementing the quality improvement approaches in close collaboration with GIZ – Yemen and IRIA/Akkon-Hochschule, Berlin. Also working on  research projects addressing the preparedness and response, disease control, Infodemics and access mortality in the context of COVID-19 in fragile states.

Fekri Dureab is medical doctor by training, holds a post graduated diploma in Community Medicine, and he was awarded the Master of Science degree in International Health and doctorate degree in Public Health (Dr. Sc.hum) by Heidelberg University. 

Projects & Grants

Assessing the health and wider societal impact of COVID-19 and related
control measures in Yemen 2020 - 2024, Source DFG

Other scientific projects & initiatives

Developing immunity against infodemic for health workers within the conflict context


  1. El Hajj Hassan, Al-Aghbari, McGowan, Dar Iang, Basaleem, Al-Sakkaf, Hyzam, Jahn and Dureab. Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards COVID-19 prevention in Yemen: A community-based cross sectional Study. Front. Public Health. 2023 July , 11 | doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1178183
  2. Attal B, Dureab F, Abbara A. Yemen: current peace talks must also prioritise health. BMJ 2023; 381 :p1242 doi:10.1136/bmj.p1242
  3. Al Waziza, R., R. Sheikh, I. Ahmed, G. Al-Masbhi and F. Dureab. Analyzing Yemen’s health system at the governorate level amid the ongoing conflict: a case of Al Hodeida governorate. Discov Health Systems 2, 15 (2023).
  4. Al-Aghbari AA, Hassan OEH, Dar Iang M, Jahn A, Horstick O, Dureab F. Exploring the Role of Infodemics in People's Incompliance with Preventive Measures during the COVID-19 in Conflict Settings (Mixed Method Study). Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Mar 26;11(7):952. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11070952. PMID: 37046879; PMCID: PMC10093864.
  5. Al-Awlaqi, S., Dureab, F. & Tambor, M. The National Health Cluster in Yemen: assessing the coordination of health response during humanitarian crises. Int J Humanitarian Action 7, 9 (2022). 
  6. Fekri Dureab, Yasameen Al-Qadasi, Hani Nasr, Marwah Al-Zumair, Taha Al-Mahbashi; Knowledge on and preventive practices of cholera in Al-Mahweet – Yemen, 2018: a cross-sectional study. J Water Health 2021; jwh2021139. doi:
  7. Swareldhab, E.S.e.; Al-Jawaldeh, A.; Qureshi, A.B.; Ali, A.M.E.; Abu-Manga, M.; Al-Areeqi, M.; Dureab, F. Assessment of Micronutrient Situation among Reproductive-Age Women (15–49) and Under-Five Children in Sudan. Nutrients 2021, 13, 2784.  
  8. Nassar, A. A. H., M. A. Al Amad, M. Qasim and Dureab F. (2021). "Risk factors for measles outbreak in Ataq and Habban districts, Shabwah governorate, Yemen, February to May 2018." BMC Infectious Diseases 21(1): 551.
  9. Dureab, F., Hussein, T., Sheikh, R., Al-Dheeb, N., Al-Awlaqi, S., Jahn, A. Forms of Health System Fragmentation during Conflict: The Case of Yemen. Front. Public Health 2021. Doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.659980
  10. Badell, E., A. Alharazi, A. Criscuolo, K. A. A. Almoayed, N. Lefrancq, V. Bouchez, J. Guglielmini, M. Hennart, A. Carmi-Leroy, N. Zidane, M. Pascal-Perrigault, M. Lebreton, H. Martini, H. Salje, J. Toubiana, Dureab, F., G. Dhabaan, S. Brisse, A. A. Rawah, M. A. Aldawla, E. M. Al-Awdi, N. M. Al-Moalmy, H. Z. Al-Shami and A. A. Al-Somainy "Ongoing diphtheria outbreak in Yemen: a cross-sectional and genomic epidemiology study." The Lancet Microbe (2021). Doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(21)00094-X 
  11. Abu-Manga, M.; Al-Jawaldeh, A.; Qureshi, A.B.; Ali, A.M.E.; Pizzol, D.; Dureab, F. Nutrition Assessment of Under-Five Children in Sudan: Tracking the Achievement of the Global Nutrition Targets. Children 2021, 8, 363.
  12. Noman, H., Dureab, F., Ahmed, I., Al Serouri, A., Hussein, T., and Jahn, A. Mind the gap: an analysis of core capacities of the international health regulations (2005) to respond to outbreaks in Yemen. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 477 (2021).
