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Publikationen 2020

Asfaw BB, Beiersmann C, Keck V, Nikendei C, Benson-Martin J, Schütt I, Lohmann J. Experiences of psychotherapists working with refugees in Germany, a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry. 2020; 20: 588.

Baessler F, Ciprianidis A, Wagner FL, Zafar A, Kanellopoulos T, Baumann TC, Sandmann CL, Schultz JH. Impact of an educational workshop on psychiatrists' attitude towards psychosomatic medicine. BMC Psychiatry. 2020; 20(1):6.

Baessler F, Weidlich J, Schweizer S, Ciprianidis A, Bartolovic M, Zafar A, Wolfgang M, Wagner L, Baumann FTC, Mihaljevic A, Ditzen B, Roesch-Ely D, Nikendei C, Schultz J-H. What and how are students taught about communicating risks to patients? Analysis of a medical curriculum. PLOS one. 2020; 15(5): e0233682.

Baessler F, Zafar A, Ciprianidis A, Wagner FL, Klein SB, Schweitzer S, Bartolovic M, Roesch-Ely D, Ditzen B, Nikendei C, Schultz J-H. Analysis of risk communication teaching in psychosocial and other medical departments. Medical Education Online. 2020; 25:1.

Baunacke M, Schmidt ML, Groeben C, Borkowetz A, Thomas C, Koch R, Chun FKH, Ihrig A, Weissbach L, Huber  J. Decision Regret after Radical Prostatectomy Does Not Depend on Surgical Approach: 6-Year Followup of a Large German Cohort Undergoing Routine Care. The Journal of urology. 2020; 203:554-561.

Benecke C, Schauenburg H. Psychodynamik und Operationalisierung. Psychodynamische Psychotherapie. 2020; 19: 36–48.

Berens S, Banzhaf P, Baumeister D, Gauss A, Eich W, Schaefert R, Tesarz J. Relationship between adverse childhood experiences and illness anxiety in irritable bowel syndrome–The impact of gender. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2020; 128:109846.

Berens S, Engel F, Gauss A, Tesarz J, Herzog W, Niesler B, Stroe-Kunold E, Schaefert R. Patients with Multiple Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs) Show Increased Illness Severity: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Tertiary Care FGID Specialty Clinic. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2020; 2020: 9086340.

Berens S, Schaefert R, Baumeister D, Gauss A, Eich W, Tesarz J. Drug treatment and psychological distress in inflammatory bowel disease: Response to Sovich's letter to the Editor. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2020; 132:109971.

Bieber C, Gschwendtner K, Müller N, Eich W. Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung (PEF) - Patient und Arzt als Team. Balint-Journal. 2020; 21:111-122.

Binder A, Denkinger J, Rometsch-Ogioun El Sount C, Windthorst P, Engelhardt M, Ringwald J, Nikendei C, Kindermann D, Zipfel S, Junne F. Psychological demands, distress and protective factors for social workers working with women and children who suffered extreme violence by the 'Islamic State': A mixed method survey. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2020; 132:109959.

Bleyel C, Hoffmann M, Wensing M, Hartmann M, Friederich HC, Haun MW. The patients' perspective on mental health specialist video consultations in primary care: A qualitative pre-implementation study on anticipated benefits and barriers. J Med Internet Res.  2020; 22(4):e17330.

Boehlen FH, Freigofas J, Herzog W, Meid AD, Saum KU, Schoettker B, Brenner H, Haefeli WE, Wild B. Evidence for underuse and overuse of antidepressants in older adults: Results of a large population-based study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019; 34(4):539-547.

Boehlen FH, Herzog W, Schellberg D, Maatouk I, Schoettker B, Brenner H, Wild B. Gender-specific predictors of generalized anxiety disorder symptoms: results of a large population-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020; 262: 174-181.

Brehaut E, …, Keller M, … Thombs BD. Depression prevalence using the HADS-D compared to SCID major depression classification: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal of psychosomatic research. 2020; 139:110256.

Brockmeyer T, Burdenski K, Anderle A, Voges MM, Vocks S, Schmidt H, Wünsch-Leiteritz W, Leiteritz A, Friederich HC. Approach and avoidance bias for thin-ideal and normal-weight body shapes in anorexia nervosa. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2020;28(5):536-550.