  13. Hussein, T., Dureab, F., Al-Waziza, R., Noman, H., Hennig, L., Jahn, A. The impact of the fragile health system on the implementation of health policies in Yemen. PREPRINT, medRxiv 2020, 2020.09.25.20200741; doi: 
  14. Dureab, F., Ahmed K., Beiersmann C., Standley C., Al-Waleedy A., Jahn A. Assessment of electronic disease early warning system for improved disease surveillance and outbreak response in Yemen. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:1422.
  15. Al Awlaqi S, Dureab F, Annuzailie D, Al-Dheeb N. COVID-19 and conflict: The devastating impact of withdrawing humanitarian support on universal health coverage in Yemen. Public Health in Practice. 2020; 
  16. Dureab F, Al Awlaqi S, Jahn A. COVID-19 in Yemen: preparedness measures in a fragile state. Lancet Public Health. 2020; DOI:
  17. Dureab, F., Beiersmann C., Jahn A. "Assessment of data quality of the electronic Disease Early Warning System for infectious diseases in Yemen: P282." Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 113 (2019). (Conference paper).
  18. Dureab F, Müller O, Ismail O, Jahn A. Cholera Outbreak in Yemen: Timeliness of Reporting and Response in the National Electronic Disease Early Warning System. Acta Inform Med. 2019 JUN 27(2): 85-88;
  19. Dureab F, Ismail O, Alfalahi E, Al Marhali L, AlJawaldeh A, Nuri N, Safary E, and Jahn A. An overview on the acute malnutrition among children and food insecurity during the conflict in Yemen. Children 2019, 6(6), 77;
  20. Dureab F, Al Sakkaf M, Ismail O, Kuunibe N, Krisam J, Müller O, Jahn A. Diphtheria outbreak in Yemen: the impact of conflict on a fragile health system. BMC Conflict and Health. 2019.
  21. Dureab F, Jahn A, Krisam J, Dureab A, Zain O, Al-Awlaqi S, Müller O. Risk factors associated with the recent cholera outbreak in Yemen: A case-control study. Epidemiology and Health 2019; DOI:
  22. Nuri N, Sarker M, Ahmed H, Hossain M, Dureab F, Agbozo F, Jahn A. Overall Care-Seeking Pattern and Gender Disparity at a Specialized Mental Hospital in Bangladesh. Mater Sociomed. 2019 Mar; 31(1): 35-39. doi:10.5455/msm.2019.31.35-39
  23. Dureab F, Shibib K, Al Yousufi R, Jahn A. Yemen: Cholera outbreak and the ongoing armed conflict. Journal Infect. Dev. Ctries. 2018; 12(5):397-403. https://doi:10.3855/jidc.10129
  24. Dureab F, Müller O, Jahn A, Resurgence of diphtheria in Yemen due to population movement, Journal of Travel Medicine, 2018 , tay094,
  25. Dureab F, Shibib K, Yé Y, Jahn A, Müller O. cholera epidemic in Yemen. Lancet Glob Health. 2018; DOI:
  26. Nuri N, Sarker M, Ahmed H, Hossain M, Dureab F, Jahn A. Quality of the Mental Health Information System in a Specialized Mental Hospital in Bangladesh. ACTA INFORM MED. 2018 SEPT 26(3):168-172. doi: 10.5455/aim.2018.26.168-172.
  27. Dureab F, Shibib K, Jahn A. The association of cholera outbreak with conflict-related factors in Yemen, European Journal for Tropical Medicine and International Health, Volume 22, Issue Supplement S1, 2017. p 53. (Conference paper)
  28. Dureab F., Aljawaldeh A., Ali L., Building capacity in inpatient treatment of severe acute malnutrition in Yemen, Field Exchange 55, July 2017 
  29. Dureab F. The impact of conflict on the health situation in Yemen, October 2015, Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care 2016(2), DOI 10.5339/jemtac.2016.icepq.31. (Conference paper)
  30. Dureab F, Bawazeer A, Kulker R, The Effects of Community-based Reproductive Health Workers on the Utilization of Family Planning Services in Yemen, International Invention Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 2(4) pp. 56-61, April, 2015 Available online
  31. Ahmed*, Mohammad Dauod Altaf and Fekri Dureab. Electronic Infectious Disease Surveillance System during Humanitarian Crises in Yemen. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 2014. 6(1): e134,, (Conference paper)