Bryois J, Skene NG, Hansen TF, … Herzog W, …, Sullivan PF. Genetic identification of cell types underlying brain complex traits yields insights into the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. Nat Genet. 2020; 52:482–493.

Bubolz S, Mayer G, Gronewold N, Hilbel T, Schultz J H. Adherence to Established Treatment Guidelines Among Unguided Digital Interventions for Depression: Quality Evaluation of 28 Web-Based Programs and Mobile Apps. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020; 22(7):e16136.

Bugaj TJ, Cranz A, Nikendei C. The health-care sector's role in climate stabilisation. The Lancet. 2020; 396(10244):91-92.

Bugaj TJ, Krug K, Rentschler A, Nikendei C, Szecsenyi J, Schwill S. Mental health of postgraduate trainees in primary care: a cross-sectional study. BMC Fam Pract. 2020; 21(1):123. 

Bugaj TJ, Valentini J, Miksch A, Schwill S. Work strain and burnout risk in postgraduate trainees in general practice: an overview. Postgraduate Medicine. 2020; 132(1):7-16.

Casanova Dias M, Perera B, Riese F, De Picker L, Pinto da Costa M, Petricean A, Kanellopoulos A, Krysta K, Baessler F. Are we training psychiatrists to develop skills in Intellectual disability Psychiatry? Current European context and future directions. Eur Psych. 2020; 63(1):e99, 1–5.

Cranz A, Greinacher A, Nagy E, Friederich H-C, Katus H, Geis N, Pleger S, Nikendei C. Broken Heartstrings - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Psychological Burden after Acute Mitral Regurgitation due to Chordae Tendineae Rupture – a Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020; 9(12):4048.

Dinger U, Zilcha-Mano S, Schauenburg H. Wechselseitige Effekte von Gruppenkohäsion und Symptomen in der stationären und tagesklinischen Psychotherapie depressiver Patienten. Psychotherapeut. 2020; 65:236–243.

Ditz S. Sexualität und Partnerschaft bei jüngeren Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom. Ärztliche Psychotherapie. Ärztliche Psychotherapie. 2020; 15(1): 21-26.

Dong Y. Letter to the Editor: the more stressful life events an IBS patient experiences, the less predictable the relationship is between changes in symptom severity and quality of life. Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2020; 32(1):e13706.

Dong Y, Baumeister D, Berens S, Eich W, Tesarz J. Stressful life events moderate the relationship between changes in symptom severity and health-related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 2020; 54(5):445-451.

Doshi T L, Tesarz J, Cohen S P. Nerve growth factor inhibitors for low back pain: balancing the risks and benefits. Pain. 2020; 161(9): 1941-1942.

Du J, Mayer G, Hummel S, Oetjen N, Gronewold N, Zafar A, Schultz JH. Mental Health Burden in Different Professions During the Final Stage of the COVID-19 Lockdown in China: Cross-sectional Survey Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(12):e24240.

Ehrenthal JC, Nikendei C, Huber J, Schultz J-H, Friederich H-C, Dinger U. Prädiktoren des Lernerfolgs eines erfahrungsbasierten Trainingsseminars zu psychodynamischen Interventionen. Verhaltenstherapie. 2020; 30:128–136.

Ehrenthal CJ, Schauenburg H, Wagner F, Dinger U, Volz M. Entwicklung und Evaluation des Fragebogens zur Erfassung Aversiver und Protektiver Kindheitserfahrungen (APK). Psychiatrische Praxis. 2020; 47:1-7.

Ehrenthal JC, Schöckel A, Nikendei C, Dinger U, Schauenburg H, Lambert L. Gruppentherapie zur Stabilisierung und Selbstregulation bei Patientinnen mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (STABILI-T): Eine Machbarkeitsstudie. Psychotherapeut. 2020; 65:264–271.

Engel F, Tesarz J. Medikamentöse Schmerztherapie – bei Patienten mit Schmerz und Trauma. Neuro aktuell. 2020; 5:53-61.

Frister M, Finkenzeller C, Merle U, Morath C, Wallwiener S, Riedel F. Verdacht auf akute Schwangerschaftsfettleber bei einer 33-jährigen Gemini-Gravida in der 35. SSW – Implikationen für ein adäquates geburtshilflich-internistisches Management. Frauenarzt. 2020; 7:484-488.

Glashouwer KA, Brockmeyer T, Cardi V, Jansen A, Murray SB, Blechert J, Levinson CA, Schmidt U, Tchanturia K, Wade TD, Svaldi J, Giel KE, Favaro A, Fernández-Aranda F, Friederich HC, Naumann E, Treasure JL, Tuschen-Caffier B, Vocks S, Werthmann J. Time to make a change: A call for more experimental research on key mechanisms in anorexia nervosa. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2020; 28(4):361-367.

Goerling U, Faller H, Hornemann B, Hönig K, Bergelt C, Maatouk I, Stein B, Teufel M, Erim Y, Geiser F, Niecke A. Information needs in cancer patients across the disease trajectory. A prospective study. Patient Education and Counseling. 2020; 103(1):120-126.

Goldstein P, Ashar Y, Tesarz J, Kazgan M, Cetin B, Wager T D. Emerging Clinical Technology: Application of Machine Learning to Chronic Pain Assessments Based on Emotional Body Maps. Neurotherapeutics. 2020 Jul;17(3):774-783.

Greinacher A, Nikendei A, Kottke R, Wiesbeck J, Herzog W, Friederich H-C, Nikendei C. Secondary Traumatization in Psychosocial Emergency Care Personnel – A longitudinal Study accompanying German Trainees. Health & Social Care in the Community. 2020; 00:1-11.

Grevenstein D, Nikendei C, Nagy E. Alcohol Use, Binge Drinking, and Drunkenness Experience in Adolescence: Complex Associations with Family, Peers, Social Context, and Risk Perceptions. Substance Use & Misuse. 2020; 55(11): 1834-1845.

Grosse-Holz V, Nikendei C, Andermann M, Ringleb PA, Friederich H-C, Rizos T. Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Following Transient Ischemic Attack: An Observational Cohort Study. Psychosomatic Research. 2020; 137:110205.

Haun MW, Hoffmann M, Tönnies J, Dinger U, Hartmann M, Friederich HC. Videokonsultationen durch Psychotherapeuten in Zeiten der
COVID-19-Pandemie – Wirksamkeit, Gestaltung des Settings und erste Erfahrungen aus einer Machbarkeitsstudie sowie mit dem Routineangebot im Krankenhaus. Psychotherapeut. 2020; 65:291–296.

Haun MW, Ihrig A, Karschuck P, Thomas C, Huber J. The era of the digital natives is approaching: Insights into online peer-to-peer support for persons affected by prostate cancer. World Journal of Urology. 2020; 38:2433–2434.

Haun MW, Stephan I, Wensing M, Hartmann M, Hoffmann M, Friederich HC. Intent-to-adopt video-based integrated mental healthcare and characteristics of its supporters: A mixed-methods study among general practitioners applying Diffusion of 2020; 7(10):e23660.

Helmboldt L, Nikendei C, Schließler C, Zehetmair C, Kindermann D, Ditzen B, Kohl RM. Evaluation des Einsatzes von DolmetscherInnen in der medizinischen und psychosozialen Versorgung Geflüchteter in einer Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung des Landes Baden-Württemberg. PPMP.2020; 70(9-10):378-385.

Hilbert A, Herpertz S, Zipfel S, Tuschen-Caffier B, Friederich HC, Mayr A, de Zwaan M. Psychopathological Networks in Cognitive-Behavioral Treatments for Binge-Eating Disorder. Psychother Psychosom. 2020; 89(6):379-385.

Hoffmann M, Wensing M, Peters-Klimm F, Szecsenyi J, Hartmann M, Friederich HC, Haun MW. Perspectives of Psychotherapists and Psychiatrists on Mental Health Care Integration Within Primary Care Via Video Consultations: Qualitative Preimplementation Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020; 22(6):e17569.

Ihrig A, Karschuck P, Haun MW, Thomas C, Huber J. Online peer-to-peer support for persons affected by prostate cancer: a systematic review. Patient Educ Couns. 2020; 103(2020):2107–2115.

Ihrig A, Maatouk I, Wickert M, Wünsch A, Bruns G, Besseler M. Nutzerbefragung als Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahme in psychosozialen Krebsberatungsstellen. Gesundheitswesen. 2020; 28:861-867.

Ihrig A, Richter J, Grüllich C, Apostolidis L, Horak P, Villalobos M, Grapp M, Friederich HC, Maatouk I. Patient expectations are better for immunotherapy than traditional chemotherapy for cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2020; 146:3189–3198.

Jablotschkin M, Bartsch HH, Gschwendtner K, Hauer J, Horneber M, Weis J. Educational program in complementary medicine for cancer self-help groups. Complementary Medicine Research. 2020; 27(4):222-229.

Jennissen S, Gibbons MBC, Crits-Christoph P, Huber J, Nikendei C, Schauenburg H, Dinger U. Insight into Conflictual Relationship Patterns: Development and Validation of an Observer Rating Scale. Psychotherapy Research. 2020; 30(7):934-947.

Jennissen S, Nikendei C, Ehrenthal JC, Schauenburg H, Dinger U. Influence of patient and therapist agreement and disagreement about their alliance on symptom severity over the course of treatment: A response surface analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 2020; 67:326-336.

Keefe JR, McMain SF, McCarthy KS, Zilcha-Mano S, Dinger U, Sahin Z, Graham K, Barber JP. A meta-analysis of psychodynamic treatments for borderline and Cluster C personality disorders. Pers Disord Theory Res Treat. 2020; 11(3):157-169.

Kindermann D, Sanzenbacher M, Nagy E, Greinacher A, Cranz A, Nikendei A, Friederich H-C, Nikendei C. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Emergency Call-Takers and Dispatchers -  A Cross-Sectional Study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 2020; 11: 1799478.

Kindermann D, Zeyher V, Nagy E, Bozorgmehr K, Friederich H-C, Nikendei C. Predictors of asylum seekers’ health care utilization in the early phase of resettlement: a longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020; 11:475.

Kindermann D, Zeyher V, Nagy E, Brandenburg-Ceynowa H, Junne F, Friederich H-C, Bozorgmehr K, Nikendei C. Predictors of asylum seekers’ mental health course in the early stages of resettlement: results of a longitudinal study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2020; 109977.

Klipsch O, Schauenburg H, Nikendei C, Benecke C, Dinger U. Effect of Attachment Style on Selective Attention in Panic Disorder. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2020; 39(6):523-560.

Koch C, Dreimüller N, Weißkircher J, Deis N, Gaitzsch E, Wagner S, Stoll M, Bäßler F, Lieb K, Jünger J. Teaching Conflicts of Interest and Shared Decision-Making to Improve Risk Communication: a Randomized Controlled Trial. J GEN INTERN MED. 2020; 35(2):473-480.

Kohlmann S, Lehmann M, Eisele M, Braunschneider L-E, Marx G, Zapf A, Wegscheider K, Härter M, König H-H, Gallinat J, Joos S, Resmark G, Schneider A, Allwang C, Szecsenyi J, Nikendei C, Schulz S, Brenk-Franz K, Scherer M, Löwe B. Depression screening using patient-targeted feedback in general practices: Study protocol of the GET.FEEDBACK.GP multicentre randomized controlled trial. BMJ open. 2020; 10(9):e035973.

Konrad C, Lossnitzer N, Boehlen FH, Haefeli WE, Holleczek B, Brenner H, Schoettker B, Wild B. Coping resources of heart failure patients – a comparison with cancer patients and individuals having no chronic condition. Results from the ESTHER study. Heart & Lung. 2020; 49:829 835.

Kowalski C, Albert U-S, Baumann W, Carl G, Ernstmann N, Hermes-Moll K, Fallenberg EM, Feick G, Feiten S, Härter M, Heidt V, Heuser C, Hübner J, Joos S, Katalinic A, Kempkens Ö, Kerek-Bodden H, Klinkhammer-Schalke M, Koller M, Langer T, Lehner B, Lux MP, Maatouk I, Pfaff H, Ratsch B, Schach S, Scholl I, Skoetz N, Voltz R, Wiskemann J, Inwald EC. DNVF-Memorandum Versorgungsforschung in der Onkologie. Gesundheitswesen.2020; 82(08/09): e108-e121.

Lanzer JD, Leuschner F, Kramann R, Levinson RT, Saez-Rodriguez J. Big Data Approaches in Heart Failure Research. Curr Heart Fail Rep. 2020; 17:213–224.

Loda T, Erschens R, Nikendei C, Giel K, Junne F, Zipfel S, Herrmann-Werner A. A novel instrument of cognitive and social congruence within peer-assisted learning in medical training: construction of a questionnaire by factor analyses. BMC Medical Education. 2020; 20:214.

Loda T, Erschens R, Nikendei C, Zipfel S, Herrmann-Werner A. Qualitative analysis of cognitive and social congruence in peer-assisted learning – The perspectives of medical students, student tutors and lecturers. Medical Education Online. 2020; 25:1801306.

Lossnitzer N, Feist M, Wild B, Katus H A, Schultz J-H, Stock C, Frankenstein L. Cross-lagged analyses of the bidirectional relationship between depression and markers of chronic heart failure. Depression & Anxiety. 2020; 37(9):898-907.

Löw C, Schauenburg H, Dinger U. Self-criticism and Psychotherapy Outcome: A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical Psychology Review. 2020; 75:101808.

Matthijssen SJMA, Lee CW, de Roos C, Barron IG, Jarero I, Shapiro E, Hurley EC, Schubert SJ, Baptist J, Amann BL,  Moreno-Alcázar A, Tesarz J, de Jongh A. The Current Status of EMDR Therapy, Specific Target Areas, and Goals for the Future. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. 2020; 14(4):241-284.

Mayer G, Alvarez S, Gronewold N, Schultz JH. Expressions of Individualization on the Internet and Social Media: Multigenerational Focus Group Study. J Med Internet Res 2020; 22(11):e20528.

Meule A, Michalek S, Friederich H-C, Brockmeyer T. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale–short form (BIS–15) in patients with mental disorders. Psychiatry Research. 2020; 284:112665.

Nikendei C. Klima, Psyche und Psychotherapie: kognitionspsychologische, psychodynamische und psychotraumatologische Betrachtung einer globalen Krise. Psychotherapeut. 2020; 65: 3-13.

Nikendei C. Klima und Psychotherapie (Letter). Psychotherapeut. 2020; 3: 209 - 210.

Nikendei C. Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel. GMS Journal for Medical Education. 2020; 37(3):Doc36.

Nikendei C, Bugaj TJ, Nikendei F, Kühl S, Kühl M. Klimawandel: Ursachen, Folgen, Lösungsansätze und Implikationen für das Gesundheitswesen. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen. 2020; 156:59-67.

Nikendei C, Cranz A, Bugaj T. Two slides to make you think: 2slides4future - an initiative for teachers and lecturers advocating climate-change education and teacher-learner dialogue. Medical Education, really good stuff section. 2020; 54(5):467.

Nikendei C, Mölle C, Fischer K, Granov M, Huber  J, Dinge U, Herzog W, Schauenburg H, Ehrenthal JC. Persönlichkeitsstruktur und Bindungsstil als Prädiktoren für die erfolgreiche Aufnahme einer Ambulanten Psychotherapeutischen Behandlung. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie. 2020; 66(2): 178-192.

Oettl L, Scheller M, Filosa C, Wieland S, Haag F, Loeb C, Durstewitz D, Shusterman R, Russo E, Kelsch W. Phasic dopamine reinforces distinct striatal stimulus in the olfactory tubercle driving dopaminergic reward prediction. Nature Communications. 2020; 11:3460.

Perna L, Zhang Y, Matías-García P, Ladwig K-H, Wiechmann T, Wild B, Waldenberger M, Schoettker B, Mons U, Ihle A, Kliegel M, Schwettmann L, Peters A, Brenner H. Subjective mental health, incidence of depressive symptoms in later life, and the role of epigenetics: Results from two longitudinal cohort studies. Translational Psychiatry. 2020; 10:323.

Perna L, Zhang Y, Wild B, Kliegel M, Ihle A, Schöttker B, Mons U,  Brenner H. Childhood exposure to hunger: associations with health outcomes in later life and epigenetic markers. Epigenomics. 2020;12(21):1861-1870.

Puls HC, Schmidt R, Herpertz S, Zipfel S, Tuschen‐Caffier B, Friederich HC, Gerlach F, Mayr A, Lam T, Schade-Brittinger G, de Zwaan M, Hilbert A. Adherence as a predictor of dropout in Internet‐based guided self‐help for adults with binge‐eating disorder and overweight or obesity. International Journal of Eating Disorders.2020; 53(4): 555-563.

Rippinger N, Fischer C, Haun MW, Rhiem K, Grill S, Kiechle M, Cremer FW, Kast K, Nguyen HP, Ditsch N, Kratz CP, Vogel J, Speiser D, Hettmer S, Glimm H, Fröhling S, Jaeger D, Seitz S, Hahne A, Maatouk I, Sutter C, Schmutzler RK, Dikow N, Schott S. Cancer surveillance and distress among adult pathogenic TP53 germline variant carriers in Germany – a multi-centric feasibility and acceptance survey. Cancer. 2020; 126(17):4032-4041.

Rometsch-Ogioun El Sount C, Denkinger J, Engelhart M, Windthorst P, Graf J, Nikendei C, Zipfel S, Junne F. Care providers’ views on burden of psychosomatic symptoms of IS-traumatized female refugees participating in a Humanitarian Admission Program in Germany: A qualitative analysis. PLOS Medicine. 2020; pone.0239969.

Schauenburg H. Psychodynamische Psychotherapie der Depression. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2020; 88: 1–17.

Schauenburg H, Wiegand-Grefe S. Autismus-Spektrum. Psychotherapie im Dialog. 2020; P.103-104.

Schauenburg H, Wiegand-Grefe S. Lehren für die "Neurotypischen". Psychotherapie im Dialog. 2020; P.11.

Schramm K, Nees J, HoffmannJ, Bruckner T, Haun MW, Maatouk I, Stepan H, Schott S. Emergency consultations in obstetrics: identification of decisive, contributing and associated factors. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2020; 302:821–828.

Shedden-Mora MC, Kuby A, Tönnies J, Piontek K, Löwe B. Stepped, collaborative, coordinated care for somatic symptom and related disorders (Sofu-net). Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 2020; 228(2):119–129.

Simon JJ, Stopyra MA, Mönning E, Sailer SC, Lavandier N, Kihm L, Bendszus M, Preissl H, Herzog W, Friederich HC. Neuroimaging of hypothalamic mechanisms related to glucose metabolism in anorexia nervosa and obesity. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2020; 130(8):4094–4103.

Spranz-Fogasy T, Graf E-M, Ehrenthal JC, Nikendei C. Requesting examples in psychodiagnostic interviews: Therapists’ contribution to the sequential co-construction of clients’ change. Communication in Medicine. 2020; 16(2):129-141.

Terhoeven V, Nikendei C, Bärnighausen T, Bountogo M, Friederich H-C, Ouermi L, Sié A, Harling G. Eating disorders, body image and media exposure among adolescent girls in rural Burkina Faso. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 2020; 25(1): 132-141.

Tesarz J, Baumeister D, Andersen TE, Vaegter HB. Pain perception and processing in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Pain Rep. 2020;5(5):e849.

Tesarz J, Eich W, Hasenbring M. Schmerz im Sport. MMW Fortschr Med. 2020; 162 (15): 2-5.

Tesarz J, Eich W, Hasenbring M. Schmerzen bei Sportlern : Seminar / Schmerzmodul. MMW Fortschr Med. 2020 Sep;162(15):60-65.

Weber R, Ehrenthal JC, Dinger U, Volz M, Langens T, Schonnebeck M. Ambulante gruppenpsychotherapeutische Nachsorge Effekte nach teilstationärer und stationärer psychosomatischer Rehabilitation. Psychotherapeut. 2020; 65:257-263.

Weis J, Friederich HC, Blettner G, Maatouk I, Röttger K, von Saalfeld S. Psychosoziale Onkologie: Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen. Forum. 2020; 35:139–142.

Weis B, Gschwendtner K, Giesler JM, Adams L, Wirtz MA. Psychoeducational group intervention for breast cancer survivors: a non-randomized multi-center pilot study. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2020; 28(7):3033-3040.

Wettstein M, Spuling SM, Cengia AM, Nowossadeck S, Tesarz J. Associations of Age and Pain with 9-Year Functional Health Trajectories: The Moderating Role of Information Processing Speed and Accommodative Coping . GeroPsych The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry. 2020; 33(4):183-195.

Wild B,  Brenner J, Joos S, Samstag Y, Buckert M, Valentini J. Acupuncture in persons with an increased stress level – results from a randomized-controlled pilot trial. PLOS One. 2020; 15(7): e0236004.

Yilmaz Z, Halvorsen M, Bryois J, …, Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Tourette Syndrome/Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Examination of the shared genetic basis of anorexia nervosa and obsessive–compulsive disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2020; 25:2036–2046.

Zehetmair C, Nagy E, Cranz A, Kindermann D, Reddemann L, Nikendei C. Self-Practice of Stabilizing and Guided Imagery Techniques for Traumatized Refugees via Digital Audio-Files: A Qualitative Study. JMIR. 2020; 22(9):e17906.

Heinrichs N, Rosner R, Schweiger U, Seidler GH, Stieglitz, RD, Strauß B. (Hrsg.)
Psychodynamische Paar- und Familientherapie (Psychotherapie kompakt).
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (1. Auflage, 2020)
ISBN: 978-3170323056

Heinrichs N, Rosner R, Seidler GH, Spitzer C, Stieglitz R-D, Strauß B. (Hrsg.)
Schematherapie (Psychotherapie kompakt).
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (1. Auflage 2020)
ISBN: 978-3-17-035980-2

Heinrichs N, Rosner R, Seidler GH, Spitzer C, Stieglitz R-D, Strauß B. (Hrsg.)
Verhaltenstherapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter (Psychotherapie kompakt).
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (1. Auflage 2020)
ISBN: 978-3-17-033475-5

Kaufmann C, Zehetmair C, Nagy E, Reddeman L, Nikendei C. (Monographie)
Heidelberger Standardübungen zur Stabilisierung traumatisierter Geflüchteter.
Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg, Heidelberg (1. Auflage, 2020)
ISBN: 978-3-00-065022-2

Schauenburg H, Jennissen S, Cierpka M. (Monographie)
Heidelberger Standards zur psychodynamischen Diagnostik nach OPD-2.
Medizinische Fakultät Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 1. Auflage (2020)
ISBN: 978-3-00-067215-6

Rosner R, Seidler GH, C, Stieglitz R-D, Strauß B, Heinrichs N (Hrsg.)
Mentalisierungsbasierte Psychotherapie (Psychotherapie kompakt)
Kohlhammer (2. Auflage 2020)
ISBN: 978-3-17-038695-2

Rudolf G. (Monographie)
Strukturbezogene Psychotherapie (SP): Leitfaden zur psychodynamischen Therapie struktureller Störungen.
Schattauer (4. Auflage, 2020)
ISBN: 978-3608400496

Seidler GH. (Monographie)
Der Blick des Anderen: Eine Analyse der Scham.
Klett-Cotta (5. Auflage 2020)
ISBN: 978-3608947779

Seidler GH, Tesarz J, Streeck-Fischer A. (Hrsg.)
Ängste bei Kindern und Jugendlichen - verstehen und handeln.
Klett-Cotta (1. Auflage, 2020)
ISBN: 978-3-608-96034-1

In: Bösel M, Gahleitner SB. (Hrsg.)
Soziale Interventionen in der Psychotherapie.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (2020)
ISBN: 978-3-17-036620-6
Siegfarth-Häberle B. Sozialtherapeutische poststationäre Betreuung im Rahmen der stationären psychosomatischen  Behandlung – ein Fallbeispiel. p.119-125.

In: Egle U, Heim C, Strauß B, von Känel R (Hrsg.) 
Psychosomatische Medizin
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (1. Auflage, 2020)
ISBN: 978-3-17-030663-9
Schauenburg H : Komorbidität depressive Störung. S. 255-262.
Friederich H-C, Simon J, Brockmeyer T. Psychobiologische Mechanismen und Risikofaktoren bei Essstörungen. S. 368-374.

In: Ochs M, Borcsa M, Schweitzer J. (Hrsg.)
Systemic Research in Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy and Counseling.
European Family Therapy Association Series.
Springer, Cham (2020)
ISBN: 978-3-030-36559-2
Carr A, Pinquart M, Haun MW. Research-Informed Practice of Systemic Therapy. p.319-348.

In: Senf W, Broda M, Voos D, Neher M. (Hrsg.)
Praxis der Psychotherapie.
Stuttgart: Thieme (2020)
ISBN: 978-3-13242079-3
Borcsa M, Nikendei C. Psychotherapie nach Flucht und Vertreibung. p. 695-701.
Schauenburg H, Teismann T. Psychotherapie der Depression.